CALKVDAB. gun rises at 7:00 a. m. gun sett at 4:36 p. m. Lantern* must be lighted 5:36 Im easing cloudiness tonight; SUB- \ DAILY day aln. Max.. 59; Min.. SB. 1M9 ESS. HEW JKR8KT. SATURDAY. .NOVEMBER 28, |WM. a Ts AH TO EXTEND CITY'S il 601 iP» LIMB AID 111! Sill HI MB «« Lively Debate, City Two Bond Issues, Aggregat I Frederick Gray's Death Fol- Borough Fathers, by Beaola- Fathers Allow $800 for ing $46,000, Are fold at When the ordinance providing for lows That ol His Brother tioif, Object to Somerset1* Fixing Up Headquarters. Harry Ullman. a dry goods dealer During the adjourned meeting or the opening of Kensington arenoe. $1,516.16 Premium. living on West Third strew, can cor- from Prospect avenue to Park are- a Month Ago. the Common Council, last night, j Taxing Methods. oborate Shakespeare in bis assertion short recess was taken for the pur- IB. MV«ATT'8 OPPOSITION. nue and Randolph road, was called that "when misfortunes come, they iip on Its third reading at the meet- EIGHTEEN IUI>I>KRK IX pose of conferring with District Su- come not single spies bat in battal- BOTH VICTIMS OF TYPHOIU. perintendent Gettings and Local Sn THKIIt U.VGIAGK I NfXJll VOCAL Ing of the Common Council, last ions." He was to have appeared In nerintendent George Luhr. of the P. "hJrd Ward Member Prevent* Too night, by Mr. Gloak, some of the York. the city court, this morning, to an- S. C. relative to trolley matters. T*n- members. Including Mr. Hall and Mr. M»th«r Still Combatting the North | PUinlield "HoaJted" Worse '•[• Hasty Action—-How swer a charge of disorderly conduct committee on public affairs has been Buxton. They did not expect hasty preferred by his wife but he had a at MnhlentMTv Hnnpltal and In commnnioation with these repre- ThUn Ever and It* Council -,; ' Money in to b« action. It was recalled that there very good reason for not showing sentatives of the company and It was C. - had been objection to the Improve Can't Be Ti«ld of her Will Xot Stand >;' Spent. up. His horse ran away with him j desired to give them an opportunity ment at the time of the public hear- on Rahway road, near Woodland ave- j to impart any information (hey I I Ing, but this it was alleged was a Ilereavement. for It. Every step in the course of erect- _. !I nue. late yesterday afternoon and! I might hare to the whole Council. personal matter on the part of those The entire Issue of bonds. $15,000 Ullman is now in Muhlenberg Hospi- Following an nines* of nearly two Little was accomplished, however. ,g the new police headquarters' w V 8 ok,e . ' " The North Plainfleld Council held .lining ha« hJn m»» with J™. H., u " against the adoption of hi! , ,i J Proposed new fire tal with a broken leg. The case was | months. Frederick B Gray, son of owing to the limited time. Onlv a a speclil meeting last night to con has been met with some dif | the ordinance. :olty, and It was not any great sur- house In the East End. and $31,000 . indefinitely.. postponed. j. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gray, ,.._ of. We.esr, . few matterss were touched u,.ouponn anandd aider the tax .Lmp», ,,1?*' I Mr. Gloak said that the ordinance sider the tax assessment 'ise when at the meeting of the j on account or the brick pavement. | The runaway occured as Ullman Front street, died In Muhlenberg I It was decided to hold another con Besides: Mayor Townsend and all j simply called for the opening of the amroon Council, last night, there were sold by the Common Council. | was driving Into town, his horse tak- I Hospital at 5:30 tt»is morniue. the I ference with the company representa Councllmen. except Woolston and not macadamizing, and as it as a protest against appropriating j last night, to Moffett & White, of j |ng fright at something along the,' second member of the famll> to fall tlves next Monday night. It was sug- McGee.; there were also present A»- bpen before the Council for sev- The combined bid of I road. The animal raft at breakneck ! a victim to typhoid fever within „ iOO, with which to furnish the i TJ combined bid f I I gested la»t night that the company j sessor i. H Cooleyoley. Corporation •tiding. The trouble began when | eral years be believed it should be being the highest and most Ig pe°d into Woodland avenue and op-1 short time. Just one month ago continue to operate the Netherwood j Coul C A R advantageous. The price is consider- go continue to operate the Netherwood j Counsel C. A. Reed and former May r. Button, as chairman of the jadopted. He added that the late poslte H. L. Hall's home the driver I an older brother. Walter Gray, su an excellent one. In all there c-icar through to Grant avenue all day i or .Vewton B SmalleSmalleyv . ththe lntt»latter behi-. Stephen A. Ginna favored It, as does I was thrown from his seat, landing ! cumbed to the disease after fighting I and during the evening, but Mr. Get- j ing a m also hfa. son. Daniel F. Ginna. who.