Government of West Bengal

Government of West Bengal

GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Health & Family Welfare Department National Health Mission Swasthya Sathi , Swasthya Bhawan Premises GN-29, 4th Floor, Sector - V Salt-Lake, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 7000091 Memo No: HFW-27038/49/2019-NHM SEC-Dept.ofH&FW / 29 II Date: 29/08/2019 From : Mission Director & Secretary to the Government of West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department To : CMOH, (Bankura I Hooghly I Howrah I Jhargram I Nadia / Nandigram I North 24 Parganas) District Sub: Training on Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) with special emphasis on population based screening under NPCDCS in urban areas Madam I Sir, A two days residential training on Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) with special emphasis on population based screening under NPCDCS in urban areas has been organized at MUKTODHARA, 5th Floor Conference Hall, Swasthya Sathi Building, Swasthya Bhaban Campus for Medical Officer (Full-time & Part-time) under NUHM. The training will be organized in 2 batches. Details of batches are given in Annexure I, II & II as follows: Batch No. Date of Training Annexure Venue Time 1 04.09.2019 - 05.9.2019 I 'MUKTODHARA' 5th Floor Conference Hall, 10:00 AMonwards 2 12.09.2019 - 13.09.2019 II Swashtya Sathi Building You are requested to inform the concerned ULBs to release the participants mentioned in Annexure-/ & II as per schedule and to request the participants to bring their bank account details for reimbursement ofTA IDA from the State HQ. Arrangement of refreshment, one night stay and TA IDA for the participants will be arranged from the State Head Quarter. EncIo: As stated above YOUrS~IIY' ~----=-::-::~=' ~~!rI'un rector, NHM & Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal Page 10f2 Memo No: HFW-27038/49/2019-NHM SEC-Dept. of H&FW /Z1LL/1(15) Date:29/08/2019 Copy forwarded for kind information & necessary action to 1. Director of Health Services, Government of West Bengal 2. Director, State Urban Development Agency (SUDA), West Bengal 3. Dy. Secretary & Programme Officer-I, NHM, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal 4. Dy. Secretary & Programme Officer-Il, NHM, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal 5. ft. DHS, NCD, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal 6. DDHS, NCD-I, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal 7. Commissioner, (Howrah / Chandannagar / Bidhannagar) Municipal Corporation with the request to release the participants as per list of batch annexed. 8. Dr. Subhrangsu Sekhar Datta, TO (SPSRC), Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal 9. District Nodal Officer, NUHM, (Bankura / Hooghly / Howrah / Jhargram / Nadia / Nandigram / North 24 Parganas) 10. Executive Officer, (Bankura / Arambagh / Baidyabati / Bansberia / Serampore / Champdani / Jhargram / Gayeshpur / Krishnagar / Ranaghat / Santipur / Uluberia / Contai / Barasat / Bhatpara / Habra) Municipality with the request to release the participants as per list of batch annexed. 