■ r- ; \ ,\ THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1969 Average Darljl’ Net Prew Run The Weather -For the Week Ending roreenat ot C. %. JVoatNar BnM a WiOT «lGHTEB!f iTOanrbMa^ lEnPtimg Hrralb March 28th. ]»5» Wlnd>,\^ld tonight with' rfMwV- er*. Istw IrKUbo Shownro ending James Sheldon. Bernard Sheridan, 12,899 The banquet, committee of the The poit-Kaster party of the Rotarians Cited Raymond Smith, Leonard Tost. enriy BatnrdayX^ecoinlng fair, a Italian American Club will meet Polish American Club will be held MemiMr of the Andlt' mile «>oler. Hlgli4<h50. Saturday night. A buffet wdll be Herbert Johnson, two years: and Bare&« of CImilatlon. A bout Town tomorrow night at T:30 at the Richard Carpenter. Rhoar Flydal. clubhouse to make final plans for served at 7 o’clock and will be For Altendanee Manchepter— A City of Village Charm followed by dancing until 1 a.m: Karl Keller. Ruasell Miller and Th* Zipser au b w-ill hold • »et- the father and son banquet to be George Johnson, one year. i held at the Garden Grove April Membors of the Manchester teck p«ity in the clubroomi Sal- The perfect attendance record M.\NCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIJ, .3. 19.59 (riaislfled A (lvrrli*lng on Page 18) PRICE F JV R ^ N T S m iM y for members and friends 112. Tickets may be obtained from Members of Memorial Temple, Rotary Club with 100 per cent at­ VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 156 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Pythian Sisters, are requested to means that ^ach of the men at­ gU itaic at 8:30 p.m. I Robert Sinibaldl or the cluh slew- tendance were honored in the ' ard. meet tonight at R:1.1 at. th tended a meeting of the Rotary Our Company Store WUI Be Open t o The Public ^ T - Holmes Funeral Home to condij Rotary “Spinner,” the weekly Club every week, although not URDAY MORNINGS F*ROM 9 A. M. until 12 NOON. Mlae Phyllis Solomoii. daughter a funeral service for Mrs. Ac newsletter of the group. neceasarily in ' Manchester. Men of Mr. and Mrs. Sanol Solomon of I The DeWolf Art Guild will hold in food sale Saturday at 9 a.m. m Chare, a member of the girjfip Two men, Ernest Bush and unable to^ttend a Rotary meet­ Available are fine hand-knitting’yarns in Lambs Wool, Legislator 19 Robert Rd, has been selected Theodore Brown, were honored for ing in .pMtr own community can Bandit Gets $4,593I f Rapture Hales store fo\the benefit of the by the United Synagogue Youth Mr. and Afrs. Herbeie r b ^ I>eggett, | having 19 years of perfect at­ attend one in another community Cashmere and Fur Blends in a wide range of colors, at Organisation of America to go to I scholar.'?hip fiinX Mrs, Ernest : Bengslon and Mrs. sj^llmer Werlen Keeney Dr.,, Bolton.n. ^juic'e........ returned— ' tendance. Rus.selt Wright had 13: on a reciprocal basis. attractive prices. From time to time also—Seconds of II - rB I Wrong Man as Israel thla summer. A sophomore from a month’s vacktton spent in v^ed Matin and Sal Vendrillo, 10; Fine Fabrics will be offered at prices substantially be­ O pposing at Manchestef High school. Miss j are cO-rhairmen of the romnul- j Lama18 Clearwater and Port Lauderdale. Herbert Swanson, 9; Norman Solonton will be in a group of 100 tee. • ' low market. Payroll at Brancn nyin^ Bandit FU. WeH, 8; and Harry Maldment and hoys and girls from the United Mark Solomon has been elected Neil Sdvers. 7 years. GENERAL Why Not Plan To Visit Us This Saturday? Pay Raise States. The trip will take place In Firemen from the Rth ntatnet Gthers with perfect attendance June and will be of tyi>o weeks pre.sidcnt of his fraternitvvx^f’i North Little Rock, Ark.. Lanibadc Phi. st the University pill out S grass lire Rl 3IR Oak- were .John Alvorri and George T V SERV rCE April 3 (JP)—A bu.siness trip duration. Arrangement* have been siand 8'f. yesterday at 2:.70 p.m. , Findell, fl\^\vear.s; Benjamin Cre- Bank in Hartford Pennsylvania. A member of the' turned into a near nightmare Hartford, April 3 (iT*)—A made for the group ta have an junior class. Solomon is enrolled The Are. which started from a , hore, Aldo vagani. four; Allan Days AC A CsUI ALD0N.8PINNING MILLS CORPORATION audience with Pope John XXIII. Night* Plu* Part* last night for a life insurance Democratii* loKislator toda.