2019 SIRE DIRECTORY www.universalsemensales.com • 1-800-227-8774 SEXED SEMEN AVAILABLE - SEE PAGE 1 FOR DetaILS ANGUS SEMEN CERT ANGUS SEMEN CERT ANGUS SEMEN CERT 44 Arsenal 4W07 $30 $40 EXAR EZX 3772B $30 $30 Reisig Intrigue 4407 $25 $35 44 Bragging Rights 437 pg 25 $30 $40 EXAR Monumental pg 10 $45 $40 RES Dark Fire E612 pg 4 $22 $40 44 Common Sense 6160 $25 $35 EXAR Spread 5767B $40 $50 Rito 6EM6 of 4L3 Emblazon $20 $40 44 Trending 4413 pg 26 $30 $40 EXAR Stallion 7986 pg 20 $40 $50 SAC Conversation $25 $40 A&B Spotlite 3065 $20 $35 EXAR Stud 4658B $30 $40 SAV 654X Rainmaster 6849 pg 21 $35 $40 AAR Ten Fold $20 $35 EXAR Titelist T011 $30 $30 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 $40 $35 AAR Ten X 7008 $30 $40 EXAR Upshot $30 $40 SAV Bandolier 1916 $50 $40 AAR Ten X 9903 $20 $35 EXAR Wanted $30 $30 SAV Brilliance 8077 $22 $35 Apex Duty Free $25 $35 EXT $150 $35 SAV Final Answer $50 $35 Apex Focus 053 $20 $35 EZAR Gold Rush pg 8 $30 $40 SAV 004 Predominant 4438 $30 $40 BA Sterling pg 26 $20 $35 FF Black Gold JF C19 pg 6 $25 $35 SAV Net Worth 4200 $50 $35 Baldridge 38 Special pg 8 $30 $35 FF EZ Money pg 3 $30 $35 SAV Priceless 3155 pg 28 $25 $35 Baldridge Bronc $25 $40 FF Rito Righteous 6R41 pg 20 $25 $50 SAV Rainfall 6846 pg 18 $35 $40 Baldridge Bullet pg 24 $25 $35 Final Produce $25 $40 SAV Real Estate 3159 pg 28 $25 $35 Baldridge Challenger $30 $40 Freys Opportunity 148A $20 $25 SAV Renovation pg 17 $40 $40 Baldridge Jennings Z064 $25 $35 GAR Ashland pg 4 $30 $40 SAV Renown pg 28 $40 $35 Baldridge Jethro 75J $20 $40 GAR Inertia pg 2 $40 $40 SAV Resource pg 17 $40 $35 Baldridge Nebraska $25 $25 GAR New Design 5050 $40 $40 SAV Thrive $25 $25 Baldridge Titan A139 pg 16 $30 $40 GAR Predestined $20 $40 SAV Universal 4038 pg 17 $35 $35 Bar R Jet Black 5063 pg 10 $40 $40 GAR Prophet $20 $40 Schiefelbein Effective pg 23 $20 $35 Barstow Bankroll B73 pg 30 $25 $40 GAR Sunrise $25 $40 SHB Pendleton 9201 $30 $35 Basin Payweight 107S $25 $40 GAR Sure Fire pg 19 $25 $40 Sitz Alpine 11076 $18 $35 Basin Payweight 1682 $60 $30 Gaffney Game Time 370 $25 $40 Sitz Emblazon 9598 $20 $40 Basin Rainmaker 4404 pg 27 $20 $30 GMAR Super Duty SP16 $20 $30 Sitz Final Statement $20 $40 BCC Bushwacker 41-93 $75 $40 Goforth Admiral E25 pg 7 $25 $35 Sitz Jauer 4771 $20 $35 Bolts Power Ball 7538 pg 25 $25 $35 HA Cowboy Up pg 16 $30 $50 Sitz Logic $20 $40 BR Midland $30 $50 HA Image Maker 0415 $22 $35 Sitz Rainmaker 11127 $20 $40 B/R Destination 9538-7222 $25 $35 HA Prime Cut 4493 pg 27 $25 $35 Sitz Stellar 726D pg 31 $25 $40 B/R New Day 454 $20 $40 HA Program $20 $35 Sitz Uncommon $20 $40 Brooking Silver Lining pg 19 $30 $40 Hilltop True Grit pg 34 $20 $35 Soo