APRIL 1949 ARTHUR BISGUIER 0\1"9 but tough (Set' 1'118" 1(0) •, p/t()l" b)' AI I'IIJI/I 50 CENTS .bsc.ription Rate HE YEAR $4.75 POSTAL CHESS ALBUM With C I tES::; 11I·;VI I·: W 's famons l'oSIiL] C hc f\~ Album yOll t: ltll easily keep trH <;k or the games YOll play by m ail. 111 11 1(06 rc(' o n l · IH~ t·l!ing c:t~y !lnd elim inates mlstal{CH. Th e current I)osl. lio n ;toll 1II,-lo-<1a1o !>C () f'(~ of eacb game :11'0 before you al :til lioWI! ( :«'(> .. 1I 1l. Sco re ca rds ,He ,'cmovablc. Whcn a ga me 18 rlnlshed. remu\'., the oM ,,<.:01'0''''' 1"11 and ]1lI;:ert a now Olle . Al b um hoi al:<o extremel y uscful fo r p!;tyl n ,J:" o \'or gam cs In rna,l:':lZhlCH and book!!. The pla~li(' · bolln d " tUUIIl <; ontains six Ch CH!:I boan\s (5 W x 5") IlI'inted 011 ~ m()()th . b\lrf hoard with heavy <.:an lboanl ba<.:k lng. Tough, 1011 ,,·I:I!;tinl:' (' h c ~s m c n . in 2 colol"lI. sli p into the sl ottod No. 275- ]' o~ta l (;hell~ AlbuUl. <,; o ulpl ~l ... with <qu:I r ell. Si x sets of c hessmen and six score (;an ls ,,'I th ('orne r mounts _____ _______________ ____ _ Albu m "Olll";; j'o mlll('!c wi t h six lieu o f ,'111''''1111(''11. ~i~ ''''01"(' $1.75 ,"Hn]tt anti " orner mOll lll fl for (' a rds. 6 EXTR A SETS OF MEN-SOc 12 EXTRA SCORE CAADS-2X DIAGRAM STAMPING OUTFIT NEW TRAVELLING SET No. 30B-As lIscd by pOHil l p layers 101' No. 197-Tbls ne w peg-i n travolling set n,H': OJ"(ling 1I(» )ji ti()" ~ on llJove·m all inl; ha~ 11 big playing board ~ " squlu'oJ You C(lrda (] eso.: ribell bolow. Qutfit i n c l ude~ (: all really play with t hi~ fiN. Hell v)" com· (" o1llplot o set of twolve rnbber stamps positioll b 01l1"(1. Com],l.::'... with plastic CK, Q. 1(. n , Kt & I' for ea ch colol") ami SPIRAL-BOUND SCOREBOOK men in cardbOard box __ __ ___ ONlV $2.00 t wo ink j)ads. ]'ed anc! black. T h is fl lzc NO . 304-K..,el' a I"Hco roi of yo ur gaw"l! No. 199-UC Lux(' Mud,'1. :-;"Uh' .,Ieee!< for tli:tgrnlllll 1,)\ - squOIre __ __ _____ $2.50 in t his h,m d)" . s ll it·;l!·botl lltl 1I(:orc book. a nd same !l izc board bllt r omefl ill s turdy. No. 307- Samc all a hove but larger si~.e. ,,0 pages (or t he IIcoreli o f ;;0 gaulell, ca di I.. nther.. tt.. " 1lO<" "illl " " 111 1"0I" IIHenil for dif\t\Tatns 2,)\ - square ____ __ ___ _$2 .75 ru lell ror liP to : 0 IIIOI'CI;. E "cry page has (0" c aptlJl'cd m c n . l'IYlI"oo(\ I)larint 11 20/, W diagralll blank after ·lO th mo,·e. board. Closed slzc: x to*" x 13,". Score book is coal pocket size 5" x S". S*" Complete with UlPI, - $7.50. c.lllO .... ,..a<" SI)11"fI1 binding lind bellvy cardboard 1>0"''''' - :. I,Oycrll pl'ovide Writing comfort whUe ---= '"'~ playing- O NlV SOc EACH. BA RGAIN .-_..- /~\ QUANT IT V PRICE : 5 BOO KS FOR $2. 1f~------\- ~ \\- . .----::: :.::.:~~ GAME SCORE PAD , No. 305-1'1\(\ of 100 IIh"Ht~, ti " oX II ", r.r,,""Fl~(JrI.J.E -:r'~li ,i 001 " , e".55 " . .. , , l'u lc,1 fOI' tiO m(lV \!~. Printed on bond !la· -- • _-- -::::::--Cl per. Heavy cart!· • • • • '. , . ,_...="~ bonnl b;wk - 50c , - EACH OR 3 PADS - . ,-.... FOR ON LY $1.35 ~ ........... -- . ..,.' ~*;:;:""' __ - WALLETS __ No. 235-Cloth wallct with 51,'. · playifll DIAGRAM PAD boal'd slotted to hold rlilt t:ellu lold piecH. POSTAL CHESS CARDS No.311 _Pad of 100 Close d size ; .• " x 7". Complcto wlU mcn ___________ _______ ___ _____ _____ _$ l No. 3S1 _ 'I'hese ~pe <:ln l ennIs m ake It dIagram bl anks, 2* - field. (or li s e easy to send moves and pOl:litions to your No. 238-l.eather wa llet. SamQ ali with Staml'lng Out· ,b,., pOllt;1I chesll OI' I)OIlOlilS. They a bo I.n;­ but with lea t he r playing board (it 307-50c EACH "(lil t I:o ll lly m istake/:l . Dlngn u ll bla nk leather cover. COlllplet" with men ___. 