stder action for pconomlc appeasement a warlike Polish ultimatum demanding and What’s in a political security.” that relations between the two coun- advertisement._ Name?—$75,000! He a HE BULWARK called for unified American tries be "normalised.” COLONIAL peace movement which would blot CLAIMS Tubells was named HELP out. minister of agri- STOMACH any “isolationists” and col-"" new “world culture in the cabinet, and For- DIGEST lectivists” and eco- FOOD would work tor eign Minister Stasys Lezoraitis, who Without Laxatives—ind Yeu’ll Eat nomic and social justice throughout offered to resign Monday, remained as Everything from Soup to Nuts 100-MILE DEFENSE the world. acting foreign minister. V1* **om*lh ahould digest two pounds of fond OF Stasys daily. VYheu jou eai NAZIS DIED heavy, greasy. coarse or rich Mr. Van Kirk said there is more Rastlkis became acting minister of foutU or when you ate.nervous, hurried nr r'nmm poorly—your sfuruarh pout* out too hope for America in a unified peace defense. much fluid. T«mr food doesn't digest and you have ga*. heart- movement than in burn, nausea, pain or sour Mechanized participation In Minister of Justice Stasys Silingas stomach. You feel ao«ir, Reich-Trained, Need for Raw Materials •it* and upset all over an arms rase “which can lead to Army Chaplain Mironas Is also had offered only to resign Monday. Doctors sav never take a laxative for frtomieh »alu. It 1s Units chaos.” It was learned that at that time the dangerous and foolish. It r»kps these Are Reinforcing No little black table!* called Bell-ana for Indigestion Justification, Says i Premier in Reaction to make premier telephoned his resignation to the excess stomach fluid* harmless, rel eve .Y distress In minute* and put you ha. k on your the President from Zurich. Switzer- feet. Relief Is Counter Drive. father to *q quirk |* 1* amazing and one JYr, Ryan. .. proves It. B. & 0. IS UPHELD Capitulation. land, where he has been on a vacation package Ask for Bell a ns for Jndige*Mnn. the Associated Press, for his health. Only an insignificant fraction of th^ By the Associated Press. SHANGHAI, March 25.—Chinese de- raw materials needed in the German IN PLEA TO R. F. C. KAUNA8, Lithuania, March 2S.— Demands By Coalition. clared today that strong German- ! ecenomy could be obtained from her Resignation of the Lithuanian cabinet A coalition proclamation had been trained former colonies, the Right Rev. John Cherry Blossoms reinforcements. including 4 amid widespread bitterness over circulated, a A. Ryan of Catholic University told the demanding neV govern- mechanized units, were bulwarking Permission Is Granted for Line AH'Next Week delegates te the Conference on World nation’s capitulation to Poland was menth on the ground that v present their defenses as a new counter-of- Economic to Use Two Million for Co-operation last, night. announced officially last night. officials were “humiliated by coercion” fensive stretched the battle along the Father Ryan made the statement Maintenance Pay Bolls. President Antanas Smetona accepted and could not suitably defend the HOTEL HOUSTON Tientsin-Pukow Railway for a hundred to support a contention that the resignation* of Germany, j Ey ihe Associated Press. Premier Juozas country's interest. Ninth and E Streets N.W. miles. as well as Italy, cannot use its need Tubelis and his ministers and Chief The Interstate Commerce Commis- The proclamation demanded three lor raw materials as a justification of Army Chaplain Mironas formed a new They claimed a signal success in sion approved an application by the things: Double their colonial demands. government. the counter-offensive in Shantung Baltimore Sc Ohio Railroad today for Mironas is a good friend of 1. Resignation of the present gov- i *3-50 $4 ‘‘So far as Germany and Italy are permission to use $2,233,000 of Recon- the Presi- Province, with occupation of dent. All new ernment. Ningvang, concerned.” he declared, 'their de- struction Finance ministers were members Corp. funds for 2. Twin Beds or 1 of the government Formation of a coalition govern- ! 100 miles north of where Japanese mands for colonial territory seem to maintenance rolls sec- party. pay during the ment. have been to cross the Grand oe based Under trying only upon the desire for na- i ond half of March and all of Fire Since Saturday. All Ri)i>m< With Bath April. 