Laser Testing & Training Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Sea Range Point Mugu, CA Final Environmental Assessment/ Overseas Environmental Assessment Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Point Mugu, CA January 2010 Laser Testing/Training, Point Mugu Sea Range Final EA/OEA January 2010 Acronyms and Abbreviations AGL above ground level MST Mobile Ship Target ALA Administrative Lead Agency MW megawatt ANSI American National Standards Institute mW milliwatt APE Area of Potential Effect N2 nitrogen ASBS Area of Special Biological Significance NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards BO Biological Opinion NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command BQ Beam Quality NAWCWD Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division CAA Clean Air Act NAWQC National Ambient Water Quality Criteria CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality Standards NBVC Naval Base Ventura County CARB California Air Resources Board NEPA National Environmental Policy Act CDFG California Dept of Fish and Game nm nautical mile(s) CFR Code of Federal Regulations NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service CEQ Council on Environmental Quality NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration CO carbon monoxide NO2 nitrogen dioxide CO2 carbon dioxide NHZ Nominal Hazard Zone COIL chemical oxygen iodine laser NOHD Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance CWA Clean Water Act NOTAM Notice to Airmen CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act NOTMAR Notice to Mariners DoD Department of Defense NOx nitrogen oxides DON Department of the Navy O3 ozone EA Environmental Assessment OEA Overseas Environmental Assessment EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone OEIS Overseas Environmental Impact Statement EFH Essential Fish Habitat OPNAVINST Chief of Naval Operations Instruction EIS Environmental Impact Statement ORM Operational Risk Management EO Executive Order PERP portable equipment registration program ESA Endangered Species Act PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon FAA Federal Aviation Administration PFMC Pacific Fishery Management Council FEL free electron laser PMX particulate matter less than X (2.5 or 10) microns FMP Fishery Management Plan in diameter ft foot/feet ppm parts per million GIS Geographic Information System RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ha hectare RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation HALE high altitude long endurance RHA Risk Hazard Assessment HAPC habitat area of particular concern RLSSO Range Laser System Safety Officer He helium RONA Record of Non-Applicability H2S hydrogen sulfide RSA range safety approval HSMST High Speed Maneuvering Surface Target RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board INRMP Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan SCB Southern California Bight JATO jet assisted takeoff SCCAB South Central Coast Air Basin °K degrees Kelvin SDTS Self Defense Test Ship kg kilogram SIP State Implementation Plan km kilometer SLAM Standoff Land Attack Missile L liter SNI San Nicolas Island LGAC Laser-Generated Air Contaminant SO2 sulfur dioxide LH2 Liquid Hydrogen SOx sulfur oxides LNTL Lead Navy Technical Laboratory SOP Standard Operating Procedure LSRB Laser Safety Review Board SUA Special Use Airspace m meter SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board µg microgram UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle µm micrometer USC United States Code MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation VCAPCD Ventura County Air Pollution Control District and Management Act VOCs volatile organic compounds mi mile(s) MSL mean sea level Laser Testing/Training, Point Mugu Sea Range Final EA/OEA January 2010 Final ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/OVERSEAS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Lead Agency for the EA: Department of the Navy Title of Proposed Action: Laser Testing/Training, Point Mugu Sea Range Affected Jurisdiction: Ventura County Designation: Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA) Abstract This Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA) addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed laser testing and training on the Point Mugu Sea Range, including components within as well as outside of the 12 nautical mile (nm) limit of the United States (U.S.) Territorial Seas. This EA/OEA has been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code [USC] 4321, as amended); the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1500-1508, 1 July 1986); Department of the Navy Procedures for Implementing NEPA (32 CFR 775); Executive Order (EO) 12114, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions; and Chief of Naval Operations Instruction (OPNAVINST) 5090.1C, Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual (Chapter 5), 30 October 2007. The NEPA process ensures that environmental impacts of proposed major federal actions are considered in the decision making process. Potential environmental impacts have been analyzed for all relevant or otherwise required issue areas, with separate sections on air quality, marine sediments and water quality, biological resources, cultural resources, airspace and land and water use, public safety, and hazardous materials. No impacts are associated with other environmental resources or issues. No significant environmental impacts within U.S. territory, or significant harm to the overseas environment, have been identified for the implementation of the proposed action (preferred alternative) or either of two action alternatives for laser testing and training on the Point Mugu Sea Range, or for the no-action alternative. Prepared By: Department of the Navy, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Point of Contact: Steven Schwartz Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Range Sustainability Office, Building 53A 575 "I" Avenue, Suite 1 Point Mugu, CA 93042 805-989-0644 January 2010 Laser Testing/Training, Point Mugu Sea Range Final EA/OEA January 2010 [This Page Intentionally Left Blank] Laser Testing/Training, Point Mugu Sea Range Final EA/OEA January 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United States (U.S.) Navy proposes to increase test, evaluation, and training activities on the Point Mugu Sea Range to characterize performance and to identify and resolve issues associated with the Department of Defense (DoD), other agency, coalition partner, and commercial use of laser technology. This work would involve laser testing and training under various weather conditions on the Point Mugu Sea Range and San Nicolas Island (SNI), and include lasers integrated onto aircraft, ships, and land-based platforms. The proposed action would involve directing laser energy at various types of fixed or dynamic targets from fixed or dynamic laser sources. Lasers would be operated on surface craft at sea, on aircraft, or on land at SNI. Likewise, targets could be at sea, in the air, or on SNI. Laser operations would include laser systems at wavelengths from 180 to 14,000 nanometers (0.18 to 14.0 micrometers) and at power levels up to a maximum of 1 megawatt (MW). The proposed testing, evaluation, and training activities would be supported by Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) personnel and facilities at Naval Base Ventura County. All proposed use of lasers on the Sea Range would conform to the safety and procedural requirements established in the Sea Range EIS (U.S. Navy 2002), as well as in the Navy Laser Hazards Control Program (OPNAVINST 5100.27B, 2 May 2008) and any revisions adopted in the future. This Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA) addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed laser testing and training on the Point Mugu Sea Range, including components within as well as outside of the 12 nautical mile (nm) limit of the U.S. Territorial Seas. This EA/OEA has been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code [USC] 4321, as amended); the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1500-1508, 1 July 1986); Department of the Navy Procedures for Implementing NEPA (32 CFR 775); Executive Order (EO) 12114, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions; and Chief of Naval Operations Instruction (OPNAVINST) 5090.1C, Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual (Chapter 5), 30 October 2007. The NEPA and EO 12114 processes ensure that environmental impacts of proposed major federal actions are considered in the decision making process. The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) is the proponent and decision maker for the proposed action. PURPOSE AND NEED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION The purpose of the Laser Testing/Training Program proposed by NAWCWD, the action proponent, is to support DoD directives on the development of laser applications vital to the National Defense through research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) and training applications on the Point Mugu Sea Range. Specifically, the proposed action is intended to allow both RDT&E and training use of lasers in realistic maritime environments where potential conflicts with civilian activities and safety risks to the public are minimized. Lasers have already proven to be critical communications and targeting tools. As enemy missiles and other forms of ordnance become faster and more elusive to current defensive weapons on ships, high
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