f , S PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ED ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 80, 1900. ISEKLiySSH PRICE THREE CENTS. 1 ■noBixinovi. fight with John Murphy, Saturday arrived hers this afternoon without being AMERICANS EXPECTED. arrested on night, was here tonight seriously opposed. No casualties so far aa Tien Tsin, May 28.—A hundred Ame- of a I am aware WILL BE ANNEXED. charge being suspicions person. ESTERS TODAY. In the main column and not rican marines from the U. 8. crulsel I In the and many, trait, cavalry Newark are expected here at 11 o’clock RICH THE TICK PRESIDE*CY. mounted The enemy did not :' Infantry. tonight. An armed rescue party of us until had expect tomorrow, end not, Frenchmen and Germans started this therefore, carried off all their \ CUT GLASS Hew Ksflssd fits Fined With Fre- rolling Afternoon to try to relieve the besieged We have of the 1 1 stock. poeseeelon junction The Must grsss sf Bm jr Lean's Bssn, Belgians. viceroy, under the pressure , possess perfect connecting Johannesburg with Natal, of the French * consul, has permitted the Pretoria and railroad. i purity In color, beauty Klerksdorp by rescuers to travel by railroad to Feng- Future of the Boer Re- Lord Roberts Outside Jo- “Johannesburg Is reported quiet and in Tal, where Chinese 1 Washington, May 90.—The New Eng- Position of Missionaries protection ends. of design, clear cut- no mines, I understand, hare been In- ( ( land men are rsry well The Belgians are besieged at Chang 1 feeling pleased jured. Tsin near | ting and sparkling over the progress which Is being made by Teln, Feng Tal. hannesburg. “I shall summon the commandant In China. publics. Secretary Long’s boom for the Vloe Presi- PEKIN RAILWAY ex- CLEARED. brilliancy. These ! • the morning, and If, aa I expect, there Is dency. It Is understood hero that there Is Tien no opposition, I to enter the town Tsin, May 29.—A detachment of * cellent are a very friendly feeling for him on the propose ( qualities with all the 200 soldiers has cleared the railway be- of the troops at noon.” * * 1 part Maine delegation to the tween here and and the shown in our Pekin, ordinary stock. National convent and his friends are Ion; service was resumed at noon. No news expecting a solid New Will Make ♦-• England delegation Triumphal VIRTUAL OCCUPATION. has ben received from the Belgian en- \ ! for him. It does not that Poet- Important Statment by appear Feared Will Meet gineers engaged In the construction of master General Smith is making groat Entry Today. Beers Believed te Here tb.ade.ed They the Luhan •’ line. In other resp cts the headway In his canvass, and the Geo.H.Griffen ; Lord Salisbury. only JolMBBeshsrg. Fate of Converts. situation Is more quiet. other name mentioned prominently now Thirty Japanese have arrived from the Nt CoBgrcaa II. as to be In London, 29.— Lord Roberts's de- likely put against Mr. Long Is May Atagokan. The French flagship Is as the that of Congressman Jonathan P. Dolll- spatch regarded announcing d'Entrescastean, and the gunboat Sur- virtual ver of Iowa. It Is doubtful if he really occupation of Johannesburg and, prise, have left Taku. wants It, however; and while he Is able apparently, the Boers have again effected • TMHK ■ • RUSSIA WANTS GUNBOATS. and popular and very eloquent, he does He Does !Vot Seem to Expect Oppo- a retreat, as there Is no mention of any or Shanghai, 29.—The Russian min- not seem likely to appeal strongly to the prisoners captures, except of rolling May The Boers last Lose Their ister at Pekin has CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK great Eastern sentiment which ought to stock. Kebeilion Continues to Grow in telegraphed asking poailm that all the available be potent In selecting the Vice President, There will be some little anxiety pend- gunboats be sent to •( Portland, Maine. Taku. ladepeadeaee. and of which Mr. Long Is so well suited ing the actual occupation of Johannes Intensity. to be the representative. burg as there are rumors that the town ENGLAND SHOtftjJ INTERVENE. has been mined with the Intention of 30.—The Times CALAIS SUB PORT OF ENTRY. London, May comment- CAl-lTA I.. Lord Roberta and his staff 5100,000.00 blowing up ing the situation in Pekin, Fays: bnctit TO tsi rasas.) on their Into the entry place. “We must follow the excellent example 20.