A.R. Ball K1882 Abbey of Santa Maria Assunta K502A K502B K502C Abbey, John Roland K2174 Abdy, 2nd Bart, William Neville, Sir K1410 Abdy, Robert K1050 Abelsz K1997 Accorsi, Accursio K1192 K1222 A'Court, 1st Baron Heytesbury, William K388 A'Court, Margaret Anna Harmon Baroness Heytesbury K388 Acquavella Galleries, Inc. K1905 Acton, Arthur K1734 Acton, Ferdinand Richard Edward 7th Bart Sir K1625 Acton, John Emerich Edward 1st Baron Acton, John Emerich Edward 1st Baron K1625 Acton, John Francis Edward 6th Bart Sir K1625 Adam K1729 Adamberger, Heinrich K1531 Adami Senatore KX-3 Aducci, Alessandro K1635 Agnew & Sons, Ltd., Thomas K45 K258 K370 K370 K418 K1078 K1081 K1086 K1394 K1642 K1895 K2047 K2001 K2110 K2115 K2159 Agnew & Sons, Ltd., Thomas K1790 K2053 K2054 K1853 K1626 K255 K1798 K274 K1723 K1050 K1894 K2120 K1685 K1686 Agnew and Ansdell, C.M. K45 Agnew, Morland K1400 Aichholz, Eugen Miller von K481 Albergotti, Marchesi K1657 Alberti Collection K539 Alcázar of Seville K2111 Aldobrandini Family K1925 Aldrovandi K342A K242B Allendale, Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st baron K509 Allendale, Wentworth Canning Blackett Beaumont, 1st viscount and 2nd baron K509 Allendale, Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont, 2nd viscount and 3rd baron K509 Almas, M.A. K1131 Aloisi-Vivoli-Caccialupi Family K1367 K1368 Alte Pinakothek K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K1239 Altoviti Family K1239 Alvares de Castro, Fernando Dom K2126 Alvarez Collection K343 Amadeo Amadeo K361 Amaro K431 K1053 Amelot du Qaillou, Marquis de Mauregard, Jacques K1642 American Art Association K27 K100 K101 K102 K110 K148 K156 K204 K277 K1091 K1091 K1161 K1289 K1292 K1329 K1330 K1362 K1575 K1071 A, B, C K2139 K141 American Art Association K142 K1946 K1401 K239 K144 K1116 K393 American Art Galleries K1332 K1416 Amherst, Jeffrey John Archer 5th Earl of Amherst K1538 Amodeo Collection K324 Anderdon, John Proctor K1992 K1692 Anderson Worsley Anderson-Pelham, Charles 2nd Earl Yarborough K2143 Anderson-Pelham Yarborough, Charles 3rd Earl K2143 Anderson-Pelham, Charles 1st Earl Yarborough Sir K2143 Anderson-Pelham, Charles Hon. Mrs. K2143 Angelis, Luigi de K1647B K1647C Angelis, Luigi de K1647D Anhalt, Dukes of K1845 Anonymous Art Dealer K1997 K1097 Anonymous church K1646 K1972 K2114 Anonymous Collection, Berlin, Germany K1878 Anonymous Collection, British K1589 K1229B Anonymous Collection, Florence K198 K441AB K441CD Anonymous Collection, Germany K1952 Anonymous Collection, Italy K1821 K1639 K1640 K1227 Anonymous Collection, London K1556 Anonymous Collection, London K1949 K1951 K2148 Anonymous Collection, New York K1637 Anonymous Collection, Paris K577 K2160 Anonymous Collection, Seville, Spain K1866 Anonymous Collection, Siena K577 K1179 K1176 K1237 Anonymous Collection, Valencia, Spain K1994 K1995 Anonymous Collector K1220 K1279 Anonymous museum K1867 K1867 Antaldi, Antonio Marques K1623 Anthonis and Stephanus de Groot K1997 Anthony K513 K1112 Antinori, Bastiano K1992 Antinori, Niccolò K1992 Antiquaria K1714 Arache, Count d' K2066 Aram, Siegfried F., Dr. K2036 K1533 Arcade Gallery K2141 K2182 K2059 Arciconfraternità della Pietà de Camposanto Teutonico K1359 K1359 Arensberg, Alexander Esq. K1946 