TUESDAY September 24, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Plans unveiled for 400,000-square-foot Adairsville development BY JAMES SWIFT then there would either be one large rather than a masonry product.” heard a variance related to proposed vacant land, and the applicant has stat- [email protected] building of 400,000 square feet or In anticipation of the project, the local new industrial near the pumpkin patch ed that the proposed use if approved they might also be two buildings, each UZB voted unanimously to recommend on the 41/Old Dixie Highway area,” for rezoning would be to sell the prop- A representative of the City of about 200,000 square feet,” he said. the rezoning of fi ve parcels off Old Dix- Osborne said. “The next several cases erty to become a part of adjacent pro- Adairsville told The Daily Tribune “Away from the road, further back in ie Highway to IND-G general industrial are going to be pieces of the proper- posed industrial.” News the municipality has received the property towards the rail line, there at a public meeting last week. ty that either touch or are very close Two smaller Adairsville Church of conceptual documents for a roughly would be some truck parking and some The board previously recommended to that 48 acres that backs up to the Christ properties were also rezoned to 400,000-square-foot industrial devel- storage buildings.” approval of a request from New York- pumpkin patch.” general industrial as were two residen- opment off Joe Frank Harris Parkway. The developer, he continued, has based HJ Brothers Realty, LLC in Au- The fi ve parcels lined up for rezon- tial parcels currently owned by the Mc- According to Adairsville Community already come to the Adairsville Uni- gust, allowing reduced buffers on a ing entailed a mixture of tracts cur- Guire family of Trussville, Alabama. Development Director Richard Os- fi ed Zoning Board (UZB) with several roughly 48.5-acre tract that lies north rently zoned residential and commer- The board also recommended the borne, the applicant is PNK Group, the variance requests. of the U.S. 41/GA 140 intersection and cial. That included a rezoning request approval of a proposal to annex a Russian developer responsible for the “The applicant has stated that PNK is positioned across the highway from for an approximately 12.7-acre parcel roughly 1.42-acre parcel owned by 3-million-square-foot Southern Gate- makes concrete panels that are paned International Parkway. owned by the Adairsville Church of the McGuires — which, technically, is way at Lambert Farms project in Mc- with store glass windows and metal According to Bartow County Board Christ. in Bartow County — into the City of Donough. accents,” Osborne said. “PNK would of Assessors data, the fair market value “It does not have a road frontage,” Adairsville. “From U.S. 41, the employee park- like their building to refl ect their prod- of the property is almost $1.7 million. Osborne said. “It backs up to the rail- ing would be closest to the road, and uct by having a concrete exterior fi nish “Either a month or two ago ya’ll road tracks, it’s off Old Dixie … this is SEE DEVELOPMENT, PAGE 2A Both school systems YKES ON THE OWN near or T T over 90% graduation rate BY DONNA HARRIS [email protected] Graduates in the Class of 2019 have made school offi cials in Bar- tow County very happy, as three of the four high schools saw an in- crease in their graduation rate; all but one broke the milestone 90% mark; and all four topped the state rate. According to graduation rates released Wednesday by the Geor- gia Department of Education, the Bartow County School System saw 89.2% of its seniors walk across the stage to receive their diplomas in May, a 2.1% increase over last year’s rate of 87.1%. This was the highest rate the system has had since 2012, when the state began using the adjusted cohort calculation now required by federal law to align Georgia’s grad- uation-rate calculation with nation- al standards. The four-year adjusted cohort rate is the number of students who graduate in four years with a regu- lar high school diploma divided by RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS the number of students who form Several dozen children participat- the adjusted cohort for the gradu- ed in the 65th Annual Kiwanis Kid- ating class. die Day Parade Saturday morning in From the beginning of ninth downtown Cartersville. Right, Dot Frasier, executive director of the Bar- grade, students who are entering tow Education Foundation, and Dr. that grade for the fi rst time form a Marc Feuerbach, superintendent of cohort that is subsequently adjusted Cartersville City Schools, served as co-Grand Marshals of the parade. SEE GRADUATION, PAGE 5A Good Neighbor presents Bed Race & Family