2015 BREEDING STOCK SALE 5-8 DECEMBER - DEAUVILLE Catalogue preview Your stay in Deauville Complimentary flight Thursday 3 December London Stansted to Deauville Departing 11:30am / Arriving: 1:25pm To book your seat contact Marie Houlbec: [email protected] 2015 BREEDING Book your hotel STOCK SALE There is a wealth of nice hotels in Deauville but don’t leave it too late to book your room! Contact Marie Houlbec with your requirements: [email protected] 5-8 DECEMBER Sales schedule Inspections: from Thursday 3 December Friday evening: drinks party at ARQANA Saturday 5 December: Part I Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 December: Part II Make the most of your stay! Selection of Pedigrees Deauville is the ideal place to do your Christmas shopping between two visits to the sales complex! Pop into town and you are bound to make someone happy... Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Australian representative Damon Gabbedy with any question (catalogue, accommodation, transport, sales conditions, etc.). Tel: +61 408 007 786 - Email: [email protected] 530 Aga Khan Studs 530 ENNAYA 4-year-old IN FOAL TO LE HAVRE MrProspector Gulch Jameela NAYEF Bustino HeightofFashion ENNAYA(FR) Highclere Kingmambo King'sBest baymare2011 ELVA Allegretta 2004(IRE) Evora Marju 1999 Eviyrna 1st dam Elva,2 winsat2and3years,PrixDorinaatSt-Cloud,placed4times from7starts,2ndPrixVanteaux(Gr.3),4thPrixdeSandringham A half-sister to Champion 3yo filly (Gr.2),Occitanie(L.),56400€.Damof5foals,4winnersincl.: ERVEDYA the winner of three Gr.1s ERVEDYA,(f.2012,Siyouni),7winsat2and3yearsfrom10starts, CoronationSt.(Gr.1)(15),Pouled'EssaidesPouliches(Gr.1)(15), Prix du Moulin de Longchamp (Gr.1) (15), de Cabourg (Gr.3), Imprudence(Gr.3)(15),placed3times,2ndPrixMarcelBoussac- Criterium des Pouliches (Gr.1), Rothschild (Gr.1) (15), 3rd Prix Morny(Gr.1),1088525€. Elennga,(f.2013,ExceedAndExcel),placedonceat2years(15). 2nd dam EVORA,1winat2yearsinIreland.Damof2foalsincl.: Elva,(seeabove). 3rd dam EVIYRNA.Damof7winnersincl.: Sarpi,(c.),11winsat2to5yearsinTurkey,£149,179. 4th dam EULIYA,4 wins at3years,PrixdeRoyallieu(Gr.3),desTourelles(L.), Joubert(L.).Damof8winnersincl.: Erdiya,(f.),1win,placed6timesat3years,3rdPrixdesTourelles (L.).Damof4winners. 5th dam EUNOMIA,1winat3years.OwnsistertoIRODOS.Damof: ERDELISTAN,(c.),Championat3yearsinGermanyandinItaly, 9winsat3to6years,PremioJockeyClubeCoppad’Oro(Gr.1), Federico Tesio (Gr.3), Furstenberg-Rennen (Gr.3), 2nd Gran PremiodiMilano(Gr.1),3rdPrixduJockeyClub(Gr.1).Sire. EGERDIR,(c.),4winsat3years,GrandPrixd’Aquitaine(L.). Erdel,(c.),2wins,2ndPrixdel’Avre(L.). Ederiya. Dam of Lotus. Grandam of HALKIN STREET (Grand Prix GastonDefferreL.). © Racingfotos Ervedya, Gr.1 Coronation Stakes RACERECORD:2wins,placed4timesfrom6startsat3years,GP d'Aix-les- Bains at Aix-les-Bains, Prix Star of Akkar at La Teste, 2nd Prix du Suquet at Cagnes-sur-Mer, Yves Saint Martin at Tarbes,4thPrixdelaCauviniereatDeauville,duCheminFerreat Of note: Chantilly,32200€. • Ervedya has won seven of her 10 starts First time covered in 2015 by LE HAVRE. Last service : March 30th. and earned a rating of 116. Believed in foal. • The filly is set to stay in training at four. • Ennaya herself was rated 