11. Nodal Office- NUHM, (Howrah / Chandannagar / Bidhannagar) Municipal Corporation 12. Nodal Officer-NUHM, (Bankura / Arambagh / Baidyabati / Bansberia / Serampore / Champdani / Jhargram / Gayeshpur / Krishnagar / Ranaghat / Santipur / Uluberia / Contai / Barasat / Bhatpara / Habra) Municipality 13. P.A to Mission Director, NHM, WB 14. Sri Neelanjan Das, Executive Assistant, SPMU, NHM for necessary logistical support and accommodation for the participants 15. IT Cell for web posting Page 2 of2 Annexure-I Training Batch - 1 (Medical Officer-Full-time & Part-time) South Bengal Zone Date: 4th & 5th Sept, 2019 District ULB U-PHCName Name ofFTMO NameofPTMO Bankura UPHC 1 Ward No 12 Idgamahalla Bankura Bankura Dr. Sambhunath Saraf Banstala Arambagh UPHC 1 Chandur Bhatarmore Ward Hooghly Arambagh Dr Jayanta Kr Mandai No.15 Hooghly Baidyabati Baidyabati UPHC 1 Ward No. 20 Bauriapara Road Dr Gautam Kr Mukherjee Bansberia UPHC 1 Kamale Kamini Charitable Hooghly Bansberia Dr Somiran Malakar Dispensary Ward No. 13 Tribeni Bhangaghat Bansberia UPHC 2 Ward No.7 Bansberia Dr. Uttam Kumar Hooghly Bansberia Municipality free Primary School beside Gangopadhyay Ramballav Charitable Champdani UPHC 2 Ward No. 19 NEARBISS Hooghly Champdani Dr. Tripti Roy FREE PRIMARYSCHOOL Chandannagar Chandernagore UPHC 1 B.K.GSishu Hospital Hooghly Dr. Arunansu De Mc Ward No.7 Dharapara Chandannagar Chandernagore UPHC 3 Ward No. 31 Hooghly Dr. Jyotirmoy Sengupta Mc Bramhinpara Khalisani Hooghly Serampore Serampore UPHC 1 ESOPDWard No. 21 Mahesh Dr Debasish Mandai Hooghly Serampore Serampore UPHC 2 HAU2 Ward No. 02 Chatra Dr Qazi Ashraf Hossain Howrah UPHC 17 Ward No. 10 Sita Nath Bose Dr. Sasanka Sekhar Howrah Howrah MC Lane Biswas Howrah UPHC 23 Ward No. 62 Bally GT Rd. Muza Howrah Howrah MC Dr. Sumit De barrackpore Howrah UPHC 1 HAU 1 Ward No. 44 Sastri Howrah Howrah MC DR. MAITREYIBARMAN Narendra Nath Ganguly Road near Betor more Howrah UPHC 2 Ward No. 15 Jeliapara Lane DR. D1L1PKR. Howrah Howrah MC Salkia CHAKRABORTY Howrah UPHC 4 Ward No.8 near Belgachia DR. MRINMOYEEMAlTY Howrah Howrah MC Bhagar (DEY) DR.SIDDHARTHA Howrah Howrah MC Howrah UPHC 7 Ward No. 46 Majher Para Unsani SAMANTA Howrah UPHC 8 Ward No. 24 Narasingha Dutta DR.SHIBA PRASAD Howrah Howrah MC Road Near Borough III & IVoffice BANERJEE Howrah UPHC 9 Ward No. 41 Buxuraha Road Howrah Howrah MC DR. DEBKUMARROY near Buxaraha High School Uluberia UPHC 2 Ward No 13 HAUBuilding at Howrah Uluberia DR. DEBASISGHOSH Chengali Narkeldanga Uluberia UPHC 4 Ward No 22 HAUBuilding near DR.SWAPANKUMAR Howrah Uluberia Uluberia Court MONDAL Dr. Rajat Kanti Jhargram UPHC 1, Ward No.6, Balaramdihi Jhargram Jhargram Satpathy Pagelof2 District ULB U-PHC Name Name ofFTMO Name ofPTMO Nadia Chakdah Chakdah UPHC 1 Sakuntala Taltala Ward No. 20 Dr. Panchanan Sana Chakdah UPHC 2 Malobika Ward No. 12 Ghughia Nadia Chakdah Abirbhab Chakraborty Sarkarpara Nadia Gayeshpur Gayeshpur UPHC 1 Ward No. lS Kataganj Dr. Surojit Sarkar Krishnagar UPHC 2 Ward No. 12 Raja Road Nadia Krishnagar Dr. Swapan Sarkar Chowdhury para Nabadwip UPHC 3 Mother Teresa Sasthya Kendra Nadia Nabadwip Dr. Subrata Pal Ward No. 19 Kolar Denga Road Ranaghat UPHC 2 Nasra UPHC Ward No. 18 Dr Prabhat Chandra Nadia Ranaghat Banisangha Chowdhury Nadia Shantipur Santipur UPHC 1 Ward No 17 Dr. B. C. Ray Road Dr. Basudeb Dutta Santipur UPHC 2 Ward No 21 Sutragarh Nadia Shantipur Dr. Tapan Kumar Indra Rarneshwar Maternity Munsi Para Santipur UPHC 3 Ward No 13 Panchanan tala Nadia Shantipur Dr. Sushanta Kr. Ghosh lane Contai Nandigram HD Contai UPHC 1 Ward No 11 Hatabari Dr. Asim Kumar Maiti Municipality Contai Nandigram HD Contai UPHC 2 Ward No 19 Kishorenagar Dr. Anutosh Pattanayak Municipality