\’; at the Wharton School of Finance hardevard incinerator, burned about ' Behnke, Mark N^olmes and Fred TALCOTTVll.LE, CONN. laiiiK'hed a counter-drive ())i- at the university, apecialir.lng in k quaTjer of an acre of ground. Naasiff, three; -Jlarold Crozier, TEL. Ml 8-S482 H artford, April 3 (A’)—The^anj* "ft up a net in aearch of the compan.v e-xecutive who w as! Gets Asylum po.ainjf a proposed ))h.v raise 1 The midweek prayer serv'ice of the taxe.s and insurance. He is the sod j Brown Photo Harvey King, and S>ank Sheldon, office manager of a Hartford holdup man. mistaken hy police for one i Salvation Army at T -IO tonight of Mr. and Mrs. .Sanol Solomi^n of i .St. ChriVlppher's .Mothers Circle Faiber, dazed by the blow, was for leRislators tliis .session. I manufacturing company was vague about detail.* of the attack. the FBI’a .10 most wanted j will be followed at R by Informal 19 Robert Rd. I will meet lotnprrow night at R:l.^ E n g a g e d fugitives. ' Rf»p. Charle.** N. Harinw Jr. of; Bible study. at the home of .Mrs. .lean Adams. | slugged and robbed of a He was entering his car when Covonlry bt»gan ili’ninming up rik- j ”U w asn’t too pleasant. I ’ll tell .'12 Marshall Rd. .Mrs. K athleen' The engagement of Miss Jean struck bv his a.ssailanl. H« stag­ natures for a pptilit’m calling' on , The Hartford Kiwi Ulub wnll $4,593 payroll shortly after you.” sjiid Trum an Pennell o f . hold it.s next meeting on April 9 P'aiilds will he the co-hostess. Marilyn Dougherty to Richard Cal l noon today in t ^ parking lot gered about 200 feel to the teller’s logialators to oppo.Mp a pay raUc Reds Fail Wichita Falls, Tex , as he left Po­ St R p ni at the home of Mrs .lohn ! Election of officers \?M,1 be held. .lenkins Is announced by her psr- It’S The LittI* window inside the hank, where this ses.^inn because it would not bo of the Hartford National only a few moments before he lice Headquarters after a frantic “morally riphl.“ ! Craig ,Ir l.^^ Cllffniore Rd.. West onts, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dough- all-out m anhunt had led to his ar- ^ Hartford. A rehearsal of the rhorifs for the ' Thiig* That Cou*tl Bank and Trust Company’s had cashed tlie pacroll check, If a pay raise bill doea get passed variety show. "April Fooliifvd be- pi ty of 71 Doane .8t. branch at 70 Farmington .Ave^ A discount teller, William Par­ rest. by tliis session. Marlow want.s the To Catch RUMMAGE ker said that Karbei leaned The April meeting of the Odd ing pul on hy the Second Congre .Miss Dougherty, a graduate of So feel free to use our carry Irving M. Farber, about 40, of 67 j , Police believed he W’as Frank legislators to .plodRo not to accept, FellO'?' s and Rebekahs’ Field Day ^ gational Church, will he hold a l ^ Manchester High School, class of H artw ell Rd.. W est Hartford, wa.s againsl hi* rage and a.xked for aa- ‘ Ijiwience SpienZ, 29. the flying it and turn it over to idianty. out service to your car. Of taken to the-Hartford Hospital by | .sislanre. He then sat down on a bank robber who has been on tlie Corp Will be held in Bri.slol on , o’clock tonight at the chiirrh. d i.s employed ss a secretary by “I feel that those representatives God-King Aprrl II. starting with a chicken course, no charge, we’re police cruiser. He suffered a severe chair at a public phone, ! FBI’s 10 most wanted list since wljo have stated that tliey aie op­ I I h ^ Travelers Insurance Co, Her SALE p>e supper at R.."0 p.m. .Mrs Palmina Quaglia. 2.^ W FlDlmS! gash on the head and was bleeding i Au.slin P. Pendleton, vice presi- I .Sept. 10. 19.68. posed to H pay raise at this lime,** fiamV IS the son of Mr. and Mrs. glad to do it . .Middle Tpke . was siirpri.sed la.st ' profusely. I hank, seated the vic- ' Pennell. 36. was arrested after Harlow .said, "prove iheii* sincerity By « ATSON RIMl* Sponsored by W. M. S. HarryX, .lenkins, 129 Campfield ^ iiiglU with a party in honor of her His unknown a.s.sailanl was .said'tim in a leather chair while aWail- I hi.s 4-passenger’ plane. whirl: by joining me in .'Stating publicly Manchester Barracks, Veterans Rd He aHended local schools and •N'pw Delhi, India, April 3 EMANUEL LUTHERAN etth birthday It was held at the to have left bv foot and escaped j ing police. matched the descrip’.ion of one in that if the pay rai.He goes through of World W ar I, and Us Auxiliary is pre.sently with the U.S.
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