Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1980-81 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 2-5-1981 The thI acan, 1981-02-05 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1981-02-05" (1981). The Ithacan, 1980-81. 15. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1980-81 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ·1 \ I i I \ \ A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College :t ' Vol. SO/No. 13 lth,tca. Npw 'rork Februa~ 5, 191!1 Affirmative Action Post Filled B~· Ron Copeland Kit" which dealt with planning a time." Within the next couple of multi-cultural curriculum. The Both Gwen Seaquist and Vice months, a new face will be ap­ next AA Officer sav, ~he', Pre,idcnt of Student Affair,, pearing among the ad­ "looking forward ·to the Richard Correnti, denv that the ministrators at Ithaca College. challenge of her new job, 10 addiiion of Ka~ Nehon i, any Kay Nelson · will become the making the transition from a type of quid policy change on cnllcgc\ Affirmati\C: Action Of­ public to a pri\atc college and 1hc part of the admini~tration. licer. and will devote her full­ from a wc,te1 n ~etting to an Correnti point~ ow that time effort~ to the ioh which ha!-> ea,tcrn one." there has been an ongoing effort temporarily been a part-time af­ The rein,tatcmcnt or a full­ to ,atisfy all the minoritic, on fair. Gwen Seaquist, executive time AA Officer wa, one of the campu,. "The1c have been 24 a,,i~tant to President Whalen, 11 proposal\ mac.le to the I.C. profc~,ional ,taff member, hired currently ',Cr\ e, as the Interim administration by a in ,tudcnt at fair, in the last AA Officer. Aside from her student/faculty group after the three year,. Of the,e. 15 arc regular dutic, which include KKK incident last Halloween. women and four a1 e black." teaching Bu~ine" Law, Seaqui,1 firmly stre,~e~ that ,\lso, the number of ,clf­ 'ieaqui,t ha~ heen acti\ ely tr~ ing "there\ alway, been an Affir­ repnrtcd minority student\ on ta a,sure equal (lppnrtunity to all mitivc Action position a1 Ithaca campus ha, more than doubled people on campus - both studen­ College," or at least since 1he between 1974 and 1979, 10 3.69 t~ and faculty. arrival of President Whalen in percent. Kay Nelson, I .C. \ future AA 1975. The rea~on for 1urning the Sociology profe,,or and ,. Officer, graduated with a ro,ition hack into full-time facult~ coordinator of the Afro­ Bachelor of Science in Education qa1us ,ay, Seaqui,t. "i, that it's Latin Society, Julian Euell, ex­ r' degree from Eastern Montanna ju\l a lot of \\ ork." hhe roint~ prcs,e, optimism about the new College. She is prc~entl~· the to fifteen nr ,o thick legal files aprioinunent. Profc~,or Euell Director or Equal Opportunity on her ,heir which deal ex­ ~oe, on to say, "It's in a holding ,ind PeP,onnel at Eastern r-.. lon- clusively with equal rights pattern 1ype of support given tana Colkgc. Among other lcgi,tation). "I hone that Kay from the adminiqration - not Gwen Seaquist achie\enu~nts, Ncl~on co- will ha\ e a little more vi~ibility ,tatcd support, but actual ,up­ authori1ed a "Cultural Lifeway!-> than I\·e had. She'll have more- pnrt .'' I.C. Appeals Suit Against Yale Daily News B~· Bonnie Emisse who questioned admh,ions of­ one prcscn1ed about I.C. critical commentary 1, con­ College official, hm\ e\ er, frcl Ithaca College i, appealing the fo:ials. In an earlier statement to The court decided that Ithaca \titu1ionally protected opm1on, that 1he, ha\ c a good chance to 1\ in the appeal. Thl're is no ex- di,mis~I of a libel suit against the Ithaca .Journal (I 2/29180), College is a public institution for rather than fact. .. and must he 1he Yale Daily Ne\,s, editors of Vice-President of Student Af­ the purpos~ of libel law. In thm a\\N,ed in 1he conte\t of the ar­ 1~-ctcd c.lall' fur the dcci,ion I11 an "underground" guide to fairs Richard Correnti said, regard, the college must prove ticle a, a whole ... We do nm :he original ~uit, I.C. ,u~d for SI ,00),tXX) and prohibition or colleges, and it~ publisher, the "Thi, dearly can tum people that the editors of the guide were ohsL'rve the commentar~· as Berkley Publishing Co. ,1way from Ithaca College, and reckles, in their efforts to publish defamatory of the College, but ru1ure publica11011. rather a sophomoric appraisal of ( ·orrenti ,aid that the