Barasat UPHC 6 Ward No. 26 Hatkhola UPHC near North 24 PGS Barasat Dr. Snehalata Sarker Datta I.M.A. Hatkhola North 24 PGS Barasat Barasat UPHC 4 Ward No. 20 Badu HAU Dr.Gita Roy (Biswas) State Nodal Officer, NUHM Page 2 of2 Annexure-II Training Batch -2 (Medical Officer-Full-time & Part-time) South Bengal Zone Date: 12th & 13th Sept, 2019 District ULB U-PHC Name t.i Name ofFTMO NameofPTMO Hooghly Arambagh Arambagh UPHC1 Chandur Bhatarmore Ward No. 15 Dr. Rajaram Jana Hooghly Baidyabati Baidyabati UPHC 1 Ward No. 20 Bauriapara Road Dr.Ranendra Nath Chatterjee Bansberia UPHC1 Kamale Kamini Charitable Dispensary Ward Hooghly Bansberia Dr. Tapan Kumar Sarkar No. 13 Tribeni Bhangaghat Bansberia UPHC2 Ward NO.7 Bansberia Municipality free Hooghly Bansberia Dr. Purnava Mukhopadhyay Primary School beside Ramballav Charitable Chandernagore UPHC 1 B.K.GSishu Hospital Ward No.7 Hooghly Chandannagar Mc Dr. Arun Mukherjee Dharapara Hooghly Chandannagar Mc Chandernagore UPHC3 Ward No. 31 Bramhinpara Khalisani Dr. Hari Prasad Saha Dr. Kunal Kumar Hooghly Serampore Serampore UPHC1 ESOPDWard No. 21 Mahesh Mukhopadhyay Dr. Kanchan Baran Hooghly Serampore Serampore UPHC2 HAU 2 Ward No. 02 Chatra Bandyopadhyay Howrah UPHC1 HAU 1 Ward No. 44 Sastri Narendra Nath Howrah Howrah MC DR. SAUMESCHANDRA PAL Ganguly Road near Betor more Howrah Howrah MC Howrah UPHC4 Ward No.8 near Belgachia Bhagar DR.ANADIBANDOPADHYA Howrah Howrah MC Howrah UPHC7 Ward No. 46 Majher Para Unsani DR. SUBRATAKUMAR PAL Howrah UPHC8 Ward No. 24 Narasingha Dutta Road Near Howrah Howrah MC DR. ARUN KR. MUKHERJEE Borough III & IV office Howrah UPHC9 Ward No. 41 Buxuraha Road near Buxaraha Howrah Howrah MC DR. NABA KR.SAHA High School Jhargram Jhargram Jhargram UPHC 1, Ward No.6, Balaramdihi Dr. Susanta Kumar Maji Nadia Gayeshpur Gayeshpur UPHC1 Ward No. 15 Kataganj Dr. Barun Chandra Paul Dr. Md. Rafiullslam Nadia Krishnagar Krishnagar UPHC2 Ward No. 12 Raja Road Chowdhury para Mondal Nadia Ranaghat Ranaghat UPHC2 Nasra UPHCWard No. 18 Banisangha Dr. Tapati Ghosal Santi pur UPHC2 Ward No 21 Sutragarh Rarneshwar Maternity Nadia Shantipur Dr. Shishir Kumar Sardar Munsi Para Nandigram HD Contai Municipality Contai UPHC1 Ward No 11 Hatabari Dr. Priyatosh Jana Nandigram HD Contai Municipality Contai UPHC2 Ward No 19 Kishorenagar Dr. Pramod Pramanik Barasat UPHC6 Ward No. 26 Hatkhola UPHCnear I.M.A. North 24 PGS Barasat Dr. Buddhadeb Biswas Hatkhola North 24 PGS Barasat Barasat UPHC4 Ward No. 20 Badu HAU Dr. Sachin Sankar Pal North 24 PGS Barasat Barasat UPHC5 Ward No. 27 Natunpukur HAU Dr.Madhabi Chakraborty North 24 PGS Bhatpara Bhatpara UPHC2 Ward No.9 Kantapukur HAU Kankinara Dr.Dipankar Roy North 24 PGS Bhatpara Bhatpara UPHC4 Ward No. 22 Community Centre Shyamnagar Dr.Amitabha Roy Bidhannagar UPHC 10 Ward No. 21 Rajarhat Gopalpur North 24 PGS Bidhannagar MC Dr. Arnab Biswas Jyotinagar Jogatpur North 24 PGS Habra Habra UPHC 1 Ward NO.6 Super Market Kamarthuba Dr. Partha Guha North 24 PGS Habra Habra UPHC2 Ward No. 22 Sarada Bhawan Banipur Dr. Dipak Kumar Sarma Page 1 of 2 District ULB U-PHCName NameofFTMO Name ofPTMO North 24 PGS Habra Habra UPHC3 Ward No. 12 Akrampur Biswakabi Road Dr. Binapani Halder Kamarhati UPHC5 IPPVIII building Ward No. 16 M.M. Feeder North 24 PGS Kamarhati Dr. Pradip Kumar Nath Road North 24 PGS Madhyamgram Madhyamgram UPHC2 Bireshpally HAU Ward No.

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