Vol. VNo. 4 York College of tho City University of New York, Baysiae-Janaica, New York Thursday, November 19, 1970 Students Severly Criticize Teacher Preparation Program Student disappointment with The approximately 21 required York's Teacher Education pro- courses in Education, considered gram is many faceted. Com- a minor, almost qualified Educa- plaints concerning the required tion as a major (which consists courses, inaccessibility and dis- of 30 credits) and another 14 tance of education courses in credits of electives. A student in schools spread throughout the program suggested that the Queens, and the frustration over seven Curriculum and Methods the allotments of time actually courses be combined into three allowed for student teaching, are courses. Students should enter widespread among the students the Program in their freshman Dnx/iH N*»wron Dr Newton has an- ta the Teacher's Ed. program, year, one student said, so all UOVia Newron. ur. iNewTon nas an Teacher Ed. course require- requirements could be com- |ll|ll|| fMii | ,, J nounced his recommendation of fourteen instructors ments include seven courses in Pleted by the junior year, al- ^® ^"^ to be tenured. music, art, physical education, lowing time to teach all day or reading, math, the language arts spend half a day teaching and and science. One student called half a day taking classes. ^^^^^^^ the Curriculum and Methods "Administration is giving stu- ^^^^^^k jfcj courses a waste of time and dent teachers the run-around, ^^^^^^k W] energy, not delving into anything Communication between ad- ^^^^^^A • deeply or thoroughly. The ex- ministration and students Is ^^^^^^^» ~ perience of teaching in front of bad," said one student. "Ad- r\_ Wallace K Schoen- — a classroom is more necessary ministration, faculty, and stu- £ • Wa^" ^ £*" |A DarAmmanil TkrAA Alt I Set than the required courses, it was dents should get together in order oerg, /Associate uean 10 IIClUHIIIHJnil I niCC Ull LIM said- to make it a worthwhile pro- for Teacher Prepara- Class observation was criti- gram - now pandemonium tion Program has not Students Not Consulted in Move r^^^SS'oSi^ ^^^**££*Z me' tinn« wpr*» inn Qhnrt in rfnrnHnn miss6d registration for student f ' i . Dr. David Newton has an- ciology; Dr. Emanuel P.Manche, onf sSt ftonsht Sat sh,dent teaching and were not allowed student annoyance with nounced that 14 York College assistant professor of chemis- £ to student . teach> Only ^ sec. transportation p r O b- s /aculty and staff members will try; Dr. Anna. Raitiere, assistant j tead of ft small tlme ^- tions of each Curriculum and I ems be recommended for reappoint- professor of French; Dr. Peter j t d ^ liy d ,t Methods course were given, both merit with ten-ore at the November Ranis, assistant professor of po- 3* ttmeto Jmowtte children at the same time. Board of Higher Education meet- litical science; Mr. Edward T. ^ theT ca^i't^t accustomed Signs in the cafeteria an- Use of a mailing list was sug- ing fortheapprovaloftheB.HE. Rogowsky, instructor in counsel- toyo^ on^ student Sed to nouncing Teacher Ed. activities nested fs the best means of Recommended are: Dr. Ar- ing and student development; Dr. rry ' w «,H u h have been few Dut UD far ahead communication of information to thur Bieler, associate professor Jane C. Schneider, assistantpro- ™ for^s^montts strateMwas of time, and disappearing a few students in the Teacher Ed. pro- months stra ht of French; Dr A medeo F. D'- fessor of anthropology; Dr. Jj^^ * was & ^ ^ HJ^f ^ gram. Adamo, associate professor of Gladys A. Seda-Rodriguez, as- ou68o"^' biology; Mr. Eugene Duncan, col- sistant professor of Spanish; Dr. f l-.J^,,!, f - ^^.I«««^«B« • •* DMUJ«H«'« lege laboratory technician in the Daniel Stern, assistant professor JlUDKllfS 3 CO IE L.OIIIII1I1 III T OllaOlfl S of psycho'ogy; Mr. Peter Wen- «*•«»%•»•••«# «#%WI «9 VVIWIIIII III I MIIMVI «• •» Threats of Reprisals Follow "Conversations" Column An th e laSt X* r^ceivT telre^re S T ««*• * h >"» ^ °" ""** " T^ Article Called M it th . , * 'T • of Pandora's Box has created a of white supremacy and a put- fii iiwic waiicu library; Mr. Ernest P. Garth- ^mattemLtks' Mr fM Raf great stir among several black down of blacks. "wasteof waite, assistant professor art; ~ rof^sor In hbr'ar "^ndD students in the York Community. WdSlBUI iJr» rC6Siui3i o» *^^nff. 3tssist2int _ _ . , ' * TIIGSC studGnts tcr*m©d Convcr~ iflvnllin TflllCn Carolyn Lewis, lecturer in so- (Continued on page 15) Hank Sheinkopf, as racist.'They SBliSitiVB 3re3 te artcl e eaves a a e Students Surveyed Reject -.