An Anishininiw Timeline of Island Lake, Manitoba, Canada his timeline displays the oral history of Island Lake, sland Lake’s history is unique. Being in a remote region of the boreal forest, the Manitoba, presented by Elder Victor Harper and Emma territory has old growth forests, pristine lakes and Anishininew who fluently speak their Harper, as well as other Elders from Island Lake region. language and expertly participate in traditional land uses. Language, Elders, TThe AnAnishiniwuk Anishininiw in Island Lake are united by Timelinelanguage, culture, Iceremonies,of and nopimink (land-based education) continue to animate Indigenous family relations, and geography. All the four Anishininew An Anishininiwknowledge Timeline systems, of Island providing Lake Resepeoplearchers: with a strong cultural foundation in a territory communities -- Garden Hill, Red Sucker Lake, St. Theresa Point, having ecological integrity. BeforeVictor planes,Harper, Wasagamack the location First Nation was described as being as remote Island Lake Emma Harper, Wasagamack First Nation and Wasagamack First Nation -- were originally part of the as the North Pole (Fiddler & Stevens,Dr. Shirley Thompson,2002). AssociateFrom Professor,Norway Natural House Resources to Institute, Island University Lake of Manitoba required Jonhathan Harper, Wasagamack First Nation Island Lake Band, sharing one Chief at the time of Treaty in 1909 portaging more than 30 times, andKeshab canoeing Thapa, PhD Student, for Naturalmore Resources than Institute,a week University (Hallowell, of Manitoba 1938). untilTIMELINE 1969TIMELINE -(Wasagamack ISLAND - ISLANDLAKE COMMUNITIES LAKE First COMMUNITIES Nation, 2010). 2017 to Future2017 to Future Finding new Findingways and new reclaiming ways and old reclaiming ways to protect old ways Island to protect Island AUGUST 13, 1909AUGUST 13, 1909 1999 lake territory from mining, hydro and take back land and Mino Bimaadiziwin, or ‘the good life,’ is used to describe 1940 1960s 1999 lake territory from mining, hydro and take back land and Mino Bimaadiziwin, or ‘the good life,’ is used to describe Island Lake signs 1940 1960s Island Lake is linked to Manitoba when people led nomadic lives and lived in clans before Island Lake signs Registered traplines Compulsory schooling and Island Lake is linked to Manitoba resource managementresource management by Island Lakeby IslandFirst NationsLake First for Nations for when people led nomadic lives and lived in clans before onto Treaty 5. Registered traplines Compulsory schooling and Hydro’s electricity grid, colonial impacts. People in the area speak the Island Lake onto Treaty 5. administered under Hydro’s electricity grid, community communitydevelopment development to ensure healthy to ensure food, healthy housing food, housing colonial impacts. People in the area speak the Island Lake administered under crash of fur trade forces more but without higher-amp Dialect or Anishinimowin due to an influx of Manitoba’s Wildlife but without higher-amp and culture andas well culture as Mino as wellBimaadiziwin. as Mino Bimaadiziwin. Dialect or Anishinimowin due to an influx of Manitoba’s Wildlife people to live in settlements services is still unable to Anishinaabe from the Indian Wars mixing with the Ininew. Act. services is still unable to Anishinaabe from the Indian Wars mixing with the Ininew. Act. and greater dependence on pump water and sewage Old Post was the summer meeting area for all clans. the government. pump water and sewage Mino BimaaddizwinMino Bimaaddizwin Partnership Partnershipwith University with of University Manitoba of Manitoba Old Post was the summer meeting area for all clans. 1956-70s 2009 2009 1956-70s around the aroundcommunities. the communities. for community-ledfor community-led post-secondary post-secondary education programseducation toprograms to AffairsIndigenous replace Affairslog replace log Food insecurityFood rates insecurity for rates for 1818 1818 1891 1891 Children stolenChildren from stolen from build capacitybuild for capacity healthy forhousing healthy and housing Indigenous and Indigenousfood food withhomes side-by-side with side-by-side Island Lake foundIsland to Lake be very found to be very The Old Post Settlement was the main Island Lake Chief IslandJohn WoodLake Chiefasks John Wood asks parents for parentsresidential for residential sovereignty. sovereignty. The Old Post Settlement was the main based onhouses inappropriate based on inappropriate 2004 high. high. meeting place for people of for treaty chest fromfor treaty the chest from the schools and “60sschools scoop” and “60s scoop” 2004 meeting place for people of designsouthern with desi nogn with no Island Lake and where the Canadian government.Canadian government. with some withparents some parents First phase of piped 