tp + e e m »®e@©©<s &or o/it oonts a Q/ou -won't got 060k a earlier a ll the lo c a l &ilt leaoo the n ew s u n less r/ou daily edition of ro a d Iho $ T he Journal ♦ JOURNAL t | at your door. % every opening, | ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦ * * » 4 VOL. XVII. NO. 295. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1900. PRICE ONE CENT ----- r - — 4 -■ ~ ■•. ■ ■ LABOR ENTITLED WOLCOTT MADE BULLOCK BEGGED NEWSIEST BITS T0 ITS REWARD FATAL BLUNDER T0BE KILLED M THE STATE COME Court Holds failure to Nego­ Despite Warning He Drev© Wanted His Captors to Blow* What is Happening From Day TO LOOK tiate Loans . No Excuse Across Track; ffewY©«§i§- Out His Brains—May to Day in New Jersey You need not have any idea o fr buying-in order to know all about for Withholding fees. ■ Bride is Widow. Recover. Towns. our Pianos and their various prices and terms. Whether you Judge Wllhu. A. Helaley has just de- A fatal accident occurred last nigh' it Although his condition is critical and Becent low tides have exposed near care to buy or not you get iden» elded a case which will prove of con­ the Chestnut Btreet railroad crossing, ery day that passes without an opera­ Point Pleasant the bed of an ancient tically the same attention here. siderable interest to real estate men of about one hundred yards from the Bed tion being performed lessens his chances If you have only the remotest meadow and jt clearly defined ditch that thoughts of, some day getting a Ibis vicinity. It is that of George W. Bank station. The Pennsylvania rallrOkd at life, William- Bullock, the colored Tan through It. There Is a tradition that Piano, it will pay you to spend Pittenger of Asbury Pars against Richard train which leaves 'Asbury Park at 5.83 desperado who was shot down by twe the ditch was made nearly 200 years ago. half an hour in finding out about BL Woodward and John J. Troutman of struck a carriage In which were Paul dstectlves Wednesday night, Is still alive There is a dearth of small dwellings In qualities and prices. We’ll prom- Long Branch, executors of Nathaniel W. Wolcott, his bride of two months and aWd conscious in Portsmouth, Va. If he ise to make it interesting. Camden, and, in consequence, many work* The more people who visit us, frontman, deceased, Jq)m Wright. All the parties lived In' gcovere he will be taken hack to Hew logmen have to «cek locations out of the more Pianos we will sell. - Action was brought before Magistrate Eatontown. Wolcott died at 11,80 o’clock Jersey to be banged for the murder of town or in Philadelphia, ■ There is an always-present charm John A. Bsrden some time ago by Coun­ last night in the Long Branch hospital. Chief of Police James Waiah of Bed James R. Swain, son of Bev. Dr. George about the idea of saving a Piano selor James D. Carton, representing Mr. The other two occupants of the wagon flank. in one’s home. We like to fan Swain of Allentown, has accepted a call this spark and keep fanning— Pittenger, for $175 commission and ex­ escaped with only a few bruises, Sheriff O. E. Davis of Monmouth coun­ to a church in Flushing, N. Y. The even though the process takes penses in procuring a loan.of $3,GOO, ■ The part# b#d been to Griggs' machine ty arrived In Portsmouth yesterday morn­ salary Is $2,000. , > yeats and you pay us b dozen, After being put to considerable trouble shop in Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, ing to take the escaped murderer. In cus­ Tea has mysteriously poisoned Mrs. visits in the meanwhile—till William Cook of Paterson and her four eventually you decide to pur­ and expense Mr. Pittenger discovered and had started toward th® buslness'feen- tody. He is accompanied by. Constable chase. Jiiat according to the will the executors ter of the town to make some purchases. ‘Stories E. Strong. The two have requisi­ children., Pa^y us a visit at any time- We could transfer but could-not mortgage the There Is a flagman at the Chestnut street tion papers for Bullock, aud wHl go to It became known yesterday that Mias •like it. Our object is to sell Pi­ property. The executors immediately crossing, and he shouted to the occupants Richmond to, have them indorsed by Gov* Augusta Pett of Perth Amboy was secret­ anos, of course, but we will only ly married January 6 of this year to begin to talk business when you called the matter off, but suit was brought of the wagon warning them of the danger Whor Tyler, although Bullock haa not say we may, and judgment secured. On the appeal at hand. Either