MONOGRAFtAS DE ZOOLOGtA MARINA INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR. BARCELONA CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTfFICAS MONOGRAFIAS DE ZOOLOGIA MARINA CEP de la Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid) MACPHERSON, E. Revision of the family lithodidae samouelle, 1819 (crustacea, decapoda, anomura) in the Atlantic Ocean / by E. Macpher- son. - Barcelona: Instituto del Mar, Consejo Superior de In- vestigaciones Cientificas, 1988. - (Monografias de zoologia marina, ISSN 0213-4020; v.2) ISBN: 84-00-06807-6 1. Anomuros-Oceano Atlantico. I. Instituto de Ciencias del Mar. II. Titulo. 595.384.8(261) © 1988, INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR. BARCELONA del CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS INCIMAR Paseo Nacional, s/n. - 08003 Barcelona (Espana) c.s.i.c. Serrano, 117 - 28006 Madrid (Espana) Reservados todos los derechos. Prohibida la reproduction total o parcial de esta obra bajo ninguna forma ni por ningun procedimiento, incluido el microfilm, sin autorizacion expresa y por escrito. Fecha de publication: 1 de mayo de 1988 Deposito legal: B. 15.760-1988 ISSN: 0213-4020, por la obra completa ISBN: 84-00-06807-6, por el segundo volumen Printed in Spain Cubierta, diseno y montaje: Charo Ferrandez Fotolitos ilustracion: Reprocolor Llovet, S.A. Fotocomposicion e impresion: Imprenta Juvenil, S.A. MONOGRAFIAS DE ZOOLOGIA MARINA Volumen II 1988 INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR BARCELONA CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS REVISION OF THE FAMILY LITHODIDAE SAMOUELLE, 1819 (CRUSTACEA, DECAPODA, ANOMURA) IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN by E. Macpherson Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Paseo National s/n, 08003 BARCELONA, Spain Key words: Crustacea Decapoda Anomura, Lithodidae, syste­ matic revision, new species, Atlantic Ocean. Palabras clave: Crustacea Decapoda Anomura, Lithodidae, revi­ sion sistemdtica, especies nuevas, Oceano Atldn- tico. Monogr. Zool. Mar., 2:9 —153 CONTENTS Summary/Resumen 11 Introduction 13 Family Lithodidae 17 Key to the subfamilies of the family Lithodidae 17 Key to the genera of the subfamily Lithodinae 20 Genus Neolithodes A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1894 28 Key to the species of the genus Neolithodes in the Atlantic Ocean 28 N. diomedeae (Benedict, 1894) 29 N. agassizii (Smith, 1882) 33 N. asperrimus Barnard, 1947 37 N. capensis Stebbing, 1904 40 N. grimaldii (A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1894) 42 N. Vinogradovi n. sp 46 Genus Lithodes Latreille, 1806 47 Key to the species of the genus Lithodes in the Atlantic Ocean 49 L. santolla (Molina, 1782) 50 L. confundens n. sp 55 L. maja (Linnaeus, 1758) 58 L. manningi n. sp 62 L.ferox Filhol, 1885 64 L. turkayi n. sp 68 L. murrayi Henderson, 1888 70 L. unicornis Macpherson, 1984 73 Genus Paralomis White, 1856 75 Key to the species of the genus Paralomis in the Atlantic Ocean 76 P. spinosissima Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972 78 P. erinacea n. sp 82 P. bouvieri Hansen, 1908 85 P. shinkaimaruae Takeda, 1984 87 P. formosa Henderson, 1888 88 P. spectabilis Hansen, 1908 91 P. granulosa (Jacquinot, 1847) 94 9 P. cubensis Chace, 1939 97 P. grossmani n. sp 99 P. longidactyla Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972 102 P. pectinata n. sp 103 P. serrata n. sp 105 P. cristulata n. sp 108 P. africana Macpherson, 1982 110 P. microps Filhol, 1884 113 P. anamerae n. sp 115 Acknowledgements 118 Plates 119 References 149 10 1. SUMMARY Resumen A revision of the family Lithodidae Samouelle, Se hace una revision de la familia Lithodidae 1819 in the Atlantic Ocean, with a total of 28 species, Samouelle, 1819 en el oceano Atl3ntico, habiendose is presented. Nine new Atlantic Ocean species and encontrado un total de 28 especies. Se describen 9 one new Indian Ocean species are described. The especies nuevas atl&nticas y una del oceano Indico. family is divided into two subfamilies, La familia esta dividida en dos subfamilias: Hapalogastrinae Brandt, 1850, found only in the Hapalogastrinae Ortmann, 1901 y Lithodinae Pacific Ocean, and Lithodinae Samouelle, 1819. Samouelle, 1819, siendo la primera exclusiva del Only three genera, Neolithodes A. Milne oceano Pacifico. En el oceano Atl&ntico tan solo se Edwards & Bouvier, Lithodes Latreille, and han encontrado representantes de los g6neros Paralomis White were found to be represented in the Neolithodes A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, Lithodes Atlantic Ocean. Latreille y Paralomis White. There are five Atlantic species from the genus El genero Neolithodes estS constituido por 5 Neolithodes: N. grimaldii, N. agassizii, N. capensis, especies atlanticas: N. grimaldii, N. agassizii, N. N. diomedeae, and N. asperrimus. A new Indian capensis, N. diomedeae y N. asperrimus. Se incluye Ocean species (N. vinogradovi, close to N. grimaldii) en este trabajo la descripcion de una nueva especie, is also described in this revision. N. martii