-—— dX _ _ _^ ^ » thought that it would onl tne black man a^g. •• • _ • ^1 B|k • — be touching a sensi14— —•* EXISlinQ VOTG KGOUirGltiGntS t^rw^iteieo^e reactedlout of "oTastTor po"intV %0 U guilt, as they are accustomed The core requirements at York quired subjects. These are the i>Ve almost completed 58 of my SOdiB C3ll6Cl it f3 JT College are presently being Core requirements: Core requirements." An editorial COncern- questioned by the student popula- English 9 credits Roy Meyer - Psychology - ing this article appears Other students felt that the tion. Many feel that the Core re- History 6 credits "English and Math we need, but __ r article was completely impartial quirements are too stringent and Philosophy 6 credits Physical Science is irrelevant on P»ge °« and unbiased. On the whole there too numerous. They think there Music/Art 4 credits for most of the students' majors. were two opposite points of view. might be a possibility of changing Social Science 6 credits You're forced to learn what you t0 reacting. Black people who Students vowed to "get" Uncle the Core, to make the curriculum Mathematics 4-8 credits don't want to learn." are used to racial epithets thought Bob and the autor claiming both more suitable to each student. Natural Science....12-14credits Gary Falzone - Lib. Arts - that it was another one, and did to be perpetrators of racism. This can only be possible if stu- Language 6 credits "They're forcing irrelevant not understand the meaning of the Physical violence against the dents become interested and take Physical Education. .2 credits things on us, at a time when they article. The attempts to coerce author was threatened, an active part in helping. 55-61 credits can least afford to be irrelevant." the paper into reacting out of fear Arthur Ruggiero is one of the In order to get an idea as to Neil Mlzrahi - Art - "By the must not work. Free press must Rpali+v ic caHdpninff first students to become totally how the students feel about the time you finish the requirements De free of pressure from any HCdlllj lo odUaClllllg involved in changing the core re- Core requirements at York Col- you don't have time to get into side, be it left, right, black or quirements. He is the repre- lege, mini-interviews were your major." white." "Uncle Bob may or may not sentative of the Social Science taken. Students were asked their Marc Cohen - Political be a real person," said one stu- Division to the College-Wide- names, majors and how they felt Science - "The Core concept Dnt*ie>m Ph-ir«oH dent, "but this is not important. Curriculum Committee. He feels about the Core. Here's some of is basically a good idea. How- tf aCISIfl UlldlgCU The reality is that a majority of that the students shouldn't be re- the answers- ever the Core requirements do the people in this country react quired to take certain courses Susan Horowitz-Sociology - "I not meet the needs of the The students further charged and believe the way Uncle Bob if they don't want to. "It can only think they're too stringent. Some individual student, since the core that the racism ln the article does- especially those of the lead to a lowering of the in- requirements must be cut out, but was designed for the entire was demonstrative of the alleged 'silent majority.' " tellectual atmosphere in a I'd keep at least one term of student population. The core racism that has existed in Pan- Most people realized the class." Arthur made this state- Physical Science." should be replaced by a cur- dora's Box in the past and is author's intent and recognized his ment based on his past expert- Mark Flayton-Ancient Greek- riculum that is tailored for each present now. point of view - condemnation of ences. Not everyone works and "If it wasn't for the core re- individual student." Various newspaper members, Uncle Bob and his ideas, and the the amount of knowledge to be quirements I wouldn't be leaving. Gary Nadler - Psychology - "I Including the author, spoke with institutions which gave birth to covered in a class is reduced. I think the core is bad. How can think the Core requirements the students, explaining that the his ideas and natures them even It's not fair to the students in- someone else decide what I stink. A College should offer a article was not intended to further today, terested in the course. should be made of." free choice of studies, without" racism, and was instead a com- People are still coming into Right now 59 of the 128 credits A. Ruggiero - "I think I'm having to bother to fulfill any re- ment on racism and those who Pandora's Box and are threaten- needed for a B.A. degree are re- majoring in the study of Yorkie. quirements." perpetuate it. ing the author or lauding him. Page 2 Pandora's Box Thursday, November 19, 1970 Students Psyched on Psych.
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