Wolcott, who wag driv­ .mated that he would refuse to go with- Robert Chedessky of New York. Judge Helaley reaffirmed ,the verdict of ing, did not hear the warning, or thought oat the papers. The Matawan Auxiliary of the Mon. R A. TUSTING. the lower court, holding that the execu­ he could reach the other side of tha cross­ i Sheriff Davis yesterday afternoon tele­ mouth Memorial gospRal has elected the at the J. J. PARKER CO’s tors were liable, notwithstanding their In* ing before the train arrived. At any rate, graphed the jail officials that the man following officers for the ensuing year:; TAYLOR % TUSSING BUILDING, MATTISON AVE, & BOND ST. ' ' ■ STORE, ability to negotiate the loan. tbe train struck the carriage.- Walcott's tfken by the detectives lb Bullock.' President .Mrs, P. J. Devlin; vlee-presi- Another case directly in line with the right arm was cut ofi at the shoulder, his The wounded prisoner told one of the denta. Mrs, O. A, Geran, Mrs. M. V. Simp­ Granulated Sugar, with other goods -5>^c aboye wag that of Clarence E. Hetrick son, Mrs. Theodore Llsk and Mias Annie lb. (not over s lb to a customer) right leg was severed just below the detectives after his capture that he waa to against Barnabas Burr and Lottie M- Thorne; managers, Mrs, C B. Sutphin, Elegant Mixed Tea, worth jjdc, m \y 35c knee, and his bead was badly c u t Dr. have a new trial, and he did not appear to Mrs. J. H. Becker, Mrs. G. B. Shepherd, Good Coffee in the graift, worth Burr, his wife, for services In procuring a Edwin 8. Field, a hospital, surgeon, was fear returning to New Jersey. But when loan of §5,000 on the Bnrrlngton Hotel, Mrs. D. G. Ryer, Miss Strong, Miss Foley, Our Corona Java Blend, worth 30077851: Jb on the train, and be had the injured man he was first captured, and the detectives A GOOD beard recently by Justice Borden, Mrs. J. S, Harris, Mrs. T. H. Sickles; New Mixed Nuts............................. 25c ih removed to the baggage room near the ihowed him the picture which established A contract was entered Into, but In station. The next south bound train car­ Sin identity, he seemed to realize fully tbe secretary, Miss Ellen Conover; assistant INVESTMENT IN Canned Goods searching the title a forfeiture clause In ried Woicott to the hospital. late In store for him, for he begged them secretary,Mlaa lda Slater; treasurer, Miss Here are the Best Bargains we ever of­ the; original deed from Mr. Bradley was It was some time before Mrs. Wolcott to blow his brains out. Edith Johnson. REAL ESTATE fered...... ....We have put on our Bargain found. This Mr. Bradley refused to re Harvey W. Hartshorne »b4 Miss Ame­ Couifter a lot of canned Fruits and Vege­ realized the extent of the accident. She There was so question about Bullock’s at Deal. Owner will sell a tables—odd brands and soiled labels— lease until Mr. and Mrs. Burr agreed to was unable to control her grief, and ac­ identity after Sheriff Davis saw him. lia C. Mack&y, both of Freehold, were twelve room house with all which we wiii cioso out for a trifle; every tear down tbe spite fence separating their companied her husband to tbe hospital. “Hello, Bill; are you badly hurt?” married Wednesday. improvements on easy terms can guaranteed—all goods of 1st quality. property from tbat next door and also re­ .Wolcott was twenty-three years old. asked the sheriff, Bullock’s answer waft William N, Mount has been granted a at a sacrifice. Splendid plot 35c cans of Plums, Cherries, Pears, Ap­ move their obstructing sign. This they He was engaged In the feed and produce 4 happy smile. He was glad to see his hotel license at Pleasure Bay In place of ricots and Pineapple— 10 cts a can. 100x150 feet. For particu­ refused to do and no mortgage could be business with his father in Eatontown. probable executioner. his present saloon license. Sweet, tender Com, 15c kind......joc can lars see • ’ ! secured. ' Sheriff Davis Immediately did every­ Rev.' Levi Larew of Oceanport has re­ Monogram Tomatoes, three cans for 25c Justice Borden gave Judgment for tbe thing possible to secure the comfort and tired from the ministry. He was pastor Nednac Succotash.........................10c can GIFT TO ST. PAUL’S plaintiff, who was represented by Coun­ recovery of-his prisoner. The very best of a Methodist church there. C overt Jersey Lily Peas...... ..................3 cans 25c selor James D. Carton. Counselor Samuel Mr. at d Mrs. Reward Chandler Have Of­ surgeon obtainable was summoned.
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