Arnaud, Eduard K1279 Arnhem, Hartogh Mrs. K2184 Aroldi Erizzo, Pietro Marquese K1097 Ars Antiqua K1706 K1704 K1703 K1705 K1639 K1640 Art Market, Brighton, England K1660 Art market, London K1555 Art market, Paris K1421 K1422 Art market K1864 Artaud de Montor, Alexis-François, Chevalier K170 K289 Arthur, Thomas Glen K2068 Ascoli K2033 Ash, Jarvis Holland Rev. K1430 Ashburnham, 3rd Earl of Ashburnham, George K517 K1388 Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham, Bertram K517 K1400 K1388 Ashburnham, 5th Earl of Ashburnham, Bertram K517 K1388 K1990 Ashburnham, Catharine Lady K1990 Ashburnham, Mary Catherine Charlotte, Lady K517 K1388 Ashburton Francis Baring, 3rd Baron K1400 Ashburton Lord K491 Ashe, 2nd Baron Heytesbury, William Henry K388 Ashe, 3rd Baron Heytesbury, William Frederick K388 Ashley, Edwina Cynthia Annette Hon. k1933 Asscher and Welker K1848 K1854 Asscher, Martin K303 K1116 Aubert, Journin Vicomte K239 August Wilhelm, Prince K1420 Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover, Ernest K6A-K6B Auspitz, Stefan K1090 K1867 K1867 Austen, John Francis Mrs. K1057 Austen, John Francis K1057 K2155 K2067 Austria, Leopold Wilhelm, Archduke of K227 Avogli-Trotti, Renato Count K22 K1201 K1324 K1231 K2103 Avray Tipping, Henry K293 Aynard, Edouard K316 K1342 Aynard, Edouard K1238 Azzolini, Decio, Cardinal K1439 K1694 Azzolini, Pompeo, Marchese K1439 K1694 B. W. Currier Collection K502A K502B K502C Bache, Jules S. K1135 Bachstitz Gallery K495 K1090 K1241 K1807 Backus, Leroy Manson K1998 Bagnesi, Adele, Marchesa K1644 Bagot, William Sir K2106 Baillie-Hamilton, Robert Hon. Mrs. K2108 Balboni, Carlo K393 Baldi, Ugo K1657 Ball, Hermann K1886 K1881 Barbaro, Almorò K1090 Barbaro, Marc Antonio K1090 Barbato, Anna K249 Barberini Collection K206 K212 K215 K226 K1060 Barberini, Antonio, Cardinal K1129 K1333 Barberini, Carlo, Cardinal K214 Barberini, Maffeo, Prince K203 K1129 K1333 Barberini, Taddeo, Don K203 Barbieri Family Barbieri Family K1653 Barbini K2066 Bardini Tozzi, Emma K2072 Bardini, Stefano K106 K178 K209 K241 K370 K477 K1362 K1416 K2072 K1069 Bargagli, Marchese K1902 K1901 Baring, 1st Bt., Francis, Sir K1555 Baring, 2nd Bt., Thomas, Sir K60 Barker, Alexander K418 K472 K1425 K1729 Barozzi, Dino, Count K1679 Barr, H. K1990 Barrett K1631 Barrio, Rafael Don K2103 Barry, Francis, Hon. K2068 Bartolomeo della Nave K1846 Basan K1340 Baslini, Giuseppe K1097 Bassett, George K61 Bassi, Elissa K1090 Bavaria Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of K1336 Bavaria, Wilhelm V, Duke of K1938 Beattie, William K1134 Beauchamp, Sheila Ginevra Hilda Mary (Baker-Halo) Mrs. K2173 K2174 Beauchamp, Thomas K2173 K2174 Beauchamp-Proctor, Reginald William 5th Bart. Sir K2173 K2174 Beauchamp-Proctor, Thomas 2nd Bart. Sir K2173 K2174 Beauchamp-Proctor, Thomas William Brograve 4th Bart. Sir K2173 K2174 Beauchamp-Proctor, William 1st Bart. Sir K2173 K2174 Beauchamp-Proctor, William 3rd Bart. Sir K2173 K2174 Beauclerk Dundas Dickson-Poynder Islington, Anne Baroness K1988 Beauharnois, Eugene Prince, Viceroy of Italy K1623 Beaumont, 1st baron Allendale, Wentworth Blackett K513 Beaumont, 1st viscount and 2nd baron Allendale, Wentworth Canning Blackett K513 Beaumont, 2nd viscount and 3rd baron