[ ••«'eighteen bids for the bonds and •mber of the Somerset Coun- r«- the adoption of a resolution near the curbing. He remained on '< against It for three weeks, and It va.- ! tings said that this would not pay • ty Tax Board. I while a member of the Council striv- jtn* finance committee offered a res- Uing for an appropriation for the the ground helpless and was plcke.l I thought then that Fred would re- There was also some discussion as ! All ol the members were of about ed to have the improvement made, j olution, which was adopted, award* iip by Mr. Hall's workman, Lewi* J cover. H- seemed to gain strength to more double-tracking in the city, ln the same opinion in the matter of In response to a question. City En- S the bonds to Moffett & White, I Booker, who telephoned for the am- i steadily and was practically out of and the location of a few "Ys" which Mr. Mygatt raised a point of or- reductions Mr. Smalley answered r, claiming that the matter had not gineer Gavett explained that the dis- certified checks of ( btilance. Ullman was in great pain j danger when a relapse cane last j w»uld make it possible for the com tho other bidders the questions that were put to him en before the finance committee tance to be opened extended over j and beside moaning about his hard ! week and an operation was perform-! "anv to operate the latest approved one thousand feet and that he un- The list of bids follow: by the Mayor and Corporation Coun- d that the resolution had not come luck, screamed lustily all the way to > ed. He failed to n»llv though con- j Single-end trolleys. Mr. Gettings was . whn|ripa,.^ ,„., ,, derstood that while Ernest A. Kountze Brothers. New York. $4 7 - n ae8lred In the proper order. This brought the hospital. He was resting easily j sciousness remained until the en*, not in a position last night to make | ^ f° '."formation on some Sharpe, an affected property-owner, 002.80 for all or none; fire $15.3?7: pertaining to fc-ounty tax t the fact that Mr. Buxton was today. i;c was eighteen years of age. (definite statements as to what the | , . j was willing to donate land for the street. $31,875.80; Moffett & White. com anv wo ld do follo wlnE mhtiers, and Mayor Townsend ?s<-ntlnK It for Mr. Randolph, The runaway horse was captured I The circumstances surrounding the j '' woul" d do'. followln, e ,u'" Ws I vr Townsend opening he was not willing to pay. New York, fire. $15,494.40; street. ; members of the Council 'her, ad.lre^ed the meeting briefly ilrnvin of the police committee, by Patrolman Dobson before it . .. ! Moim hv the members of the < much in the way of an assessment for $32,021.76; J. D. Everett & Co New two sons are -M'talnl hihis positioii n In the matter io desired that the finance com- wrecked the wagon and Its load of j and chiefly for this reason the con- benefits. York, fire, $15,349.50; street. $31.- dry goods. ference was put over until Monday. of reductlon of taxes In the bor- ttee should take care of It. Mr. I has also been III with typhoid and After the matter was pretty thor- 815.30; Commercial Trust Company I'llman's wife has a pulmonary j , , | While nothing was said about new gatt did not object altogether to 8 gtU| a |)at|en at Mllh enberg She Mayor[Townsend said: »• appropriation, but the way in oughly threshed out. the ordinance of Ne- w•• Jersey,• street, $31 940.23--• — :• •I troubl•••w**-^e anouud onlUUIyJ recentlICVCUUyJ returneicimufudi ., ,. #1.1 cars for Plainfleld, It is known that n ab to see e h r of h h ovs With reference >o what Is said ich it was brought before the was finally passed on third reading, O'Connor & Kahler. New York. fire. from the Adirondacks where she was j ,""" " , 'r " " , " , ! the Common Council will not rest un- $15,402; street, $31.892.SO; R.
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