THE POOR-POORE FAMILY GATHERING J..T NEWBURYPORT, MASS., Sept. ll;th, 1881. NEW YORK: S. \V. GREE:O.'S SON, PRINTER., ELECTROTYPER .AND BINDER, 74 AND j6 BEEK~L-\X STREET. TI-IE PooR-PooRE FA1vIIL"'i.,. "' ,, G-ATl:·pn.rNG OJ.!' Tliii1 m:.,A.N:·J.'- ]fay. Lo11vin(; lhoir homf.ls 1 thoy llr<>Sscd tho Then followed 11.n int<'t'llliti&ion of 1m lwliol,l wit.h 11,1•rrni 0,l11111•ril l\1•.· H!'fli? n[,: con. in smrJI vos:•ols, l.'.nd ~otUml in tho frown­ hom· to IH1 m:ed a11 the pro~rnmnrn 1..:tatc>rl tlwir dtHeonclai:t:; n( l.,,] 1_1·. ,\ '.; ( llll [_: f:loaorni 'l'rlm1nlRl ltmmion oft,ha J?omo- iog foronts, whoro tboy foundod a. onmmon• for ''ront•wing olJ kin nc<p1rtintn.nce~ ,rnd 1wn.·1•e ol •.ho riv:•r ia i-1 ,,11,.• H·<·ln,1,.,,1 r .Poor .D',·.,mly fit An<.lov-or••-f.-iPooohoa by wo,,!th, orgll.nhe,1 on tho priuciplo3 of nn.tioo• ~ :Mn.i, .Hon .Porlc,y l'ooro und oti101•s. m11kiug tll➔ W 01rna." 'l'hn inBtrnction~ IIIOllll(•lin llprin,:, ,lild a,3 II ·:. :,,,:; i:•• -.1·,1:,­ a.I juetico by thn volulitary ooml1ination of l Tlie 1'001:1 cnmc ori~:irrnlly from \Vilt Lt this n';pud wcro follnw~,l to tho ldl1•r. nlong it i~ conAt,rntly lwin:t \ o: /1:'.,.:,l liy tho inhnhitnnts. i shire ]~tif.!hti,.1; Jolin Poor th\l nnc,>stor 'l'lio mr.mhora of tho falllily from Ohin othrr f.lll't>nm~, rivul<it~, ',r,,,.)·.", 1i1·ti1·" "l~rotn tho rook wlioro t of John M roor of thi~ city wi~s the 01u· fathors In os.ilo and Illinois shook hnn!ls with their kinl\• :incl trihnrnrici', 1111ti! wl11•a it l' · 1"11"i, llr8t Jnnd\:<.t; ~ firr,t, of the irnmo to come to Anwric11, in mt>n from l\1;~~l:lachu>iti.tll an1l N,,w tlw 1Hw:1n i:. hoco!llPR n mi·rht'.', i•·r•:··i"r-. 'rhoir clo11ring- from rivor to river ho.a apto11<l; [ .1C!ii:i. Ji(, iocnte.l at Oldtown, NP-wbnry H11mp.~hiro, nn,1 tho lrnu, of enrl\'l'r/1:\• nhln fore,•; s11 ,1 ilh our ·11,,.,.,1 "' •: ·.,.,,,,: And mountain., o.ncl plain~ by thoir sons 11.ro I wlwrc he l,ui!t it h,l113o in l(J.12 'i'rw y11t1•· '!, ,,., com m11n<l11d tio11 hrokPn uow nn<l th,:11 hy ~onll.' l"1or c:rnw to thi11 nnnntry, <i,,,,!, I I bnilding- i~ sLiil 8t>rn,li11:.~ and ig to thi,i 1 'rill now on tho bo1toh of l':toific thoy stand." ,iolw on the family nanw, Hill",! the lrnll poor, nn,1 11:1 .. ,l11rrnt,•d. in-.··\!. :i •:,,· .. ,l, l day ocettpi 1•d by !;i,1 d,i~e 1.1n,l1rnts ,John 11111.H oinnc•r tiuw, 8Pvt•r11l int\•l'l'Hti11i! 11tn111ftPr.~ in :t ~,rn11g•• l·,n,\: 11 ,: , ith· Whilo John n,n<l Samud Poo1· rcnmim:rl in J,oor w:18 f~J\lowe-1i111H'.l8 by h.i: thrue lh·Yolutionnry rl'lict1 \\'er,_. ~liown, 111110111{ ~t,u1,1i11g, rh,•y w·r~1-vi>r"d, •,11.: i,r,\\'d_\•, I Newbury, J);111iol migrntorl to this pl,,rtsant ! ·brot1H1rs, ~:dlll!PL D.rn1d nn,l 1 ho mas, n of (fon,•r 111Pt r•·~1HHl·<ihilitit:ij town of Andover, I ror;rot t,l11it th••fll pictttrl' ii F;lloch Poor, lil,i'11 a!ld !