Allendale, Wentworth Henry Canning K513 Beaumont, Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Thomas Wentworth K509 Beckford, William K2047 K2068 Bedixson, Harold K1212 Bedö, Rudolf K1171 Beistegui, Carlos, Don K1684 Beit, 1st Bart., Otto, Sir K1561 K1753 K2138 K1729 Beit, Alfred K1561 K1729 Bellanti, Antonio Piccolomini, Cav. K1078 Bellesi, Guiseppe K100 K101 K263 K305 K364 K496 K531 Bellesi, Guiseppe K1045 K1295 K1212 K1753 K293 K1046 K61 K1047 K1787 K1104 K1124 K519 K1176 K1724 K1152A K1152B Belvedere Palace, Gemäldegalerie, Imperial Collection, K1970 Bembo, Bernardo K1840A/B K1840A/B Bembo, Pietro K1840A/B K1840A/B Benacosi family K476 Benavides Collection K2072 Beni, Ugo, Count K416 K416 Benson, Robert Henry and Evelyn Holford K283 K406 K412 K418 K1078 K1079 K1081 K1087 K1323 K1660 K1889 K1659 K1064 K2189 Bentinck-Thyssen, Gabrielle, Baroness K1900 Berenson, Bernard K278 Bergeret de Grancourt, Pierre-Jacques K1335 Bergeret de Grancourt, Pierre-Jacques-Onésyme K1335 Berman, Max B. K1687 Bern, Louis Philippe Bern, Louis Philippe K275 Bernard K1726 Bernasconi, C. K21 K25 Bernet, Otto K1332 Bernhard III Saxe-Meiningen Grand Duke K411 Berri de Duchesse K2043 Bertioli, Antonio K303 Beruete y Moret, Aureliano de K1682 Betts K2173 Beuningen, Daniel George van K1090 Beurnonville, Etienne Martin de, Baron K1421 K1422 K1855 K1890 Bezborodko, Aleksandr Andreyevich, Prince K228A K228B Bianchi, Marius Mme K2004 Bianco, N K199 Biblioteca Ambrosiana K2159 Bickard See, Edmond and Madeline K2053 K2054 Bier, Herbert N., Mr. K1532 Biffi, Giambattista K1097 Birch, Charles K39 Birmingham Public Library K177 K176 Birnbaum-ten Cate, David K2183 K2185 Blair, C. Ledyard K1679 Blakeslee Galleries K1329 K1330 Blayds, Thomas K233 K2123 Bligh, 6th earl of Darnley, John Stuart K1527 K1662 Bligh, 7th earl of Darnley, Edward Henry Stuart K1527 K1662 Bligh, 8th earl of Darnley, Ivo Francis Walter K1527 K1662 Bliss Platt, Ethel A. K1283 K1162 K1284 Bloch, Vitale, Dr. K233 K1920 Blumenreich, Leo K6A-K6B K1585 Boccapaduli, Maria Laura dal Pozzo K1391 Böhler, Julius K22 K278 K410 K448 K485 K495 K543 Böhler, Julius K1102 K1144 K1302 K1387 K1854 K1585 K80 K1806 K1410 K2071 K126 K1116 Bonaccini, Zelindo K1644 Bonaldi, Mr. K1531 Bonaparte, Joseph K1866 Bonaparte, Napoleon Joseph Charles-Paul K1653 Bonaparte, Prince de Canino, Lucien K2159 K1623 Bondi, Max K74 K77 K79 K310 Bondy, Oscar K1925 Bonnefons K2185 Bonomi, Ing. K196 K504 Borbón Parma, Carlos Luis de Duke of Lucca K1623 Borbón y de Borbón-Parma, Jaime de Duke of Madrid Don K1217 Borghese Collection K448 K1113 K2143 Borgia-Mandolni, Camillo Maria Count K47 Boross, Eugen K484 Borromeo Monti Duca K1764 Borromeo, Federico K2159 Borsi K518 Borthwick Norton, E.S. Mrs. K1991 Boschi, Casa K2001 Botta, D. K466 Bottenweiser, Rudolph K1876 Bottenwieser, Paul K500 K1835A-B K1835A-B K1669 K1669 K1669 K1638 Bourbon del Monte Marquese K44 Bourbon-Parma Prince K2158 Bourchier Sherard Wrey, Albany 13th Bart Sir Rev. K1693 Bourchier Sherard Wrey, Philip 12th Bart. Sir K1693 Bourchier Sherard Wrey, Robert 11th Bart. Sir K1693 Bourchier Toke Wrey, Henry 10th Bart. Sir K1693 Bourchier Wrey, Castel Richard 14th Bart Sir K1693 Bourchier Wrey, Henry
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