3. Adaptation of the Canal. tionai national democratic aggrandisement, pres- | The R. F. C. several months ago The government had R. Waldo Baron. been under fire system of government to Houston Harper. and the existing Pr*»«iden* Manager. a dense fog the advance tlge national glory. The Aeajist authorized a loan totaling $8,233,000 since last when Through Saturday, it yielded to needs of the country. guard made a surprise attack with Gen. rulers oi both these countries must1 to ihe Baltimore Sc Ohio, of which n A A ew _ _ be aware that no Li Tsung-jen personally commanding. appreciable quantity j $2,233,000 was to be used to meet of raw materials can be obtained from equipment trust maturities. The rail- Previous Attack Near Yenchow. j any available possession in Africa.” road, however, did not use the equip- Previously the Chinese had attacked tar (.astern Conflict. ment trust funds and recently asked to use the Japanese units at the outskirts of Turning to the Far Eastern con- ! permission $2,233,000 lor Yenchow. slightly south, and in the flirt. Father Ryan expressed the be- maintenance pay rolls. /ASHINGTON’S Largest The neighborhood of battered Tsining, lief that if the United States, Great commission also approved the Exclusive Mens Store Is Here's railroad's for where the fighting has surged back and "Toby" pet Spitz of the family of F. C. Barry. 4223 Britain and two or three other coun- application permission to Third street use forth for three months. N.W., also shown, whose wife and daughter jointly tries would yield a sufficient share of any unexpended balance of the Ready to Serve You for Spring! took out an Irish in $6,000,000 advanced for It was from Yenchow that the Japa- Sweepstakes ticket the dog’s name and to- their textile markets to Japan, that previously day won about $75.000. a maintenance pay rolls. nese 11 days ago launched their easily "Toby” will get new harness, an extra country's raw materials problem would and drive down the railway toward Su- portion of beef a bath. —Star Staff Photo. become considerably less acute. chow. junction point with the Lunghai The speaker declared that until to stall at (lie canal. works in the same Adolf Hitler's demand for the return Line, only office heard the kept, the American horse close to the - Chinese said another column outcome of the rare over of German pro-war colonies is some- flying the radio pace from the start., had him among LAWYERS’ BRIEFS a and the how met and it will consti- had crossed lake west of the Tient- relayed result to the office by the first three over the last half of satisfied, tute a threat to the of S COMMERCIAL PRINTING sin-Pukow and was strangling the telephone. the journey and then drove him to peace Europe. line. Japaiese supply Speechless at. first. Miss Barry, a the front in the last few yards after Urges U. S. Call Parley. £ ADVERTISING SERVICE Simultaneously. Chinese said, re- pretty blond, burst into tears and Royal Danlelt had faltered at the last Walter W Van Kirk, director of peated attacks were being made on sobbed: "I'm so glad I didn't sell it." jump. the National Peace Conference, who • Yihsien. east of the railway on a She was referring to the ticket which also last declared the BYRON S. ADAMS Battleship, a 40-to-l shot, made only spoke_ night, feeder line. she and her mother got last time has come "for the United States January two mistakes. The first was at the from Carleton Walsh, another Cham- to convoke a world conference to con- [smiTHST. Chinese Retreat in South. canal turn, and the second on the ber of Commerce employe, described On the southern end of the line final jump. His fast finish, gained by friends as Miss where Japanese have been advancing Barry's "boy from several on the friend." racing years flat, northward front Nanking toward Su- made up for the last, however. He Co-workers chow, Chinese admitted withdrawing revealed that Miss Barry took the lead for the first lime on the from and another vil- had gone to New' York to AUTO TROUBLE? Changpaling j yesterday second trip over Beechers Brook, but inquire about a lage behind the Japanese Army, after ! $4,100 offer which a lost it again at the canal turn and syldieate made for a half Service with a Giant's having destroyed tracks and bridges ] share in trailed from there until his great the ticket. Shensi Province cavalry under Gen I Doubtful about the "in- stretch finish. REACH—Call Carl! Wo Chu-kuo crossed the Yellow River tegrity" of the offer, however. Miss I i 9 Minutes 29 turned it Time, Seconds. after an artillery duel. Chinese re- 1 Barry down and came home. She In the ported, and recaptured Hoku in North- likewise disregarded a second tele- winning purse of approxi- western Shensi Province. gram renewing the offer last night. mately $35,000. Battleship covered the In the distance in 9 minutes 29 4-5 seconds. It was from this point, far front the restroom, where Nurse Mar- garet Mrs.
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