—On motion of Is to Surplus Mi UadivMed Profits, $29,000.00 Washington, May May Be Outside Preto Uermlston a suburb the southeast set ijB by the Americans, and must lose Mr. Was Forced Littlefield the House has passed a of the Johannesburg railway Junction ■ Solicits the scconnts of Banks,Her. England "*** tiMt vawtin, juiiiio, ur, uuu ria and Hen. Roberts mentions It In his Rebels Massing Outside rantlle Firms, Corporations soil Friday. is hereby, established os a sub-port of to the war office. Individuals, and is prepared to fur Into the War. message Probably Id the customs collection of Pekin. nlsh Its pstrons the best facilities entry district Klandsfonteln station Is further east- Waitt and Bond’s snd liberal accommodations. Passomaquoddy, Maine, and that the ward. privileges of the Act approved June Additional evidence that the mines are interest Paid on tenth, eighteenth hundred und eighty, Intact, comes In a message received by Deposits. governing the immediate transportation BLAGKSTONES, of dutiable merchandise without appraise- Transvaal to Open Peace Nego- Johannesburg representative, dated May Good [ SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS, Steps To Be Takes To Prerent ment, be, and are hereby, extended to 28 via Delagoa Bay,saying: “All right.” Tobacco, said and to the of In tiations. Imperial Troops Hopelessly lutenlnrs sod Currupoudenca Iwitud. port port Eastport, Like WIN, With Future Wars. said district. This bill Is one of the de- [•pr»i>s Afi. FREE STATE ANNEXED. Outnumbered. CUI.LEN C. CHAPMAN, President. velopments the of the We have the cream of following building Cape Town, May 88.—<MondayV—The kept Washington county railroad. This road our Fine Old THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. Free State was formally annexed today. Havana, bought turn I sties transportation for goods from before the Lord Roberts yesterday announced to war, refusing all DIRECTORS. St.John and Halifax to and Calais, goods bis troops the annexation of the Free offers to sell at a high price. CULLEN & CHAPMAN, SETH L LARRABEL oome to this railroad at Eastport and also 30—3.89 a. m.—Lord Rob- London, May State which hermfter will be called the Wo are now working this E. N. STEADMAN PERLEV P. BURNHAM. by boat to Eastport, eu route at both erts Is bivouacking In the suburbs of London, May 39.— Lord Salisbury, who Orange River State. stock, and if yon are one of MICE F. HAWKES Eastport and Calais to Boston and points and intends to moke a vic- London, May 80.—The Dally M. EDWARDS, JAMES was entertained at dinner this Johannesburg KRUGER Express, the evening In the United States. A APPOINTS A FAST DAY. has few who do not smoke MERRY S. 6S6000 WILLIAM IL MARKS similar privilege torious entry at noon today. Judging the following from Shanghai, dated by the city ol London Conservative asso Ulackstone it of transportation is enjoyed at Vunceboro from his he must have Pretoria,May 28.—The British occupied Tuesday; Cigars, try one, ADAM P- LEIGHTON made an announce- despatch private „ M^ft, elation, Important Zee rust this and a it the best on for goods coming over the Maine Central : Information the morning large force "The rebellion continues to In In- 10c the ment the South regarding disposition of grow Cigar regarding government’s is on to and Canudlun Pacific roads. the In the ns he marching Llchtcnburg. tensity and the gravest fears are enter- market. African policy. garrison fort, does not | An official bulletin states that the Brit- mined of Its ultimate extent. The en- ! “The the-wnrs’ have naed seem to expect opposition. Lord Roberts’s j QUALITY COUNTS. ‘stop tny ish crossed the Vaal river MAT BE A MURDER. have flowed on Johannes- Saturday. roys at Pekin, tearing a massacre within SNAPPY name,” suid the premier, “In support of cavalry beyond | Uen. Lernmer hod a severe fight at he have decided to the their ideas burg. A portion Is understood to be at Klip capital, bring up by stating that I promised river. Five seven miles north of of the burghers were wound- guards of the i STYLES there should be no A Bl.ld.fsrd Mam Stabbed Zuurfontein, legations. { annexation of terri- by Two ed and and within 30 miles of two captured. The British were The rebels are now massing outside tory, no annexation of gold fields. I Mas. Johannesburg ofj ( r- Pretoria. 6,000 strong. By an order recently issued, Pekin and their numbers are con- FOR WOMEN. never a I never meant to being | gave pledge. the President decreed that 27 Lord with a broken May and itantly augmented. Fresh a I stated Roberts, although contingents | Our lines of Russets are the very give pledge. (Loud cheers.) the two be observed ^ brsaiAX. to thm riusj at and a wrecked following days, by >f armed malcontents arc coming up al- !; latest makes from the most cele- a historical fact. We were accused bridge Vereenlglng | The simple the whole as ii of nost :• brated manufacturers in the United behind him, has somehow man- country days prayer, hourly from the north. | of to wur for lust of and ter- 29.—Peter a railway 1 States, besides our shoes contain going gold Blddeford, May Martin, humiliation and the to forward sufficient confession of sins, The who were sent to the verv best materials and are We went to war to Biddeford mill Is In a aged get supplies Imperial troops { put ritory.
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