1 Vahit Goktas, PhD RESUME / CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Vahit Goktas Assoc. Professor, Ankara University, Faculty of Divinity +90 0505 643 9171 [email protected] Education Degree Department/Program University Year Undergraduate Divinity Ankara University 2000 Master’s Sufism Ankara University 2002 Doctorate Sufism Ankara University 2007 Master’s Thesis Title: Life, Works and Sufi Philosophy of Muhammed Es’ad Erbili Advisor: Prof. Ethem Cebecioglu Doctoral Diseertation Title: Kalabadhi (d.380/990) and His Conception of Sufism Thesis Advisor: Prof. Ethem Cebecioglu Positions: Title Institution Years Res. Asst. Ankara University Faculty of Divinity 2001-2007 Res. Asst. Prof. Ankara University Faculty of Divinity 2007-2010 Asst. Prof. Ankara University Faculty of Divinity 2010-2011 Assoc. Prof. Ankara University Faculty of Divinity 2011 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS A. Papers Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals: A1. “Thesis Studies About Kadihan in Turkey,” Osh Faculty of Divinity Journal, Bishkek 2008, pp. 21-30. A2. “Life and Mystical Views of Abu Bakr Muhammed Ibn Ihsak Ya’kub al-Bukhari al- Kalabadhi (d. 380/990),” Osh Faculty of Divinity Journal, Bishkek 2008, pp. 105-128. 2 Vahit Goktas, PhD B. Papers Presentations at International Conferences and Published in the Book of Proceedings: B1. “Manners (Adab) in Mevlana’s School of Thought,” 26-28 October 2007 International Symposium on Mevlana and the Mevlevi Order volume I, pp. 216-219. B2. “Views of Mevlana Halid-i Baghdadi on ‘al-Risale fi al-Rabita’ and on Rabita,” 11-13 June 2010 Van, International Symposium on Mevlana Halid al-Baghdadi. B. Academic Meeting and Conferences Attended in Turkey: B1. “Sufi Content in Poetry of Haci Bayram-i Veli,” Haci Bayram-i Veli Symposium, 07 May 2010, Ankara. B2. I. Sufism Branch Coordination Meeting, 11–13 June 2007 Marmara University Faculty of Divinity, Istanbul (participant) B3. III. Sufism Branch Coordination Meeting, 22-23 May 2010 Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Divinity, Isparta (participant). B4. “The Prophet in the Context of the Insan-i Ma’suk Idea,” ADAM (Ankara Thought and Research Center), Ankara, 14 March 2008 (conference speaker). B5. “Life of Muhammed Esad Efendi” Kalemder, Ankara, 14 December 2010 (conference speaker). B6. IV. Sufism Branch Coordination Meeting, 15-17 May 2011 Seljuk University Faculty of Divinity, Konya (Participant). B7. “Sacred Months, Days and Nights in Muslim Society,” 3 June 2011 (Ankara Thought and Research Center) (conference speaker). C. Authored Books and Chapters: C1. “Uskudarli Muhammed Nasuhi and His Sufi Views,” 174 pp., Ankara, Yayin Evi Publications, Nisan, 2010. C2. Sufism in Bukhara in Hegira 4th Century: the Kalabadhi Example, Meydan Publications, Istanbul, 2008. C3. Life and sufi personality of Ihsan Tamgüney (Sultan Baba), Ilahiyat publications, Ankara 2013. C4. Sufi Texts, ilahiyat publications, Ankara 2013, p. 169. C5. Tasavvuf Yazıları. ilahiyat publications, Ankara 2014, p. 526. 