TCU Daily Skiff Friday, April 26, 1991 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 88th Year, No. Ill School of Education trades students with Canada By CARRIE BREWER Canadians, said Greg Fellows, one of son said. The school is looking into and to gel new ideas for creative French." TCU Daily Skiff the Canadian students. Fellows, Karen sending students to Pueblo, Mexico, activities. Brock said she was surprised to see Brock and Mark Bridges are all work- next year for student teaching. The Canadian students went to South that students at Paschal still sat in rows The School of Education participated ing on a master's degree from Bishop's "We want the students to be able to Padre Island for their spring break and facing the blackboard. She said that stu- in a free trade agreement with Bishop's University. They chose this program so experience teaching in another country stopped by San Anlonio on the way, dents sat in clusters at other schools. University in Canada this semester. they could be certified to teach at all and to experience different cultures," Brock said. Walker said her experience teaching Two TCU students went to Lcnnox- levels, Fellows said. Simpson said. The TCU students visited the New in Canada taught her to adapt her ville, Quebec, to student teach for six The Canadian students began observa- Walker said she found her classes to England, Boston and Cape Cod areas teaching style to different backgrounds. weeks while three graduate students tion March 5 and taught March 12 be culturally diverse at the private during iheir spring break, Walker said. The Canadians all lived in Brachman from Bishop's came to Fort Worth to through March 29. boarding school where she laught eighth Walker said her knowledge of French Hall during their stay in Fort Worth, student teach for three weeks at Paschal The TCU students went to Canada and tenth grades. She laught a class of was useful in the nearby city of Sher- Simpson said. The Canadian students all High School. and taught for six weeks in public and 10 students from 10 different areas of brookc. Any lime they needed lo go said they loved their experience here. The students from both schools paid private schools. Lisa Walker, a senior the world including Japan, Jamaica, Ca- shopping or go out for entertainment. The School of Education hopes lo their own bills and were registered at secondary education major, and Jennifer nada and several other countries, she Walker said, they would travel lo Sher- the schools for student leaching, said Baker, a senior elementary education said. brooke, which is a predominately send no more than five and no fewer Douglas Simpson, dean of the school of major, both left March 1 and began "The students are basically the same French-speaking community. than two students next year lo both education. teaching March 4. Both students re- as students here but more liberal in "Lennoxville was just like an Pueblo, Mexico and Lennoxville, Student teaching at Paschal was the turned to Fort Worth this week. their ideas," Walker said. English-speaking pocket in the area," Quebec, Simpson said. Applicants must last and largest of five school place- This exchange was the first of its Baker said she wanted to go to Ca- Walker said. "Everywhere we went out- have 90 hours or more and go through ments in a 10-month program for the kind for the School of Education, Simp- nada to sec different ways of teaching side of the town we would have speak a selection process for the program. Petitioners want food server back By LISA YONCO Washbum would not comment TCU Daily Skiff on what policy was broken. Pettigrew was released follow- About 500 students have signed ing a complaint expressed to Mar- a petition asking Marriott Food riott on April 9 by Ernie Ross, Service to re-hire a cafeteria House president. worker who was fired last week af- Ross said he was in the serving ter the president of the House of line at the Worth Hills Cafeteria Student Representatives said she when Pettigrew made a comment "verbally abused" him in the to him he "did not enjoy." Worth Hills Cafeteria. Ross declined to comment on Andy Roth, a senior communi- the scenerio of events that led to cation graphics major, said he the comment or what the specific started the petition to get Jeanette comment was. Pettigrew back. "It was verbal abuse," he said. "Everybody loved her so "I'd rather not quote her because I much," he said. "She does such a don't talk like that." great job. One mistake shouldn't "She called him an asshole," be able to screw things up like said Sharce Graves, who worked this." with Jeanette in the cafeteria. "We Roth presented the petition to always