Dispute finalized School district to pay $2.6M to settle suit °page 5 6OL)8 .UMBERs$ECEMBER WWW0LEASANTON7EEKLYCOM Fire Shining destroys bright home Holiday lights Donations collected website celebrates as woman recovers 10 years °page 5 °section 2 AID FOR AXIS -OSTDRAMATICIMPACTTOMEDICALSERVICEISPEDIATRICSPAGE 10 The City of Pleasanton invites you to apply for a position on the following standing commissions and committees: UÊ ÛVÊÀÌÃÊ ÃÃÊ UÊ*>ÀÃÊEÊ,iVÀi>ÌÊ Ãà UÊÕÃ}Ê ÃÃÊ UÊ*>}Ê Ãà UÊÕ>Ê-iÀÛViÃÊ ÃÃÊ UÊ9ÕÌ Ê ÃÃÊ­9ÕÌ Ê>`Ê`ÕÌ® UÊLÀ>ÀÞÊ Ãà Economic Vitality Committee ,i«ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÛiÃÊ>ÀiÊLi}ÊÃÕ} ÌÊÊÌ iÊvÜ}ÊV>Ì>}ÀiÃ\ UÊ ÕÃiÃÃÊÌ>À}i UÊ ÌâiÊÌ>À}i UÊ iÀV>Ê,i>Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÊ iÛi«iÌ UÊ iÀV>Ê-iÀÛViÊÀ UÊ ÕÌÞÊ >Ãi`Ê"À}>â>Ì UÊ ÛÀiÌ>Ê`ÕÃÌÀÞ UÊ>V>Ê-iÀÛVià UÊvÀ>ÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀi UÊi`V>Ê-iÀÛVià UÊi`V>Ê/iV }Þ UÊ,iÃ`iÌ>Ê,i>Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÊ ÀiÀÊ Energy and Environment Committee (7 members including one youth) Alameda County Paratransit Advisory Committee The City of Pleasanton and the Pleasanton Unified School District Liaison Committee invite you to apply for a position on the Youth Master Plan Implementation Committee. UÊ-iÀÊ ÌâiÊ,i«ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÛi UÊ6>}iÊ} Ê-V Ê,i«ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÛiÊ­ÓÊ*ÃÌî UÊ>ÀÌÊ``iÊ-V UÊ>ÀÛiÃÌÊ*>ÀÊ``iÊ-V UÊ*i>Ã>ÌÊ``iÊ-V UÊ*>ÀiÌÊ>ÌÊ>À}iÊ­*Ài-V Ê-ÌÕ`iÌ® ««V>ÌÃÊvÀÊVÃÃÃÊ>`ÊVÌÌiiÃÊ>ÀiÊ>Û>>LiÊ >ÌÊÌ iÊ ÌÞÊ iÀ½ÃÊvwVi]Ê£ÓÎÊ>Ê-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê*i>Ã>ÌÊÀÊÊ Ì iÊ ÌÞ½ÃÊ7iLÃÌiÊ>ÌÊÜÜÜ°V°«i>Ã>Ì°V>°ÕðÊÊÀÊ>``Ì>Ê vÀ>Ì]ÊV>ÊÌ iÊvwViÊvÊÌ iÊ ÌÞÊ iÀÊ>ÌÊ­Óx®ÊΣxäÓÇ° 925.426.6666 APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008. POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. EVERYTHINGwhat YOU WANTED if WERE RIGHT HERE? Now you can expect more from your place for the future — for you and those retirement. The future you want, on you love most. your terms, is coming to the area you If you’re ready to expect more from love — including more choices, from retirement, then you’re ready to learn single-story villas to resort services and about Stoneridge Creek, California’s amenities. More flexibility, without the newest Continuing Life® community, burdens of home and yard maintenance. coming soon to the East Bay. Call us at More peace of mind, with a solid plan in 800-849-0023 today. INFORMATION CENTER s 5698 STONERIDGE DR. s PLEASANTON, CA 94588 s 800-849-0023 s STONERIDGECREEK.COM Continuing Life Communities Pleasanton LLC, dba Stoneridge Creek Pleasanton, has received authorization to accept deposits from the California Department of Social Services. Page 2ÊUÊ iViLiÀÊ£Ó]ÊÓäänÊUÊ*i>Ã>ÌÊ7iiÞ Weight Loss TIRE & AUTO and Wellness Center RyNck CENTERS Lose Weight Rapidly Gain Optimal Energy and Health Easily Adopt New Nutritional Habits Around LOSE 15 TO YEAR END CLEARANCE! 