3 Vahit Goktas, PhD C6. Life and sufi personality of Muhammed Esad Erbili, İlahiyat publications, Ankara 2013. C7. Ali Tenik-Vahit Göktaş, Dhikr (Remembrance) in Sufism, (will published ) D. Papers Published In National Peer-Reviewed Journals: D1. “The Insan-i Ma’suk Idea in the Relationship Between Mevlana and Shams,” Sufism Scientific and Academic Research Journal, Ankara, 2005, issue 14, pp. 549-563. D2. “Categories of Servitude in Aksemseddin,” EKEV Academy Journal, Erzurum, 2010, issue 43, pp. 1-9. D3. “Three Humorous Letters of Mehmet Sitki Akozan Included in Divance-i Sinaver,” EKEV Academy, Erzurum, 2008, issue 37, pp. 301-307. D4. “Attempts at Self-Knowledge in 2007 Mevlana Year,” Sufism Scientific and Academic Research Journal, Ankara, 2007, issue 20, pp. 211-216. D5. “Knowledge and Its Sources in Koran,” Harran University Faculty of Divinity Journal, Sanliurfa, 2008 issue 20, pp. 159-181. D6. “Es’ad Efendi (1847/1931) and His View of Unity of Being in His Tevhid Risalesi” Sufism Scientific and Academic Research Journal, Ankara, 2008, issue 21, pp. 427-445 D7. “Commentaries and Clarifications on Kalabadhi's et-Ta'arruf li-Mezhebi Ehli't-Tasavvuf” Hittite University Faculty of Divinity Journal, Corum, 2008, volume 7, issue 14, pp. 129-146. D8. “Es'ad Efendi (1847-1931) and Symbolic Language in His Divan,” EKEV Academy Journal, Erzurum, 2009, issue 39, pp .201-218. D9. “Analysis of Kalabadhi’s Bahru’l-Fevaid in terms of Sufi Content,” Sufism, Ankara, 2008, issue 22, pp. 219-233. D10. “Kalabadhi and His Sufi Views,” EKEV Academy, Erzurum, 2008 issue 36, pp. 87-107. D11. “Theses on Sufism Found in Jordan University Library,” Sufism Scientific and Academic Research Journal, Ankara, 2005, issue 15, pp. 335-349. D12. “Naqshi Qadiri License Given by Kelami Dergah Postnisin Sheikh Es’ad Efendi (d.1931) to Bayezid Dersiam Ali Yekta Efendi,” Sufism Scientific and Academic Research Journal, Ankara, 2002, issue 9, pp. 267-292. D13. “The Importance og the Effects of Remembrance (Dhikr) in Socio-Psychological Terms” Ankara University Faculty of Divinity Journal, XLIX (2008), issue 2, pp. 221-240. (with Ali Tenik) 4 Vahit Goktas, PhD D14. “ The Shabanıyyah School And Its Branches”, Suleyman Demirel University Faculty Of Divinity Journal, Isparta, 2011, pp. 133-160 D15. Opportunities That Could Be Granted By Sufi Education To Todays Religion Education” Ankara University Faculty of Divinity Journal, LII, (2011), issue 2, pp. 137- 155. http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/37/1633/17507.pdf D16. Opinions of Muhammed Esad Erbili on Dhikr, Journal of Social Sciences, Ankara, c. 7, nu 14, 2013. D17. Present State of Sufism in Kyrgyzystan, Ankara University Faculty of Divinity Journal, 54 (2013), issue 2, pp. 159-169 D18. An Evaluation of Religious Education Symposia to Support Religious Education in Kyrgyszstan, Journal of Social Sciences, Ankara, c. 7, nu 14, 2013. E. Encyclopedia Entries E1. “Veli,” Dictionary of Muslim and Christian Terms E2. “Zikir” Dictionary of Muslim and Christian Concepts F. Papers Published in Non-Peer-Reviewed Journals F1. “Contribution of Sufism to Religious Education,” Religion and Society Journal, Ankara 2009, issue 6, pp. 72-80. G. Translations G1. George Makdisi, “Ibn Taymiyye: A Qadiri Sufi,” Translated By: Vahit Goktas, Sufism, Ankara, 2007, issue 19, pp. 401-411. G2. Michel Chodkiewicz, “Eternal Journey: Ibnu’l-Arabi’s Qitab al-Isfar an netaicil’l-esfar,” Translated By: Vahit Goktas, Sufism, Ankara, 2009, issue 23, pp. 657-667. G3. William C. Chittick, “True Path of Mevlana,” Ankara University Faculty of Divinity Journal, XLIX (2008), issue 2, pp. 379-392. G4. Mesnevihan Ali Fuad Pasa, “Wahdat al-Wujud: Haqiqat al-Wahida al-Mutlaqa,” Prepared by: Vahit Goktas, Sufism, Ankara, 2009, issue 23, pp. 685-686. (Transcription) 5 Vahit Goktas, PhD H. Book Introductions H1. Ethem Cebecioglu, “Dictionary of Sufi Terms and Idioms,” Ankara University Faculty