\•q·,!stti1,~{., nnd nno ~ihtcr, A,ico. S.unuol Poor llCt· 80100 of tho <luM\londanta of p•iintml hy K,;sui11sko, w!iilo i11 c1t11ip 11t 11nrl toilay W(i co 11 nt tlll'ir ,1,,,;,•.•11,h:,:s lj tkc1 II Pill' A rtio· 10/rn river, N ewhm·J • Danio1 p 001, could uot to-day lrnvo told you V1t\ll'y .l!',irgc. A V,et1t:11iogy of thP t.ho1t,1:L1H]~, 111ov;n11 ,d .. nv wi,h ·... 11 1» Ui~ 1i1•Hc1,ritl1rntfl Wl'ni to 111dian Hill, uomothing nhont tho pr(rtuirwnt 111tlluhorn of P,H,rc• family, tril11• of ,Jr,1111, tPn f.{PllPra- c,•n><ini.; 11111rch t,,,1-ar,J• tl,p OP• ,,! •·t(,_ , wltieh wa,; 11u1·ch ~~ed of the I11tlil\llll at tho Amlovor trlbo, J\foru warliko th1mth(1ii· tion~, lGJ!,-1880, hy i\lfrPrl l'oor(i of ~:i- nitv. J\1i:l llll lho 1wnc•d11l i ,:,,, r, :11•(:t'~· 1 ,au ,,,ir !y ci..w, ,ai:I ;:; ~lill in thu fa,mily, ouuinij In Nowlmry, lhoir 11,ilitiiry uorvi•~;;~ in lem, 111111 b,wtl pnbliKht>d i11 honk form, th!' i11:·,;~1i pf the c;o11,lt·. "ld:·li !· :,,,, r.v,·r:t ~1j. B,·•n 1\•rli:y Poorn lH:ing tho pres. tho oarly ooloniiil 1fay8 :rnJ in tho' .llo\•oh1t,io11 and w1u1 on Hale~. it,~,, rnay 0\11' liv,~M, aeli1Hh ,111 I :1iil,1• lnt 01i'iH1r. Woro 1iliko couapicu(1U8 iiud honornhlo. l'ictnr(•s ot G1?0Pr1Jl Enoch l'oor 1t1Hl f.:nc•1i lh) n 01'cl•·•l (or lhP w,,\i .r•• ,,t tiJ,,,,,.,.i •/ .n:w1\•l l'uor !il 'tied in AndoYer. ]l'rom l'rr,minent among them w,1~ Gun. gn,1oh Poor o( tho house in N,:wh11ry hnilr hy ,fohn with who111 Wt• C'Plllt\ j 11 ,,,,q;:,,·:. ,\1111 !him is lk:<e:L,n:h!d Ge11,:1·al 1';110ch Poor, who rumovorl to Exolor, N. IL, Eo1110 ton Poor Wl'rP al1;10 to be ]1-11I !Lt tlw \knk. 1n,1y thi:1 hnlily u~w,!ln.tion ,,! p\i, , t.-), ~ I- fl(j( I 1.IW (i(·:,-,,,"ll<. l il ,t~ '.I!'<' st1'l' I l'\'!il('·1 ,_,nts uf y,mrn Lofo1·0 ilrn ltuvolution broko out, anti Ohio, lllirrni~, N,iw Yurli, l{hotlu 111 li11ppily bt•,n111, 1,,1 c11ntin1,,•d, 11: .. ,,.,,, ••I, tho S,wind '· Andoi·er, '.l'hon•.1.:, Poor tlh•d mrn11tr• who was \lolonol of N.H, Lnfantry. t llllt l lllH l V r:ri1\t°Jlll. W1'r1: r,·1·•·1·t•l'llh·\ I I1y lllJI ·1 I1e:1rt1 ·1 y :\111 I /!l'lll'l'<•\l·d,, :•II :,:11»,1,· llo commnndml this rogimont in t.!10 exp1:di. 1 rie:l. Ali,,,i mn ·r:\'11 iuln a f,1111ily hy cfo l.'~Illlc>R. 110 (lint 011r J11>1>r y•,•t rich t,·1:, · ,:,-,:! \,,. tiou n~1dm1t Can:1d:i, find w,,a mado Brit~• .tho n:1111,! Pi' l,ittl· . Tl1<• f•llnily can lw ,\ 8\lb~tnnthd •li111i:.·r \l'~R Sl><',·,,d, Ulitk•r trn11;;n,illi•1l 1111,,nili<.•·d ,l,111l1nr,,,11 ·l, ,1,,w u Oouornl in l'/'i't, oommirnc!illg u. brig,ulo iu _'.cr,Wt'd b1wk t,> N ,nns.n:ly li'rnncl.!, pre• tlH• direct.ion of ;r"llll M. Poor, in tho to futur(' i~<'IH'r11i\011s; :.lwnys, · ,:;1!rnlwrf (fates' l\rmy ia foo batMol:l which rceulto<l in ..... i,._,.,h.A.,~4_.,...:. ~,-4~·.w... ....... ~~~.i~.. ~--- ....,_~.... ...,,:,.., .........i .. i' .........