E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 No. 132 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, August 4, 2017, at 1 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was to the Senate from the President pro ment. Yesterday afternoon, we con- called to order by the Honorable LU- tempore (Mr. HATCH). firmed a nominee to the National THER STRANGE, a Senator from the The senior assistant legislative clerk Labor Relations Board who will help to State of Alabama. read the following letter: return it—after 8 years of habitually f U.S. SENATE, siding with union bosses over work- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ers—to its intended role as an impar- PRAYER Washington, DC, August 3, 2017. tial judge that calls balls and strikes in The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- To the Senate: labor disputes. fered the following prayer: Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, All of this is progress, but we still Let us pray. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby have nominees to confirm for positions Almighty God, who is the same yes- appoint the Honorable LUTHER STRANGE, a across many agencies in both security terday, today, and forever, we are tran- Senator from the State of Alabama, to per- sient creatures who long for a sense of form the duties of the Chair. and nonsecurity roles. Many Cabinet permanence. Help us to find our perma- ORRIN G. HATCH, members still await the No. 2 officials President pro tempore. nence with a fixed and abiding faith in for their departments. So we have more You. Mr. STRANGE thereupon assumed to do. Lord, strengthen our lawmakers for the Chair as Acting President pro tem- The same is true of legislation. We the challenges of these times. Keep pore. had to pass the Veterans Choice legis- them in the shadow of Your wings, pro- f lation. We have. In fact, we passed tecting them from seen and unseen some additional veterans legislation, dangers. Use Your powerful arm to RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY as well. guide, protect, and sustain our Nation. LEADER Under the last administration, we Hasten the day when people every- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- learned of a shocking scandal that where will seek and find You. pore. The majority leader is recog- spread through Veterans Affairs facili- Lord, let the tranquility of Your do- nized. ties across the Nation. We all agreed minion increase in our Nation and f that our veterans deserved far better world. than that. Ever since, Congress has We pray in Your sovereign Name. WORK BEFORE THE SENATE continued to work on a number of ini- Amen. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, ear- tiatives designed to bring more justice f lier this week, I set out a number of to veterans and more reform to the VA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE items for the Senate to get done during Senator ISAKSON, the chairman of the this work period, both in terms of Veterans’ Affairs Committee, has been The Presiding Officer led the Pledge nominees and legislation. a tireless advocate for our Nation’s of Allegiance, as follows: First on nominees, we had to confirm veterans and a driving force on seeing I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the an FBI Director, and we have done these bills through committee and United States of America, and to the Repub- through the Senate. We passed a num- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, that. We needed to make progress on a indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. number of other nominations that have ber of good reforms into law already. We continue to build on that progress f been held up for entirely too long. Slowly but surely, we are. We con- today. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING firmed a well-qualified judicial nomi- Just a couple of months ago, we PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE nee. We confirmed several officials who passed important VA reform legisla- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The will be critical to advancing adminis- tion that is now law. The Department clerk will please read a communication tration policy in the Defense Depart- of Veterans Affairs Accountability and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4781 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:22 Aug 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03AU6.000 S03AUPT1 dlhill on DSKBC4BHB2PROD with SENATE S4782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 3, 2017 Whistleblower Protection Act is help- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME sities entice these young people into ing to shore up accountability meas- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- signing up for classes that are worth- ures, improve transparency, and en- pore. Under the previous order, the less. They end up not preparing them hance the VA’s ability to remove un- leadership time is reserved. for any job. Now they are in a terrible satisfactory employees, while also pro- fix. If they finish the course, they have tecting those who speak up about f a heavy, large student debt and they wrongdoing within the VA. CONCLUSION OF MORNING end up in a position where they can’t Just this week we passed through BUSINESS get a job and pay it off. more veterans bills. One heads back to How often does this happen? Think of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- three numbers. So 9 percent of students the House for final passage. The Vet- pore. Morning business is closed. erans Appeals Improvement and Mod- graduating from high school today in ernization Act will help address the f America go to for-profit colleges and delays that many veterans have experi- FDA REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF universities. What am I talking enced by modernizing the VA’s anti- 2017—MOTION TO PROCEED about—for-profit? There is the Univer- quated claims appeals process. The sity of Phoenix, DeVry, Rasmussen, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- other two bills now await the Presi- and the list goes on and on. So 9 per- pore. Under the previous order, the dent’s signature. The VA Choice and cent of high school students go to these Senate will resume consideration of Quality Employment Act we passed schools, and 20 percent or more of Fed- the motion to proceed to H.R. 2430, earlier this week will provide addi- eral aid to education goes to these which the clerk will report. tional resources to shore up the crit- schools. Why? Because the tuition they The senior assistant legislative clerk ical Veterans Choice Program so that charge is so high. But here is the kick- read as follows: veterans who face long wait and travel er: 35 percent, one out of three students times at VA facilities will have the op- Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 174, in America who defaults on their stu- tion of accessing private care instead. H.R. 2430, a bill to amend the Federal Food, dent loans has attended these for-profit Drug, and Cosmetic Act to revise and extend The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Edu- colleges and universities. the user-fee programs for prescription drugs, We decided under the previous ad- cation Assistance Act we passed yes- medical devices, generic drugs, and bio- terday will expand access for veterans similar biological products, and for other ministration, the Obama administra- to GI bill benefits as they transition purposes. tion, to start asking some hard ques- tions. How are these for-profit colleges back to civilian life. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and universities enticing these stu- I want to thank the President and his pore. Under the previous order, the dents in? What are they saying to them administration for working with Con- time until 11 a.m. will be equally di- to bring them in to sign up for classes gress to improve healthcare for our Na- vided between the two leaders or their tion’s veterans. I also want to thank and for their student loans? designees. Secondly, if the students finish their again Senator ISAKSON for his unwaver- The Senator from Illinois. degrees at these for-profit colleges and ing leadership on veterans issues and FOR-PROFIT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES universities, how likely are they to end VA reforms. He has never stopped Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I want up with a job that is worth some- working to strengthen the VA system to start this morning’s presentation on thing—a job that allows them to pay for those who rely on it and to over- the floor of the Senate with a question. back their student loan? Those are le- come the systemic problems that have What is the most heavily subsidized gitimate questions; aren’t they? If you left many veterans frustrated and hurt- private business in America—the for- were the parent of a child who said: ing. These veterans bills can make a profit business that receives more Fed- Dad, I just heard about the University real impact in the lives of the people eral subsidies than any other? Is it a of Phoenix, and I want to go to school we represent. defense contractor? No. Is it some there, you would obviously say: Well, That is also true of the FDA legisla- farming operation? No. what are you interested in taking? Is it tion we need to pass during this work The most heavily subsidized for-prof- a good course? How much does it cost? period as well.
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