O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 541 February 23, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Leadership U.N. Envoy Presents Latest Proposals for FYROM Name Dispute 100 Approve Greece Urges FYROM to Move Forward, $2.9 Million Nimetz Expects Response within Two Weeks By Evan C. Lambrou Republic of Upper Macedonia, and Special to The National Herald that Mr. Nimetz said FYROM could in Grants keep its “constitutional” name for NEW YORK – United Nations Spe- use in domestic and bilateral rela- cial Envoy Matthew Nimetz made tions, while using a composite Announcement Made his long-awaited new proposals name in all its dealings with inter- this week to end a dispute between national organizations and on its at Annual Conference Greece and FYROM over the latter’s citizens’ passports. official name, a thorny issue which Acknowledging that his propos- in Palm Desert, CA has poisoned bilateral relations for al would not overcome all the ob- years and has added to Balkan re- jections of either side, Mr. Nimetz By Theodore Kalmoukos gion’s festering ethnic tensions. asked for a response from each gov- Special to the National Herald Dramatic developments in Ser- ernment within two weeks so that a bia have overshadowed the fester- final solution could be reached be- BOSTON – Leadership 100 ap- ing name dispute, but the U.N.-su- fore the upcoming NATO summit in proved a total of $2.9 million in pervised talks have acquired Romania this April, when the Al- grants for 2008 during its recent greater urgency following the eth- liance will decide whether or not to conference in Palm Desert, Califor- nic Albanian declaration of inde- admit FYROM. nia from February 14-17. More pendence in Kosovo and Greek “I do think that this is a really than 400 members participated in threats to block FYROM’s bid to opportune time to resolve the is- the conference from across the join NATO unless the dispute is re- sue,” he said. “It’s a compromise so- country. solved. lution which does not satisfy either According to Leadership 100’s “The sooner this can be resolved side 100 percent, but overall, I be- official news release, “New grants and the sooner Athens and Skopje lieve it’s a fair, decent, reconciliato- were made primarily to the Greek can work together on mutual issues ry solution that fulfills the expecta- Orthodox Archdiocese, including of security in the region, the better tions of both countries and can lead the Department of Youth and it is for everyone. It would be a to a settlement.” Young Adult Ministries tremendous success for the region Mr. Nimetz also met with Prime ($150,000), Office of Inter-Ortho- and for the two countries to resolve Minister Costas Karamanlis for a dox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Re- this issue,” Mr. Nimetz said after half hour at Maximos Mansion in lations ($250,000 over two years), talks in Athens with senior diplo- Athens this past Wednesday morn- Department of Outreach and Evan- mats from the two countries. ing, February 20. During the meet- gelism for Home Mission Parishes Athens maintains FYROM’s cur- ing, which was also attended by ($105,000), Saint Basil Academy AP/GREEK FOREIGN MINISTRY/ANTONIS DOUKAS rent use of the name Macedonia Greek Foreign Minister Dora for ‘The Archpastorate of Archbish- United Nations Envoy Matthew Nimetz, right, shakes hands with Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyanni could imply territorial claims on Bakoyanni, the Premier was briefed op Michael’ ($69,300), Center for in Athens this past Tuesday, February 19. The U.N. mediator tabled new proposals to end a thorny dispute the northern Greek province of on the U.N. mediator’s proposals, Family Care (conditional grant of over FYROM’s official name with neighbor Greece. The problem has poisoned bilateral relations for years Macedonia, something the govern- though no statements were made $175,000), the National Forum of and has added to the Balkan region’s woes. ment in Skopje (Skopia) denies. afterwards. Greek Orthodox Church Musicians FYROM is officially referred to ($80,000) and Hellenic at the United Nations and other in- Continued on page 9 College/Holy Cross Greek Ortho- ternational bodies as the Former dox School of Theology ‘Leadership Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. 