m WeiftkiT TODAY’S- H r u < m n w Uol|k(aal r>M». NEWS BI|l»atod>rB,M U. U ilU i t o 6 a y Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties '. NO. 132—6 CENTS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1941. of Au4)l DartKtt OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER l i ' > AZIS CAPTURE TOP CITIES* IN O in E ; RAF WITHDRAWS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -k\_ -k ~k -k ★'★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ± _ _ ★ ★ ‘ ★ ★ Rumors of Peace Flood U. S. Congress—With Isot^ionist Bockgrounck Sen. Pepper Demands SIIMSON WANIS Glider-Borne Nazis Slr4ke al Crete yoli ___ German Attempt U. S. Intervention in OF COUNK OFFICER To Land Troops Japan - (Jjhina Battle N E O i m fttl RAPS M E N C y ^By Sea Defeated ilA WASHINGTON, May 22 ice rumors with a sub­ WASHINGTON. May 22 (U.P> — Gov, Cha.sc A, Clark today rc prleved Lylo 0, Boss. Bliss youth atantialiy isolationist bad circulated in congress Secretary of War Henry L. Silmson LONDON, May 22 (UP)—jthe air ministry today charged the neutrality act Is under Twin Palls sentence for driv­ today but were received..at, .? it {)^ d e p a r t m e n t wilVi cold "a violation of our most sacred and ing while intoxicated—and simul­ reported tonight that British fighter squad­ reserve and skepticismr’ ;• Important tradition of foreign policy, taneously a county official asserted A spokesman said the departmenx had no information on freedom of the seas." that the governor Is hammering work rons were being withdraw|i from Crete in ot pcace officers by granting such _S>peace moves between Great Britain and Germany and be­ He said Its repeal should be very carefully considered In connccilon reprieves. view of the “pronounced disadvantage” under lieved the reports were speculative and conjectural rather wUh "delivery or the goods” to Grtai Boss had been under mandate to which they are operating. than baaed on fact. Britain, serve 30 days In county Jail aftor Sen. Tom Connally, D., Tex., Stimson made his statement nt a pleading guilty lo the driving of­ The ministry said that the decision to re­ press conferencc. 24 hours after Sec­ fense March 25. He had already who supports the administra­ Wants Action retary of Navy Frank Knox had pold 1100 fine and |3 casts, and tlie move royal air force fighters was made by tion's aid-for-Britain policy, urged repeal oC the neutrality act. Jail term was suspended Umporarlly was one of the several sena­ which he described as a "blunder." because his mother was 111 at the the British command in Crete. tors who discussed the matter ' AldforBrlUla time, An air ministry official pojnted out that The two statements recalled the who would permit himself to Doss. 22 years old. has been a rail­ recent campaign waged by cabinet road telegrapher at Bliss. HU family Crete i« poorly provided with airdromesjuidvr b e q u oted . members. Including Knox and 2tlm- IWcs at HoUlalet. -1 - bellere thei«-to - loiiir pc4c« Bon. for increased naval aid (or Tho reprieve came over objections is close to Greek and Italian islands and Ger- , t&lk going 00.” be u U . -1 llrat Britain. It might Indicate a iKs.-ilbte o f Prosecutor Everett M. Sweelcy. man bases on the Greek mainland. thought Rudolf Besa « i f OMlng a admlnUtrstlon move to seek repeal who had registered his prote.'it and blood purge when ha pm ch oted to of the neutrality legislaUon. policy with the Union Pacific o f­ Crete is too distant from other British bases' 6coU*nd but now I tblnk hj) on If the act were repealed, American ficial who suggested a> favorable t , p«ace inSuloa. As t u u m &ie shlfB would be able lo carry recommendation from the prosecu­ to allow R A F fighter support to be broiigbt . eonetaiied, If England, keeps her dlrcctly to Britain. The act tor. Indepeodence and her navy, tbftt U forbids American vessels lo do that, Informed that Governor Clark b - up. , : ■:M all we can ask. It Is thalf war. after or to carry munitions to any nation sudd the reprieve today, Sweeley ^ all, and u can t -diolat* Just bow at war. said: "The governor,'by acts such' By EDWARD >T. BBATTIB. Jr. \ th ey are olng to draw iQ the Unet aUmsoijluSd the (^ueatlon o( actual as this, is undermining the work . LONDON. Aja>\2ataeWigriaa CbuioMllv’» .repeal of the act Is foe Volhec. 1)f-. that peace officers are trying to do licers o f the govcm m wt lo 'decide.*' not only in Twin Falls county but told the house or conupons today that G «rn3niorce8 haxa-*^ Half a H w n other senators said Violation of Policy, . all over, the stale."- occupied CafidJa, larftcat town in Crete,, but imperial forces they suspectM'pence moves of some - .