FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 rKdC TWENTT.ldOHT Mtmrlii^atfr lEvrtifng ¥»raUi ATwaga Daily Nat Prsaa R o b Tha Waathar For the W e* Keae* forecaat ot D. S. Weather Be U , 1N4 VFW Auxiliary will sponsor Thar* will ba prfvata confaa^ | Sumy, brwey, eoM todey, a card party tonight at 8, at aions Sunday at 8 a.m. at S t ' Santa’s Workshop Ciiiirch Couples Square Dancers' About Town the post home. John's Polish National Catho­ ELASTIC 14,151 ttnned oold tonight, low tai ta lic Church. Genaral confasaion Santa’a Workahdp in Cen­ Plan Yule Dance To Haye Party ■bar *8 the Aadtt iBcreaetaig clonds, wOnuee tH XuicheatM- Ced»r«tte« will Polish Wotnen's Alliance, will ba at 8:15. ter Springe I»dga haa play­ row, high In SOe. ed boat to over 1,290 chil­ M of ObeoletlM mMt Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Group 246, will have a Chriet- The Oouplea Club o t Second Hi* Man<^ester « Q u a r • HOSIERY Maneh^ater^’A City o f ViUogo Charm OMitar CongjresaUonal Church maa party Sunday at 2 p.m. ^at dren and SOO adulta to date, Dance Chib will hav* a Chrlat- and will be open only today, Congregational Church Will have For Women and men ae- for a Christmas party. Mem- the Polish American Club, its annual Christmas party to­ mas Dance tomorrow at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday. cording^to your doctor’s ban are reminded to bring a Clinton St. Members are re­ Girl Scout Notes morrow at 7 p.m. in Fellowship at Waddell School. Earl John­ VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 68 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SE(7nON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1964 (CUMalfled Advertteing on Page 12), PRK3E SEVEN grab bag gift minded to bring a grab bag Today’a houra are from Hall of the church. The party ston will be the caller for the prescript gift. 3:30 to 0:30 and from 6 to 8 will begin with potiuck, and evening. This will be a cIomg p.m., and the weekend houra Amaiican Legion Auxiliary Troops 697 and 699 I there will also be a ' white ele­ dance for membrs only. MEDCO ^RGICAL are from 1 to 5 p.m. will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at a a m Night at the Elks CTub, Junior Girl Scout Troop 697 phant gift exchange. Hie committee for the even­ On Monday, all of the toya S U P m CO. the ]>gion Home. Unit pa.-?t Bissell St., has been discontin­ of eVrplanck School and Mrs. Committee members Include ing are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence in the Workshop will be de­ Events presidents will be hostesses. ued until Jan. 8. Joseph Daniewicz and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Dunn, door duty; Mr. and Mrs. M AN CH ^TER, CONN. Members are reminded to bring B. Coykendall Jr., troop lead­ livered to the Town Welfare Mr. Sind Mrs. Russell Elliott, 340 MAIN STREET Department for distribution G e o r g e EUiot, refreshment a grab bag gift British American Club’s an­ ers, have invited Junior Troop Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joyce, Mr. chairmen; and aMlsting with 699 o f Bunce School to a to local needy children. Plans nual children's party will be an(l Mrs. Norman Rylander and New Canal! refreshments will be Mr. and Christmas party. The party Rec department officiala In State Polish National Alliance. held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Mr. and Mrs. Edgar BarracUffe. Mrs. James Fanning and Mr. CHOW-oowN wanaN t ir u sr Group, 1988, will meet Sunday clubhouse. will be held Monday at Ver- hav^ promised that the hun­ Any couple who has not been planck School from 3 to 4:30 dreds'^ letters deposited in SHOPPING and Mra. Edward Farrell. at 2 p.m. at 77 North St. for the contacted but would like to at­ The club's New Year’s Eve Lutz Junior Museum will p.m. two Santa's matllMxes will tend may. call a' committee election of officers. be answered as Quickly as 5 Dance Is completely sold out. Fire Destroys Mrs. Dorothy Sullivan and clo.se to the public on THie-sday member for reservations. DAYS There will be no admittance m m . loin Mt No. 88 Manchester Italian American at 5 p.m. The museum will open Mrs. John Mayhew will accom­ possible. pany the members of Troop 699 without a ticket. ‘Frat’ House Society vi-ill meet Sunday at 2 Dec. 29 from 2 to 5 and will TILL CHRISTMAS Welcomed in Panama to the party. Scout members p.m. at the club on Bidridge stay open at the same hours on Chemical Bids Dec. 30 and 31. The museum are Judith -Sullivan, Wendy At Wesleyan S t for the election of officers. Keegan. Rita Anne Colpltts, skit include Linda Findley, chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, will