92. • She is in foal to Le Havre, the sire of classic winner Avenir Certain. yard - box 12/2015 Deauv. Deauv.12/2015 528 Aga Khan Studs 528 NorthernDancer EDILISA NightShift Ciboulette 3-year-old AZAMOUR LearFan Asmara MAIDEN EDILISA(IRE) Anaza Ahonoora IndianRidge bayfilly2012 ELBASANA Hillbrow 2004(IRE) Ebaziya Darshaan 1989 Ezana Race record :1win(15),placedoncefrom2startsat3years. st 1 dam A winning filly out of a half ELBASANA.Damof5foals,4ofracingage,3winnersincl.: sister to ESTIMATE EDELMIRA,(f.,PeintreCelebre),2winsfrom3startsat3yearsin Ireland,EBFGiveThanksSt.(Gr.3).Broodmare. Elishpour,(c.,OasisDream),2wins,3rdDerbyduLanguedoc(L.). Embiyra,(f.2013,Tamayuz). N.,(f.2014,Sepoy). 2nd dam EBAZIYA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Ireland, Trigo St.(L.), Ballysax St.(L.), Oyster St.(L.), 2nd Killavullan St.(Gr.3), 3rd Blandford St.(Gr.2).Damof14foals,8winnersincl.: ESTIMATE,(f.,Monsun),5winsat3to5inGB,£374,228,Ascot GoldCup(Gr.1),DoncasterCup(Gr.2),SagaroSt.(Gr.3),Queen's Vase(Gr.3),2ndAscotGoldCup(Gr.1),LonsdaleCup(Gr.2). ENZELI,(c.,Kahyasi),6winsat3to5yearsinGB,£192,864,Ascot GoldCup(Gr.1),DoncasterCup(Gr.3),SavalBegSt.(L.). EBADIYLA,(f.,Sadler'sWells),3winsat3,£185,518,IrishOaks (Gr.1),PrixRoyal-Oak(Gr.1),3rdCoronationCup(Gr.1).Damof: EYSHAL, (c.), 5 wins in Ireland & HK, £445,259, Centenary Vase (L.),3rdNationalSt.(Gr.1),TetrarchSt.(Gr.3),GallinuleSt.(Gr.3). Edelpour,(c.2012),2wins(15)inIRE,2ndBallyroanSt.(Gr.3)(15). Ebanoran,(c.),1winat2yearsinIreland,2ndDerbyTrialSt.(Gr.3). Ebalista,1winat3years.DamofEBIYZA(1win,PrixdeRoyallieu Gr.2),Ebayya(f.2012,1win(15)),Ebeyina(1win). Ebatana,placed3times.DamofEbasani(2wins,3rdTrigoSt.L.), Ensaya(1win,3rdPxVulcainL.).GrandamofStaisenzapenzieri (c.2013,1win(15),3rdPremioRumonL.(15)). Ebediyin,(c.2013,Raven'sPass),1win(15)from1startinIreland. EDABIYA,(f.,RainbowQuest),2winsat2,£107,137,Moyglare StudSt.(Gr.1),3rdFillies'MileSt.(Gr.1).Damof4winners. © Racingfotos Estimate, Gr.1 Ascot Gold Cup Eytarna,(f.,DubaiDestination),2wins,3rdFinaleSt.(L.).Damof: ESHERA,(f.2012,Oratorio),2winsat3years,PlatinumSt.(L.)(15). Elasouna,(f.,RainbowQuest),1winat2years,3rdNoblesseSt.(L.). Ebaza,(f.,Sinndar).DamofEMIYNA(2winsat3,AthasiSt.Gr.3). Of note: Ebareva,(f.,Machiavellian).DamofEderan(2ndPxLaMoskowaL.). 3rd dam • The winner of two races in only three starts. EZANA,1win,placed5timesat3years.Damof8winnersand: • Edelmira is in foal to Lope De Vega. Ezilla,unraced.Damof4winnersincl.: • Embiyra, in training with Michael Halford, EZIMA,4wins,SavalBegSt.(L.),FinaleSt.(L.).Damof: is the winner of her only start to date. TAGHROODA, (f.), Champion at 3 years in Europe, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, £1,476,101, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth St.(Gr.1),OaksSt.(Gr.1),3rdPrixdel'ArcdeTriomphe(Gr.1). yard - box 12/2015 Deauv. Deauv.12/2015 552 Aga Khan Studs 552 MANDHEERA 3-year-old SeattleSlew APIndy MAIDEN WeekendSurprise BERNARDINI QuietAmerican MANDHEERA CaraRafaela OilFable (USA) GreenDesert DesertStyle MANDESHA Organza bayfilly2012 2003 Mandalara Lahib 1997 Madiriya Race record :1winfrom2startsat3years(15). st A daughter of Champion 1 dam 3yo filly MANDESHA MANDESHA, Champion at 3 and 4 years in France, 6 wins at 3 and 4 years,PrixVermeille(Gr.1),del’Opera(Gr.1),d'Astarte(Gr.1), Corrida(Gr.2),UrbanSea(L.),placed3times,2ndGrandPrixde Saint-Cloud(Gr.1),NassauSt.