Two Rooms Susan Norrie Born 1953, Sydney Australia Lives and works in Sydney, Australia National Gallery of i!toria Art S!"ool #19$%& National Gallery S!"ool, Sydney #19$1& Sele!ted solo e'"i(itions) *+1, *++,–1,: Susan Norrie, .ield /ork, 0an Potter 2useum, 2el(ourne 3niversity Rules of Play, Two Rooms, Au!kland *+1% Transit, Two Rooms, Au!kland *+11 Notes for Transit , Gior4io Persano Gallery, Torino *++9 Notes from 5avo!, Gior4io 1ersano Gallery, Torino S56T and 7nola, 8olle!tive Gallery, T"e 7nli4"tenments, 7din(ur4" International .estival, S!otland *++$ 5A 68, 5*nd eni!e Biennale, 1ala99o Giustinian, Italy *++% 3N:7RT6/, Gus .is"er Gallery, Au!kland *++3 eddy, Lawren!e /ilson Art Gallery, 3niversity of /estern Australia, 1ert" notes from under4round, 2useum of 8ontem;orary Art, Sydney *++* 3N:7RT6/, AGNS/ 8ontem;orary Art Pro<e!ts, Art Gallery of New Sout" /ales, Sydney 3N:7RT6/, Australian 8entre for 8ontem;orary Art, 2el(ourne, !ommissioned for t"e 2el(ourne .estival *++1 T"ermostat, =iasma, 2useum of 8ontem;orary Art, 5elsinki> Lord 2ori Gallery, Los An4eles & S6.A Gallery, 3niversity of 8anter(ury, 8"rist!"ur!" Sele!ted 4rou; e'"i(itions) *+1$–18 Tate 2odern :is;lay, London, s"owin4 Transit *+11 7very Brilliant 7ye: Australian Art of t"e 199+s, National Gallery of i!toria, 2el(ourne, s"owin4 InAuisition *+1% LBavenir #lookin4 forward&, 2ontreal Biennale Rules of Play, 8o!katoo Island *+13 Amon4 t"e 2a!"ines, :unedin Pu(li! Art Gallery Ca Natuurli<k – "ow art saves t"e world, Sti!"tin4 Niet Normal and Gemeentesmuseum :en 5aa4 *+1* Porta Ne4ri , Gallery 5idde van Se44elen, London *+11 Star oya4er, Australian 8entre for t"e 2ovin4 Ima4e, 2el(ourne Doko"ama Triennale, Doko"ama *+1+ =ent State: .our :e!ades Later, 3niversity Art Gallery, 3niversity of Sydney *++9 T"e 7nli4"tenments, 7din(ur4" International .estival, S!otland *++8 Susan Norrie .ilm Pro4ramme, 2olten States, GS= 8ontem;orary & Royal A!ademy of Art, London unEima4ina(le, F=2, 8enter for Art and 2edia, =arlsru"e and Ivan :ou4"erty Gallery, 3niversity of New Sout" /ales, Sydney *++$ 5A 68, Artes 2undi, National 2useum, 8ardiff, /ales *++, Bla!k /ind, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Adelaide .estival 7 7RD/57R7, Busan Biennale, Sout" =orea *++5 /orld /it"out 7nd, Australian 8entre for t"e 2ovin4 Ima4e, 2el(ourne 7nola Bla!k /ind, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, 5et 2u9iekge(ouw, Amsterdam; Bi<loken Gent, Bel4ium & erkade.a(ri!ek sE 5erto4en(os!" *++% Livin4 to4et"er is easy, Art Tower 2ito 2useum, Ca;an & National Gallery of i!toria, 2el(ourne, s"owin4 Passen4er 6n Reason and 7motion, Biennale of Sydney, 2useum of 8ontem;orary Art, Sydney #7nola& Plu4EIn, .utura, Pra4ue, 89e!" Re;u(li! #7rr& 7nola, 8inema 8a;a!ete 0 , Rio de Caneiro .uture 8inema, F=2, =arlsru"e, Germany, & tourin4- =iasma 2useum of 8ontem;orary Art 5elsinki & 088 – Inter!ommuni!ation 8enter, Tokyo *++3 .A87 31, Nation4alerie im 5am(ur4er Ba"nof, Berlin Bloom- 2utation, To'i!ity and t"e Su(lime, GovettEBrewster Gallery, New Plymout" #3ndertow *++3& *++* Ste;, 88N6A and Ro(ert Pree!e Pro<e!ts, Brussels 2or;"olo4ies; #dis&Lo!ation Pro<e!t, Ivan :ou4"erty Gallery, Sydney Feit4enGssis!"e fotokunst aus Australien, Neur Berliner =unstverein & tourin4 in Germany 1999 Tra!e, Liver;ool Biennial, 3= #7rr& Si4ns of Life, 2el(ourne International Biennial Awards & residen!ies) Australia 8oun!il isual Art Award #*+19& Artist in Residen!e , Ga;ado 0sland, Sout" =orea #*+19& Artist in Residen!e for Glo(al Seminar H Graduate S!"oolHa!ademi!s H =yoto 3niversity, Ca;an #*+19& Australia 6ffi!ial /ar Artist #*+1,E*+19& Iantas, 28A, Tate A!Auisition #*+1,& T"e 5ive, T"e Bi4;ond Adelaide .ilm .estival #*+1%& Artist Re;resentative on t"e Board of t"e 2useum of 8ontem;orary Art of Australia #*+13 – *+15& Solarun 5oass :o!umentary Award for .emale :ire!tors Australia #*+11& Ca;an .oundation Grant #*+11& Sally and :on Lu!as Artist Residen!y Pro4ram, 2ontalvo, 3nited States of Ameri!a #*++$& Re;resentin4 Australia at t"e 5*nd eni!e Biennale #*++$& APA S!"olars"i; for 1": studies, 3niversity of New Sout" /ales, Sydney #*++,)+%& Artist in Residen!e, #dis& Lo!ation ;ro<e!t, F=2, =arlsru"e, Germany #*++1& Sele!ted ;u(li!ations) =eyy Gellatly & 1eter Co;lin4, Susan Norrie: field work *++,)*+1,, Ian Potter 2useum of Art, 2el(ourne, *+1, Andrew Ste;"ens, JArtist Susan Norrie enters dan4erous territory in e';loration of "uman enduran!eB, Sydney 2ornin4 5erald, 13 2ar!" *+1, :oryun 8"on4, Artforum, Doko"ama Triennial *+11 7lla 2udie, JT"e S;e!ta!le of Seismi!ity- 2akin4 Art from 7art"AuakesB, 2IT Press Cournal, vol %3, *+1+ Cames 8le44, JSusan Norrie: Part of T"e 7nli4"tenmentsB, Art Review, 35, 6!to(er *++9 Sele!tion ;u(li! !olle!tions) Art Gallery of New Sout" /ales, Sydney Art Gallery of /estern Australia, 1ert" National Gallery of Australia, 8an(erra National Gallery of i!toria, 2el(ourne Solomon R Gu44en"eim 2useum, New Dork /eisman 8olle!tion, Los An4eles Au!kland Art Gallery Toi o TKmaki 8"artwell 8olle!tion, Au!kland Tate, London.
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