be closed New Year's Day Asked by Town In Bogota, Colombian Public<fcroutes — Panama, Nicaragua^ Al.so In Washington, and reopen Jan. 2 and 3 from Lori Jones, Marsha Platt and Karen Baffumo, Gall Merritt, soda ash, alum, ferric chloride GIFT CAMERAS PANAMA (AP)—Presi-t former The Salvation Army will have Yvonne Mayhew. Lynn Merritt, Mavis Meldrum, and calcium hypochlorite. The MIDDLETOWN (AP) — dent Johnson’s announce­ Works Minister Tomas Castril- and possibly Co.sta Rica -- U.S. ambassador to Panama 2 to 5 p.m. PHOTO SETS Ion .said the most favorable Christmas visitations and gifts The program for the party Dorothy Daniewicz, Patricia The town is seeking bids for last Item 'Will be supplied in Some 31 fraternity broth­ would bring the need to evacu­ Jo.seph S. Farland said, “ this ie distributions Sunday at 2 p.m. ment of a planned sea-level route for a new sea level inter­ precl.sely what I had recom­ There will he a Chri.stmas includes a grab bag. games Cormier, Cheryl Taggart and supplying its filter and sewage both granular and tablet form. ENLARGEMENTS at Manchester Memorial Hos­ ers of Delta Tau Delta were canal to replace the Pana­ ocean canal wa-s through his ate the construction area. mended in 1962.” He said Presi­ party Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. carol siniging, and a short Carleen Baffumo. treatment plants with a variety The sealed bids will be opened pital. Mrs. John H. MacDonald will of chemicals for use until Dec. at 11 a.m. on Dec. 30. In the without their homes and ma Canal was welcomed country, according to the .stud­ In Wa.shington, an inter- dent Johnson's proposal is the at the K. of C. Hall for the Christmas skit written by Va­ ARTHUR DRUB Open 7 Days 11:30-9 nessa Hagenow. assist Troop 697 with the dec­ 31. 1965. hearing room of the Municipal their belongings today, the ies made so far by United States American conference consid­ answer to the Panamaniaa dance .tudcnts of the Gertrude 287 West Middle Turnpike here as the answer to Pan­ Surtset Rcbekah Lodge will Those participating in the orating and refreshments. The supplies include liquid Building. result of a spectacular fire and local technicians. ering admission of new mem­ problem C. Tyler School of D.nncc. Stu- ama’s longstanding com­ I.x)cation of the canal in bers to the Organization of Roble.s said “ President John­ meet Monday ot 8 p.m. at Odd dents are reminded to bring a Fellows Hall for the election Friday night on the Wes­ plaints against the canal Colombia would provide that American States clo.sed with an son has accepted the proposal to i grab bag gift. of officers and a Christmas pro­ leyan campus. treaty and in Colombia as i country with millions of dollars outburst of oratory praising negotiate an entirely new treaty "Everything's gone, Clothes, In annual revenue, as the President Johnson's announce­ which would replace the 1903 gram. Refre.shmcnts will be Second Congregational Church creating hope the new I served by Mrs. Clyde Beckwith books, typewriters, hi-fi sets," pre.sent canal now does for Pan­ ment. accord, with its amendments. will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. at said 21-year-old David Osgood of canal would b& built there. ' ama. Argentine Foreign Minister This will -integrally abrogate and her committee. Members the church. are reminded to bring a grab CilcsTO, one of nine students President Marco A. Robles I Castrillon .said the Colombiab Miguel Angel Zavala Ortiz said this accursed treaty. bag gift and remnants of yarn who were in the hou.oe when it received an official commu­ route would pass largely it was “ an event highly auspi­ "Abrogation of the 1908 trea­ M 1 .S .S Arlyne Garrity will pre­ and cloth for adopted sisters at cR-.ight fire They all got out nique from Washington and said through a region of uninhabited cious," and that the President's ty, explicit recogpiition of our sent a platform art show em- it was "an historic day” for jungle and nuclear blasting action represents “ a step of the home in Groton. unharmed. sovereignty over the Canal Zone titled "The Sound of Music" at Authorities were attempting to Panama that would "cre-te a would pose no major problem. great transcendence, a great and abolition of the perpetuity a meeting of the Manchester The Young People's Fellow- TRIM THE HOME CHRISTMAS set the financial los.s. Estimates favorable atmosphere for nego­ He said use of atomic power In step toward the peace of Ameri- Newcomer.s Club tonight at 7:45 MAKE THIS A tiations.” fthlp of The Salvation Army will ranged from J60.000 to $150,000.
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