Pumpkins smashing again Going to the chapel Reuiew says the new Smashing Pumpkins Being maid of honor has its drawbacks - like Tuesday album is a return to good hard rock. getting a dress that fits. Hear one student's trial. Scene+ page 12 Viewpoint + page 11 APRIL 4, 2000 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO. 114 HTTP://OBSERVER.N D.EDU Saint Mary's joins Worker's Rights Consortium IPgP like Saint l'vlary's." came from a working group Betsy Station, coordinator for wouldn't have a voice." By NOREEN GILLESPIE Tlw dPcision comPs in the formed in early Novembnr to the group and assistant to the The quantity of Saint Mary's News Writer wake of Notre Dame's invt)stigate Saint Mary's options president. "We very much apparel produced also played a announcemAnt that the for joining the anti-sweatshop respect Notre Dame's leader­ role in the decision. Saint !\lary's Coll!)ge ollicially Univnrsity will not join the WRC movement. Beeause of Notre ship on this issue ... We feel "We don't have any licensing joi1wd tlw nationvvidP movn­ becausn of' a lack or information Dame's example in the anti­ that for a small Catholic agreements," Eldred said. nwnt for sw!'atshop monitoring about tlw organization. Notre sweatshop movement, the women's college like Saint "Many of the larger institutions Monday. announring that tlw Damn. a membnr of' the Fair Collnge felt sweatshop monitor­ Mary's, membership in the who are with the FLA had CoiiPgP \Viii Labor Association (FLA), ing was a relevant issue to WRC is the best decision." licensing agreements, giving iJPCOmP a requestPd information about investigate. Much of the decision to join [the FLAJ a more corporate full mPm­ mnmbnrship from thn WHC "Because of Notre Dame's the WH.C focused on the ability structure." Jwr in tlw including budget and mission leadership, S a i n t In addition to suggesting \V or k I) r · s statmnent information. The ofli­ because we are "This is an example of a Mary's membership in the WRC, the !lights cial stance from the University here and would have group also proposed a code of Consortium is that the WHC is not an option because of our case where one decision to make an conduct for Saint Mary's sub­ (WHC:). until this information is relationship fits Notre Dame best, and impact on contractors, the implementa­ The WHC. obtained. with Notre another decision fits the organi­ tion of a permanent task force developed The difference between the Dame, it was zation, to continue investigation and bv the Eldred WHC and the FLA is their important to Saint Mary's best." Maureen educational initiatives to widen u· n i t e d approach to a manufacturer's look at," Eldred Capillo, stu­ support and awareness on StudPnts Against Sweatshops in violation of organization stan­ said. "But it was Marilou Eldred dent repre­ campus. dards. The FLA advocates a not the only rea­ sentative on The administrative council consultation with workers and president human rights groups, aims to collaborative effort between son we started the working approved the WRC membership investigatP conditions in facto­ organizations and corporations to look at this. It group, said. March 29 but held approval on riPs producing apparel for col­ to correct violations. The WRC is part of Catholic social teach­ "The WRC is the best organi­ other initiatives until later in leges and uniwrsities. nncourages full public disclo­ ing, and it certainly supports zation for Saint Mary's to join the semester. "It Sl)PmPd to US, as WP sun~ of working conditions. the social justice mission." because it is in the organiza­ "We asked that the adminis­ leanwd mort' about tlw WBC. "This is an example of a case Members of the working tional stages," Capillo said. '!As trative council decide on the that tlw \VIlC fits tlw size of' the wherP one decision fits Notre group hope for continued coop­ a small liberal arts college, WRC by April 1, because the College," said College prnsidPnt Damn best. and another deci­ eration with Notre Dame in the Saint Mary's will be heard WRC had a nationwide push for Marilou Eldrml. "Because tlw sion fits Saint Mary's best," fight against sweatshops. because of the structure. The colleges to join by April 1 ," WllC has a grassroots strur­ Eldred said. "I hope that Notre Damn will FLA is a more top-down organi­ Station said. ture. this is important for a col- Thn decision to join the WRC n~spect our decision," said zation, where Saint Mary's see WRC/page 4 Reskin: discrimination has psychological origins Dalloway's group motivate one to discrimi­ By CHRISTINE MciNTYRE nate or favor that group. Reskin