joke around like that. She Mark Washbum, director of oper- (Jeanette) always played with the ations for Marriott on Thursday students like that." morning. Pettigrew said Ross asked her to "Jeanette was released for vio- stir the stir-fry. She said she stirred lation of company policies," it once, and he told her to do it Washburn said. "It is not Mar- again. Above: Troy Hargrove, right, signs a petition Andy Roth riott's policy to share with the "I said, 'quit being an asshole,'" began in an attempt to have Jeanette Pettigrew re-hired. public, information involving em- she said. (Photo by Lynn Davis.) ployee counsel or discipline." Pettigrew said Ross then told Left: Pettigrew was a food server in the Worth Hills Washburn would not comment Amy Troung, Pettigrcw's supervi- sor, what had happened. Cafeteria until April 15, when she was released by Marriott as to when Pettigrew was released. Washbum said Thursday he Pettigrew said Troung initially Food Service. (Photo by Trip Meade.) would give 'he petition and a letter suspended her for three days, but Mark Washburn, director of operations for Marriott, would written to Marriott by the presi- when she came to work the Mon- not comment on what action Marriott would take as a result dent of Phi Gamma Delta frater- day after the period was over, she of the petition. nity lo Vern Johnson, senior food was fired. "I know Jeanette was popular with some of the students," service director. "She terminated me." Pettigrew Washburn said. "However, that was not a determining factor "I know Jeanette was popular said. "No pink slip, no write up. I when it comes to the policy that was broken." with some of the students," Wash- came in Monday, and she asked "We just want her back," Roth said. "She really made the burn said. "However that was not a me lo sign this paper that said I place." determining factor when it comes to the policy that was broken." See Petition, page 2 Lack of interest Inside At home This is only a test Employee finds teamwork and friendship on the job dooms use of halls Television has taken away for his work has been positively the need for imagination or By MICHELLE KING the Rickel Building are his beats — ity, Mills said. brains, columnist says. Special to the Skiff washed, waxed and buffed with his conlagious. By AMY BULMER appreciation. TCU Daily Skiff "There is a natural desire for peo- Page 3 Delgado said his gratification ple lo want privacy from the opposite Like many students, Ricky docs Delgado said he is proud of what came mostly fom associating wilh Although many universities pro- sex; the structure of the dorms makes Winners nol like getting up early. he does. people, primarily "hearing" students vide co-habiiational residence halls it virtually impossible lo provide that Columnist urges students to For his mecling with the gang, he Delgado's gratification comes not who learned sign language. only from having achieved responsi- with no visitation or alcohol restric- privacy," he said. look beyond football and dons a sky-blue shirt and jeans. His Delgado's wife, Thoa, is also deaf. bility for his family, but also from tions for students 21 and older, the Another factor concerning co- baseball for quality teams. friends know they are a learn, sweat- She stays home "to care for our son," making friends at TCU. issue has not been addressed by stu- habitation is the increased chance of Page 9 ing and often straining their muscles he said. dents at TCU, said Jeannic rape and sexual assault, said Andy lo reach a goal. "He appreciates the opportunity lo Richard Delgado already has work with them (the crew)," said Proud is an understatement on De- Schroedcr, Residence Hall Associa- Williams, Moncricf hall director. Party on the Patio reached one of his personal goals. He Russell Gray, assistant director of fa- lgado's feelings for his family. He is tion president. "Of course it will still happen," ZZ Top returns with a bang. has learned to deal with his deafness, cility services. "Ricky has a real posi- especially thankful to Goodwill In- "This has never been brought up Williams said. "But if there are no re- Page 11 once an occupational handicap. tive altitude." dustries, Inc. for its career training by an RHA representative or a non- strictions, you would see more of it. represcmalive," Schioedcr said. "1 The 25-ycar-old is a iwo-ycar The rest of the crews that Delgado With visitation hours at least there is TCU employee, working in house- works with lake less for granted. program that prepared him for future think there is lack of interest judging someone watching out" from residency in Brachman Hall.
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