Chapter VII PRACTICE RELATIVE TO RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGARDING MEMBERSHIP IN THE UNITED NATIONS l~R(JDUflORY NOTE .............................................................. 109 PART 1. TABLE OF APPLICATIONS AND OF ACTIONS TAKEN THEREON BY THE SECU- RITY COUNCIL AND THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 1975-1980 Note .............................................................................. 109 A. Applications recommended by the Security Council ................................ 109 B. Applications that failed to obtain a recommendation ............................... 109 C. Discussion of the question in the Security Council, 197s.1980 ...................... 109 D. Applications pendin on I January 1975 ........................................... II0 E. Applications submitted between I January 1975 and 31 December 1980 .............. I IO F. Votes in the Security Council on draft resolutions and amendments concerning applicattons for admission to membership in the United Nations. 1975-1980 ....................... II0 G. Votes in the General Assembly on draft resolutions concerning Security Council recommen- dations for admission to membership in the United Nations, 1975-1980 ................ III PART II. CONSIDERATION OF THE ADOPTION OR AMENDMENT OF RULES J8d0OF THE PROVISIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE Note ............................................................................... II2 PART Ill. PRESENTATION OF APPLICATIONS Note.. ............................................................................. II2 PART IV. REFERENCE OF APPLICATIONS TO THE COMMlll-EE ON THE ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS Note ............................................................................... II2 A. Before a recommendation has km forwarded or a report submitted to the General Assembly II2 -1. Applications referred to the Committee by the President ......................... II2 l ‘2. Applications referred to the Committee by decision of the Security Council ........ II2 3. Applicrttons considered by the Security Council without reference to the Committee II2 l l 4 . Applications reconsidered by the Security Council after reference to the Committee II2 l l B . After an application has been sent back by the General Assembly to the Security Council for reconsideration ............................................................... II2 **PART V. PROCEDURES IN THE CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE , SECURITY COUNCIL **A. Discussion of applications ........................................................ II3 **I. Order of the discussion of applications ....................................... II3 l l 2 . Documentation submitted in the Security Council ........................... II3 “B. Voting on applications ........................................................... II3 PART VI. THE ROLE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE SECURITY COUNCIL II3 PART VII. PRACTICES RELATIVE TO THE APPLICABILITY OF ARTICLES 5 AND 6 OF THE CHARTER Note.. ............................................................................ II3 INTRODUCTORY NOTE The present Supplement of the Repertoire follows the format adopted for the previous supplements. Part I sets forth in tabular form the applications for admission considered and !hc decisions taken by the Security Council during the period under review. Parts II-VI concern the procedures employed by the Council in the consider- ation of the applications. Part VII deals with practices relating lo the applicability of Articles 5 and 6 of the Charter. The Council did not adopt new rules of procedures or amend the existing rules relating lo the admission of new members. Part I TABLE OF APPLICATIONS AND OF ACIIONS TAKEN THEREON BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 1975-1980 NOTE (0) At the 2198th meeting, on I9 February 1980, Saint Vincent and Ihe Grenadines was recommended The following table is a conrinuation of the one in the unanimously; previous volumes of the Repertoire, which should be @) At the 2244th meeting, on 30 July 1980, Zimbabwe consulted for an explanation of its organization. The was recommended unanimously. modifications in the table introduced in the earlier sup- plements have been maintained. B. APPLICATIONS THAT FAILED TO OBTAIN A RECOMMENDATION A. APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL During the period under review, the applications of the In the period I January 1975-31 December 1980, the Republic of South Viet-Nam and the Democratic Repub- Council recommended the following States for admission lic of Viet-Nam failed lo obtain the Council’s recommen- lo membership in the United Nations: dation.’ The applications of Angola* and the Socialist (a) At the 1838th meeting, on I8 August 1975, Cape Republic of Viet Naml failed to obtain a rccommenda- Verde was recommended unanimously; tion upon their initial consideration but were recom- mended upon reconsideration. (b) At the 1838th meeting, on 18 August 1975, Sao Tome and Principe was recommended unanimously; C. DlSCUSSlON OF THE QUESTION IN THE (c) At the 1838th meeting, on I8 August 1975, Mozam- SECURITY COUNCIL, 1975-1910 bique was recommended unanimously; The Council held a total of 44 meetings’ to consider (d) At the 1841sl meeting. 0~ 22 September 1975, applications for admission during this period of SF years. Papua New Guinea was recommended unanimously; With the exception of the Vietnamese application, the (e) Ar the 1848th meeting, on I7 October 1975. the discussions involved applications of newly independent Comoros was recommended by I4 votes lo none with one States. I. member not participating in the voting; v) At the 1858th meeting, on I December 1975, Suri- IGtheth and 1846th meetings, on I I August and 30 Scptcrnbcr 1975. both applications failed to obtain a IBXMMI endation for admission name was recommended unanimously; owing lo the negative vote of a permanent member. In 1977. the two (g) At the 1974th meeting. on 22 November 1976, applications lapsed as a result of the admission of the Saziali~ Republic Angola was recommended by 13 votes to none, with of Vict Nam. I abstention. and with I member not participating in the *At the 1932nd meeting. on 23 June 1976, Angola failed to obtain a recommendation for admission owing to the negative vote of a voting; permanent member. The application was reconsidered and a rccom- (h) At the IY52nd meeting, on I6 August 1976, the mendation war adopted al the 1974th meeting. 1 At the 197Znd mcetmg. on I5 Novcmkr 1976, the Socialist Rrpttb- Seychelles was recommended unanimously; lit of Viet Nam failed IO obtam a recommendation for admission owing (I) At the 1977th meeting. on I December 1976, Wcst- to the negative vote of a permanent member. The a plication wu ern Samoa was recommended unanimously; reconsidered and a recommendation was adopted at the I& Jth meeting. 418341h (6 August 1975), 1835th and 1836th (II August 1975). Q At the 202lsl meeting. on 7 July 1977, Djibouti was 1837th and 1838th (18 August 1975). 1839th and l84lst (22 September recommended unanimously; 1975). 1842nd (26 September 1975), I843rd and 1844th (29 September 1975). 1845th and 1846th (30 September 1975). 1847th and 1848th (k) At the 2025th meeting, on 20 July 1977, Viet Nam (17 October 1975). 1857th and 1858th (I December 1975). 1931~ was recommended by consensus; (22 June 1976), 1932nd (23 June 1976). 1951~1 and 1952nd (16 August (0 At the 2084th meeting. on 17 August 1978, Solomon 1976). 1955th (IO September 1976). 1970th (I2 November 1976), 1971~ and 1972nd (15 November 1976). 1973rd (19 November 19761. 1974th Islands was recommended unanimously; (22 November 1976), 1976th and 1977th (I December 1976). 20Mrh and (m) At the 2105th meeting, on 6 December 1978, Dom- 202lsr (7 July 1977). 2022nd (18 July 1977). 2023rd and 2024th (19 July inica was recommended unanimously; 1977). 2OZth(20 July 1977). LOBJrd(l6August 1978). 2O@th(17 A* 1978). 2104th (5 December 1978). 2105th (6 December 1978). 2164th 01) At the 2167th meefing, on I2 September 1979, Saint and 2167th (I2 September 1979). 2197th and 2198th (19 February 19901. Lucia was recommended unanimously; 2243rd (29 July 1980) and 2244th meetings (30 July 1980). I09 110 cbapur VII. hactke rabth to mommddou re@la# --Mb la the UmRd Ndom D. APPLICATIONS PENDING ON I JANUARY 197s Applicant Dote 0J application Document Republic of Koru I9 Jlnuuy 1949 OR, 4th yr., Suppl. for Feb. 1949 Democratic People’s 9 Febrw 1949 S/12.47, ibid., 4th yr.. 12. Republic ol Koru Viet-Nun 17 Deamber 1951’ S/W, ibid.. 7th yr., Suppl. for Jon.-Morrh 1952 Democmtic Republic (i) 22 November lP)8b S/2180. ibid., Suppl. for July-Sept. I932 of Viet-Nlm (ii) 29 December 1951. S/2466, ibid., Sup& /or Jan.-Maxh 1932 ‘The rppliation lapsed in 1977 with the rdmission of the So&list Republic of Viet Nlm. bCirculrted on I7 September 1952 u S/2780 (see Rrpwtoire OJ the Procticr of the Security Council, Supplement 19S2-1955, p. 91. ase I). E. APPLICATIONS SUJMITTRD BETWEEN 1 JANUARY 1975 AND 31 DECEMBER IW’ Applicant hte of application Dorummtb Republic of South I5 July 1975 S/I 1756, OR, 30th yr., Suppl. for Juty-Sept. 1973 Via-Nun Dernocrrtic Republic 16 July I975 S/11761. ibid. of Wet-Nun C8pe Verde 21 July I975 S/11800. ibid. Republic of Kora 30 July I975 S/I 17113, i&id. Moumbique 31 July 1975 S/I 1805, ibid. Sao Tome md I3 Augw 1975 S/llllM, ibid. Prindpc Paps New Guinea 16 September 1975 S/I 11123, ibid. Comoros 29 September I975 S/11848, ibid., Suppl. for Oct.-Lkc. 1975 Surinune 25 November I975 S/I 1884. ibid. All#Oh 22 April 1976 S/12064. ibid., Jlstyr.. Suppl. forApril-June
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