- always considered It a viola­ Bweeley several weeks ago. in op­ kind were Imminent, some suggest- tion of our most sacrtfd and <m- still'fiold Candia airdrome. - . - posing a reprieve ot the Jail term 'Churchill said tho Obrmnns had forced their way into Ing that Japan was putting pressure librtant trodlUon of fptcign policy—;. ordered for Boss, had flatly stated ^ on Berlin to that end. Senators more frecd6m,of the scas.'vhe.iald, ihal policy of this county will be to “certaitt buildinK-s" in Candia while imperial forces heW closcly related to admlnUtratlon "I always prophesied' It "would oppose clemency In any cases In­ the important airdrome. policies, h6wevcr, were Inclined to bring u.^ into trouble. The system Is ' INKA Telephoto) volving intoxication by auto drivers. abhorrenllto our principles of not Tho prime m inister r^ doubt that any pence move was Ta5sed by Germsji censors, this picture shows Kllder tralnlcii; (Iven Tl\6 incident for wliich B c « was underway at this time. They seemed yielding to our fears," T o Slay in if. S. vcalcd that the royal navy has German youth—a pilnt gets final Instrurtlnns from a soldier hefore arrested by slat« police Involved an reasonably certain that Uie admin "I ant not at all Inclined fb think taking off. For the first llmr^ In the history of warfare, gllcler-horn^ NccUleiit. Two other telegrn|)licis sunk at .least two German I wns ntijtakcn," Sen. Claude Pepper c f Florida soldiers were landed on tlie Uland of Crete as illller made hU latent nrrc-sted with him. transports and apparently has Aske«,lf repeal of the act would move In Ihe battle fnr riches nr the Mediterranean and Sues—with today asked that the United Rtat«« be c.-u,riitlBl to'gunranteo snfc de- driven off another German recognition of ft viclorloua Qcnnftny what appeared today to be great success. BOI3E. May 22 (U.PJ—Gov. Chase and Uie Imiualllon ot cti&BtM Nail Intervene In the Japan-Chln* llvcr>' of munitions to Britain, Stim­ A. Clark today KTont«d a rr])rieve convoy of 30 shipa. peace terms. "trouble.” son replied; to Lyle C. Boss, committed In Twin Sliortly before Churchlll'a slate-* The best summation of adminis­ "It will liave to be very carefully l-'itlU for driving while intoxlcutcd. ment the British middle east com* tration opinion apparently u Uiat con.^l[le^lH] when we think of de­ mand at Cairo bad reporlod th*t livery of the goods." Clark said he granted tiie re­ the bif Immediate Job for tlie de- prieve because It was Boss' first of-i Ocmians hud won a ••temporary motracles with ui much aMlatnncc Jense and "this mistake has cost ioothold" at Maleml, the aMroma a< the United States can give tliem Beaver Built{ Briti^, Germans him $1,000 or more, and I Uilnk he Just ouUlde Canca, capital of Greta lA to defeat Germany to prevent has paid enough. and Ita second largest dly. Nad domination of llie lilgh sfaa. Dam; Provide "I <Io not feel that I ahoultl de­ Temporary Foothold There U no place In that plnn for GERMANS CLAIM peac« talk. prive him of reluming to work niui It Uuis appeared Uial the NaaU nitiklng R living lor his lamlly," the iiavn at lea.st temporary foblholdii Demand' Acllre Aailitance Citj^’s Water Lock in Test of Kovernor declared. On itie contrary, men who ollcn hi ll»* reKlon.i of tho two most Im­ pioneer haBoritmut traits ahead of SAI.MON, Ida,, May 32 (U.R)—Klvc SUCCESS A IS [A portant clUfs of Crete. PrMlclent Rooeevelt continue to.dr- live bcnver. transplanted by the Ida­ "The poallion a l Hcroclean (Can- ho fish and game .deportmctit In llKHMN. May 22 <U.R)-OermQn la)," ChurclilU said, "is Uial our manrt more active aMlsUince for Uio dive, iwmbera and Italian torpedo dtmocnvclti and anBieukon nBatiut leao ou Jc&se creek, have aided In Sea vs. Air Power troopa sini are at the airdrome al« plaiic.'t hit eight British warshliw, tile axis. providing adequate water for this l»y JOK AI.KX MOitlltS II Uiough ttie Oennana are how In InoludinK one buttleshlp, Uie hiKh what Is called occupation of the Sen. Claude Pepper, D .p la .. community. li was dirclosed today. United i'rru Korelin News Kditor Virgil Harris, Salmon City wntrr- miiiiirind reporte<l to<lay In descrlb- town which probably means Uiey «uch a one, Hn told the RcnernI Fed­ hiK nn attack wlitnh Naels said wan eration of Women’s cJnba at Atlnn- master, snid the presence nf the Ci'cal. R rltn in am i (Jorm nny w iiro I(ick(!ti toiiiiy in u Ki'''nt are cnsrohcnl In certain bulldlngJ dr.ilKiird (o Isolate the Island At in ihe town, ’ llc City.
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