LIST OF DOMAIN NAMES AWARDED TO CHRIS BOSH IN CYBERSQUATTING CASE (list based upon holdings of defendant as stated in complaint dated July 24, 2008 and court order of September 21, 2009) If your name is on this list and you would like your name returned for free, contact Hadi Teherany at Max Deal at (917) 338-7946 or [email protected]. If you have questions regarding this case, contact Brian Heidelberger at Winston & Strawn (312) 558-5897. Domain Name Celebrity name Celebrity name Affiliation nenadmijatovic.com Nenad Mijatovic Professional Bastketball Player - Budućnost Professional Basketball Player who nicknamed himself "Kobe Stopper" for being able to play kobestopper.com Ruben Patterson strong defense against Kobe Bryant Professional Basketball Player - Washington andrayblatche.com Andray Blatche Wizards Professional Basketball Player - Washington caronbutler.com Caron Butler Wizards Professional Basketball Player - Washington dominicmcguire.com Dominic McGuire Wizards Professional Basketball Player - VEF Riga romangumenyuk.com Roman Gumenyuk (Latvia) Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz antetomic.com Ante Tomic (drafted in 2008) cjmiles.com C.J. Miles Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz deronwilliams.com Deron Williams Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz kostakoufos.com Kosta Koufos Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz kostakoufus.com Kosta Koufos Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz kyrylofesenko.com Kyrylo Fesenko Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz morrisalmond.com Morris Almond Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz paulmillsap.com Paul Millsap Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz ronnieprice.com Ronnie Price Professional Basketball Player - Utah Jazz Professional Basketball Player - used to play for mattfreije.com Matt Freije Atlanta Hawks, now a free agent pauloprestes.com Paulo Prestes Professional Basketball Player - Unicaja (Spain) Professional Basketball Player - Turkish marshallstrickland.com Marshall Strickland Basketball League 1 Chris Bosh and Max Deal offer the return of the domain name free of charge as a courtesy to the celebrity named herein, provided that such person promptly requests the return of such domain name in writing from Max Deal. Domain names will not be returned without a direct written request from an authorized person to [email protected]. Prior to transferring any domain name on this list, Chris Bosh and Max Deal reserve the right to require documentation in their reasonable discretion to support the requester's rights in the domain name. Domain names on this list may or may not be renewed at Chris Bosh and Max Deal's sole discretion. Chris Bosh and Max Deal reserve the right to at any time in their sole discretion to delete or cancel domain names on this list. Chris Bosh and Max Deal will not charge any fees for the transfer of domain names on this list. All third party costs relating to transfer of any domain name on this list to an authorized rights holder, including but not limited to transfer fees charged by the requester's registrar, are the sole responsibility of the party requesting transfer. Chris Bosh and Max Deal make no representations express or implied regarding any domain name on this list. By requesting or accepting the transfer of a domain name, you hereby release Chris Bosh and Max Deal from any and all liabilities in connection therewith. CHI:2310337.2 If your name is on this list and you would like your name returned for free (subject to the terms stated herein), contact Hadi Teherany at Max Deal at (917) 338-7946 or [email protected]. If you have questions regarding this case, contact Brian Heidelberger at Winston & Strawn (312) 558-5897. Professional Basketball Player - Triumph urosslokar.com Uros Slokar Lyubertsy Professional Basketball Player - Toronto royhibbert.com Roy Hibbert Raptors (drafted in 2008) Professional Basketball Player - Toronto andreabargnani.com Andrea Bargnani Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto andreailmagobargnani.com Andrea "Il Mago" Bargnani Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto carlosdelfino.com Carlos Delfino Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto chrisbosh.com Chris Bosh Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto hassanadams.com Hassan Adams Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto ilmagobargnani.com Andrea "Il Mago" Bargnani Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto jasonkapono.com Jason Kapono Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto jorgegarbajosa.com Jorge Garbajosa Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto krishumphries.com Kris Humphries Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto primozbrezec.com Primoz Brezec Raptors Professional Basketball Player - Toronto rokoukic.com Roko Ukic Raptors majorwingate.com Major Wingate