30 LBS. Pleasanton in 2 Weeks by Jeb Bing First Sale Ever of Tahara Formula! Rebel merchant group U ÕÞÊÓÊ bottles...receive 1 box weight-release boosting downtown tea FREE ($40 value) U ÕÞÊ{ÊLÌÌið°° receive monthly sauna appeal, sales membership FREE ALL TIRES ($200 value) he good news is continuing have brought renewed and unique in downtown Pleasanton now enthusiasm to the downtown and T that a group of 20 activist mer- shoppers are joining in. Whether chants has banded together to attract it’s one merchant needing a register more shoppers—and profits—to tape or another seeking help on an Detox Weight Loss Center their stores. They’re doing what the employee problem, the group of 20 You may qualify Pleasanton Downtown Association has become a strong support force through your insurance and its various committees have tried that now better know each other’s ON SALE to do for years, but more effectively business and talks it up with their because it’s the shop owners, them- own store’s customers. selves, who are meeting together Now the group has found another after they close their stores at night group of businesses who also want every two weeks to develop aggres- more downtown customers: the res- sive marketing plans that they then taurants. Fiercely individualists with (925) 249-9642 put into play the very next day. No their own recipes and clientele, most task forces, sub-committees, consul- restaurant owners, managers and 4725 First Street #270 MAINTENANCE tants or the like. Just do it. And waiters have never shopped in most Downtown Pleasanton DELUXE LUBE, OIL, Save it’s working. Main Street and the of the downtown shops that sur- Visit www.taharacenter.com FILTER CHANGE & TIRE ROTATION $20 increasing number of stores on the round them. Until this season, most UÊÊVÕ`iÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊxʵÕ>ÀÌÃÊ side streets have been doing a brisk of those shops, in fact, have been Typical xÜÎäÊ«ÀiÕÊ business this Christmas shopping closing about the time restaurants Medical UÊ iÜÊ"ÊÌiÀ $ 95 Offi ce’s Most vehicles ( ) Plus disposal fee season despite the downturn reported start serving. Not any more. The 20 FREE Rate $80 UÊ >ÃÃÃÊÕLi (if applicable) at the nation’s malls. While it’s too rebel merchants have brought 14 res- Body Composition Analysis! UÊÎÓ«Ì°Ê6ÃÕ>ÊëiVÌ Reg.$3995 early to tally receipts, almost every taurants into their fold with special UÊ{Ê/ÀiÊ,Ì>Ì 19Must present coupon. Expires 12/31/08 merchant says business is better than promotions, and more now, seeing expected and they credit that to the the program’s success, want to join. 30-60-90K new merchants’ group that is keep- It works like this. Make a purchase SAFETY SCHEDULED VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ing their stores open until 8 or 9 p.m. at a retail store and receive a 15 per- GRAHAM-HITCH UÊVÕ`iÃÊ/ÕiÊÕ«Ê Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, cent off discount card for any of the ÊÊ­iÜÊë>ÀÊ«Õ}Ã®Ê MORTUARY UÊ/À>ÃÃÃÊÃiÀÛViÊ OFF and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays, 14 participating restaurants. Order a $ Front and at least through Christmas. meal and get another card good for Dignified Care UÊ iÜÊ* 6ÊÛ>ÛiÊÊ Rear Axle Last Friday, my wife Jan and I 15 percent off of an item of your & Compassionate Service UÊ,>`>ÌÀÊ`À>ÊEÊwÊÊÜÌ Ê spent Friday night walking a fair- choice at any of the participating Since 1891 ÊÊÊÕ«ÊÌÊiÊ}>°ÊvÊ>ÌvÀiiâi°Ê