Line Motive 9016 pg 35 $30 $40 BSF Hot Lotto pg 16 $40 $40 Hilltop Wide Open $25 $40 Spring Cove Paygrade 5064 $25 $40 Bubs Southern Charm pg 9 $35 $40 Hoover Counselor N29 pg 21 $25 $40 SS Objective T510 0T26 $22 $35 Bubs Southern Joe 674D pg 26 $25 $35 Hoover Dam $26 $40 SS Odyssey H71 pg 25 $25 $35 Bushs Easy Decision pg 27 $25 $25 Hoover Top Notch pg 31 $35 $40 Stenberg Coalition 509 $18 $35 Bushs True Grit 109 $20 $40 Hyline Heritage 273 $30 $40 Stevenson Big League pg 20 $40 $50 Byergo Black Magic pg 8 $60 $50 Hyline Right Time 338 $30 $40 Stevenson Easy Money pg 11 $40 $40 Byergo Blackstone 6325 pg 7 $45 $40 ICC 9969 Gunner 86Y $20 $35 Stevenson Premium pg 16 $25 $50 Byergo Boomer pg 34 $40 $40 JD Brilliance 12Y $25 $35 Stevenson Statement pg 9 $40 $40 Byergo Titus 6340 pg 34 $30 $40 Jindra Acclaim pg 2 $30 $40 Still in the Rough $20 $35 CAR Duke 104 $100 $40 Jindra Blackout pg 13 $35 $35 Styles Cash R400 pg 29 $25 $35 Circle L Gus pg 9 $25 $35 Jindra Megahit pg 15 $35 $35 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 $25 $35 Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P pg 33 $20 $35 Jindra Stonewall pg 4 $30 $40 SydGen Black Pearl pg 31 $20 $40 Cole Creek Cedar Ridge pg 32 $20 $35 Joe Canada 18Y $30 $30 SydGen C C & 7 $75 $40 Coleman Charlo 3212 pg 22 $25 $35 KCF Bennett Absolute $35 $35 SydGen Enhance pg 19 $40 $40 Coleman Emblazon 780 $20 $35 KCF Bennet Coalition $30 $35 SydGen Exceed $20 $40 Coleman Engage 5255 pg 27 $25 $35 KCF Bennett The Rock pg 19 $30 $35 SydGen Fate 2800 pg 32 $24 $40 Coleman Knight pg 32 $20 $35 KG Solution 0018 pg 33 $18 $35 SydGen Mandate $24 $40 Coleman Manning $20 $35 Kesslers Frontman R001 $25 $35 Sydgen Trust 6228 $20 $40 Coleman Missing Link 017 $20 $35 KM Broken Bow pg 14 $28 $35 TC Gridiron 258 $20 $40 Coleman Regis 904 $20 $40 Koupal Advance 28 pg 28 $20 $35 TC Grid Topper 355 $20 $40 Complement $22 $35 Koupals B&B Atlas $30 $35 TC Total 410 $20 $40 Connealy Armory pg 24 $25 $40 Koupals B&B Identity pg 35 $30 $30 TC Thunder $18 $40 Connealy Arsenal 2174 pg 32 $25 $35 Koupal Olympian $20 $35 TEX Playbook 5437 pg 23 $40 $40 Connealy Black Granite pg 5 $30 $35 KR Millionaire $30 $30 TH Black Cash 1013 pg 29 $25 $35 Connealy Capitalist 028 $25 $40 KR Status 4267 $50 $50 Thomas Big Data 7435 pg 11 $30 $40 Connealy Comrade 1385 $25 $40 LCC Blackcap Prime pg 30 $25 $35 Thomas Top Hand 0536 $20 $40 Connealy Concord $25 $40 LD Capitalist pg 5 $30 $40 Thomas Xpansion 5810 pg 15 $30 $40 Connealy Consensus 7229 pg 29 $20 $50 LD Emblazon 999 pg 34 $25 $35 TR Mr Aberdeen 1068Y $25 $35 Connealy Countdown pg 22 $25 $25 Lemmon Satisfaction B106 pg 15 $30 $40 VAR Discovery pg 30 $40 $40 Connealy Courage 25L $20 $40 MAR Hoover Focus 0525 pg 33 $20 $35 VAR Empire 3037 $30 $40 Connealy Earnan 076E $35 $35 Marda Blacksmith pg 22 $35 $40 VAR Foreman 3339 pg 32 $40 $40 Connealy Guiness pg 25 $25 $40 McKellar Frederick $25 $35 VAR Generation 2100 $30 $40 Connealy Jet 4405 $25 $35 McKellar Legend 3320 $30 $35 VAR Index $25 $40 Connealy Lead On $20 $35 Mead Magnitude pg 23 $25 $35 VAR Ranger pg 33 $30 $40 Connealy Legendary 644L pg 20 $30 $40 Mill Bar Hickok pg 14 $26 $40 VAR Reserve 1111 $25 $40 Connealy Long Range pg 13 $30 $35 Mohnen South Dakota pg 35 $25 $25 VAR Rocky $30 $30 Connealy Mentor 7374 $20 $40 Musgrave 316 Exclusive pg 6 $25 $40 VAR Seismic 5400 pg 27 $20 $35 Connealy Rolling Stone pg 6 $20 $35 Musgrave Aviator $24 $40 VDAR Black Cedar 8380 $20 $35 Connealy Spur pg 21 $25 $25 Musgrave Big Sky $35 $35 VDAR Cedar Wind 8111 pg 26 $20 $35 Connealy United 1116 $30 $35 Musgrave Sky High 1535 pg 18 $35 $40 VDAR New Design 2122 $20 $35 Connealy Uptown 098E $20 $35 Musgrave Stunner 316 pg 10 $35 $35 VDAR Really Windy 4097 $25 $40 Crook Mt Windy 17 $20 $35 Mytty In Focus $75 $35 VDAR Right Time 3045 $20 $35 Crook MT Really Windy 141 $20 $30 Mytty Natural $25 $35 Vermilion Bear Paw $25 $35 CTS Remedy pg 35 $25 $35 PAPA Forte 1921 $50 $50 Vermilion Dateline 7078 “VRD” $25 $25 DDA Emblazon 27C $20 $35 PA Fortitude pg 31 $25 $35 Vermilion Huntley pg 34 $30 $35 DDA Fahren 21Z $20 $35 PA Power Tool 9108 $24 $35 Vision Cash 3414 pg 28 $20 $35 Deer Valley All In $25 $40 PAHR Yeti pg 3 $30 $35 Vision Unanimous 1418 pg 33 $25 $35 Deer Valley Growth Fund pg 11 $40 $40 Paintrock Trapper pg 30 $25 $35 Visiontopline Royal Stockman $25 $35 Diablo Deluxe 1104 pg 2 $22 $35 Pinebank Waigroup 14/02 $25 $35 WAR Alliance 9126 $20 $35 Eathington Sub Zero pg 23 $22 $35 Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 $50 $55 Werner Flat Top pg 18 $25 $40 EF Commando 1366 $30 $50 Prairie Pride Next Step 2036 pg 10 $30 $40 Werner War Party 2417 $25 $40 Ellingson Drover pg 22 $25 $35 PVF Insight pg 18 $30 $35 Whitlock pg 21 $30 $35 Ellingson Identity 9104 $20 $35 Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 pg 35 $25 $40 Whitestone 18-Million pg 14 $35 $40 Ellingson Top Shelf $30 $25 Quaker Hill Rampage pg 24 $30 $40 WHS Limelight 64V $20 $40 EWA Peyton pg 13 $40 $40 RAML Rangefinder 7536 pg 14 $30 $40 WK Bobcat $25 $35 EXAR Blue Chip 1877B $30 $30 RB Tour of Duty 177 pg 24 $25 $35 WR Journey 1X74 $30 $40 EXAR Denver $35 $50 RR 2418 $150 $40 ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Services requiring coming to the office during non-hours or weekends will be assessed a charge of $50.00 to cover mileage.
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