NoveltIES IN THE ORCHID FLORA OF VENEZUELA IX. SUBTRIBE ZYGOPETALINAE. KOELLENSTEINIA LILIJAE GUSTAVO A. ROMERO-GONZÁLEZ,2,3,4 CARLOS A. GÓMEZ-DAHUEMA,5† GERMÁN CARNEVALI,2,3 AND GUENTER GERLACH6 Abstract. We present additional information on and illustrations of Koellensteinia lilijae, a species previously known only from the holotype. A new historical report of Warreopsis colorata from northern Venezuela is presented in an appendix. Resumen. Se presenta información e ilustraciones adicionales de Koellenstenia lilijae, una especie que previamente sólo se conocía del holotipo. Se presenta en un apéndice un nuevo reporte histórico de Warreopsis colorata del norte de Venezuela. Keywords: Koellensteinia lilijae, Orchidaceae, Venezuela, Zygopetalinae Koellensteinia Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae) is a Neotropical English translation; additional information, from the present genus currently encompassing 14 species found from authors, is included in brackets. Belize, and Panama (but so far not found in between these Hierba terrestre, [de] unos 80 cm [de] alto. Rizoma two countries) to Brazil and Bolivia, mostly in Brazil abreviado. Pseudobulbos agregados, elipsoides, cuando (10 species) and Venezuela (6 species), one of which is jóvenes vestidos con varias vainas escariosas, dísticas, presented herein. imbricadas, agudas, que se desintegran con la edad, cuando viejos desnudos, unos 2.5 cm [de] largo y 7 mm [de] ancho, Koellensteinia Rchb.f. Bonplandia (Hannover) 2, 2: 17. continuándose en una porción delgada, talliforme, terete, 1854. longitudinalmente surcada, unos 30 cm [de] largo y 6 mm Type Species: Koellensteinia kellneriana Rchb.f. [de] espesor [en el ápice de la cual se encuentra la zona Eponymy: named after Kellner von Köllenstein, an de abscisión de la hoja], unifoliados. Hojas [articuladas, Austrian Captain of the 19th century. glaucas, adaxialmente verde-azuladas, abaxialmente verde Pollination: Unknown, but presumably by euglossine obscuras] lanceoladas, agudas o acuminadas, atenuadas en bees. la base en un pecíolo; limbos hasta aproximadamente 40 cm [de] largo y 6 cm [de] ancho, con 3 ó 5 nervios más Koellensteinia lilijae Foldats. Boletín de la Sociedad pronunciados; pecíolo acanalado, hasta aproximadamente Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 22: 100. 1961. TYPE: 7 cm [de] largo. Inflorescencia racimo subdensamente VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Departamento Atabapo, plurifloro, unos 55 cm [de] largo, erecto; pedúnculo Laja Cabezón, en las orillas del río Cabezón, cerca de su [púrpura] vestido con varias vainas aplicadas, las basales desembocadura en el río [Atacavi], [11 September 1960] E. aproximadas, las superiores distanciadas, unos 1.52 cm [de] Foldats 3899 (Holotype: VEN [48828]; Holotype fragment: largo [raquis verde]. Flores [resupinadas], erecto-patentes, AMES). Fig. 1–3. cuando aplanadas unos 27 mm [de] diámetro, amarillas “Río Cabezón” is not a tributary of the Atabapo river, con los segmentos del perianto, especialmente los pétalos as stated in the protologue, but, rather, of the Atacavi river y labelo con puntos o cortas rayitas purpúreas [labelo (their confluence at ca. 03˚07'33"N, 67˚17'18"W); the latter blanco crema en flores recién abiertas, tornándose amarillo is a tributary of the Atabapo, itself one of the Orinoco river. con el tiempo, el lóbulo central con líneas transversales Here we transcribe the description provided by the author anchas y cortas, púrpura, los lóbulos laterales con líneas in the protologue, verbatim (Foldats, 1961), as well as an longitudinales del mismo color, angostas; sépalos y pétalos We thank the staff and curators of BR, K, P, TFAV, VEN, and W for allowing access to their collections, Bobbi Angell for her illustration, to K. Gandhi for his help with nomenclatural matters, to the community of Tabucal, along the lower Atacavi river, for their help in the field and for their overall field expertise, and especially R. González, O. Florenzano, and F. Molina for their assistance in locating particular geographical sites in Amazonas state. The American Orchid Society provided copies of the G.C.K. Dunsterville's drawings under their care, and the Orchid Society of Arizona provided generous financial support (to GAR-G). 1 Previous articles in this series were Romero-González and Batista (2009), Romero-González et al. (2010a), Romero-González et al. (2010b), Romero-González and Meneguzzo (2012), Romero-González et al. (2013a), Romero-González et al. (2013b), Romero-González and Gómez (2014), and Romero-González et al. (2015). 2 Oakes Ames Orchid Herbarium, Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. 