up­ The lawsuit, filed in December there's no basis in fact for the the boo" and that damage~ oc­ the student body." The judL?.e ,oming guide will 1wt include 1978, '>terns from "The Insider'-. ~tatcments that were ·made. curred as a result of the lthac,1 College. The pub\i,he1, Guide to the Colleges, 1978-79." They were one individual's ptiblication. added that the guide eanno1 be ·1rotL' to I.C. a,king 1f 1hc schliol The guide, which provides ad­ viewpoint." Correnti also said In it~ di,mi,sal of the charges ,cen as libel because there was no .tlllL'd 10 be mentioned and mi~sions information and obser­ that the opinions ab0ut other nn Nov. 3 the New York State indication of the college san­ Corrcmi refused their offtcr. vations of campus life, reported college, were not as bad as the Supreme Court stated that "the ctioning-~he reported lifestyle. that "sex, drugs and hoo,c arc the staple, of life" at Ithaca College, and that "the u~e of pot Delta. Kappa ,Continue~ . Pledging is a foregone conclusion.'' The guide spoke well of J.C. 's 1(1\\cment 10\,ard, L·ommunit~· physical therapy, physical Hy Jud~ Green and Ann Doran of student affairs explained in a DK has changed ii~ pledge ·,crvice~. Clarh ,aid he hnpc, to L'Clucation and music programs They may no longer have a "Letter to the Editor," that plat form 10 conform \\Jth stale g.1i11 ad, ice from alumni al DK', adding, "in all fairness, I.C. ~ign on Terrace 68, but Delta although off-campus activities of and Ir11er-Fraterni1y Council alumni ,pring \\ eek end concer­ docs have good humanities and Kappa Fraternity (DK) is con­ any group identifying itself as rcgulatiom according to Clark. ning oi,..:·, ne\, directiom. ,cicnce offerings that are often tinuing to seek new members Delta Kappa arc not ,anctioncd · "There will be no hazmg \\ hat­ Di111artin1 said one nl thl' J\'Cr looked." concluded by through off-campus rush parties. by the College, the Ithacan i~ a \l)e\·er," he ,aid. It big);!est problem, DK has facL·d i, ~ying "if you be spending Fo1ty-eight Ithaca College publication independent of the Since DK is no longer respon­ will ()\L'rcoming negali\ e ,tL'I L'Olypc, $5600 a year and find the idea of ~tudents attended OK's fir~t rush colkL?.c. ,ible for the annual s1udcnt People vil'\\' DK memhc1 ,. he a challenging academic party on Jan. 22 at the Ramada Clark ~aid he considered their dircc1ory and their invohemcnt ,aid. as rowd\', drunk and oh­ education appealing, look Inn according to Geoff Clark, first ru,h party a success. with Parent, weekend, Clark ,;ml the~· arc ,hifting their in- continued on page 13 elsewhere. However, if you president of DK. Ha\ ing to conduct ru,h parties want to party, LC. takes 70 per­ Last year's hazing death of off-campu,, Clark said, will cent of those who apply. To say tir~t year student Joseph Parrella draw ·-genuinely intere!->ted 'good luck' would be an insult." prompted the J.C. ad­ student, who make the ad­ According to attorneys for the ministration to suspend OK's af­ ditional effort to attend DK fun­ Assault Reported Yale Daily News the information filiation with the college. ction!->. near the substation on the ac­ was compiled bv an J.C. student As a result, DK cannot meet DK has about 40 acti\e mem­ by Judy Green cess road behind the Upper .i,~ 1976. The editors of the guide or ~ponsor activities on campus. ber~ and they hope to increase An assault on an Ithaca Quads, said Withiam. Safety ..fa.,·rote to editors of college DK still holds a charter in the their ,i;c, said Clark. "It'~ a test College student last Friday at ,.,, and Security is investigating ' newspapers and a~kcd them to ,talc of New York which allows to sec how strong of a 11 :08 p.m. was reported to the Office of Safety & Security. the incident, he said. have members of their staff them to continue as an active brotherhood we arc,'' he ~aid. The victim was treated for There have been no rape~ on complete a questionnaire. The fraternity. Tom Dimar1ini, president of scratches on her leg, said campus at least since 1972 editor" asked for objectivity. An advertisement for DK'~ DK last year called their new off­ Louis Withiam, Director of when Withiar.; began to work The administration first lear­ first two rush C\'Cnts appeared in campus situation a challenge.
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