All (he News of This IUJI tei's CUi, s'fs.,3 BED BANK ami Surrounding Town* • Wln-io tho KOIrr Told Fearieasly and Without Bias. Issued Weekly, Entered es 04Coad-Claes Hatter at the Post- Subscription Pricel One 5fear 81.50 VOLUME LVI, NO. 4. office tit Ued Bunk, N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1878. BED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 19,1933. Els Monltm $1.00. Singles Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO J5 SUNDAY-SCHOOL PICNIC. and school costs arc grciitly eur- Contracts Single Sessions tailed. New Position For Protestant Schools of This District Let U3 clarify the minds of those End Of Groundha who have questioned why the West Council WU1 Hold Outing Tomorrow. Addition To Show At The Schools Bergen place school has been tem- The annual combined picnic of the porarily closed when we are so badly in need of class rooms. This is in- The Swimming River Road and Protestant Sunday-schools of this dis- Rumson Road Resident Donates A Statement from Edwin C. Gil-deed a fair question and one that Former Red Bank Young Man From Holmdel Comes a Curious Vendors, Vice and Immorality trict will be held tomorrow on the needs Gome explanation. and Repealer Ordinances In- the Road Between Colt's Neck Mctedeconk river. Tile start will be Prizes of $75 for Special Class land as to the New Plan to be In moving the junior hi#h school Elected Secretary of the Story About a Woman Who and Corliea Avenue to be Im- mado at 9:30 .A M. and the plck- For September Flower Show Put Into Operation When groups from the River street school Standard Oil Company of Was Annoyed by an Unweb troduced—Vendors' Fee is to nlckers will go by bus and private four class rooms are vacated in this ba $25 a Year. proved. curs. Schools which will go on the at Harding Park. School Re-opens. school. These rooms might just as j New Jersey. come Animal Visitor. picnic aro those at Red Bank, Fair well be used since the River street j Three ordlnancea were introduced C. C. Randolph of Bay Head was A special class for orchids, In ISdwin C. Gilland, supervising j school must be kept open and Ui Adrian C. Minton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrall met with.* at a meting of tho Rumson mayor the Buccessful bidder last week for Haven, Shrewsbury and Littlo Sil- which there will be keen competition principal of the ppublic schools of four rooms canr 'be operated without I M1':i- ^harlcM A. Minton of East curious experience one day Iaat \v£els and council Thuiuday night. One iu a contract to Improve tho Swimming ver. In case the weather la real among some of the biggest orchid Xlod Bank, has written the following increasing th:he running cxexpensp e of Front street, Red Bank, has been while she was alone at her home at "to prevent vice, Immorality and Ulu- River road, between Tlnton Falls and stormy tho (Ire bell will ring in time growers hereabouts, will be a cpecial statement for The Registeg r with re- the school. Therefore why operate elected secretary of the Standard Oil Holmdel. she was engaged In wash* orderly conduct; to protect persons Lincroft, with gravel, slag and tar. to notify those planning to go that feature of tho 37th annual exhibition gardd to thho single Ecsyion school plan the West Bergen pluce school as a company of New Jersey. The posi- ing clothes and she was about to erv His offer was $3,112.10. ; tile picnic Is called off lo wait for a of flowers, fruit and vegetables ot the separatp e unit since it housea but ffour tion Is one of large importance and and property; and to promote and which h to be put into effect in Sep l ? Ei fth b tcr her house to continue tho workt preBervo tho public peace, health, ' This job of repairing the road i3 clear day. Monmouth County Horticultural so- tember: clas3 rooms? Economize further by Mr. Minton's selection for this post tlo.v hanging several articles on a ciety at Harding park, Rumson, ! , , , i, , temporarily closing this school and nafety and good order." Another or- dono annually. The road IB In three have tho children housed in River is in tho nature of a promotion. He clothes line, when she saw an animal dinance rcgulntea licenuincr "the buoi- municipalities, Shrewsbury, Atlantic Thursday, Friday and Saturday, m& U^ducatlSnZieed^t^ street. Thus we again avail our- had been acting as assistant to C. considerably larger than a cat near nesa of hawkers, peddlers, transient and MIddletown townships. Scvenly- September 14, 15 onrt 10, ]plh i of Ulc ucnlor and junior high selves of the school facilities at hand Tcliielfl, v\i'p