1 *. IHllIa ,·e. Box of 300 I'osta l Chess OR 3 P A DS FOR CanIs ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ .. ___ _______ $2.00 ON LY $1.35 N o. 240--J.'x tl"a set or men CHESS REVIEW 'HI P/CfUItf CHESS MAOAZINI Volume 17 N umber 4 April, 1949 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz INDEX Readers are invited to use these columns for their FEATURES Fine VB N ajdorf __ ___ ____ ______ 108 comments on matters of interest to chessplayers. Tales of a Wood pusher __ ___ ___ 105 DEPARTMENTS TOP TE N? Sir~ : Book of the Month __ __ ________ 116 Sirs: In reference tu historical artieles about Chess Caviar ____ _____ ______ __ 98 Here is II list of those I think are the famous playcrs, T enjoy thcse very much Chess Quiz __ ____ _____ __ ______ 118 top tea contenders for Botvinnik's world anti h opc we get 11 lot more. If pOHsible, Games from Recent Events __ _112 cl,umpionship crown. I wuuld be pleased caeh artiele should cont.ain at least one Graphic Endings ,_ ________ _____ Iii to l(~arn how many uf yOllr readcrs agrec. not-too-w cll-known eompletc game. Postal Chess ____ ___ ______ _____ 119 Readers' Games ____ __ ___ _____ _ 110 .1 Reuben Fine ARTH UR T. BROWN Vassily Smyslov Readers' Questions ___ __ ___ ___ 98 2 Jamaica Plain, l\Jass. Solitaire Chess ___ ______ _____ _ 117 3 Samuel He~hevsky Sir~ : Spotlight on Openings ______ ___ l02 4 Miguel Najdurf I noticed wilh plea~ure thc addition of World of Chess __ _______ ___ ___ 99 5 P aul Keres a PCO reference to your annutated games. 6 Gideou Stahlberg Thi~ add~ immeasurahly to their value EDITOR 7 Salo Flohr and interest. I hope YOll will continue to !. A. Horowitz 8 D r. Max Euwe make this a regular f",alure, MANAGING EDITOR 9 C. H. 0'0. Alexander Awrl! u I( L. llOLDf::-O John Rathor 10 D. A. Yanofsky EXECUTIVE E D I TOR Philadelphia. P a. Okay, fellow amateurs, I'm out on u Jaek Straley Daltell MIDDLE GAME IMPROVEMENT limh. Call your shots. CONTRI BUTING EDI TORS Sirs : .1. \V. Collin~. l{en\Jen Fine ROIlF.RT Fr.RER Tlte game~ ill Solitail'e Che.H a re ex­ I fans j(moch, Fred Heinreld Sherman Oaks, Calif. ASSISTANT EDI TOR cel lent, Thcy Itave done more to improve COMMENTS O N NEW FEATURES David Ro~klnd. Jr. my middle game titan any oth er feature of Sirs: CORRESPONDENTS your magazine. Keep plenty of Solitaire Your current series of Spotlight 011 C ~lI fornla Herbel·t Betker. J . D . Gee. Chrss games cmltmg. Leroy Johnson. Dr. H . Ralston, M. J . Opetlillgs by F red Reinfeld is positively Royer. FRA 1<iK F. O'NEi ll, Jll_ the besl thing you havc ever run in CUESS Dis i. of Co lumbia N. P. \Vigginton. Columbia, 1\-10. Florida Major J. B. Holt. B . Klein. lhvn:w. Please keep the series running DEMANDS FOR BOOKS E,'nest G. "Verber. in every issue and don't cuI dowlI Oil the Georgia Gmcty N. Coker, ,rr. Sirs : Illinois Howard J . 13011. Kimball amount of ~pacc which such a vi tal series ~eol v ~t1 ..J. SchilD",el. desen'cs. Announce the Mllte and Chess Quiz are Ind iana Bert Hofmann. D. E. Rhead, to my Jlotion two nf your fine~t features. Iowa \Villis G . VH"det'I>u!'I;C. I also likc Ihc Past Masters series and Ke ntucky J : '.V. Irl .. yet'. Rcubcn Fine's Gume of the MOrlth. I hope Ihey event ll ally come nut in book Kan us K . 11. Mnd)onald. Congratulations and k eep up the good form and the I110r(' pages the better. Maryland Chtules Barasch. work! J. L. SHEETS MauachusetU Franklin J. Sa"born. i Minnesota Roberl Bcnn:ren. Churle$ DAU: A. BRANDRETH Seattle, \1; ash. }1. Hardin~ ' e. Coa~hohockcn, Pa. Sirs: Michigan R 13uskager. J . R. \Va tson. Nebraska B. E. Ell9worlh. A. C. Lud­ Sirs: I have had the good (orlune to acquirc will'. Jack Spence. R. E. \Veare. I am extrcmely pleascd by your recent a copy of y01l 1' la t e~ t CH ESS Rr.vlr.w Ax­ New Jer5ey ,\lrs. \Vm. A. Thom. NUAL. I particularly enjoy 1. A. Horo­ New Hampshire Alee Sadowsky. articles on Past Mas/as and This Made New York \Valter Froehlich. Edward Chess History. How about morc in a like witl,'s column Ch essi((Jl((. WiI), not expand Lasker. H. ],1. Philllp~. Dr. M. Reiss. Ihese into a hook '! Something printed on North Carolina Sam Agnello. vem on history, biographies, st orics, North Dakota D . C. Macdonald. anecdotcs, etc.
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