3 Herbarium CICY, Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán A. C. (CICY), Calle 43, No. 130, Col. Chuburná de Hidalgo, 97200 Mérida, Yucatán, México; [email protected] 4 Corresponding author: [email protected] 5 Calle Urdaneta No. 36, Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas, Venezuela 7101. Carlos A. Gómez-Dahuema (1943–2016), was my faithful field companion for many years (1989–2013). Carlos unfortunately died of a bout of malaria, this time caused by a Plasmodium falciparum Welch (Plasmodiidae). A drug treatment exists to treat this deadly parasite, but unfortunately it was not available in the hospital of his home town when he needed it (GAR-G). 6 Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg, Menzinger Str. 65, D-80638 München, Germany; [email protected] Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2018, pp. 123–129. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2018 ISSN: 1938-2944, DOI: 10.3100/hpib.v23iss1.2018.n13, Published online: 30 June 2018 124 Harvard PAPERS IN Botany VOL. 23, NO. 1 FIGURE 1. Koellensteinia lilijae Foldats. A, Front view of flower;B , side view of flower;C , floral bract;D , sepals and petals; E, side view of column and labellum, entire and longitudinally sectioned; F, above view of the labellum; G, front view of the labellum; H; different views of the column. I, views of the anther and the pollinarium. Drawing by B. Angell based on G. A. Romero, C. Gómez & G. Gerlach 3588 (AMES). 2018 ROMERO-GONZALEZ ET AL.—NoveltIES IX 125 verde claro en flores recién abiertas, tornándose amarillo lateral lobes, transversally elliptic, slightly retuse in the verdosos con el tiempo]. Ovario pedicelado [verde obscuro] apex to wide rounded, sometimes with a small apiculum unos 8 mm [de] largo. Brácteas aovadas o triangular- [central lobe subspatulate at anthesis, widely rounded aovadas, agudas, 4–8 mm [de] largo y 3–4.5 mm [de] ancho. at apex, apiculate]; disc between the lateral lobes with a Sépalos carnosos, elípticos o aovado-elliptico, agudos transversal callus, composed of two lateral teeth [keels] o apiculados, unos 14–15 mm [de] largo, uninervados; and a subspherical, retrorse central lobe. Column claviform, sépalo dorsal unos 7 mm [de] ancho; sépalos laterales ca. 6 mm long including the basal foot. [Anther yellowish- oblícuos, unos 8,5 mm [de] ancho. Pétalos semejantes a white, transverse and widely rhombic, the apex minutely los sépalos, ligeramente oblicuos, unos 14 mm [de] largo tuberculate. Pollinia yellow]. y 5.5 mm [de] ancho. Labelo carnoso, sésil, moviblemente Eponymy: Named after Lilija Kupfers de Foldats, wife articulado a la punta del pie de la columna, profúndamente of the author of the species, Ernesto Foldats Andins (1925– trilobulado, ligeramente cordado en la base, unos 8–9 mm 2003). She cultivated the sterile, field-collected plants that [de] largo y cuando aplanado 13–14 mm [de] ancho entre eventually flowered under her care. See also Hágsater and los lobos laterales; lobos laterales erectos, semi-aovados Santiago (2015). o subelípticos, anchamente redondeados en el ápice; lobo Iconography: Foldats (1961: Fig. 5; 1970: 253, Fig. intermedio mayor que los laterales, transversalmente elíptico, 662). en el ápice ligeramente retuso hasta anchamente redondeado, Distribution: Apparently endemic to granite outcrops in a veces con un apículo mínimo [en flores recién abiertas, the basin of the Atacavi river, but most likely to be found in lóbulo central subespatulado, anchamente redondeado en Colombia in similar habitats. el ápice, apiculado]; disco entre los lobos laterales con un Field characters: The glaucous leaves, bluish-green on callo transversal, compuesto de dos dientes laterales y un top, dark green below, and the retrorse central lobe on the lobo medio semi-esférico, retrorso. Columna claviforme, callus of the labellum. incluyendo el pie basal corto unos 6 mm [de] largo. [Antera Other references: Romero-González (2003); blanco-amarillenta, transversal y anchamente rómbica, el Meneguzzo et al. (2015); Ferreira (2015). ápice mínimamente tuberculado, pollínios amarillos]. Additional specimen examined: VENEZUELA. Terrestrial herbs, some 80 cm in height. Rhizome Amazonas: Municipio Autónomo Maroa, Cerro Mesaque, abbreviate. Pseudobulbs aggregate, ellipsoid, when hierba terrestre, frecuente pero sólo un individuo con flores, young covered with scarious, distichous, imbricate, acute hojas verde azuladas, glaucas, verde obscuras en el envés, sheaths, which disintegrate with time, naked when old, ca. pedúnculo morado, raquis verde, tépalos verde pálidos, 2.5 cm high and 7 mm wide, with a thin, tubular, terete, labelo blanco, con manchas moradas, 23 July 2006, G. A. stem-like, longitudinally grooved extension [at the apex Romero, C. Gómez & G. Gerlach 3588 (AMES [fragment], of which is the leaf abscission layer], unifoliate. Leaves TFAV, VEN). [articulate, glaucous, adaxially bluish-green, abaxially dark This species was never treated in Venezuelan
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