Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 9/19 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. Mai Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Katar verspricht Millionenhilfe nach neuerlichem Schlagabtausch zwischen Israel und den Islamisten im Gazastreifen ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Holocaustgedenktag, Gedenken an die gefallenen Soldat_innen und Terroropfer und Unabhängigkeitstag ....... 3 3. Gefährliche Spannungen zwischen USA und Iran ....................................................................................................... 6 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Katar verspricht Millionenhilfe nach Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu und kündigte neuerlichem Schlagabtausch zwischen an, dass „der Feldzug noch nicht vorbei ist“. Fast im Israel und den Islamisten im Gazastreifen Wortlaut resümierte auch Sami Abu Suhri, Sprecher Die Regierung in Doha will mit 480 Millionen US- der Hamas. Der Konflikt sei erst beendet, wenn die Dollar helfen, die Wirtschaftskrise in der Westbank Palästinenser „ihr Recht bekommen“. Seit gut einem und im Gazastreifen zu lindern. Die Zuschüsse und Jahr ebbt die Gewalt alle paar Wochen auf, es Kredite sollen in Gesundheit und Bildung in den kommt zu Raketenangriffen gegen Israel und Luft- palästinensischen Gebieten sowie die Infrastruktur angriffen auf Gaza, bis beide Seiten rasch wieder im Gazastreifen fließen. Bei einer erneuten Eskala- einlenken und die Waffen ruhen lassen. Der letzte tion zwischen Israel und palästinensischen Extre- Schlagabtausch war härter als die vorherigen. Die misten im Gazastreifen sind vier Israelis und, nach Gewaltbereitschaft auf beiden Seiten nimmt erkenn- Berichten der palästinensischen Nachrichtenagentur bar zu. Zum ersten Mal seit dem Krieg 2014 kam es Maan, 27 Palästinenser getötet worden. Der ägypti- wieder zu vielen Toten und zu der gezielten Hinrich- sche Geheimdienst und UN-Vertreter vermittelten tung eines Hamas-Funktionärs. Kritik an dem Waf- zwischen Israel und Hamas, die sich gegenseitig fenstillstand äußerte Bezalel Smotrich, Abgeordne- boykottieren. Die Ägypter erreichten den Waffenstill- ter der Partei Vereinte Rechte, potentieller Koaliti- stand unmittelbar vor Beginn des islamischen Fas- onspartner Netanyahus. Aus taktischen Gründen, so tenmonats Ramadan sowie den Gedenkfeierlichkei- twitterte Smotrich, hätte die Schlacht in Gaza „mit ten für die gefallenen Soldat_innen und Terroropfer, 700 toten Terroristen“ enden müssen – „einen für den Unabhängigkeitstag in Israel und den Eurovisi- jede Rakete“. Ex-Generalstabschef Benny Gantz, on Songcontest, der in diesem Jahr in Tel Aviv statt- Chef der größten Oppositionspartei Blau-Weiß, fand. Innerhalb von nur zwei Tagen griff Israels sprach von einer „weiteren Kapitulation“ vor der Luftwaffe 350 Ziele im Gazastreifen an, aus dem Hamas. umgekehrt knapp 700 Raketen und Mörsergranaten auf Israel abgeschossen wurden. Etwa ein Drittel Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the test of the Gaza davon konnte vom Raketenabwehrsystem „Eisen- factions kuppel“ abgefangen werden. „Wir haben die Hamas (…) Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar knows Israelis all und den Islamischen Dschihad mit großer Macht too well. (…) The timing of this round could not be geschlagen“, kommentierte Israels amtierender better for him, with Israel about to mark its memorial 1 day for fallen soldiers, celebrate its 71st Independ- Another ceasefire ence Day and host the prestigious Eurovision Song (…) Although officials denied that the timing of the Contest, which if cancelled, will reflect badly on the Eurovision had anything to do with the efforts to country and impact Israel's economy and tourism. quickly end this round of hostilities, it was clearly on He can ramp up the pressure on Israel, knowing it people’s minds. (…) Similarly, that the end of the cannot escape its commitments, both domestic and hostilities coincided with the start of Ramadan is international. (…) In Cairo, talks continue between also no coincidence. It is doubtful that either Hamas Egyptian mediators and Hamas and Islamic Jihad or Islamic Jihad wanted Gaza to be under war con- leaders. (…) Sinwar's list of demands has been ditions during the month when Muslims fast during known in Israel since it was made, before the out- the day but have festive meals and gatherings every break of this violent exchange. It includes an in- night. (…) Despite Gazans’ public joy at every Israeli crease of aid money - to be delivered in cash, engi- fatality and at perceived PR victories, the ordinary neering projects to be sanctioned, and a substantial residents of the Strip are not eager to suffer another extension to the Gaza fishing zone to name a few. devastating war. (…) There is a feeling that a cease- Israel so far has not been willing to comply, but fire is just that: a temporary halt in the hostilities. concessions will have to be made when the inevita- Both sides know this. There can be no chance of ble ceasefire is negotiated. Israel would