Drama Professor Accepts Challenge, Converts Classroom into Theater Dedication, creativity and a lot of spare time led PSU Drama Professor Barry Bengtsen to turn a dilemma into an opportunity that began the evolution of a classroom theater lab into a theater. The dilemma was the amount of excess stage materials and equipment that had accumulated over the years in storage space in Kelce Business School, Horace Mann Building and Grubbs Hall. All of those materials had to be juggled into one place. During the interim between the summer and fall semes­ ters, Bengtsen hauled a good part of the load to the Grubb's theater lab classroom and went to work- alone. He said he donated his services to this project as a personal challenge. "I was reaching a crisis in my chronological age and wondering if at 52 I could still do this and I proved I could," Bengtsen said. He began the evolution by removing five rows of seats from what had been the back of the "class­ room" and turning that space into the entrance and lobby to the "theater." He also set up new sound equipment and a light board to replace the antiquated equipment that has been in use in Grubbs for years. "By providing 21st Century equipment, we are capable of providing the audience with better acoustics, better lighting ... it's safer for everyone, and far more flexible. It makes our job so much easier," Bengtsen said. The new technical equipment occupies so much less space in the sound booth that the excess space has been converted to a handicap accessible booth. Bengtsen said it can also be used by parents with crying children or by audience members who have coughing fits. (see Theater, pg. 2) College of Arts and Sciences Enrollment Sees Significant Increase Dealing with an 8.2 percent increase in faculty and staff were careful to keep in mind PSU's enrollment this fall was a healthy growth problem promise to provide personal attention to students. in the College of Arts and Sciences, according to "When we look to the future this (personal Dean Orville Brill. attention) is something we need to keep in mind. In order to deal with the larger number of We have to make adjustments without compromising students, several classes had to be increased in personal attention," Brill said. size, and extra sections were added in areas such The students' welfare has been a top priority in as biology, math, social science, and foreign making adjustments necessary for the enrollment language. increase. Brill said Robert Ratzlaff, Vice President "The faculty has done well in accommodating for Academic Affairs, was able to get every student the students," Brill said. "They have a positive into the required courses he or she needed for a attitude about this healthy growth problem." worthwhile enrollment schedule. In accommodating the larger classes, Brill said (see Enrollment, pg. 3) Outstanding Young Alumni from the College of Arts and Sciences Pittsburg State University honored six persons as Outstanding Alumni at the 1992 Homecoming activities on Saturday, October 10. Among the six graduates, three are alumni of the College of Arts and Sciences. The award, given by the Alumni Associa­ tion, honors PSU graduates for their professional achievements and commu­ nity involvement. Janice G. Jones is from Eldorado and received her bachelor's degree in Jones Smith Wilbert nursing from PSU in 1975 and a master's degree in nursing from music from PSU in 1970 and his master degree in social work from PSU in Wichita State University in 1981. Ms. and doctor of music degrees from 1975. He is also a graduate of the Basic Jones has been the lead instructor for Eastman School of Music. Smith is a School of Banking in Overland Park first semester nursing courses at Butler professor of hom and coordinator of and the Bank Marketing School in County Community College since development for the School of Music at Jacksonville, Fla. Wilbert is the 1981. Wichita State University. assistant vice president and personnel Nicholas E. Smith is from Wichita Jeffrey L. Wilbert is from Pittsburg officer at First State Bank of Pittsburg, and received his bachelor's degree in and received a bachelor of science where he has worked since 1976. Theatre (from pg. 1) In a relatively short time, Bengtsen was something that was undertaken by view for people sitting further back. had taken the first steps toward creating the Department of Communication. It The renovation fund has already a unique on-campus facility available was not sponsored at all by the univer­ made the ticket booth a reality. The for a variety of purposes. sity," he said. The project does have the funds are there, and it will be imple­ "We did want a place to showcase blessing of the university. mented for the next Communication things that would be happening in the The Communication Department has Department production. New theater College of Arts and Sciences. We can almost reached the end of its resources seats have been located, and Bengtsen conceive of lectures, guest artists, available for this project, so Bengtsen is said the department has toyed with the anything that would be enhanced by a now seeking public support for the idea of starting a "Buy a Seat" cam­ small auditorium," Bengtsen said. renovation fund. "The response we have paign to fund the purchase of the new "We've always felt that what we need gotten from the public is, they are seats so they can be installed by next on campus is something that is up close willing to support it, not only by coming homecoming. and personal." to see the shows, but also by contribut­ All in all, Bengtsen said theater Bengtsen said this is only the ing funds toward the renovation itself," goers will see something new each time beginning. While he received raves for Bengtsen said. they attend a different performance. the facility throughout the first produc­ Among the most immediate improve­ "This a place where each time they tion held there, "Cabaret," he also saw ments planned next would be the come, they are going to see change, room for a lot of improvement. addition of a ticket booth in the lobby they're going to see improvement. And "We have just begun. We have just area, new seats to replace the classroom I think the audience realizes that they're made one little change," he said. "In seats, and adding a changing area participating in the change," he said. reality, it's still just a classroom." backstage for the actors. Besides the "We want their continued patronage, However, improvements will have to classroom seats being slightly uncom­ just come see us grow." be made gradually due to funding. "This fortable, the incline also obstructs the 2 Enrollment (from pg J) New Faculty Join the College of Several factors contributed to the enrollment increase in Arts and Sci­ Arts and Sciences ences. "Part of the increase is due to The following individuals have joined the College of Arts and Sciences as either freshmen enrolling in the general new faculty or continuing faculty and staff in new positions for the 1992-93 education courses the School of Arts academic year. and Sciences has to offer, but there is also a significant increase due to a Department ofCommunication: growing interest in the majors offered," Gil Cooper is a full-time lecturer in the Department of Communication where he Brill said. teaches communication education and forensics. He came to PSU from the Univer­ New freshmen made up 13.9 percent sity of Missouri in Columbia, where he was the public relations/convention sales of the Arts and Science enrollment coordinator. increase. Another 7.3 percent were John M. King is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication continuing freshmen. where he teaches photojournalism and news editorial courses. He came to PSU from A breakdown by department showed the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where he was a graduate teaching the most significant increases were in associate in the College of Communication. Biology, English, Foreign Language, Robert W. Larson is an assistant professor in the Department of Communica­ Mathematics, and Social Sciences. This tion. Larson teaches advertising and public relations courses. He came to PSU from reflects the areas that offer courses Moorhead State University in Moorhead, Minn., where he was an assistant profes­ included in general requirements. sor in mass communications. Brill said it was important to note that the number of majors had increased Department ofHome Economics: in biology, social science, and nursing. Between the visible increase in Addie L. Johnson is a full-time lecturer, teaching classes in clothing, textiles majors and the process of mission and merchandising. She came to PSU from Southwest Baptist University in Boliver, review, the School of Arts and Sciences Mo., where she was an instructor teaching home economics education. has identified several areas that should be emphasized. Department ofMathematics: Mission review was implemented by Robert W. Deckhart, formerly a temporary assistant professor at PSU, is now the Kansas Board of Regents and re­ an assistant professor teaching undergraduate and graduate mathematics courses. quires all regents universities to analyze their curriculum for areas of needed Department ofMilitary Science: improvement and areas of strength. Kenneth G. Roberts is brigade commander and chairperson for the Department Brill said the review helped to of Military Science. He came to PSU from Fort Polk, La. identify areas needing emphasis and some areas that should be de-empha­ Department ofMusic: sized. "This is a very natural way of Stephen Taylor is an assistant professor in the Department of Music.
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