ANCHORAGE GROUNDS FOR THE PORT OF NEW YORK AND RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING THERETO [Extracts from laws regulating the use of navigable waters] OBSTRUCTION PROHIBITED River and harbor act approved March 3, 1899: . ·"SEc. 10. That the creation of any obstruction not affirmatively authorized by Congress to the navigable capacity of any of the waters of the United States is hereby prohibited; * * * * * * * * * * * * "SEc. 12. That every person and every corporation that ~hall violate any of the provisions of section * * * ten, * * * of this act, . * * * shall be deemed guilty· of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars nor less than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment (in the case of a natural person) not exceeding· one year, or by both such punishments, in the discretion of the court. * * * * * * * * * "SEc. 15. That it shall not be lawful to tie up or anchor vessels or other craft in navigable channels in such a manner as to prevent O'l' obstruct the passage of other vessels or craft; or to voluntarily or carelessly sink, or permit or cause to be sunk, vessels or other craft in navigable channels; · * * * * * * * * * "SEc. 16. That every person and every corporation that shall violate, or that shall know~ ingly aid, abet, authorize, or instigate a violation of the provisions of section * * * fifteen of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars nor less than five hundred dollars, or by-imprison- . ment (in the case of a natural person) for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, one-half of said fin,_e to be paid to the person or persons giving information which shall lead to conviction. * * * " INTERFERENCE WITH RANGE LIGHTS PROHIBITED Act approved May 14, 1908: "SEc. 6. That it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct or interfere with any aid to navigation established or maintained in the Lighthouse Establishment under the Lighthouse Board, or to anchor any vessel in any of the navigable waters of the United States so as to obstruct or interfere with range lights maintained therein, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine not exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars for each offense, and each day during which such violation shall continue shall be considered as a new offense:" 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF ANCHORAGE GROUNDS AUTHORIZED River and harbor act approved March 4, 1915: "SEc. 7. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to define and establish anchorage grounds for vessels in all harbors, rivers, bays, and other navigable waters of the United States whenever it is manifest to the said Secretary that the maritime or commercial interests of the United States require such anchorage grounds for safe navigation and the . establishment of such anchorage grounds shall have been recommended by the Chief of Engineers, and to adopt suitable rules and regulations in relation thereto; and such rules and regulations shall be enforced by the Revenue Cutter Service under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: PTovided, That at ports or places where there is no revenue cutter available 1 2 ANCHORAGB GHOUNDS l~OH ~PE:g PORT Oli' NEW YORK •uch rul., and regulations may be enforced by the Chief of Engi~ ccrs under the dimction of th~ Seeretary of War. In the event of the violation of any such rules and regulations by the owner] ma,tor, o: person in charge of any vessel, such owner, master, or person in charge of such ve":,~ shall be hable to a penalty of $! 00; and the Sllld vessal may be holden for the payment of s\ penalty, "'d may be seized and prueeeded against summarily by libel/or· the recovery of t.' same m· any U rute· d S tates drstnct' · court for the district within which such vcsse1 may be and ll1 the name of the officer desig-nated by the Secretary of War." Non.