100 Scholarship Fund’ ($285,000), But more than 100 countries – in- $100,000 for a Family Wellness Dora Meets with Condoleeza on FYROM cluding the United States – have Center in the Metropolis of San recognized it as Macedonia. The WITH THIS ISSUE Franciso, and more than $400,000 By Demetris Tsakas sent Greece’s position on its dispute state to join NATO. Ms. Bakoyanni landlocked state of 2.1 million peo- to departments of the Archdio- Special to The National Herald with future NATO candidate FY- reaffirmed Greece’s position on this ple, a quarter of whom are ethnic cese.” ROM over the latter’s name, as well issue to Secretary Rice and in- Albanians, split peacefully from Yu- Leadership 100 has $67.8 mil- WASHINGTON, D.C. – Greek For- as a series of other bilateral and in- formed her that the Greek Govern- goslavia in 1991. lions in its coffers and total assets eign Minister Dora Bakoyanni’s of- ternational issues. ment would make good on its Mr. Nimetz, a veteran American of $84 million. Chairman George ficial visit to the United States came The most important of these threat to block FYROM’s accession diplomat, refused to reveal any de- Behrakis decided not to seek anoth- to a close last Friday, as Greece’s meetings took place last Thursday, into NATO and the EU if a mutually tails about his proposals, which he er term as chairman. Stephen top diplomat resoundingly reaf- when the Greek Foreign Minister acceptable solution to the name described as “a fair and valid com- Yeonas, who was the Vice-Chair- firmed Greece’s intention to stick to met with U.S. Secretary of State dispute is not previously reached. promise and a dignified solution man succeeded him in the chair- its long stated positions regarding Condoleezza Rice, and other high- The results of this meeting are cur- which, in my view, meets the aspi- manship. the name dispute with its northern ranking U.S. officials. The meeting rently being analyzed by the Greek rations of both countries.” Mr. Behrakis brought up the is- neighbor FYROM. Ms. Bakoyanni was capped off by Ms. Bakoyanni’s Government to determine the posi- The Athens daily Kathimerini re- sue of supporting Hellenic Paideia was in Washington D.C. since last staunch refusal of Secretary Rice’s tion the United States will follow as ported that four of the five pro- and schools, which were not in- Wednesday for a series of meetings overtures that Greece accept a dual the window of opportunity to re- posed names are Democratic Re- cluded among the grants. He sug- with top State Department offi- name solution to end the FYROM solve the name dispute between public of Macedonia, Constitution- gested that all the proceeds from cials, Congressmen and other Gov- name dispute, which would clear al Republic of Macedonia, Indepen- the special drive on the 25th an- ernment officers, seeking to pre- the way for the fledgling Balkan Continued on page 3 dent Republic of Macedonia and niversary of Leadership 100 be giv- en to the schools but no vote was taken and there was no official statement. Archbishop Demetrios, who was also present at the confer- ence, remained speechless on the An Odyssey Papadopoulos pivotal issue of supporting Hellenic Paideia, Culture, and Heritage. Through Story Ousted in First Leadership 100 has never given any grants to Hellenic Paideia and the schools, but only once to the Edu- and Song Round Shock cation Department for the creation of a web page. The lion’s share went again to By Steve Frangos By Menelaos Hadjicostis Hellenic College and Holy Cross Special to the National Herald Associated Press Greek Orthodox School of Theolo- gy. According to the Organization’s The history and experiences of NICOSIA (AP) – Republic of announcement, “Continuing grants Greek Americans West of the Mis- Cyprus President Tassos Pa- for 2008 included $1 million for the sissippi River is getting ready to padopoulos was eliminated in the scholarship fund, $250,000 for a take to the airwaves. As you read first round of Cyprus’ presidential technology infrastructure at the this article, editing and production election, a surprise result signaling are underway for “Greeks Out the start of a renewed drive to end Continued on page 4 West; An Odyssey Through Story the island republic’s decades-old and Song” a multi-part radio series division. to premiere on KGNU Though he had been widely ex- (Boulder/Denver’s community ra- pected to advance to the second dio station) sometime in late 2008. round, Papadopoulos watched his The series will be offered to public slim lead in opinion polls erode in Albanians radio stations nationwide, starting recent weeks. “The people have out west—with the Rocky Moun- judged and decided. Their choice is Euphoric but tain Radio Coalition (www.rmcra- completely respected,” he said, as dio.org) as well as stations in Utah he conceded the election during a and other points west where speech to the Cypriot public. Serbs Defiant Greeks have settled and formed Papadopoulos refused to specu- communities over the last 100 late on the reasons for his shocking years. The series may also be avail- early exit.
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