September, 2011 Volume 24 Number 4 ConfederateConfederate GazetteGazette Dues Are Now Due Major Robert M. White Local Camp dues are tied to member. Although the Divi- The 2011-12 dues are $10, Camp #1250 the fiscal year of the Sons of sion mailed the notices, all Divisions dues are $5, and Sons of Confederate Confederate Veterans. Now National dues are $30, for a Veterans is the time to make your total of $45. Temple, Texas dues payment. Please remit your dues to www.scvtemple.com Much of our dues money the Camp Adjutant: stays right at home to help Major Robert M. White Camp John Larson, Jr. the Camp pay for printing Camp Commander #1250 and postage of the monthly 9645 FM 438 c/o Mike Belcher newsletter, costs for dinner Troy, TX 76579 4424 Blue Ridge Drive speakers, etc. Belton, TX 76513 John C. Perry The Texas Division assisted Newsletter Editor P.O. Box 794 the Texas Camps again this payments should go directly The goal of the Camp is to get 100% of our members to Salado, TX 76571 year by sending out a dues to the Camp. notice to every Division renew. © 2011, Major Robert M. White Camp #1250 Best Camp in the Division? An Editorial in ‘92 I made a promise to I have never forgotten Will Inside this issue: by Steve Wooley my grandfather to find out Port Hall. all there was to know about As I made friends in the SCV Back in 1995 when I joined Jesse Sutton, 6th TX Infantry, Profile on: 2 the Major Robert M. White and traveled to Texas Divi- Company “F”. Camp #1250 I really did not sion Reunions I had come to Joseph L. Hogg know what to expect. I knew My sister had seen a bill- the conclusion that the camp there were like minded indi- board on IH-35 between I belonged to was one, if not Who Was Ima 2 Salado and Austin advertis- the best in Texas! As the viduals in the camp with the Hogg? same views as I had about ing the Sons of Confederate years have passed some the War Between the States. Veterans. She took down the things have changed but When my grandfather phone number for me and other things have remained Rose Chapter 19 3 National contacted the local the same. I remember our passed away in 1992 I made News a commitment to find out camp to let them know I was membership as low as 49 what his grandfather had interested in joining the SCV. members, but also as high Mr. Will Port Hall wrote me a as 65 members. We had done in the war. I heard him Camp Calendar of 3 nice letter inviting me to the great attendance at meet- as a kid talk about wanting to Events know more as he was but a camp so that I could attend a ings and a lot of participa- young man when he passed meeting. I was so impressed tion from camp members. If with that personal touch that away. So on that fateful day (Continued on page 3) Page 2 Confederate Gazette CCONFEDERATEONFEDERATE PPROFILEROFILE Father of a Governor his Texan was perhaps 1843 to 1845. He Austin Hogg parent’s deaths. the only Confederate was a strong supporter of Sam Hogg was elected to attend the General not only to nev- Houston. 1860 state convention to con- er see combat, but also T Hogg was a supporter of an- sider secession, and he cast to never even don a Confeder- nexation to the United States his vote in favor of Texas leav- ate uniform. and was a delegate at the Con- ing the Union. He ran for a Joseph Lewis Hogg was born vention of 1845. After Texas seat in the Confederate Con- on September 13, 1806, in Mor- was annexed Hogg served as a gress but lost. gan County, Georgia. At age state senator in the first state He volunteered his services to twelve his parents moved to legislative session in 1846, but the Confederate war effort and Tuscaloosa County Alabama, soon resigned his position to was elected captain of the Lone Joseph Lewis Hogg where his parents ran a very fight in the Mexican War. Star Defenders, which eventu- successful plantation. At adult- He ran for the position of colo- ally became Company C of the hood Hogg continued in his nel of the Second Regiment, Third Texas Cavalry. One of parents footsteps as a suc- Texas Mounted Volunteers, but Hogg's sons, Thomas E. Hogg, cessful planter. He also stud- was defeated. Instead, he also served in the same com- ied law and served as a colonel served in the regiment as a pany, as a private. Sergeant in the militia. “a fine specimen private and participated in the Samuel B. Barron described of the best type of At the age of thirty-three Hogg, capture of Monterrey. After the Joseph Hogg as “a fine speci- his wife, Lucanda McMath Hogg, war Hogg returned to East men of the best type of South- Southern and two daughters moved to Texas and worked in the rail- ern manhood-tall, slender, Texas. They settled outside of road business. straight as an Indian, and ex- manhood” Nacogdoches and Hogg opened According to the 1860 United ceedingly dignified in his man- a law office in town. He had States census, Hogg owned ner.” dabbled in politics prior to twenty-six slaves, $9,000 in Hogg, almost immediately re- leaving Alabama and the politi- real estate, and $22,000 in signed the command of the cal bug must have bit him again personal property, a consider- company in order to accept a in Texas. Hogg was elected to able estate at the time, some of the Republic of Texas’ House of which he inherited upon his (Continued on page 4) Representatives serving from Ima Hogg Ima Hogg was the granddaugh- a myth. Ima was named for the philanthropist, supporting ter of Joseph Lewis Hogg. Many heroine of a War Between the many different causes, includ- in Texas history had wondered States poem that was written ing many historical endeavors. by her uncle, Thomas Elisha. about her unique name and a She restored the Hogg family Ima was affectionately known Texas legend has developed home at Varner Plantation near as “Miss Ima” for most of her that Ima had a twin sister West Columbia. In 1958, she named, Ura. Ima was one of long life. presented it to the state of four children of General Hogg’s After oil was discovered on Texas as the Varner-Hogg son, James, who was a Texas family property, she became governor. She had only three quite wealthy. She became a (Continued on page 4) brothers, so twin sister Ura is Page 3 Volume 24 Number 4 Best Camp in the Texas Division? (Continued from page 1) We are back down to about 47 again! So as you read this opin- there was something to be members from the last roster ion if you honor your ancestor done we had 15 to 20 volun- that I saw. We generally have with membership in the SCV teers to do projects! But along only about 25% of the camp the way that I do, lets at least the way something has hap- membership coming to a meet- make an attempt! pened. When I became Brigade ing! To you, Sons of Confederate Vet- Commander I realized that our erans, we will commit the vindica- Gentlemen we have a rare tion of the cause for which we camp was no longer an elite opportunity with the 150th anni- fought. To your strength will be camp. In my given the defense of the Confeder- versary of The ate soldier's good name, the opinion we are War Between guardianship of his history, the not even the emulation of his virtues, the per- Wooley The States petuation of those principles best camp in upon us right which he loved and which you love challenges Camp the brigade! also, and those ideals which made now. I would him glorious and which you also th Some of the old like to see the cherish. during 150 time members camp gain General Stephen Dill Lee Com- anniversary of have passed members back mander UCV away others and become Comments are not those of the the war have lost inter- active again. I camp just mine. est for whatev- think we need er reason and to ask our- have dropped Former Camp Commander George selves why we Rose News out of the Ballentine shows the 2005 Out- joined the standing Camp in the Texas Divi- By Linda Wooley camp. Some sion award given to Camp #1250. S.C.V. I know have become that not all of Chapter 19 has grown to 20 angry at things that were said our members can come to members strong and looks or done by past officers every camp meeting, I under- forward to continued support (including myself) and dropped stand that. I know that not all to our sponsoring camp, Major out of the camp and the SCV of our members can get out Robert M. White, Camp 1250. altogether. What I guess I am there and do physical labor like trying to say gentlemen is we we could when we were young- Our main objective has been to are at a crossroads as the er. But we can attend some assist Camp 1250 whenever and wherever we can help with way I see it with this camp.
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