fate in News Writer believes there is a more accurate and comprehnnsiw) approach to Discrimination is not intnntion­ distTimination. question aL but ratlwr tlw rnsult of dis­ "Within microsPeonds of meet­ tortPd social psychologit~s that ing someone, we automatically lwcomP UIH'.onscious and auto­ categorize that pflrson, especial­ By KATIE McVOY matic. said Barbara HPskin. pro­ ly if' thny depart from our norm. News Wrirer fpssor ol' sol'iology at llarvard It is an 'us versus them' mentali­ Uniwrsity. whiiP spPaking to stu­ ty. favoring thoso most like us. Saint Mary's administrators dPnts and l'at~ulty about lwr tlw­ WP do not do it consciously, it is are currently determining what oriPs of' discritl1ination in tlw a functional mechanism," Heskin to do with the old Dalloway's workplacP on Monday. said. clubhouSI). "I ~m pltJymt~nt d isr.ri min a titJ n Basically, pnoplt) tend to cate­ Because of the Master Plan, basnd on SPX and rac.P JWrsists goriZP by two groups - the 'in' the old building will no longer be on high !Pvds. It is not surprising group or the 'out' group. uncon­ used as a clubhouse for College that tlwrP is substantial amount sciously based on tlwir similari­ and community groups. A new of' discrimination in tlw work­ ties to the pnrson. "The 'in' Dalloway's is being constructed plact\" said Hnskin. group members are more attrac­ to house these activities. The old According to Hnskin. a major tivn to thn person and lhrJshel is Dalloway's is now being consid­ probiPm in undnrstanding dis­ morn apt to trust tlwm than 'out' ered as part of a land grant to crimination is the pnrsisttmcn of membnrs," Hoskin said. the Congregation of the Holy tlw 'racist/snxist pig' theory. The confines of these catego­ Cross. but no definite plans have "It startnd in the 1 1)(,()s and rizes are very rigid. Once we cat­ been made. 1970s when people bnlinved dis­ egorize, it is extremely hard to "There has been some discus­ crimination existnd becausn pen­ forget the categories and who sion about some exchange or piP ar«) racist and sexist. This !its in which one. "Stereotypes purchase of the land," said Keith was nvidnnt in tlw Civil Hights are gennrally socially shared. Dennis, vice president for era wlwn discrimination blos­ They aro overlearned because finance and administration. somed into thn nation's con­ we are overtaught them, even if "Part of' the discussion is sciousnnss. Bacia! discrimination Wf1 disagree with them. Even if whether or not the clubhouse was r!Parly motivated by bad we don't want to stereotype, it is would go back to the congrega­ attitudes toward a group." dillicult to stop," she said. tion." Heskin said. Employment organizations can John Kovach. head of archives Now, however, "it is hard to help decrease discrimination in at Saint Mary's, wrote a proposal believe that this is all driven by tho workplace, especially dis­ for another plan for the use of biases. If' the 'raeistlst-)xist pig' crimin~~tion based on sex and Dalloway's. "The question that theory is wrong, the rnmndies race. In one study, blind audi­ MARY CALASH/The Observer no one has been able to answer arn wrong," she said. tions were held for available Barbara Reskin lectures yesterday on discrimination in the is why [Dalloway's] has to be The fault ol' this th!)ory !ins in positions in a symphony. The work place. Although some attribute descrimination to torn down," the proposal reads. tlw assumption that an individ­ "The answer is: It doesn't." racism or sexism, Reskin emphasized psychology as a main ual's f'twlings toward a cnrtain see RESKIN/page 4 factor in discrimination. see DALLOWAY'S/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Tuesday, April4, 2000 INSIDE COLUMN QUOTES OF THE WEEK "We'd like to "We had more people "You have to take "We went to the hos- Let's be a legitimate in the room [during! your hat ojfto them. pita[; we interviewed Talk organization in the the .first half hour They played well the victim. At the eyes of tfie school. than we expected defensively and shut victim's request About Sex It'd make things all day. " down our offensive, there's been no " Most people have no doubt seen those t-shirts a lot easier. but u.w never quit." further follow up. " that on the front say, "Sex Kills" and on the back Father Jim Lies read. "Then come to Notre Dame and Live Jeremy Bauer Zahm rector, on the bone David Graves Rex Rakow Forever." While mildly amusing, this message is OUTreach co-president marrow drive held in honor Irish sophomore, on the NIT director of Notre Dame incorrect.
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