MONDAY, MARCH 30, 19256 THE SEATTIe STAR 11 IT ACCUSED " BAND 1]Cross Word Puzzle! RICKARD IS 4 H TEX FINED $7,000 Eye Witness Says Chapman || Killed Policeman Transactions on Street Nu- HARTFORD, 80 No One but , - Conn, March Gerald Chapman was today named merous, but in Small Lots Here’s by to New Bantam King the only eye witness the shoot ing of Pollceman Jumes Hkelly of for gV Nl » OB » Film WALL STREFT JOURNAL FINAN- Dempsey Fight t New HBritaln, Conn, as the mas who CIAL HEVIEW Charley (Phil) Rosenberg Gains Crown by Deci- did the Kkilling NEW YORK, March 30~Early trunsactions on the stock market Policeman Alfred Atwater of New sive zme H WillWills Defeat of Eddie (Cannonball) Martin Stiff showed Irregularity with slight arry Trialrial Sti Pritain was the witness, .ul'.:-lu'?“nu)nmilwhnu The transactions were numerous, Atwater described gouing 1o the but were in relatively small lots, scene of the which robbery preceded Can G¥bbons Trymg' Jail Sen- American opened uwvp 3% at Tommy That the Report shooting 166%, Btec) common was off 5% at for Match 5% Hard Wlthi tences May Be “We wont down the alley,” he tes. | 1164: Southern Pacific up at YOB Pan-American FPetroleum B was behind mo as we Handedi “Hkelly wan Negro Heavyweight Too gained % to 77%; Mack Truck Out, the | antered bullding, up a full point at 124% and ald- ’\Ill"ll. ‘ win at “I went In Jrst and as did gained 7% 11114, NEW YORK, March 30.-<One .»(‘ Maich 30 'l‘rx‘ KEWARK, N. J,, 1 ll..\it Maostof the ralls displayed lower man over there (Atwood pointing to) the few boxing attractions in ;-m.--' N Rickard and his associates m! tendencies Chapman, who was sitting hunched market for the outdoor season may be of the Dempney. | The opened firm Stude- pect the production Hteel, down in his chalr with hin eyes fixed baker, A2%, up %4: Bethlechem here Monday, Iddie Kane, pletures, | arranged Carpentler prisefight “""" 10%, off 35 Baldwin, 111%, up %: !un the witneas), pulled out his gun of Tom Gibbons, urrhml‘ each, | Radio, manager fined from to §7,000 49%. up 1%: New York Cen~ §sl,ooo | and three He sald, 'Put Chicago and sald he was going fired shots, | tral, 115, Up Reading, 71%, off from | Monday, for illegal By: hunnporlnnnu‘ . hands or I'll then | : New Haven, 28%: Norfolk & for a fight. up your shoot,' und to sign Glbbons d®initely filmas, of the fight Western, 127, off %; Atchison, 117%, ~ «1 have waited long for some- | shot.”’ The fines are: off 14 Consolidated Gan, 76%, up develop about a fight Bt 45; George L. (Tex) Rickard, ‘ v: Paul, 6%: Pennsylvania, ; ’mDempsey and 1 feel sure Ceneral Motors, 687%, off 3: Bouth- Pacific, %;: Pan- $7,000, | ern 99% %, up that he is never going to fight Fred O, Quimby, movie pro- American 15, 1%, up %;: Mack We have several offers again. ducer, $7,000, Truck, 1241, up 1: Union Pacifie, and I'm here to aceepl one or 187%., up %; U. B. Steel, 11514, off Jdasper Muma, newspaperman, American Can, 168%, 13, of them,” he said. | 3: up all 53,000, Ran Kane already has acceptod tenta.| Awayto Frank L. Flournoy, prize fight an offer made by i tively l‘rumul.-rn‘ matchmaker, SI,OOO, 5 the milk fund for a Gibbons Willa \H‘ ; of Teddy IHayes, secreiary fo in the Yankee stadium in June, Ship News fight 1 and Jack Escape Trial dack Kearns Demp- - match may never develop. - ‘put this C. 1 sey, §I,OOO, Fearing that her son, Gerard Mad fans, attention! This W, . A sturting bar of a machine, ! Tides Seattle Wills apparently doesn’t want to i l in | who from his of L, T'o “apread, i he Willlam D, Randolph, 17, mimsing lu.m--.! R.\I)IU17, 1% for you. Bomao the puz |,‘, anyone but Dempsey, and 'dlrux. Like, MONDAY i TULESDAY fight of A I, Howell the In « | pleaded guiNy the first day st. since evoening ale words are Hlustrated the center i', . Nate scales 0 MARCH 31 has walted so long that he may lose { In | MARCH | the was fined 3500, !M? 1 sketel, T'he others should know, 2 Three-toed sloth, | Virst Low Tide | First Low Tide a trial, of Marvch you 1 opportunity for any Kind of s—— 28, has . ! the , You and me, ! A yn,'l'tvgzbi s m 6.5 ft. Sentence wan passed by Federal so difficult that it will keep 1 fight. It would be no sur. fled It's not > Tide "onlal‘le the city (u! Ouler garment of Romans. First HMigh Tide | First High Bodine, before whom the yvou from In all evening, to the new bantamwelght Judge listening 5.7 fL m, to hear the announcement |5 L, Bhip. om 9.0 1t prise Cacape testifying L l b [ 3:47 A& HERR'R case was The churges were HOIZONTAL 18 , H'-lxrrw name for God. ! second Gibbons and Gene Tunney, champlon-—Charley (Phil) Ros. tried, 1 Low Tide | Second Low Tide day that owner- 1. Preposition used to show |3 . Half an em, i filsd as o result of information in an automobile g x,!