CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 1 Filer lD (Ethics Commission Filers) 2 foi. .l pages filed: The C/OH lnstruction Guide explains how to complete this form. ) CANDIDATE/ MS/MRS/MB FIRST MI 3 OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICEHOLDER ( NAME i( run Date Received NICKNAME LAST SU FFIX l(,.r.L^,,-i. FILEDAr FOB RECSRD 4 CANDIDATE/ ADDRESS / PO BOX; APT / SUITE #; CITY; STATE ZIP CODE Stq*" OFFICEHOLDER (ecoi MAILING /52 33 L** Ar',* JUL 16 20ls ADDRESS t,^$, Co,prl C )f ?yVtO KARA SANDS f-l Cnange of Address CtERK, COUITY CQUril NLiECES C0UNTY, TilAS 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUI\,IBER EXTENSION BY OFFICEHOLDER Date Hand-delivered or Date Postmark€d PHONE (,jLt ) ?).b" s232 6 CAMPAIGN MS/MRS/MR FIBST Receipt # Amount $ TREASURER ( NAME ptieqlu Date Processed NICKNAME LAST SU FFIX Date lmaged K, u t.l,^,-(. 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT / SUITE #; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER lSrrr Fr"L 630 ADDRESS ')r. (Residence or Business) O.l"-., ?8 3lo 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBEB EXTENSION TREASURER g8Y PHONE ( !6( ) r&gr 9 REPORTTYPE January 15 I SOm day before election Runoff 1 sth day after campaign I E treasurer appointment (Olficeholder Only) [K ,.r,rvrs fl etn day belore election E Exceeded $500 limit l-l rinat Repon (Atrach C/OH - FR) 10 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED o al,/ ot,/ lolg THROUGH L / 3ct ,/ loii 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year I e,ir",y f-l nunott l-l o,n", Description l( /q/t,- Rl Generat f-l speciat 12 oFFtcE OFFICE HELD (if ay) 13 oFFlcE SoUGHT (if known) A/^*. G,^*1 TZ, /\,s"rlr,- Collc.to. 2018-099 GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx. us CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 14 C/OH NAIV1E 15 Filer lD (Ethics Commission Filers) f,o-i^ (;i.,.i-,n,,,/- 16 NOTICE FROTVI THIS BOX IS FON NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDIIUBES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO POLITICAL suppoRT THE cANDIDATE / orncExoLoen. THE,E ExpENDtfuREs MAy HAvE BEEN MADE wnHour rHE cANaDATE's oa orncenotoea's coMrvtTTEE(s) KNOWLEDGE OR CO'VSE'VT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLOERS ARE REOUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITUHES. COMMITTEE TYPE COMI\,4ITIEE NAIVE I oenennr- [trN coMMrrrEE dodFess| !seecrrrc COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASUREH NAME tr Additional Pages COMI,4ITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASUHER ADDRESS 17 CONTRIBUTION '1. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN TOTALS PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUABANTEES OF LOANS), UNLESS ITEMIZED $ -C 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OB GUARANTEES OF LOANS) $ -e- EXPENDITURE TOTALS J TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $1OO OR LESS $ UNLESS ITEMIZED *o 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ r|8rc oo CONTRIBUTION 6 BALANCE TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS I\,4A|NTA|NED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD $ t1 o OUTSTANDING t) TOTAL PRINCIPAL AIVOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ 6 18 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. SABMROBINSON MyNoury lD# 130811746 ) Expites Septembor 30, 2020 Signature of Candidate or Officeholder AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/ SEALABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said Kevn K6d,tn;d<-, this the lbL day of Juptl ,O-13-,to certily which, witness my hand and seal of office ab"rc ature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath "ntle of officer admin Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. eth ics. state.tx. us Revised 91812015 SUBTOTALS - C/OH FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME - 20 Filer lD (Ethics Commission Filers) {eu,^ K,r.sJn,il. 21 SCHEDULESUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1. SCHEDULEAl : tt/ONETARY POLITICALCONTRIBUTIONS $ SCHEDULEA2: NON-MONETARY (lN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ tr ScHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4 SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ oc 5. ^ ' .'1 5c). SCHEDULE Fl: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS * ffidEr. 