(1988–1994) and the C/C++ Users Journal: 1994–1999

(1988–1994) and the C/C++ Users Journal: 1994–1999

A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the CUsers Journal (1988{1994) and the C/C++ Users Journal: 1994{1999 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 01 May 2019 Version 2.08 Title word cross-reference -Like [Ske91]. .EXE [PY90]. #1 [Ano91b]. #381 [Vol93b]. #define [Jae88c, Pug88e, PH90, PB91]. #defines 12 [PH96]. 128 [Jon88b, Ock89]. 16 [Pug90j]. #if [Pug88y]. [Wri90b]. 1993 [Ano94a]. 1K [War90a]. 1KHz [Cor91]. $19.95 [Phi92a]. 2 [Dee95, Mor98a, Mor98b, Smi92g]. 3 2 [Ben92, Cor88, Gra93b, Jen96, Kel94, [Bra89, Moo91, O'D90, Smi92g, VG89b, PM89, Wit90c, Wit90d]. 2.0 [Chi89, Spa90]. Vil96, Vol95e]. $89 [Gra88]. µ 2.51 [Fis90a]. 2000 [Efk97]. 2K [Pla99l]. [Gin93a, Lab92]. ! 2nd [Bla90, Phi93b, Wei93b]. [Sch96f, Sch96g, Sch96e, Sch96h]. 3.5in [War92c]. 32-bit [Jen96, Owe95]. 3D * [HPS90, PB94, PA91]. [VG89a]. -D [Bra89, Dee95, Moo91, Mor98a, Mor98b, 4.x [Whe97]. 488 [And89]. O'D90, Smi92g, VG89b, Vil96, Vol95e]. 1 2 5 [Jae91l]. 51 [Her94]. [War90c]. Affecting [Rib89]. Affiliate [Ano88a]. After [Sak97c, War90f]. Again 6.00A [Obe91]. 640K [Bri90, Pug92e]. [Wei93h]. Against [War92a]. Agents [Hof92]. Agley [Pla90p, Pla90q]. 7F [PF93a]. Agreements [Rol92]. AI [Phi99c]. AISEARCH [Bou94, Vol94a]. Al 80x86 [Bec93]. 80x86-Based [Bec93]. [PS92a, Smi89, Phi90c]. Alan [All93f, Bur92a, Rab89]. Alger [Kil96]. 90 [Ano99c]. 95 [Dan97, Tam97]. Algorithm [And94, Bel89a, Cin95, Erd89, Gag94b, = [Pug92a]. =- [Pug92a]. Ign98, Pro92, R´ev93, Tre94, dM94, Pla96j]. Algorithmics [Har87, HR92, Rom91a]. setvideomode [Pug88b]. Algorithms [Bra88, Cal90, Gra95, Gre89, Ott94, Pla96g, Pla96k, Pla96l, PBS93, Syc91, A. [Rid91]. Ability [Mat88]. abort Tal93, Vol96a, dM94, Lad92, Lad94, Hal93b]. [Jae90d]. Abstract alia [Plu88b]. Alignment [Sak96a, Sak96b, Sak96c]. Abstraction [Jae89i, PH91a, Pug94o]. Allen [All95b, Gle90b, Sch97b, Sch97c]. Academic [Eib94, Nel89a]. Allocating [Ast94b, Shi91]. [Pla91e]. Accelerate [Cla88]. Access Allocation [Dee95, Pla92n, Pug88q, Pug88t, [Bec98k, Bra92a, Gag97, Hei94, Jae89g, Sch90d, Wel90]. Allocator [Bat98, Hog90]. OH94, Pug90a, Pug90h, Pug90m, Pug92q, Allocators [Pla96h]. Allowed [Deg97]. Sch88b]. Accessible [Pat88b]. Accessing Allows [Bur89]. Alpha [Hav89b, Pen93]. [Lad89a, Pug89a, Pug92g, Spe89a]. Alpha-Beta [Hav89b, Pen93]. Accidental [Pug90b]. According [Pla88d]. Alphanumeric [Zwa91]. Alternative Accurate [For91]. Acquisition [Jag95, Wei94g]. Alternatives [Pug88-30]. [Bar88, CM98, Fee93, FM91, San89, VC89]. Ambiguity [KB99a]. American Across [Qua88, Sch90b, St.93]. Amiga [Wio88b]. [Lad91, Tom91b, Xia97, SX98, Tur92]. Act Ammeraal [Kam89, Sch88a]. Amzi [Pla88f]. Action [Bar90b, Gra92b, Phi90b]. [Ano96a]. Analysis [All94a, Coc98a, Active [Ten98, Ano97-43]. ActiveX Coc98b, LaC94, Sil88, Ste92a, Dor95]. [Par98]. ACTLIB [Ste93a]. Adaline Analyzer [Beh96, Bra90a]. Anderson [Phi92d]. Adam [Phi92c]. Adaptable [Hoh90]. Andrew [Rod95a]. Angle [Cam90]. Adapters [Joh90a, Pla97l]. [War88h]. Animation [Hea96]. Annealing Adapting [Ale99a]. Adaptive [Per92a]. Annotated [Pla94e, Sch90b]. [Bra90a, Sti92a]. Adding [Ric99]. Addition Announced [Ano96c]. Announcement [Wil96c]. Addresses [Pla89g]. Addressing [Pug90o]. Announces [Ano88a, Ano96a, [Olh90]. ADU [CD90]. Advanced [AA88, Ano97s, Ano97-33, Ano97-50, War89b]. Dos95, Hoh90, KS98, Phi92e, Sha92, BN94]. Annual [Vol97e]. Anonymous [Wit90c]. advantage [Ret96]. Advantages [Pug91i]. ANSI [Pla94e, Col91, Pla91a, Pla92m, Advent [War90f]. Adventure Plu88a, Plu88b, Poo93, Pug88a, Pug88y, [Cro90, LL90]. Adventurers [Gar88]. Pug92a, Pug93g, Sch90b, TK89]. Answer Adventures [Sch97c]. Advertiser [TG89]. Answered [Pla99f, Pla99g]. [Ano97a, Ano97b, Ano97c, Ano97d, Ano97e, Answers [Bec96f, Bec96g, Bec96h, Bec96j, Ano97f, Ano97g, Ano97h, Ano97i]. Advice Bec96i, Bec96k, Bec97a, Bec97f, Bec97e, 3 Bec97b, Bec97c, Bec97g, Bec97h, Bec97d, Assemblers Bec98b, Bec98i, Bec98c, Bec98e, Bec98d, [Ano90b, Ano91c, Bal89, Col88b, Col88c, Bec98j, Bec98f, Bec98g, Bec98h, Bec98k, Col89b, Pec89, Zen91, Col88a]. Assembly Bec98l, PF94]. Anthony [How93, Pla95a]. [Pat92a, Cla88, Pug89a, Pug89r]. AntiPatterns [Bri98a]. Any [Ben97]. API Assembly-Language [Pat92a]. assert [Vol90i, Bav99c, Bey98, Mir93]. APIs [Ray92]. Assertions [BK94a, Bro94]. APL [Cav91]. Apple [Bat92, Bav99a, Mue94a, Pes97b]. Assertive [And88a, Bel89b, Del88f, Pec89, Pug89c, [Fon97, Jae90a]. Assigning [Pug90e]. Pug89s, Str88a]. applets [vSS96]. Assignment [Sak92b]. Assistant [Wei88a]. Application [Fru92, Joh90c, Kal98, Lan96, Assistants [Wei94a]. Associative Pug88s, Ver89, Wei88b]. Applications [McC95, Pla97k, Pla97m]. Assorted [Cli92, Fre93, Fre88a, HD95, Irv91, JPM90, [Sak95k, Sak95j, Sak95l]. Assumptions