16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday. March 9.1991 K rr 'N* CARL /LE by Larry Wright 21 HOMES FOR SALE 31 ROOMS FOR RENT 32 APARTMENTS FOR 32 APARTMENTS FOR 58FLO O R IN O 91 CARS FOR SALE RENT MONDAY hat MORE tfeoof T CA3 ARE MANCHESTER-Free RENT MANCHESTER- T h a n : week vyith $100 security TOYOTA LAND J = $335,000. For the dis­ deposit. Clean, quiet, EAS~T HARTFORD-3 M A N C K E S T E“R - 2 CRUISER-1982. 4 X 4. criminating buyer, this furnished. 646-8337. rooms, appliances. No Bedrodm. Garage. FLOORSANDING striking new U&R 9 100,000 Plus miles. pets. $45D per month. Near hospital. Yard. 'Floors like new $2,000 Negotiable. HI^D IT 91^ Rlijrtf room Contemporary at MANCHESTER-Fur- Security. 528-8643. Available M/1. No pets. ■Specializing in older floors Brookside Estates, with nished room for rent on 649-9857. Leave LOCAL NEWS INSIDE IT To 872-D7DD. ■Natural & stained floors message. m m yoiJ. features like a L- busline. $100/Week. FURNISHED-3 Room ■No waxing anymore shaped balcony stair­ 649-4148 after 5. apartment, 2nd floor. MANCHESTER-1 Heat. Private Bedroom, 3-1/2 rooms, John Verfaille way that is open from References. 646-5750 floor to ceiling, a master entrances. Adults. No heat, hot water, ■ Program stops would-be dropouts. bed room suite with a pets. Security. carpeting, appliances, . BOB RILEY Jacuzzi bath. Cathedral N E V E R P L A C E D References. 643-486D, parking. $575. 643- OLDSMOBL&VOLKSWAQEN ceiling living room, fami­ A W A N T AD ? 2pm to 7pm. 7183. 6 1 BiHSC. SERVICES 259 ADAMS ST.. MANCHESTER ■ Recycling deadline for businesses. ly room and much There's nothing to MANCHESTER-2 MANCHESTER-3 Support more. Call usi U&R' Bedroom, private Bedroom duplex. $655 CLEANING-Hauling, 649-1749 ■ Church will send gift to Liberia. Realty, 643-2692. it..just dial basement, parking, a month. 647-1419, carpentry, remodeling, 86 our ■ w ■ F large yard, stove. On Barbara Weinberg. odd jobs. Rick’s Hand­ 643-2711 and w e'll yman and Carpentry Cutlass Supreme busline. $595 monthly. MANCHESTER-Newer troops! Service. 646-1948. $5,995 ■ Board will decide vacation issue. 22 CONDOMINIUMS help you word 649-2871. duplex, 3 bedrooms, Reasonably priced. Ful­ 88 carpeted, appliances. FOR SALE and place your ad. ly insured. MANCHESTER-2 Family. $69D monthly. Heat not Cutlass Supreme INDOOR & OUTDOOR 5-Room.lovely Duplex. included. Security and $6,995 Local/Regional Section, Page 7. POOLSIII $89,900. A 2 Bedrooms. Lots of references required. No 87 MISC. FOR SALE 88 sparkling 2 bedroom 32 APARTMENTS FOR cabinets and closets. pets. 643-7635. Regency Brougham COIN-Collection. Penny What's ® I N I by NEA. kic ranch unit offers foyers, Nice yard. Heat/hot ________ RENT________ MANCHESTER-2 Family. 16,995 applianced kitcnen, water included. $75D set. $10. Variety set, all Newly updated. 2 89 Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper dining room and wall-to- Monthly. 684-4686. denominations. $25. Bedroom in quiet News wall carpeting 2 BEDROOM-Apartment Misc. Silver. 649-1794. VWJetia 21 HOMES FOR SALE 21 HOMES FOR SALE neighborhood. Close to throughout! Private on bus line. $550 in­ Diesel MANCHESTER-2.3 and 6 town center and patio overlooking tennis cludes heat. 643-1108. $7,995 March 11,1991 Room apartments. busline. $595/Month GOLF CLUBS-Starter and courts, indoor and out­ ON A CLEAR DAY-You MANCHESTER- 2 BEDR(X)M-1-1/2 Bath Security. 646-2426. plus Utilities. Dale. 529- full sets. From $45. 3 Many Others door pools, fitness A can see...well, maybe $229,000. Immaculate newer town house Weekdays, 9am-5pm. 8276. new woods, $60. Also To Choose From not "forever," but you center, sauna and Manchester. Air miscellaneous clubs. Report claims 9 room Garrison 34 HOMES FOR RENT Deaths mar anxious ownersi Call for 649-1794. will enjoy a magnificent Colonial. Cozy den with conditioning, Bedroom Garden Style your exclusive showing! appliances. $675 plus soldiers missing winter view of the firepiace. Enclosed sun and Townhouse apart­ BOLTON-5 Bedroom, 2 Hartford skylinel This Anne Miller Real security. 646-8261 or S c h a l i e r porch. 4 Bedrooms, for­ ments available. Only 1 car garage, oil heat. END ROLLS NEW YORK (AP) — Eleven elegant 7 room Con- Estate, 647-8000. 646-6082. Quality mal dining room and each remaining out of Bordered by State Green Beret soldiers who ternporary on Volpi Rd. F 271/2'width-*1.00 Pre-Owned Autos iiving room. Lower ievel 72. Quiet. On busline. Forest. $1000 a month. entered Iraq on a sabotage and in TOlton boasts 2,250 13" width-SO^ family room with MALLARD VIEW-New COVENTRY-Quiet Air conditioning, self Tedford Real Estate, Aluminum Sheets 4/*S.00 Value Priced Baker’s visit spy mission are missing in ac­ sq. ft. of super second firepiace, 2-1/2 Ranch and Colonial neighborhood. 