of Divinity, Ankara, 2004, volume XLV, issue II, pp. 423-425. H2. Mustafa Askar, “Literature of Sufi History, ” Ministry of Culture Publications, Ankara 2001, p. 469, Sufism, Ankara, 2002, issue 8, pp. 227-228. H3. Osman Nuri Topbas, Sufism from Faith to Blessing, Erkam Publications, Istanbul 2002, p. 532, Sufism, Ankara, 2003, issue 10, pp. 437-440. H4. Mustafa Kara, Letters of the Heart, Mavi Publications, Istanbul 2000, p. 176, Sufism, Ankara, 2001, issue 6, pp. 317-323. H5. “Claude Addas, Quest for the Red Sulphur: The Life of Ibn 'Arabi,” Translated By: Atilla Ataman, GekenelPublications, Istanbul 2003, 375 s., pp. 553-555. H6. “Osman Nuri Kucuk, Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi’s Views of Sufism in the context of Fihi Ma Fih,” Rumi Publications, Konya 2006, 186 s., pp. 382-384. H7. “Seyyid Mustafa Rasim Efendi, Dictionary of Sufism: Istilahat al-Insan al-Kamil, Prepared By: Dr. Ihsan Kara, Insan Publications, Istanbul 2008,” Prepared by: Vahit Goktas, Sufism, Ankara, 2008, issue 22, pp. 387-389. H8. “Michel Chodkiewicz, An Ocean Without Shore Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi,” Translated By: Atila Ataman, Gelenek Publications, Istanbul 2003, 168 s., Sufism, Ankara, 2009, issue 23, pp. 706-708. J. Thesis Introductions (Reviews) J1. “Introduction of Some Unpublished Sufism Theses on Mevlana,” Sufism, 2005, issue 14, pp. 805-811. J2. “Kucuk, Sezai, The Mevlevi Order and Mevlevis in the 19th Century, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Doctoral Thesis, Advisor: Prof. H. Kamil YILMAZ, Istanbul 2000, 420 s. (published by Simurg Publications),” pp. 729-734. J3. “Ahmed Kuddusi and His Sufi Thought, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Advisor: Prof. Ethem Cebecioglu, Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara 2007, 455 s.,” Prepared by: Vahit Goktas, Sufism, Ankara, 2008, issue 22, pp. 355-367. J4. “Zeynuddin al-Hafi and His Sufi Views,” Sufism, Istanbul, 2009, issue 24, pp. 162-171. J5. “The Concept of Hikmah in Early Islamic Thought,” Sufism, Istanbul, 2009, issue 24, pp. 151-161. K. Published Interviews 6 Vahit Goktas, PhD K1. “Interview with Prof. Suleyman Uludag,” Sufism, Ankara, 2001, issue 7, pp. 33-92 (with Ethem Cebecioglu and Ali Cinar) K2. “Interview with Prof. Mustafa Kara,” Sufism, Ankara, 2003, issue 10, pp. 455-522 (with Ethem Cebecioglu, Ali Cinar, Mustafa Askar, Yuksel Goztepe, Ihsan Soysaldi, and Mustafa Cakmaklioglu) K3. Interview with Prof. Suleyman Hayri Bolay, Sufism, Ankara, 2008, issue 22, pp. 393- 428. (with Ethem Cebecioglu and Sevim Yilmaz) K4. Interview with Prof. Mustafa Tahrali, Sufism, Istanbul, 2010, issue 25, pp. 65-92. (Interviews conducted by us in 2001, and in 2003 by a group of academicians led by Ethem Cebecioglu, were prepared for publication by Necdet Tosun) L. Service L1. Subject advisor and applied instructor for students of undergraduate and Master’s- without-thesis programs (2002 - present) L2. Supervising undergraduate students during term and yearend exams (2002 - present) L3. In charge of the exam hall during term, yearend and makeup exams for students of the ILITAM Program (2006 - present) L3. Kyrgyzstan Osh University Faculty of Divinity, Assistant Students Coordinator (2010 - 2011) M. Secretariat and Editorship of Scientific Journals M1. Sufism Scientific and Academic Research Journal M2. Kyrgyzstan Osh State University Faculty of Divinity Journal (2011 - present) N.
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