6 SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ 7 SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROtvl POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS b 8 tr SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES TVIADE BY CREDIT CARD u 9. SCHEDULE G: POLI.|ICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FBOM PERSONAL FUNDS $ 10. L ] SCHEDULE H: PAYIvIENT IVADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ 1l SCHEDULE l: NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS s f/6d 00 GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS 12. SCHEDULE K: INTEREST, CREDITS, $ RETURNED TO FILER Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth ics.state.tx. us Revised 91812015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan RepaymenYReimbursment Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking F@s Off i@ OverheacYRental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Foocl/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel ln District Contributions,/Donations Nrade By GitvAwards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Ol District Candidate/Off i@holder/Politi€l Committee Legal Seruices Salaries/WageYConlract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) CreditCard Payment The lnstruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer lD (Ethics Commission Filers) I {r-,:^ L.n-1,.*'./^ 4 Date g Payee name Y( ztln fL't l,s Puslu- Cc*t..o.^ 6 Amount ($) f Payee address; 6ity; stafe; lipCode ('o.pr5 2so.oq C4r,.r , | 7" )g-tro 8 (a) Category (See Categories listod at th6 top of this schedule) (b) Description T. PURPOSE n Check if travel outside ofTexas. Complete Schedule OF /rt..,(u--. Check il Austin. TX. officeholoer living expense EXPENDITURE I Complete ONLY il direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH l4r1 ,l* 0-s l"- G.r^ L (o^*"!i,n,- Date Payee name Yl;zl N Ar^ Gr"^+r,^ (,,.n*-n^ Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code\) ( 'ln 7Sc..r,. u, yut C t,,.>s. tgl l4 Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE E Cneck il travel outside ol Texas. Complete Schedule T- OF C,.^i,".3. 0r..,*>^ l-l Cn".r, if Austin, Tx, officeholder llving expense EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Otfice held expenditure to benefit C/OH Aore lc,,e.ta.r I] ,"r,-lC l..L t * l,/)\ Date - Payee name 'rldl u k^ !n/, C,,*on Amount ($) Payee address; City; Statel llp Code (*-t 2So.c^-, ((nt, ),. )gVtt Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE ! Cnecx ll travel outside ofTexas. Complete Schedule T. OF C.*7..;-, fl Cn""x if Austin, Tx, expense EXPENDITURE C.^ l-01 officeholder tiving Complete ONLY il direct / Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH (' t) l*;'r )<^d? (o,,.-.lt, ( i." I ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. eth ics. state.tx. us Revised 9/812015 NON.POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL GONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE I The lnsruction Guide explains how to complete this rorm. 3 Filer lD (Ethics Commission Filers) 1 Total pages Schedule I 2 FILER NAME l(o u ,- /(:-, J^;, L 4 Date 5 Payee name ll nl ir, fUveu: G--,J, $ L.,e.r b"L 51-, I 6 Amount ($) 7 Payee addressi City; State; Zip Code 1to ps,' /loo.,ro [t.[. k*tn \r Ttlxc-t 8 (a)Category (See instructions for examples of acceptabl€ (b) Description (See instructions regarding type of information PURPOSE categories,) required. ) OF r1 EXPENDITURE lf ,*ltl- LLi.., (.eG_l Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address' City; State; Zip Code Category (See instructions lor examples of acceptable Description (See instructions regarding type of inlormation PURPOSE categories.) requ ired.) OF EXPENDITURE Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code PURPOSE Category (See instructlons for examples of acceptable Description (See instructions regarding type of information OF categories.) requi red.) EXPEND!TURE Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See instructions for examples of acceptable Description (See instruclions regarding type of information PURPOSE categories.) requ ired.) OF EXPENDITURE ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx. us Revised 9/812015.
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