John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 5-3-1957 The aC rroll News- Vol. 39, No. 12 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 39, No. 12" (1957). The Carroll News. 388. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/388 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T HE C ARROLL EWS Special Open House Supplement Pages 3-4 Repreaenting JohR Carroll University VOL. XXXIX No. 12 John Carroll University, University Heights 18, Ohio Friday, May 3, 1957 ------------------------~----------~~~~~~ Woldman Speaks University S.ponsors At Convocation The Honorable Albert A. Woldman will speak before Annual Open House today's Comocation on the many startling phases of Juve­ nile Delinquency. Sixty demonstrations and exhibits will be featured this Judge of the Juvenile Court of Cuyahoga County since Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. as the University holds the four­ 1953, Judge \Voldman is being presented by Alpha Sigma t"enth annual Open House program. Xu, national Jesuit Honor Frater­ Faculty, prefects, and students will be 1wailable t.o greet the visit­ hers of the Pershing Rifles will of­ nit-y, in ·he Audi-torium nt 1:55 p.m. r c I Ol' ~, discuss courses, and explain fer exhibition drill every half hour "CUrn Laude Grad'' PRs onquer 1 school policy and exhibits. for 10 minutes. Woldman attended Ohio North­ F<'ature events of the afternoon At two o'clock in tbe afternoon ern University and Western Re­ will be the blessing of the corner­ the band will present selections from serve University, where he was Local Entries stone for the new $1,500,000 multi­ "My Fair Lady," "The King and I," gradu::.ted "cum laude." He a lso Six additional trophies were purpose Gymnasium at a speci:.1l and "Victory at Sea." sened as the Director of the i IC· added to the display case as a 3 p.m. ceremony, and at 5 p.m. the The Glee Club will present tbe partment of Industrial Rel:!tivn!' of result of the Pershing Rifles' Sodality sponsored "Jiving rosary," second musical concert of the a! ter­ the State of Ohio in the cabinet of will1 par ticipants from other cam- (Continued on Page 4) former Governor Frank J. Lausche recent successes at Toledo and from 1949 to 1953. Kent State University. ~ationaUy known ns n writer and At thl.' Toledo I nvitational ~ee t lecturer on the lif e of Abraham on April 13, Company M gained President's Message Lincoln, Woldman authorecl two three first. 'J)Iace trophios in :five books, ''Lawyer Lincoln'' ~no '·Lin­ possible eompetitive event.:;. To­ We are happy to have you with us today. <:oln and the Russi:•ns." le-do, Kent, Akron, and Bowl ing When you have met our faculty, students, Green were defeated in the st·•·a:c;h This, the four th in a sel'its of drill platoon, st.raighl tlrill ~q>~a,J, and have seen our facilities. you will under­ lectur~ sponsored hr AIJ}ha Sigma and squad exhibilion t>vents. Nu, is compulsory for fteshmer. stand why we feel proud of John Carroll l\lu ~ hock , Dodson LNtd and sor,hml ore~. The other two evenl.s , indivi,Jual, Univet•sity.. We hope that we shall continue Question Period drill and r ifle team compctitio't to deserve your friendship. P re"~>ious com ocations ha\'c prc·­ were won by KenL and Toledo Uni­ sentcd perso11s such :ts Dr. Ralph veuitios respectively. Leading the OLD AND NEW are compare d a s Ken Cook (center) puts fi nal touches on his model of the new H. E. Dunn, S.J.. Lapp, not£-d nucleur scientist, nnd straight drill platoon w:~ s Junio Gym. With h im are Boosters (L. to R. l President B'ob Martin, Dave Ross, Tom Code and Don Springer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cadet, Raymond G. Mushock while I sophomore Rick Dodson dire!.'ted pus organizations, will d ose the r-------------­ program. Boosters Construct Display lh ~~~:iu~~ i d:y~t~h!"':n:;~n~~gio~al H1.sfory Department Presents The Bo<>sters are currently con­ :\ll't:t aL Ken t State U mvers~ ~Y Dorm Council s~·w Company .M oontinue its pace structing a huge panoramic display in the Auditorium depicting the so­ cial events which have taken place Holds Dance ~~~·~~:n~.