Kle97, Lar97, Plu91, Pug88h, Row95, Str88a, [Bec98b]. ASxxx [Bal94]. ASxxxx Tam97, Vol90f, Vol93a, War90e, Wis97, [Bal89, Bal91a, Col89b]. Asynchronous Boo91, Mar95, Lan91a]. Applied [Hei99]. Atari [Hal89, Mat88]. ATL [Fan99]. [Zol90b, Zol90a, Zol90c]. Apply [Bat97b]. ATOC [JR94]. atof [Pug89b]. Augenstein Applying [Pla93b, War98]. Approach [Rid91]. author [Jae86]. Auto [Pug93p]. [Col89c, Col90b]. Approved [Bec98c]. Auto-Increment [Pug93p]. auto ptr Approves [Plu88d]. Approximate [Sut99b]. AutoFlow [Spe89b]. [Kie96, Phi94c]. Approximation [Gin93c]. AutoFlow-C [Spe89b]. Automata Apps [Kuo97, Mit99]. April [Vol99]. [MC88, Web93]. Automated Archie [Wei91a]. Archimedes [Her94]. [Car97, Car99, McL91, Mea93, Sch89b]. Architecture [Man91]. Architectures Automatic [Pan99, Pug92d, Wei93a]. [Bri98a, Pri90a]. Archive [LaB94]. Aren't Automating [Del88a]. Automation [Sut99a]. Argument [Ale99a]. Automatons [Cli92]. AutoQueue [All94k, Jae89g, KB90, Kod92, PJ92]. [Gut95]. Availability [Bec96a, Har88a, Arguments McD88, Pie88, Pug88c, Wei90a, Wio88a]. [Ale98b, Dee96, Pug92m, Pug93s, vH92]. Available [Cog88b, Fie89e, Gib88]. AV L Arithmetic [Bak90, Bak91a, Got94, Heg92, [Kar94]. Avoid [Bec98b]. Avoiding Lab98, Par95, SS89, Sco88]. arounds [New89]. Aware [Kuo97]. awk [Sak97i]. Array [Cru88b, Hog90, Pug89d, [Hin88a, Har88a, Bar90d]. Pug90c, Pug92l, Rah97, Sch98j, Sch98d]. Arrays B [Fre88a, Swa88]. B-TREE [Ale99a, All93j, Bai91, BG92, Cru88a, Dee95, [Swa88, Fre88a]. Babb [Pla90e]. Back Hei94, Jae89a, Jae90h, Jae91i, Jae91a, [BD90b, Pug90f, Wei90f, Wei92d, Wei93e]. Jae91b, LaB93a, Mar98, McC95, PA93a, Backlog [Wei92a]. Backpropagation Pug89g, Pug90d, Pug90u, Pug90w, PF92a, [Phi96b]. Bad Pug93q, Pug94m, Sak92a, Shi91]. Arrow [All99c, Ano91a, KB92, War90b]. Baker [Sch97f]. Art [Gin93b, LM90, Phi90c, [Smi92c]. Balanced [Jar91b, Rie98]. Rom91b, Gan92, Pre88, Pre92, Che88]. Balancing [And99a, Sch96a]. Ball [Sch98c]. ART-CEE [Che88]. Artificial [Bou94]. Ballot [Sak97a]. Barclay [Nel89b]. Barton AS8 [Wil90]. asked [Wei92h]. ASN.1 [Swa95a]. Base [For90, Heg92, VE93]. [Blo91]. Assembler [Bal91a, Bal94, Pan91, Based PD88, PBBD91, RM92, Vol95a, Wil90]. [Ben98, Col89a, Col95a, Kru92, Nel96, Nel98, 4 Phi93e, Rua97, Van96, Zol90a, dC90b, Bec93]. [Ano88d]. Both [Pug89m]. Boundaries Basic [Jae89a, Joh90d, Phi91f, Phi95c, [SS89]. Box [Wee92, MA88]. BP [CM90]. Pug90i, Sch90c]. Basics [All93i]. Basing Brackets [War88h]. Breed [Vol89a]. [Sak98b]. Baysoft [Fer88]. BBS Brenda [Rom91b]. Bresenham [Kie95]. [Wei88c, Wei94e]. BCC [Eng93b]. BCD Brews [Wei90b]. Brief [O'D91]. Brown [Par95]. Be [BC89a]. beauty [Swa95b, Web96]. Browser [NW99]. [Pic90, Hob91b]. Become [Pla94c]. BEGIN browsers [Ret96]. Bryan [Hob91a]. bsed [PB91, Pla90h]. Being [Fon97]. Belief [Isa98]. BSPLINE [Vol95f]. Bubble [Phi90a]. Ben [Gra89]. Benchmark [PN93]. buddy [Gra88]. Budget [Pip95]. [Plu88c]. Benchmarked [Cal90]. Benefits Buffer [Gru90, Sti90, War88a]. Buffered [Bru89a]. Best [Fro89a]. Buffering [Kel90]. Buffers [Cin95, Fie88g, Pla95a, Vol98a, Por93]. Beta [BD90a, Lib90c, Lib90d]. Bug [Hav89b, Pen93]. Better [Ale99b, All95a, [Obe91, Pav90, Pug88b, Mag93]. bug-free Bav99a, Bur90a, Fie88c, Hey96, Pla99a, [Mag93]. Bugs Pla99c, Pla99b, Pla99d, Hel95]. [Eag88, New89, Pla92a, War88b, Wee92]. BetterState [Ano97-43]. Between [Bri97, Build [Cli92, Pla91b]. Builder [SR99a]. Kru95, Pug89g, Pug90-27, Pug92j, Rib89]. Building [BD90a, BD90b, Bur90a, Col89a, BGI [JPM90]. Bibliography Cox92, Del88e, Sch96b, Sch99a, Vil91, [Lam89, O'D91, Ogg90a]. Bidirectional War88a, War89a, Wei96, Blu92]. Builds [Smi92h]. Bigtex [Fie89a]. Bimodal [Phi90b]. Built [Sch99k]. Built-in [Sch99k]. [Nel92a]. Binary Bus [Paj88]. Business [Bec95f]. buy [Isa98, Jar91b, Kel92, Pes97a, PF93a, [Gra88]. Byte [Erd95, Pla89d, Pug88-29]. Pug90-27, Rum98, Sch93b, Ter91, Zol90c]. Binding [Bri98g, Haz91, Swa97]. BIOS C [BK91, BK94b, Bro94, Kre96]. BISON [All93f, All94j, All95c, All98, All99b, And88b, [HSC89, Co^a94a, Vol89a]. Bit Pat92a, PS92a, Ano94b, Ano97u, Ban89, [All93a, All93b, All94c, BG92, Bru91, Hei94, Bin88, Bla90, Bri96, Bri99a, Bry98, Bur90b, Jae89e, Jen96, Owe95]. Bit-Fields [Jae89e]. Cas93, Chi89, Cla90c, Clu89b, Cof88, Cog89, Bitmap [Dea93]. Bitmaps [Kie95]. bitset Dos95, Eib94, Fis90a, FD92, Hal93b, Hal93c, [Pla95b]. Bjarne [Cof88]. Black [Pla99c]. Hat94, Haw88, Hob91a, Hoh90, Kel94, Kil96, Blaise [McC89, Vol90a]. Blank [Ale91]. LK97, Lop93, McL94, Mil97, Mul93, Nel89a, Blanker [Pug89n, Tal89]. Blaster Nel89b, Nel90b, Ogg90b, Par88, Pat96, [BB94, Wel94a]. blkio [Fro89b]. Bloat Pav89, Per89, Phi90c, Phi92c, Phi93c, [Got95]. Block [Cla88, PG91]. Blow Phi93b, Phi94a, Pin93, Pla90c, Pla91d, [Tom91a]. Blum [Phi92c]. Bob [Nel90b]. Pla91e,

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