1 cleaning oven, all ap­ 647-9914. Newiprlnt and rol> con b« picked USED CAR BEST BUYSl floorspace. 3 m at the Manchester Heidd tion but their disappearance has baths. Original owner. A homes, change your Bedroom apartment. pliances included, 19M Honda Accord LX $4,995 MANCHESTER-3 ONLY before 11 am. MorKtoy not been acknowl^ged by the Bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Pleasure to show! U&R lifestyle to 1-floor living. Carpeted. $425/Month. storage area, full throuch Thunday. fully applianced kitchen, ^ Reatty, 643-2692. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath 1-1/2 Months security. basement. 1-1/2 baths Bedroom Contem­ 4 Dr., 5 Spd., A/C, Excellent Condition military, according to a central vac, fireplace Ranches. Also 3 No dogs. Call 742- porary Cape. 2 Car 1964 Lincoln Town Car $3,500 published report in townhouse. Heat and RECORDS-45 RPM. and 3 car oversized bedroom, 1-1/2 0569. hot water included. 247- garage. $1100 per to Israel The soldiers were part of spe­ MANCHESTER-Out- Loaded, Excellent Condition garagel Asking Colonials. Attached month. No dogs. D.W. From 1950’s to early standing value with this 5030. cial operations forces that in­ $124,900. Jackson & garage. From Fish Realty, 643-1591 1960’s. Many $95.00. 1966 Honda Accord DX $5,500 By G.G. UBELLE to Israel, told reporters in Jerusalem large 8 room Colonial. 2 filtrated Iraq during Operation Jackson Real Estate, $143,900. North Main or 871-1400. An early John Lennon. Fireplaces, family room ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 3 Door, 5 Speed, AM/FM, Clean Car The Associated Press that the slayings of the women were 647-8400. St. to Union St. to Ros­ 289-6345. Desert Storm to locate missile and living room. Low MANCHESTER-4 F______________________ “an effort to kill peace.” setto Dr. "We’re Selling 1967 Chrysler LsBaron $5,400 launchers, pinpoint air targets maintenance lot. Asking Bedroom C ape With JERUSALEM — Israeli troops He pledged to “work just as hard TOASTER-Oven with and steal enemy equipment, 4222,900. Call Barbara Houses!" Blanchard & FREE garage, fenced yard. Coupe, Auto, A/C, PS, PB, AM/FM Rossetto, 646-2482. broiler. Nice and clean killed six armed Arab infiltrators on as we can to see if we can provide a W. Re/Max East of the $950 a month. D.W. 1967 Acuta Legend Sedan$11,900 Newsweek reported in its March in one unit. $ 1 0 .0 0 . the Jordan River today, and grieving peace between Arabs Israelis." River, 647-1419. Fish Realty, 643-1591 18 issue. Please call 649-5038. V-6, Auto, Loaded, Sunroof F CLASSIFIED or 871-1400. families buried four Jewish women Baker was forced to cancel a MANCHESTER-$85,900. F______________________ The magazine also said the Value with terms to 19670ldeCutlase Sup. $5,900 stabbed to death in Jerusalem by a planned walking tour through MANCHESTER-Nooks MANCHESTER-House Pentagon denied the existence of pleasel For as little as TORO-Roto Tiller. Palestinian who proclaimed the kill­ Jerusalem’s old walled city. “There / and crannies are the LINE ADS suitable for couple. V-8, Auto, Full Power, Wire Wheels some covert operations even $4000 down and $1100 $100.00. Please call ings political. highlight of this 3 $800 a month plus is a very emotional climate in a month you can own 646-1760 after 6pm. 1967 BMW 325 $11,700 after they ended in U.S. deaths. bedroom Cape. 2 utilities, security. 633- The incidents provided a bloody Jerusalem. We do not want to do PUBLISHER'S this 2 bedroom, 1.5 IN ^ F V-6, S Speed, Loaded, Clean ^ V Fireplaces, new kitchen 1961.________________ backdrop to the visit of Secretary of anything that inadvertently con­ bath town house with Sudofed ban NOTICE: with breakfast room, WHOLESALE PRICE-For 1967 Chevy C-20 4X4 P/U $10,800 State James A. Baker III, who ar­ tributes to a possible increase in that full basement. Call Pat ★ MANCHESTER-Like new dining room and rec The ^ the rest of your life! rived this afternoon for a 48-hour Ttw Asaoelatwl Pras* SEATTLE (AP) — Federal EQUAL 657-8364. Re/Max East 3 bedroom duplex, V-8, Auto, A/C, Full Power, Two tone emotionalism,” said Baker’s spokes­ room. Asking $169,900. Many popular items. of the River, 647-1419. large yard. Applianced, visit to explore the chances for woman, Margaret D. Hitwilcr. WELCOME HOME — People greet Marines as they are bused to their base in Twentynine officials are investigating a new HOUSING Call Barbara W. Re/ Call Jack, 643-1262 for 1967 Acura Legend Sed.
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