The official poice of the pnited Farmworkers English I August 24~1973 Negotiations with Teamsters Broken Peace talks between the The talks held in Burlin- Following the UFW walk - know what they should do to following the Teamsters' United Farm Workers, the gam~ California were set-up out, Fitzsimmons said, "The show good faith." truckers' strike there, but Teamsters and top AFL - CIO after AFL-CIO head Georg", cnntracts in'Delano have been The UnIon has stated it the strike was postponed be­ officials ended abruptly Au­ Meany and Teamster 'Presi- repudiated as they were nego­ will not return to the nego ­ cause of the talks, 'Chavez gust 10 when Cesar' Chavez dent Frank Fitzsimmons con~ tiated by a Teamster negotia­ tiating table until the Teams­ said. and Univn chief counsel Jer­ ducted a series of talks in tor with no authority to do so. ters give Meany "iron-clad" The Delano growers have ry Cohen walked out when they Washington. The signing of They were a direct violation assurances of their good faith. admitted they knew; before learned area supervisor Jim the Delano contracts was a of my instructions:' He said the Teamsters had they signed the secret con­ Smith of the Teamsters had violation of the partial Einar Mohn, head of the shown they were not willing tracts they were jeopardizing signed contracts with 25 De­ ..cease-fire...·on which. both Western Conference, of to negotiate in good faith by the peace talks. lano a.rea table grape growers. unions had agreed. Teamsters reportedly has their "tricks". the UFW John GUi&marra, Jr., one sent Chavez a telegram say- says it has kept its word and of the 'largest grape growers, BULLETIN Cesar Chavez told suppor- ing he hoped Chavez would re­ stuck to the agreements for reported the growers are The Delano office of the ters in Visalia he .deplored turn to the bargaining table, the talks. The Union 1 had ~'delighted" with the Team­ Teamsters was closed down the signing. "We're tired of 'but Chavez said August 12 he planned to call a lettuce ster contracts and have no and Jim Smith, a veteran of these tricks," he said. The had not seen the telegram. strike in the Salinas Valley intention of giving them up. 25 years, has been suspended farm worker leader added At a Delano press .~onfe- from his job, the Bakersfield that the Teamsters' contracts rence the previous day, he Californian reported. smith with Gallo and Franzia wine- said "We need some proofor has bee replaced as areasu­ ries were also violations to guarantee," before talks re- pervisor by Cono Macias. the "cease-fire:' sume, "they :<Teamsters) Hue Ig a continued, page 1 Report from Santa Maria 10 issue of EL MALCRIADO) they waded into the pickets Pickets and telegrams On the third day the Union SANTA MARIA,California- On August 7, several pic- with their sticks and cannis­ brought the beginnings of staged a protest with 100 Charges against seven of ~ets were arrested after they ters of mace. justice to a United Farm pickets at the court and sent the Guadaiupe-IO for disrup- were beatenby deputies, wit­ 'In another event, Team­ Worker Union picket in San­ telegrams of protest to fe­ ting a public meeting were " nesses say. "All over the Jter "goons" and Kern Coun­ ta Maria when Jesus Ortiz deral , state and county upheld by the Santa Barbara road the police were hitting ty deputies joined forces a­ had his $5,000 bail cut and officials. County Court: ', the people. They hit and gainst the pickets. 'Susana was released on his own Judge Johnson convened The Guadalupe-lO,leaders kicked them even when they Halton said police rushed recognizance; charges of as­ court early in the afternoon,. in community school and u- were on the ground--if I Tomas Barrios after sault with a deadly weapon release 'Ortiz' on his own nion activities in the Chica- hadn't been there Iwouldn't Teamsters pointed him out. were reduced to a misde­ recognizance and reduced no community of Santa Ma- have believed it," Aurelia "The police rushed him and meanor. the charges against him' to - rra, were cited two weeks Bustamonte said. put a strangle hold on him Charges against Ortiz rose 'a misdemeanor. following the Parent-Tea- They beat MarceHna Men­ and the goons then proceeded from a picket line incident A few pickets were able chers Club meeting in March dez even while she was hand­ to punch and hit him all July 18 when Teamster or­ to attend the session held of 1972 where the well~known cuffed, witnesses said. She over," she said. ganizer Rudy Pili attacked in a small courtroom. scab and John Bircher Mel- was bleeding badly and re­ M~. Halton said the Ortiz with a knife. Accor­ Judge Johnson told the au­ chor O'Campo spoke on the' quired stitches in her scalp. Teamsters were indis­ ding to" witnesses, Pili dience, ' 'Be sure you tell "Truth behind the Chicano Police have said she was hit criminately hitting men, threatened a number of per­ the pickets outside that it's Movement." Evidence pre- by a rock thrown by pickets. women and children as police sons with the knife including not because they are here sented in Court consisted of Margarita Barron said -followed them arresting the a teen-aged girl. that I am making these tape recordings from. the the deputies took off their victims. Both Ortiz and Pili were changes:' meeting. identification badges when Eugene Nalbandian, owner 'jailed on charges of felo­ of the ranch they were pic­ "ilious assault with a deadly keting, pointed a shotgun at weapon. Bail was set for 't Ms. Halton and said, ''I'm both in $10,000. Pili was eamster representative going to shoot you, I'm going Bart Curto and his or- to shoot you, 'you better released within three hours ganizers moved into the A- Striker~ beat on his. own recognizance with quistapace Ranch on Bonita eviction leave," she reported. She the' felony charges reduced to Road near Santa Maria re­ asked Lt. Klier to help her a misde'meanor. , place Nalbandian 'under Citi- Ortiz was held despite cently to sign mor'e than six- zen's arrest and he refused. .Union attorney William ty workers employed by by P am Whalen that the evictionpapers were only for Apartment #8. He LaterI when Teamsters re­ labor contractor Felipe Ri Gallo strikers continue to quested Citizen's arrests, Carder's pleadings that Ortiz vera. resist and attack heightened .had been livingin two adjoin­ be given the same treatment United FarmWorker Union ing apartments, # 8 and #9. the deputies complied. efforts to evict them from the In Tulare the TAC-squad as Pili. pickets marched into the' E & J Gallo camps. Sheriffs told Rogelio he was Judge Harold Johnson of field to encourage their bro~ not being evicted from #9. is gaining a reputation equal On Saturday, August 4, the to the Kern County Dodge the Grover City Justice Court thers and sisters to resist _ The Ranch Committee met Merced COWltysheriffhelp­ Boys. These especially e- told Carder that he hesita- the Teamsters' efforts to and decided to defend Roge­ ted to release Ortiz because quipped deputies harrass pic­ sign them. ed Gallo serve the strikers lio's home right then and "he.is a gr:een carder from ketlines throughout the coun­ civil summons for the m to there. Striker Maria Her­ Mexico and he might go "Nobody signed with the appear in court on Wednes­ ty , Union leaders said. nandez describes the event: They wear green flight back." Teamsters," Tony Ruiz re- day, August 8. Gallo is try­ "There was about 100 of us. ing to obtain a n injunction suits and travel in large Johnson then reduced the ported from the picket line. The women sat on the furn­ bail to $5,000 but did not against the strikers to be vans in groups of12 or more. change the charges. Workers and UFW pickets iture and the men stayedout­ They wear riot helmets with able to evict them immed­ side on the front steps. They Ortiz, his wife and five shook hands and cheered iately. visors, a belt with tear-gas children are six-year resi- each other on. The Team­ took pictures of us inside the canisters and clubs. Cesar dents of Guadalupe, a small' sters left with their unsigned Union lawyer Peter Ham­ kitchen. The sheriffs were Chavez refers to them as town near Santa Maria. cards in their pockets. fled explains, "The law gives just watching. They were a­ Sheriff Wiley's outlawcorps. much more protection to fraid to arrest women and Chavez said they have spat l~mdlord interests than to children." The sheriffs left. on pickets, made obscene tenant interest. The normal . Later on at a meeting, the gestures to nuns on the pic­ procedure is very speedyand people decided that it was ketlines and threatened the unfair and doesn't allow for best for the eviction cases as life of picket captain Juan a cross complaint. a whole to have Rogelio move Cervantes, 19. But Gallo wants an even into #9.The Ranch Committee, One of the deputies known speedier method, an injunct­ met with the Under Sheriff only as • Cater· told Cer­ ion which will short circuit Bowlen and came to anagree­ vantes, ''We've gotyour des­ the normal eviction proced­ ment. criptiop. We're going to get ures. I have never seen any­ The next daycompany sec­ you. I'm l?ioing to kill you thing like this before." urit y chiefs Frank Clark ,personally.
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