A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially 'Each Week VOL. XV—NO. 20 '. FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1953 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Board Eyes Heavy-Built Russian Tank Put Out of Business All-School Due to Precise Calculations of Fords Man- Prom Candidates (Special to Independent-Leader) Silva's attention was attracted to the tank Concerts WITH TJ. S. 7TH Div.—A heavy Russian-built when it began shelling an adjacent outpost. tank which , spai fire at 7th Division outpost Rounds were landing on the hillside at a rate positions is silent now because of calculations of five every three minutes.' The Jerseyite For. 3 Jobs made by a Fords artillery sergeant. estimated the vehicle at a 4,000-yard range, May 14,15 At $714 * * * * looking at it through a powerful scope, he Sechrist, SzKnsky Seen Acting: as a forward observer for Battery C called for adjusting: rounds from howitzers. Pupils Throughout Town Main Contenders for of the 49th Field Artillery Battalion, Sgt. * * * * George Silva, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albino Meanwhile, the tank rumbled off behind a System to Take Part urn Nicklas Aide Choice Silva, 18 Wildwood Avenue, Fords, directed pile of rocks and was partially hidden. Silva lii 2-Day Presentation 1,300 three volleys of howitzer explosives at the dis- ordered the converged volleys and saw the WOODBR1DGE—The Teachers' tant Chinese-manned armor. telltale hits on the third volley. WOODBRIDGE — The Instru- Committee of the Board of Educa- At least two rounds from the final volley "It would have been difficult not to have mental music department of the tion met last night and discussed landed directly on the tank while another two scored," Silva commented. "We had him zeroed Woodbridge Township Schools will Prom Plan High in Faculty FavorLarger Crowd the appointments to toe made for or more shattered witbin five feet of the flee- in and pinpointed. With all the guns trained the next school year. These 'ap- ing behemoth— present the annual band and or- on the same target we could hardly miss." chestra concerts May 14 and 15, pointments "will include an ad- * * * « Sgt. Silva' joined the Army in November, 1951 End to Parental Worry, Opportunity for More Is. Expected, ministrative assistant to Super- The' incident occurred while the battery's and has been in Korea 11 months. He is ex- in the high school auditorium. Students to Attend Stressed by Teachers vising- Principal Victor C. Nicklas assigned observer was elsewhere and Silva tem- pected home momentarily on the rotation sys- All school orchestras will appear and principals of the new Inman porarily was taking over the post. ' tem. on May 14; the school bands the Avenue School, and School 11 following day. The .concerts are Question: What is your opinion of the community-sponsored where Mrs. Frank Edgar, princir under the supervision of Theodore plan to hold the Senior Prom at The Pines, complete with dancing, pal, is due to retire. Tribute Paid to Pro£ Helyar H. Hoops, who will be assisted by entertainment and refreshments, concluding: at 3 A. M.? (Editor's WOODBRIDGE — Letters of Although no official announce- Plane Crashes; Albert J. Rabasca, and' John M. approval are pouring in with do- Note: This question this week was asked of members of the fac- nations for the community-spon- ment was made as to the candi- j Walz. ulty of Woodbridge High School.) dates for the various posts, it is Pilot Uninjured At College;_ Field Day SaturdayA prevue will be given to the sored Woodbridge High School known that at least four applica- Senior Prom to be held May 19 at NEW BRUNSWICK—Meld Day at the College of Agri-' students of .Woodbridge High The Pines. tions were filed for the post of RARrTAN TOWNSHIP — John culture, Rutgers University, Saturday, turned into a tribute ,'j^a0l t°™^o^/bJ Jf^ semo| Harry I. Sechrist, Head of Guidance Department—This year's ar- administrative assistant. Among A. Steele. 58, Culpepper, Va., es- ta rangements for the Senior Prom are a splendid Donations to date stand at $714 them were Harry Sechrist, head caped injury Sunday night when to Professor Frank G. Heylar, Raritan Township, who will | ,the Senlor orchestra in the aft- and it is expected that almost of the guidance department at the soon retire. Dr. Helyar, who is chairman of the Raritan' emoon session. example of community and school cooperation- in double this amount will be con- his plane crashed into the trees solving a difficult problem. All of us understand the high school and Stephen Szlinsky, near the parking lot at The Pines. Township Planning Board, is director of resident instruc- J The program of the senior or tributed before the prom date. At one of the younger higlf school Steele was attempting to make a tion at the College, completing 