(Gr.1),Prix Foy(Gr.2),749855 €. Damof4livingfoals,3ofracingage,3winnersincl.: MANDOUR,(c.,SmartStrike),3 wins,placed5timesat2to4years, Gala St. at Sandown (L.), 2nd Qatar Prix Dollar (Gr.2), 3rd Prix d'Ispahan(Gr.1),deGuiche(Gr.3),4thPrixGontaut-Biron(Gr.3), 151586€.ExportedtoQatar Mandalaya,(f.,ElusiveQuality),1win,pl.3timesat3.Broodmare. N.,(f.2014,Giant'sCauseway). 2nd dam MANDALARA,1winat3years,onlystart.Damof10foals,9ofracing age,7winnersincl.: MANDESHA,(seeabove). Mandali,(c.,Sinndar),2 wins,3rdPrixdelaPortedeMadrid(L.); 6 winsoverjumps,GrdeCsedeHaiesd'Auteuil(Gr.1),446520€ RedMajeur(JPN),(f.2012,DeepImpact),2wins(15),placed5times inJapan. N.(JPN),(f.2014,DeepImpact). 3rd dam MADIRIYA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, Galtres St. at York (L.), placed once.Damof6winnersincl.: MANNDAR,(c.),4wins,$1,128,810,ManhattanH.(Gr.1),Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S.(Gr.1), Fairway St.(L.), 2nd Arlington MillionS.(Gr.1),HollywoodDerby(Gr.1),KnickerbockerH.(Gr.2), San Gabriel H.(Gr.2), 3rd Prix Eugene Adam (Gr.2), du Prince d'Orange(Gr.3).Sire. MANDILAK,(c.),8winsinGBandinItaly,PremiodiLombardia(L.), Ambrosiano at Milan (L.), 3rd Premio Ellington Memorial Carlo © APRH Mandesha, Gr.1 Prix de l’Opéra d'Alessio(Gr.2). Mandara,(f.),1winat3yearsinIreland.Damofwinnersincl.: TO THE MANOR BORN (IND),(f.),4winsinIndia,EveChampion Of note: Trophy(L.),2ndEclipseS.ofIndia(L.),CNWadiaGoldCup(L.). • Mandesha won three Gr.1s on three different 4th dam distances (1600m, 2000m & 2400m) Majanada,1win,placed4timesat3years,2ndPrixdeLiancourtat and was rated 117. Longchamp(L.),3rdPrixdeSaint-Cyr(L.).Damof5winnersincl.: • Mandesha’s first foal Mandour was himself MADIRIYA,(seeabove). rated 117 after finding only Cirrus des Exclusive Order (IND)(c.),3wins,3rdClassicCalcuttaSt.Leger(L.). Aigles too good in the Gr.2 Prix Dollar. Lady Grace (IND), (f.), placed 4 times. Dam of Red Orchid (IND) (1 win,2ndGolcondaDerbyL.,GolcondaStLegerGr.1). • Mandesha has a yearling filly by Giant’s Causeway. yard - box 12/2015 Deauv. Deauv.12/2015 554 Aga Khan Studs 554 MONISHA 3-year-old Chief'sCrown GrandLodge MAIDEN LaPapagena SINNDAR Lashkari Sinntara MONISHA(FR) Sidama Fappiano Rubiano bayfilly2012 MINTLY FRESH RubySlippers 1997(USA) Mintly KeyToTheMint 1982 Syriasly Race record : placed twice from 2 starts at 3 years, 4th Prix de La CelleSaint-CloudatLongchamp(15). A half-sister to MANIGHAR by one of the most promising broodmare sires 1st dam Mintly Fresh, 2 winsat3inUSA,placed6times,2ndSantaPaula S.(L.),$74,540.Damof10foals,9ofracingage,6winnersincl.: MANIGHAR,(c.Linamix),10 wins at3to6yearsinFranceandAUS, Tancred S.(Gr.1), Ranvet S.(Gr.1), Australian Cup (Gr.1), Prix Chaudenay (Gr.2), Carlyon Cup (Gr.3), Prix Michel Houyvet (L.), Derby de l'Ouest (L.), placed 26 times, 2nd Queen Elizabeth S.(Gr.1),EagleFarmCup(Gr.2),SandownClassic(Gr.2),Makybe Diva S.(Gr.2), Prix Kergorlay (Gr.2), de Lutece (Gr.3), 3rd Prix Royal-Oak(Gr.1),DoombenCup(Gr.1),£2,312,316. MINATLYA(f.Linamix),3
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