~~~·~~~!::i: New Study of Russian POst during the school year. Also plan­ Carroll Sweeps Events ned is a map of the United States All events were a sweep for ous aspects of Russian history. In entitled "Sons of Carroll Span the "Histo1"ical horiZ"ons of the nuclear age are broadening Nation" on which a pin designates This Evening Carroll. )lushock again led the continually." Professor of History and Director of the a special release to the Carroll st:·aight drill platoon as Pete Wu­ News Fr.. ;Meyers wrote, " f hope the h9metown of Carroll alumni, fa- R 0 b e r t 'IChip" Chi-nrean I:I·Jlel b::trked com:rnands :for the Department M.r. Donald P. Gavin asserted this week. to give a: good picture of the By­ culty, and students. l' SI!U!ld. Freshman Norb Patla won "The current prominence of Russia and the impact of zant ine form of Christianity that Included in the Military Science will provide the tempo for on­ th•• individual competition prize. her politics on world condit ions demands a. study and evalu­ Russia embraced, and the peculiar Department program will be a campus men and their pa.rt­ W;tncssing the Carr()}! victory at "Nike" guided missile. The m-issile ation of the Soviet system. A uni­ part played by this Eastern Rite In will be erected in the parking lot ners tonight at the Donn Kent were Lt. Col. George W. versity does not :fulfill its obliga­ tor of philosophy degree in 1956. forming the Russian mind. I expect Barry, Pl\IS&T, and Capt. Robert tions to educate unless it interre­ Students enrolled in the course to show the vicissitudes of the es­ adjoining the Military Science De- D a. n c e in the Auditorium G. Dorman, moderator. lates contemporary eYents with thu will enjoy the unique benefit of tablished church through the diff i­ partment to affor d the visitors a from 8 p.m. to midnight. The Company hopes to br ing having three inst.ruetor ~ . Aiding Dr. chance for a close-up view of an im- happenings of the past ." he added. cult days of the Tartar domination, portant part of our national defense .N longer a "date -only" dance, Judge Woldman back more trophies as it prepares M~'!a ll y will be tbe :Rev. Maurice ° Mr. Gavin was referring t.o ·•Th" F . Meyers, S.J., a staff member q.~~ system. admission is $.50 for stags and for its two remaining competitions History of Russia," a special cred­ B·:mjnmin DrO\\ n, pre.-;idl'nt of the on the sprj11g schedule. These in­ at the Fordham University Russi­ Registration details for this Two DUKWS Here $.76 for couples. "Last year's in- it course feature of the 1!157 Sl >m­ an Center, and the Rev. llowa•·d J . special course in Russian history Other military exhibits include crease in a~tendance -in:£luenced our Cl en~lnnd council on World Aifair!i, clude the Regimental Meet nt Obio mer School. T he purpose of tlu> t.o the stu,h•ut body. A gue,::d:Jil and St.·ue University on )lay 10-ll 11 nd Kerner, S.J., aR« 'l ~ tc.> pro/ltssor of can be obtained from the Rev. "cut-away'' weapons, scale models of dec~on 't~~ continue the dan<'P. on study is to acquaint students with ~lcO.! c, ~ . !., 2% 6.:.."is," an;:w,,,. pel iod will follow Judgf' th~ Univer~ity 's history a t John (;~1 f .E4···:m! C. di::-.-.dor la:rmr vc.lJ!c!..:s, and t;vo tou am- 1, i'nix-er" comt::ea!ed All:m P11yton In\'ita­ 1.he re l iglo~t s , the basic problem:. of H~p e., To Clnri . .1 dgmt'nts of the surn rner session. T he phibious trucks (DUKWS) from the Burnett, Dol'lll CouncH president. Woltbnan's talk. ti<mal Spring Exhibition at thl~ cultural, and diplomatic hist01y or The !:1st lcd u1·e of the :ochool Wright Patterson Air Force B«se "4. fundamental er ~r in o11r course will be offered from June 459th Transportation Truck Co., ":Ladies from the loeal womens' Russia. , thinking ll bout H1 :;it! " Dr. Me- 18 to J uly 22. Garfield Heights. colleges have •been invited and we Y<'lll' \Vill be held May 17. on May 19. Course Is Comprchen"h<· ~q.~~~ A Civil Defense display, presented encourage day-hops to at>tend so The .first two weeks of tl1e course by the NDTA, will be erected in the tbat we ean surpass :the attendance consist. of a general sut'\' ~'Y o1· !he of Petrina secularism, and finally of the Bolshevik campaign of sup­ main lobby of the Administration record set last year," Burnett add- life of the Russian people j" J'O ill t..hc t o dis.inguish Bldg. ed. pression." He will also evaluate Graduate School Holds earliest times to the end of tl1e b e t w r en the Members of the Military Ama- Al'rangements have been made the reported religious revivals in 18th century, emphasiz!.ng cnhural Russian people teur Radio Station System (MARS) to sell refreshments in the snack and religious developnumts.
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