procedente del oceano Indico (N. vinogradovi), Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972 is reclassified as a prdxima a N. grimaldii. N. martii Birstein & synonym of N. diomedeae (Benedict, 1894). Vinogradov, 1972 se pone en sinonimia con N. diomedeae (Benedict, 1894). The genus Lithodes has seven Atlantic species: L. El genero Lithodes tiene 7 especies atlanticas: L. maja, L. ferox, L. santolla, L. unicornis, and three maja, L. ferox, L. santolla, L. unicornis y tres new species, L. confundens, L. turkayi, and L. especies nuevas, L. confundens, L. turkayi y L. manningi. A description of the Indian Ocean species manningi. Se incluye la descripcion de L. murrayi L. murrayi Henderson has been included, given its Henderson, del oceano Indico, por su proximidad a proximity to several Atlantic species. The name L. varias especies atlanticas. Se recupera el nombre de santolla (Molina, 1782) is re-introduced for L. L. santolla (Molina 1782) para L. antarcticus antarcticus Jacquinot, 1844. Pseudolithodes Jacquinot, 1844, entrando en sinonimia zenkevitchi Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972 is Pseudolithodes zenkevitchi Birstein & Vinogradov, considered to be a synonym of L. santolla, and P. 1972 (= L. santolla) y P. pyriformis Birstein & pyriformis Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972 is Vinogradov, 1972 (= L. ferox Filhol, 1885). synoymized with L. ferox Filhol, 1885. El genero Paralomis posee 16 especies en el oceano Atlantico: P. granulosa, P. formosa, P. There are sixteen species of the genus Paralomis spinosissima, P. bouvieri, P. spectabilis , P. in the Atlantic Ocean: P. granulosa, P. formosa, P. longidactyla, P. microps, P. cubensis, P. africana, P. spinosissima, P. longidactyla, P. bouvieri , P. shinkaimaruae y 6 especies nuevas, P. anamerae, P. spectabilis, P. microps, P. cubensis, P. africana, P. grossmani, P. pectinata, P. serrata, P. erinacea y P. shinkaimaruae, and six new species, P. anamerae, P. cristulata. La especie Rhinolithodes biscayensis cristulata, P. erinacea, P. grossmani, P. pectinata and Bouvier, 1895 pertenece al genero Paralomis y es P. serrata. The species Rhinolithodes biscayensis sinonima de Paralomis microps Filhol, 1884. Bouvier, 1895 belongs to the genus Paralomis and is the junior synonym of Paralomis microps Filhol, 1884. 11 2. INTRODUCTION Due to its great scientific interest and economic The terminology for the morphological characters importance, the family Lithodidae has merited used in the present study and the measurements special attention among the many families of decapod applied, illustrated in Figure 1, are similar to those crustaceans, attested to by the many symposia and used by Dawson and Yaldwyn (1985). meetings dealing exclusively with this group. Every attempt has been made to include all Despite its importance, the Systematics of both the possible references and synonyms at each of the genera and the species of this family has been a taxonomic levels considered; nevertheless, a certain subject of controversy, with frequent changes, and number of omissions is likely to be inevitable. even so a number of difficulties still remain unresolved. The abbreviations for the institutions whose collections were used in this study are as follows: Brandt (1848, 1850) was the first to classify several USNM (National Museum of Natural History, of the species and genera of this family, although it Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C), was not until Bouvier (1895, 1896) that a clearer MUZM (Moscow University Zoological Museum), picture of the number of species and genera and their BM (British Museum, Natural History, London), MP Systematics began to emerge. (Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris), RMNH (Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic Subsequently, a number of authors (Schmitt, 1921; Leiden), ZMH (Zoologische Museum, Hamburg), Makarov, 1938 (1962); and Sakai, 1976), to cite just ZMC (Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen), SAM three, produced quite thorough compilations of the (South African Museum, Cape Town), and ICM available knowlegde on the Pacific Ocean species. (Institute de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona). However, it is only recently that a revision of the family world-wide was first carried out (Dawson and The carapace measurements used were length Yaldwyn, 1985). excluding the rostrum (CL) and maximun width (CW), not including marginal spines. The length and Thus far, the studies carried out in the Atlantic height measurements for the different articles of the Ocean have mostly been limited to species chelipeds and walking legs are shown in Figure 1. descriptions, and have not taken up any detailed consideration of the Systematics of any of the genera. In this same vein, only a fraction of the large amount Considerations on the morphological characters used of material collected by the United States in the Caribbean and the Antarctic,
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