Professional Basketball Player - Tofas Bursa Professional Basketball Player - Tisettanta C. torinfrancis.com Torin Francis (Italy) petterikoponen.com Petteri Koponen Professional Basketball Player - Tapiolan Honka Professional Basketball Player - Seattle chriswilcox.com Chris Wilcox SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle damienwilkins.com Damien Wilkins SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle dannyfortson.com Danny Fortson SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle earlwatson.com Earl Watson SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle johanpetro.com Johan Petro SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle mickaelgelabale.com Michkael Gelabale SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle mouhamedsene.com Mouhamed Sene SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle nickcollison.com Nick Collison SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - Seattle saersene.com Saer Sene SuperSonics Professional Basketball Player - San Antonio gorandragic.com Goran Dragic Spurs (drafted in 2008) Professional Basketball Player - San Antonio dermarrjohnson.com DerMarr Johnson Spurs Professional Basketball Player - San Antonio imeudoka.com Ime Udoka Spurs Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento darrylwatkins.com Darryl Watkins Kings Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento johnsalmons.com John Salmons Kings Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento mikkimoore.com Mikki Moore Kings Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento oriengreene.com Orien Greene Kings Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento quincydouby.com Quincy Douby Kings Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento shareefabdur-rahim.com Shareef Abdur-Rahim Kings CHI:2310337.2 If your name is on this list and you would like your name returned for free (subject to the terms stated herein), contact Hadi Teherany at Max Deal at (917) 338-7946 or [email protected]. If you have questions regarding this case, contact Brian Heidelberger at Winston & Strawn (312) 558-5897. Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento sheldenwilliams.com Shelden Williams Kings Professional Basketball Player - Sacramento spencerhawes.com Spencer Hawes Kings Professional Basketball Player - Roanne mohamedkone.com Mohamed Kone (France) Professional Basketball Player - Rio Grande VV marioboggan.com Mario Boggan (USA) Professional Basketball Player - released from dariusmiles.com Darius Miles Portland Trail Blazers due to knee injury Professional Basketball Player - Prokom Trefl mustafashakur.com Mustafa Shakur Sopot Professional Basketball Player - Prokom Trefl papesow.com Pape Sow Sopot Professional Basketball Player - Portland Trail omerasik.com Omer Asik Blazers (drafted in 2008) Professional Basketball Player - Portland Trail ikediogu.com Ike Diogu Blazers Professional Basketball Player - Portland Trail joelprzybilla.com Joel Przybilla Blazers Professional Basketball Player - Portland Trail martellwebster.com Martell Webster Blazers Professional Basketball Player - Portland Trail raeflafrentz.com Raef LaFrentz Blazers Professional Basketball Player - Polish team dajuanwagner.com Dajuan Wagner Prokom Trefl Sopot Professional Basketball Player - Plus Pujol rafaelhettsheimeir.com Rafael Hettsheimeir (Spain) Professional Basketball Player - Played for waynesimien.com Wayne Simien Miami Heat and Minnesota Timberwolves alandotucker.com Alando Tucker Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns amarestoudemire.com Amare Stoudemire Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns ericpiatkowski.com Eric Piatkowski Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns gordangiricek.com Gordan Giricek Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns leandrobarbosa.com Leandro Barbosa Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns lintonjohnson.com Linton Johnson Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns stevenash.com Steve Nash Professional Basketball Player - Phoenix Suns Professional Basketball Player - Philadelphia andreiguodala.com Andre Iguodala 76ers Professional Basketball Player - Philadelphia andremiller.com Andre Miller 76ers Professional Basketball Player - Philadelphia derrickbyars.com Derrick Byars 76ers Professional Basketball Player - Philadelphia herberthill.com Herbert Hill 76ers Professional Basketball Player - Philadelphia kevinollie.com Kevin Ollie 76ers Professional Basketball Player - Philadelphia shavlikrandolph.com Shavlik Randolph 76ers Professional Basketball Player - Partizan urostripkovic.com Uros Tripkovic Belgrade sarasjasikevicius.com Saras Jasikevicius Professional Basketball Player - Panathinaikos Professional Basketball Player - Pamesa shammondwilliams.com Shammond Williams Valencia booutlaw.com Bo Outlaw Professional Basketball Player -
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