- The Re,oue Cutt.c Se<•ioe ie oow iooluded io the !Jn;ted Stat" CoMt Gu.,·d. (Act ol J"u~:c 28, 1915.) Tho offioec of the Co.,t Guacd ehacgod w;th epecio.l duti., in connection w;th the enfocooment " thoec >·egulet'One undec tho diceotion of the &ecet.,·y of tho TcoaeU>·y ie d"ignntcd "CnpWdn of the pm t .. hComplaouse, Newiote &cYoiffiogrk C ""'ity." ""'" ''"'" letione •h""" be add'·"ecd "' that offieOI·. Ri. om co ieat mom 31l' "'"'m 0 ESTABLISHMENT OF QUARANTINE ANCHORAGE GROUNDS Act approved March 3, 1901: 10 "SEc. · That the Supervising Surgeon Genera] with the approval of the Secretary elf the Treasury 1s auth : d t 0 d · ' t' O'J'OUllC . ' OHze es1gnate and mark the boundaries of the quaran me "' · sandqtation;uarantine * * anchora* " ges for vessels which are reserved for use· at each U nitcd States q u aranUne5 THE ANCHORAGE GROUNDS (All aziznuths are refened to a true meridian) Under authority of th . · · . d Mnrol> 4 ' 1915 , quo t.d above thee follow·PlOV'SIOns • of hsectiOn 7 of the river and harbor act approve· ble wateJS .. ol the port of New York ~r h , b Ill, anc orage grounds for vessels in the nay,ga . •ulaUons relating the re t·o are a d opted:e eie Y defined and established ' and the following rules and I e., LONG ISLAND SOUND ANCHORAGES (See Pl. I) . L Southwestward of a line from th . 1 nd ,.ongmi across Glen Island t th e southedy Side of the ferries at Neptune Is a t 'ard of' line ranging from th: eas't southed y Pornt of Goose Islands breakwater; we:I:b end of Hart Island. t! . edge of snrd breakwater to the west side ol the n oint o~ the south end 0~·~~ r~~ toward the outer end of Willet Point Wharf tom• J, south end of Hart Island ty 1 d, and thence northwestwnr·d ol a line rangmg fro to lea" 0 at all times an o ocust POint · B oat s must b c so anchored m· th'IS area as Isll>ll d 1- A. Sou thwestwnrd ~;n, ~.sable channel' at least 50 feet wide, west and south of G~";s ]loci< Gns Buoy "!Br , . ~ 1: r!Ulging 6um Duck Point, Echo Bay, through Bn ~!d ']'oiJl Head Rocks Bu~y 'N 0° 2 wedstfw ard of a line ranging from Hicks Ledge Buoyhto outherlY Pomt· of Davenr)ort N·. 1• an Tom thence north westward of a lme· rangm· g tot e s 1- B W ec r. ·bof · estward of • line rangin · f . hoe Jlni · ( Larchmont, to the Hicks r!/"rn the Pornt on the southwest side of Hor>es Duck )'oil' and in Echo Bay north d ge Buoy, thence northward of a line rangmg to 2. To the Westward of a line :rnWest of the .Channel. hrogs Necl'j 3. To the northeastard of I' f Locust Pomt tangent to the north sen wall ofT ]loci< Bell 10111 4 Buoyh No . 27 ' sou tl1 eastwarda Ille of al·the southf side of Barker Point to GangwayNI B oy o. 25 ' nJJC soot Westward of a line 1. ID e rom thence to Sands Point Reo u t · In Manhasset Bay and t ~om thence to Sands Point Light d n poir>L; the SOuth end of c·11 / 1 ° northeastward of a line ranging tongent to Bel~ y· so uL · eastward of a I' ~ s ~nd from Rodman eck Shoal Buoy in East Chester Ba. iJ J3 !iOY 5 1 1No 27 me Iangn,g from St · Rock . · 'and southwcstw ·d f 'PPing Stones Light to Gangway 0 bB · n Ittl8 e Neck B ll.l o nnchora•e No ff to t ea t 0 . ay and to the ea t d o . 3 . fla,O'sta. P Int of shore 0 FI s War of a line rnnO'ing from Fort Totten "' r art I land d o . 'an southward of nncbomge No.4 . ANCHORAGE GlWUNDS FOR. THE PORT OF NEW YORK 3 EAST RIVER ANCHORAGES (See Pl. II) 6. On Hammond Flats to the northward of a line bearing 262° from the head of Engineers Wharf, Throgs Neck, to Old Ferry Point. 7. To the southward of a line from Whitestone Point to the outer end of Willet Point Wharf. 8. On the north side of the channel, north of a line between Old Ferry Point and Hunts Point Buoy No . 2. · 9. On the south side of the channel to the eastward of a line from the east side of the ferry racl<: at College Point to College Point Reef Light, and south of a line from said light to Whitestone Point. 10. In Flushing and Bowery Bays, to the southward of lines ranging from the north end of the rack of the Astoria Veneer Mills at Steinway to the north end of the pier at Sanford Point and from the south end of the latter pier to College Point. · ' 11. To the eastward of Rikers Island and southward of a line from the north pier of Rikers Island to Rilmrs Island Channel Entrance Gong Buoy; to the westward of a line from thence to reel channel buoy No. 2 and northward of a line from thence to reel channel buoy No.4, and from thence to reel channel buoy No .
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