~~ ............-·.,,,l,.J.UW4,..JWAQ\C6,l~l4~£i,,Q.l'1,l,QQ1';3.;i...O.v.lU\....oila.a~-..., ..... i..-,, -.....alL.ut:.~" ,,_... 'uui• .ui. The Poor-Poore Family Gathering. INTRODUCTORY. JN response to an invitation extended by Mr. flfred Poore of Salem, ~Iassachusetts, many persons hav- . ing our common name and lineage, and descendants of John, Samuel or Daniel Poor, or Poore, brothers, and the first settlers of such name in this country,­ desirous of having a family history, (for which abund­ ant material exists in public and private records and papers,) that a wide-spread kinship, springing from a com.mon ancestry,_ might learn the residence of its various members, the degree of their connection, their occupation and welfare, and in this , way be brought into more intimate relations of sympathy and good will, met at Young's Hotel, Boston, on the 6th day of November, 1880. At this meeting, at which twenty-two persons were present, all descendants of the said John, Samuel or Daniel, from whom it is believed that nearly all in this country bearing our name are descended, viz Ben : ~erley Poore, vVest Newbury, Mass.; Henry Varnum Poor, Brookline, ~lass.; Chas. F. Poor, 39 Claren- 4 THE P005:-POO.RE FAJfILY GA THE.RING. don street, Boston ; ~eo. H. Poor, Andover, 11ass.,. and I 86 \Vashington street, Boston ; Perry Poor~ Charlestown, 11ass.; James Ridgway Poor, 34 Chester Park, Boston; John M. Poor, Haverhill, 11ass.; Ed­ win Poor, Bradford, l\,Iass.; Alfred Poor, Goffstown, N. H.; Luke Poor, Haverhill, lvlass.; John 0. Poor, Boston; Albert Poor, North Andover, 1'1ass.; Joseph Poor, Peabo'dy, !viass.; William Poor, Andover, lvlass.; Nathanial C. Poor, 34 Chester Park, Boston ; Chas. D. Poor, 1\1alden, Mass.; George \V. Poore, lvfalden:- 1fass.; G. \V. Poor, L~\vrence, Mass.; Franklin N. Poor, Somerville, Mass.; Joseph H. Poor, Boston ; Leroy Poor, Boston ; Alfred Poore, Salem, 11ass. The object of the meeting having been presented~ an organization was effected by choosing 1\rlaj. BEN : PERLEY PooRE to act as Chairman and ALFRED PooRE of Salem as Secretary. · After a full conference and discussion it ,vas decided to appoint a committee of six, two descendants from each of the three ancestors, to take measures for the publication of a history of our common family and also to make the necessary provision for a social gathering or reunion of all its branches on the 14th of September, 1881, at Newburyport, adjoining the town of Newbury, ,vhere the first John Poore settled, the house where he resided being still standing.
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