2009 Island Lake and where the running water or cisterns. First phase of Firstpiped phase First of phasepiped of piped 2009 Hudson Bay Company visited briefly 1920 raising childrenraising onchildren on 1967 1967 water and sewer for St. An 18-month assessment of Hudson Bay Company visited briefly 1920 water and sewer waterfor St.and sewerwater for and Garden sewer for Garden An 18-month assessment of in 1818 before abandoning it until traplines in remotetraplines areas in remote areas Basic electricity comes to Island Lake, however Theresa Point begins. in 1818 before abandoning it until Roman CatholicsRoman set Catholicsup a set up a Basic electricity comes to Island Lake, however Theresa Point begins.Hill and Wasagamack.Hill and Wasagamack. wastewater wastewaterand water andsystems water systems 1864. to escape this fate.to escape this fate. 1864. mission at Mariamission Portage, at nowMaria Portage, now no sanitary noplan sanitary was implementedplan was implementedas as shows third worldshows conditions. third world conditions. PRESENT known as St. Theresaknown Point. as St. Theresa Point. the populationthe density population increased. density increased. PRESENT FUTURE FUTURE MINO BIMAADIZIWINMINO BIMAADIZIWIN 1970s 1970s 2010 2010 1818 1818 1903 1903 1913 1913 1950s 1950s 2000 2000 Local schools Localbuilt schools built Safe DrinkingSafe Drinking A quarter of theA quarterIsland Lakeof thepeople Island Lake people United ChurchUnited Church Surveyors arriveSurveyors arrive No cash economy with in communitiesin. communitiesA. high rate Aof highdiabetes rate of diabetes No cash economy with Water Act Wateris Act is2012-2018 2012-2018 were Cree from thewere Stevenson Cree from Lake-Gods the Stevenson Lake-Gods of Canadaof Canada in Island Lake,in but Island Lake, but1925 1925 limited trading of flour, 1970s 1970s is reported inis the reported in the 2006 2006 limited trading of flour, introduceindtroduce Mappingd Mapping of of Lake area to theLake west area and to north.the westThe and north. The missionary residesmissionary resides Old Post was neverOld Post Island was Lake never was moreIsland protected Lake was more protected salt, ammunition, etc. Indigenous peopleIndigenous in Northern people Manitoba in Northern Manitobacommunities. communities. Residents of Island Lake remain salt, ammunition, etc. Residents of Island Lake remain by Canadianby traditionalCanadian traditionalland use land use remainder were remainderAnishinaabe, were originally Anishinaabe, originally at Island Lake.at Island Lake. made a reservemade froma reserveepidemics from epidemicsof of relied mainly on the foods that were Island Lake communities among the most linguistically relied mainly on the foods that were Island Lake communities among the most linguistically government.government.and planningand planningby by from Deer Lake-Favourablefrom Deer lake Lake-Favourable as well as lake as well as because becauseof of infectious diseases infectious diseases available locallyavailable through locally hunting, through fishing, hunting, fishing,sign onto signWabanong onto Wabanongfluent Indigenous fluent peopleIndigenous in Northpeople in North community communitycoordinators coordinators Sandy Lake-Big Sandy Trout Lake-BigLake areas Trout of Lake areas of government government overtaking other First Nation overtaking other First Nation gathering andgathering gardening and until gardening the mid oruntil the midNakaygum or NakaygumOkimawin OkimawinAmerica. CensusAmerica. shows Census that shows88% that 88% begins withbegins assistance with assistance northwestern Ontario.northwestern Ontario. mineral interests.mineral interests. communities during that time communities during that time late twentieth century.late twentieth century. Broad Area BroadPlan, butArea get Plan, stillbut speakget thestill Oji-Cree speak language.the Oji-Cree language. from Dr. from ThompsonDr. Thompson as the area is among the broken promises. as the area is among the broken promises. from the fromUniversity the ofUniversity of most isolated mostFirst isolatedNations First Nations 1864 1909-1955 Four Arrows RegionalFour Arrows Regional Manitoba. Manitoba. 1864 1909-1955 in Canada. in Canada. 1967 1969 The Hudson Bay Company Health AuthorityHealth forms. Authority forms. The Hudson Bay Company A few Island Lake people chose to canoe The Island LakeThe peopleIsland Lakewere peoplesplit by were split by builds a permanent A few Island Lake people chose to canoe People in the communities builds a permanent to Norway House to attend Peoplethe in the communities government intogovernment four smallinto four small structure at Old Post. to Norway House to attend the built their log homes along the structure at Old Post. methodist residential
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