UÊ"]ÊÕLi]ÊEÊwÊÌiÀÊUÊ,Ì>ÌiÊÌÀià 25Must present coupon. Expires 12/31/08 ly busy Main Street and especial- retailers. The deal has been the talk ly enjoyed the treats at Studio 7, of the town this week with Sedak Gourmet Works and Murphy’s Paw, saying that customers in the stores GIFT CERTIFICATES with cheese spreads, candy and, at and restaurants have been vowing to Murphy’s, even special treats for come back often. those with dogs. In fact, it’s Murphy’s Sedak and the rebel merchants Paw’s owner, Melanie Sedak, who are now planning an aggressive stopped by the PDA’s Downtown marketing program for 2009. One Vitality Committee meeting a week plan is to make downtown more ago to talk about what she called dog-friendly with watering bowls 25%OFF>ViÊÛ>Õi these merchant rebels who are work- along the street and an effort to Example: $100 value you pay $75 ing outside the more bureaucratic relax health codes to allow dogs to >ÊÌÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÜÌ Ê>ÞÊÌ iÀÊvviÀ°ÊfÓxÊVÀiiÌÃÊÞ°ÊvÌÊViÀÌvV>ÌiÃÊ>ÞÊ structure of the PDA. She said that join their owners at outside eater- Advance Planning LiÊÀi`iii`ÊvÀÊ«ÕÀV >ÃiÃÊvÊ>ÕÌÌÛiÊÀi«>ÀÃÊ>`Ê>Ìi>ViÊÞ°Ê while her group isn’t competing with ies downtown, as they do now in Made Easy vÌÊViÀÌvV>ÌiÃÊÀi`ii>LiÊ>vÌiÀʣɣÉäÊ the PDA—in fact all downtown mer- Carmel and Monterey. Sedak said chants must belong to the organiza- the merchants group will continue Call Deanna for a FREE FOUR FREE MONTEREY BAY tion—they’re developing their own working with the PDA on the major consultation. In-home AQUARIUM TICKETS promotion strategies and programs projects, such as beautifying the visits available. faster and more effectively. There’s south end of Main Street and devel- With any purchase over $200 power in numbers, she said, and oping a Division Street walkway to $100 Value. Supplies Limited. Exp 12/31/08 the 20 unified voices of the “rebels” the new Firehouse Arts Center. N 4167 First Street, Pleasanton 925-846-5624 About the Cover Crematory Privately Owned Mom Jamie Fagundes and 3-year-old son Jackjames comfort 5-month- & Operated old Graisie as nurse Karen Martinez administers an immunization at Axis FD#429 Community Health. The twice monthly clinics are funded with last year’s Pleasanton Weekly Holiday Fund donations and help to meet the increas- Service You Can Trust! ing pediatric care needs for the un- and under-insured in the Tri-Valley. Photo by Jeb Bing. Vol. IX, Number 46 Check out PLEASANTON 3420 Stanley Blvd. 925-462-4900 PLEASANTON* 4216 Rosewood Dr. 925-734-3444 LIVERMORE 1485 First St. 925-455-4330 The Pleasanton Weekly is published weekly by Embarcadero Publishing Co., 5506 DUBLIN 6028 Dougherty Rd. 925-833-9700 Sunol Blvd., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566; (925) 600-0840. USPS 020407. ÊÌ ÕÀÊÀÊÊÇ>ÊÌÊÈ«]Ê->ÌÊÊn>ÊÌÊx«ÊUÊV>ÌÃÊÜÌ Ê>ÊIÊ>ÀiÊ«iÊ-ÕÊÊn>ÊÌÊx« The Pleasanton Weekly is mailed free upon request to homes and apartments in Pleasanton. Voluntary subscriptions at $30 per year ($50 for two years) are welcome from Pleasanton residents. Subscription rate for businesses and for residents of other TIRE & AUTO communities is $40 per year.
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