Festival Saturday BY MARIE NESMITH “When Jessica mentioned a homelessness. and two winners. Families are [email protected] family-fundraiser event, I knew “... The event will raise funds also expected to decorate their this would be a special event that for our shelter, outreach and bed and come in costume, so we In the midst of turning wood Trey and I could work with our transitional housing programs. will be judging this in each cat- pallets into a pirate ship, Ivy children by teaching them how It also gives us an opportuni- egory and giving away trophies. Jordan and her family are busy to raise funds to support and ty to partner with families and Finally, we’ve asked teams to gearing up for the Good Neigh- serve others in our community.” businesses/groups to help spread work together to raise money to bor Homeless Shelter’s inaugu- Set for Saturday, the bene- the word about our mission and help support the shelter and its ral Bed Race & Family Festival. fi t will be presented from 9 to work.” programs. Titled “Nautical Wheeler,” their 11 a.m. at Dellinger Park, 100 Along with the Jordans, the “Teams are reaching out to creation is named after Jimmy Pine Grove Road in Cartersville. Bed Race’s competitors include friends and family, raffl ing off Buffett’s song, “Nautical Wheel- As the event approaches, Good the families of Season and Gin- items, doing bake sales and rais- ers” — a bedtime melody for her Neighbor Executive Director ny Weaver, Blake and Jill Arthur, ing money at work to help sup- children. Jessica Mitcham is reaching out Jon and Mande England, and port this event. We will have a “As a past board member, I to the public to attend the bene- Brandon and Elizabeth Bowen. play area for kids with bounce have been a part of organizing fi t, cheer for their favorite team In the business/group division, houses and access to this area is many fundraisers for GNHS and contribute to the partici- participants are Harbin Pediat- free. Also, food will be available from Cartersville Dances with pants’ fundraising efforts. rics, Paradise Boat Rentals, Old for folks to enjoy while they are [the] Stars to How Sweet the “This is the fi rst year for our Car City, Church of the Ascen- there.” Sound and even Home for the Bed Race event, which we plan sion, New Hope Urgent Care Currently in the process of Holidays, which was a fund- to host annually going forward,” — Dallas Management Group, securing a second shelter on raiser in the late 1990s,” said Mitcham said. “For many years, Georgia Power/Plant Bowen, Townsley Drive, the Good Jordan, who resides in Carters- we’ve wanted to change our fall SOS Mattress, and a Public Neighbor formed in 1996 and has ville with her husband, Trey, and event and do something more Safety Team with Cartersville served more than 7,800 people. their four children: Collier, 11, family friendly. Many of our City police and fi re departments. On average, its 4,600-square- Elin, 9, Barron, 6, and Hallie, 3. donors have expressed interest “We will have heats of bed foot shelter on Porter Street that “I have always remained behind in an event where their chil- races in the business/group cate- was built in 2001 assists over SPECIAL the scenes and encouraged many dren could participate and for gory and then heats for the fami- 600 individuals per year. Ivy and Trey Jordan and their children, from left, Hallie, Barron, participants to raise money for the event to be an opportunity lies,” Mitcham said. “These will Elin and Collier are creating a pirate ship for the Good Neighbor GNHS. to talk with their children about lead to a fi nal for each category SEE GOOD NEIGHBOR, PAGE 6A Homeless Shelter’s Bed Race & Family Festival Saturday. INSIDE TODAY Mostly VOLUME 73, NO. 121 Obituaries ............................. 2A Blotter ................................... 5A sunny U.S. & World .........................3A Weather ................................ 6A High 88 www.daily-tribune.com Stocks ................................... 3A Sports ................................... 1B Entertainment ...................... 4A Classifieds............................ 3B Low 58 2A Tuesday, September 24, 2019 • www.daily-tribune.com Local The Daily Tribune News ContactUs OBITUARIES The Daily Tribune News service. Interment will follow youth, the family moved to Bar- later joined Pine Grove Indepen- Charlotte (Larry) Darby and Address: Mary Alma at Georgia National Cemetery, tow County where they farmed dent Church where she faithfully Amanda (Dexter) Wilbon; sis- 251 S. Tennessee St. 1080 Scott Hudgens Drive, Can- and worked together. Mary was served on several committees ters-in-law, Levon Ward, Debbie Cartersville, GA 30120 Ward Foster ton, Ga 30114.
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