(-‘|n|‘p,m,l7?. lightheavywelght cham Charley came into top hon- American enberg. ship 13 . One of the notes sung to Second Wigh Tide Second High Tide which came into the posseasion of un: | articles to meet the other Ed. necldent case, 2. Hea 10:26 have signed ars night by handing | piclture i daily. % § poom., 10,1 fL11:39 p. m., 10.0fL. pion, the the senate in an sea. government during K Exclamation 3 L Indifinite i - - L at the polo grounds early die “Cannonball” Martin a declaive Mras Eleannot ! article. of the of 10, What! the picture s about 3 . A dur. bout. over the 15.round route at investigation department son V‘lrtmmlnl Maddieux, Mopday 12, Eldest. 13 . The current of No. 17 \'crtlc;l.l Weather Bureau Report that the papers York. Justice a year ago l © It was reported Madison Square Garden, New uppenled to The 14, Vialen | (Hee pleture,) ! | (Bpecial from the U. 8. Weatirer Bureau) been and that Gibbons less of an Remarks from the bench made a 16, Nadio goods i in Ne. 10 ‘had signed, Figured as more or Star to locuts running FATOOBH IBLAND, March 20.--Bar- help 17. To 3 mu'u horlzon-’ of the receipts outsider, the weok ago by Judge Hodine had ‘ implore, ‘ ial, ometer wind north- was to got 30 per cent Rosenberg tore into the rising, partly cloudy; boy, e - A {4 . Flower, 20 caused fears by Rickard's friends enst, nine miles an hour, and that Tunney had accepted chap who had been termed “the L colored Young Mad '1 Deligately gems, Piee second and left that he might be sent to jall. Rick M per cent. Terry MeQovern,” dieux, with hisi o Insurring punishment, Mullins, manager of ard's attorneys had sald they would 1 . on an island (past tense). Paddy doubt the winner. Even " . Tostay no as to friend Jesse Su . : ), Arrivals and Departures noth. case unless Markets Upon, ~ wills, sald he would have Martin's staunchest admirers were not appeal the there Local ]:;; sang., 14, both | L Belence of equlitbrium of forces. Arrived -Maren 3081ty Davenport before the end of the a Jall sentence imposed, trom Ban at a. m.; Ing to say forved to admit their man had been was & ¥rancisco 5 str Lillian . students at e SR (This word in the winglar is re fromm Boston via ports at week. Mullins says Wills will The sentence was passed as o DAIRY rrODUCTS radio fan's worst enemy,) Luckenbach ~ thoroly whipped. Broadway high 1 An- find | Therefore, ! § u. m., sir Jane Nettleton from Los nothing until they out sult of his conviction after a trial (ievald \ Quoetations Ly Perry Bros. | & . Rosenberg Is the seventh pugilist be vin Everett at 8 a. do - school, witnessed! VERTICAL gelen m,, str Pana- is Involved four others. Prices Pald delivery, definitely what Dempsey go- to hold the bantam crown since the which Shippers, City | man from Bosion via ports at 9:30 a. ~ jan accident March 20, when William ? Prices in S¢ loss, . Either's partner. The country, conses retarned | w., str from Talara via Homno- Ing to do this summer. termination the world war. Mar charges grew from evi . Dies away, Wemus ~ of Wakeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. 17, | VAGK Julu at S:3O a. ;. Mareh 29.--Ms Joch negro challenger probably will dence brought out at the § . Trouble. The became by defeating depart Fxtra or cases A2B . tin champion Godfrey L. 753 white shell, ret’d Goll from Hotterdam via ports, at 6:4§ that the Wakeman, Hu\,uvlf . A Christinas carol, off so long ment of Justice First or cases ret’d 26 gw promoters Abe Goldstein last December, Investigation ave. mixed colors, | p. m., str President Jefferson from Ma- . N, also o Brondway high stu- . Printer's meagure. | casen rui’d along and he'll be conducted at Wash. Pullets, ... B =3l via at & m.; str Curacao will slip Whether can cling to the - a year ago b To cloge nila ports p. Rosenberg dent, ran down and two Prices approach; ¥iation. He Charley (Phil) Rosenberg with injured Paid Whaolesalers { | from vian Anacries at 1:08 grqrout of the money again., ington by a senate committee, . The Ladysmith laurels for more than a limited span Extras, white shell A 3 atmosphore. Harvard ave, ......0000s i mnile of viclory aend ready for ac- women at and Roy st ¢ i, |p.
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