president in charge tho porch alongside of an Iron rain merchants, itinerant vendors of mer- Ilve per cent of tho cost will be paid Tribute Paid, To Five orchid growers have already i achnol grades and in order not to im- at the minimum overhead expense. of sales for the company. The fol- barrel. The animal was a groundhog chandise and transient deliveries" in by the state, lifteen per cent by the slgnlflcd their Intentions of entering greater tax burden on the In this article we have attempted lowing account of Mr. Minton's work or woodchuck, but Mrs. McGrall haii tho borough. The third ordinance county and the remaining ten per , Assessor Sweeney the show. First and second prizes of people of our community at thio time to explain in detail the why of the for the company appeared recently nevqr seen such a creature before $50 and $25, respectively, have been by way uf additional building cost3, double session of the high school de- 1 repeals sundry ordinances which cent by tho three townships on a the single ticstiion plan for the pupils partments. We hope that we have and she did not, Itnow what It was. formoiiy pertained to the abovo mat- mileage basis. Testimonial Dinner Given for donated for the class by a Rumson of the iicnior and junior high schools been able to clear certain questions She did not enter tho house but re- ters and "which havo been considered Last year Middlotown township road resident. has been accepted by the Board of from your minda. Should anyone traced her steps and sought bj> obsolete. The • three ordinances are financed tho project and tho other Seabright Official—An Elk's Four new classes have been sub- JCducation. The first session will still have any questions upon which, threatening gestures to frighten tlw published in their entirety In legal two townships later paid their share Tooth and Pocketbook Pre- scribed by the Rumaon garden club, meet between the house of 8:00 A.M. we have not touched, we would great- unwelcome visitor away. The ground- form in this woek's issuo of The Reg- of the coot. This year Atlantic town- Trade spaces are selling fast, and a and 12:45 P. M. and the second ses- y appreciate your visiting the olilce hog refused to budge. It continued sented to Guest of Honor. complete sell-out Is expected by the sion between the hours of 12:45.P. M. of the superintendent of schools inter and will corns up for public ship is financing tho work and the and 0:00 P. M. where an effort will be made to satis~ to gaze at Mrs. McGrall Impassively hearing and adoption Thursday other two municipalities will pay Two hundred persons gathered at time the show tent Is erected on y your further inquiry. and to keep its position alongside ot night, July 27. their part of tho cost to that town- the Ocean View hotel at Seabright September 11. It in understood that the pupils of he rain barrel. The annual picnic of thefeoclety each department, will divide the time Tho "vice and Immorality" ordi- ship. Tho contract was awarded to Saturday night at a testimonial din- of the sessions in this wise: the sen- A gasoline truck. happened to "bti nance has 24 sections. Attorney Mr. Randolph at a meeting of the ner for Walter J. Sweeney, assessor wlll,.,be held during the weelc of Au- ust 20 on Thomas Field's farm at ior high school will be in seaaion dur- passing by. The driver stopped when General William A. Stevens, who Is Atlantic township committee last and recorder, who is beginning .his ing the morning hours from the Legion Women asked by Mrs. McGrall to do so, Hf the borough attorney, said tho ordl- Thursday, at which Shrewsbury and third term as assessor. The guests MIddletown. It will be in charge of opening nf school in September until tho executive committee. December 1st. The junior high school ;ot out of thc truck and after look- nanco gives Rumson officials the MIddletown townships wero repre- included men prominent in politics ng at the animal ho stated that 11 power to enforce laws which havo sented. Other bidders besides Mr. and business throughout the county. Percy Hicks read a paper on asters will be in session during the after- Aid Ex-Service Men Thursday- night at a meeting of the noon hours from the opening of was a groundhog. He oald those an«" been passed by the state. Somo acts Randolph anil their offers wero The Edward W. Wise, borough attorney school in September until December lmals had long sharp teeth and that prohibited aro bathing In tho nude, Manahan Construction company of oC Seabright, was toastmaster.
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