be wise, peace without a real change to the status quo in- when presenting its own demands, to insist that volving diplomatic measures. (…) Netanyahu seems Hamas rein in the Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad. set on a course of permanently separating the Pal- Whether Sinwar can or will is another matter. estinian Authority-controlled areas in the West Bank Elior Levy. YED, 05.05.19 from Hamas-controlled Gaza and linking Gaza’s fate in some way to Egypt. Possibly, Netanyahu is wait- Things have to change ing for US President Donald Trump’s long- The citizens of Israel are paying a bitter price for the anticipated “deal of the century” for a more compre- last 18 years of an absence of a policy on the Gaza hensive approach. Since the Palestinians have Strip and the “containment” approach to the events already rejected the deal, sight unseen, it has very of the past year. (…) Hamas is raising its head. It is little chance of success. Sadly, another round of expanding its rocket fire to communities far from the hostilities likely lurks just over the horizon. If Hamas border and lobbing insane barrages at the Israel- cared for its own people, they could prevent it. Gaza frontier. (…) If the decision-makers had meted Editorial, JPO, 06.05.19 out an unequivocal response a year ago, or a year and a half ago, when the border incidents began, Netanyahu and the right are weak in the face of this wouldn’t be our reality now. (…) an entire region Hamas of the country has become the victim of a terrorist (…) Netanyahu and the right are weak. The Israeli organization that is extorting our entire nation. This prime minister is the weak right. (…) No one in Gaza equation has to change. This is a region that played is afraid of him, and rightly so. When fighting terror- a historic role in the founding of the state. A part of ism, everything is psychological (…) emotion and the country whose pioneer elderly were the ones perception determine the end result, not facts. The that laid down the country’s borders. This past year, word terror literally means great fear, and this is the they have seen their grandchildren and great- secret of its power - not the ability to overcome the grandchildren exhausted by terrorism. This reality enemy, but the ability to sow great fear. As such, in has gone on for 18 years straight and increased confronting Hamas, psychology is much more im- over the past year. (…) We have been patient, we portant than the disparity between army strength. trusted the decision-makers’ considerations and Thus the organization of several thousand fighters allow them to explore various ways of restoring quiet without armor, without an air force, without intelli- throughout the area. A 10th escalation is too much. gence capabilities and with rockets built from irriga- It’s time to act bravely and daringly to bring about a tion pipes, has managed to madden one of the change. The prime minister received a mandate for strongest countries in the world for more than 10 another four years in office from us, the citizens of years. (…) The prime minister of Israel asked, Israel. I am calling on him to honor that mandate pleaded Hamas to keep accepting the tribute that he and live up to his obligation to us. pays the terror group every month. (…) tens of mil- Gadi Yarkoni, IHY, 05.05.19 lions of dollars in cash, delivered every month in suitcases from the rich uncle in Qatar to keep the 2 Hamas regime alive. Netanyahu needed quiet in The real danger of not winning in Gaza Gaza to win the elections last month, form a right- (…) If one surveys Israel’s enemies in terms of fire- wing government that will protect him from his cor- power and ability to do harm to the Jewish State, ruption indictments, and pass the weeks until the Hamas has to rank near the bottom. (…) Hamas is Eurovision Song Contest and Ramadan are over. reported to have a stockpile of between 5,000 and (…) Hamas had a clear interest in Netanyahu being 20,000 mostly short-range rockets. But Hezbollah elected, and so kept quiet until that happened. But reportedly has around 14,000 Zelzal-2 rockets, now that he has been elected, the terror group is no which have a range of up to 200 kilometers, and longer willing to play his game. (…) Netanyahu is between 100,000 and 150,000 non-precision rock- trying to undermine the Palestinian Authority, which ets. (…) Iran has been busy upgrading these mis- both strengthens and emboldens Hamas. (…) Net- siles with far greater precision. (…) Of course, fire- anyahu does not take initiative to really improve the power and numbers of weapons are not the only situation there. Instead, he leaves it the Qatari un- thing that matters in warfare. If it were, Hamas cle, while he focuses on weakening the PA as much would not last a day for the unrelenting punishment as he can and dragging his feet on every initiative Israel could achieve against it. What is missing in aimed at bringing about real economic change in the Israel (…), is the lack of commitment to victory and Strip.
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