36 years of service at High School Band this year will desire of the boys and girls to make graduation least $1,300 will be needed because teachers. The other two applicants forced landing on the lawn in include a. trumpet trio; selections and its accompanying festivities an unusually of the fact that more students are from out of town and from all Rutgers. Highlights in his career. than usual are planning to attend. front of the Johnson and Johnson' dramatized in several floats' by a brass choir and a reed choir, happy time. All of us can understand, too, the con- indications will not toe considered: were a number featuring the twirlers An unsigned letter, addressed Shipping Center He .overshot his M cavalcade. I Woman Fatally ' cern of .'parents that youthful exuberance might fco Dr. John P. Lozo, High School Among those who are known to mark and nose-dived into the trees * and the glockenspeils; a selection lead to acts of folly. The present plan will, I believe, Principal, and containing a $2.00 have applied for the School 11 when he became fearful he would | Members of student clubs showed from one of the current musical contribution, read as follows: post are Stephen K. Werlock, Lin- shows, a well-known overture and insure a memorable occasion for the boys and girls, hit the housing development across, Dr. Helyar's student days at the Hurt in Car Crash and will eliminate parental worry. "Holding the Senior Prom at The coln Ta-mboer, both High School from The Pines; University of Vermont, his years a famous military march. Pines is a wonderful idea. I sin- teachers and (Patrick L. Boylan, The personnel of the different I A wedding party ^ at The Pines as a teacher service as chairman KEASBEY—A New York woman cerely hope it is successful. I per- principal,of School 1. Interested heard the crash and rushed out. .^ _. ,,. , ^ • j ,-,„„, organizations is as follows: Sara C. FitzGerald. Head of Language Department—The decision to sonally have no children in High in the Inman Avenue principal- (To their astonishment they found, of the state Ylcim? Garden Com.- was killed and another critically Junior Band School at present, but will in the ship are Miss Claire Brown, teach- the light plane suspended about, mittee and his ability as a student injured last night in a head-on HOPELAWN SCHOOL, Stephen have the prom outside the school this year merits' future. It's, nice to know that we er at Hopelawn School; Miss Hel- 25 feet in the air, caught in the counselor, The winning float collision at the north terminal of Toth, Kenneth Hoagland, John parents Of—later graduates will be branches of the trees. general endorsement. en Mazeika, teacher at Colonia showed Professor Helyar cultivat- Szabo, John Gluchowski, Frank spared the worry and heartaches School and Leonard Cuiffreda Firemen of Raritan Engine the Edison Bridge. Three men also •Hendrickson, Frank Lotario, Jack It is a conclusive fact that with such a diversity that some parents had before us. and Cesar Zullo, High - School Company No. 1 called to the scene. ing his garden made up of mem- were hurt. Tibak, Donald' Polhamus,- Paul God bless you for coining up with teachers. reached the plane by ladder and of the Home Economics Club The dead woman is Mrs. Clara Baumgarten. Edward Anderson, of interested and cooperative backers the event will a wonderful idea," Although there was consider- the pilot climbed down. of the New Jersey College for KnOWieSl 258 West 154th Street, Geraldine O'Neil, Dorothy Pol- be a success, and many of the problems accompany- Mrs. Neil Stoddard, treasurer able discussion on the appoint- Women dressed as giant vege- New York. Mrs. Bernice Williams, hamus, Niles Jensen, Ronald San- of the Woman's Club of Wood- ments at the .committee meeting tables. 2460 7th Avenue, New York, who danato, Vincent Nash, Peter Pin- ing such an occasion will be greatly 'minimized. bridge, wrote: "Enclosed please last night the whole matter will Fellowship Goes elli, Jimmy Sutherlin, Robert Hul- find check for $15 for the Senior be thrown open to the Board for During the more formal part of was a passenger in the same car,' sen,beck, Selmer Johnson, William Prom Fund. We of the Woman's discussion 'before a decision is the program held indoors because as on the critical list at the (Perth Budzek, Fred Flake, Louis Dieter, Club of Woodbridge wish you suc- reached. It is possible the appoint- of the light rain, Dr. (Lewis Web- Amfooy General Hospital, her in- John Stevens, Ronald Swartz. cess in this project." To Township Man . COLONIA SCHOOL, George Llewellyn Holden, Art Teacher—The decision to have the Woodbridge ments will fee made a* the.next ster Jones, president of Rutgers, juries including fractures of both senior prom at The Pines this year, I feel, was a And Herbert L.
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