10626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 19, 19 71 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, April 19, 1971 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. MAKING IN ORDER CONSIDERATION veterans, and certain dependents, as pro­ The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, OF SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRI­ vided lby Public Law 91-584; $8,700,000 D.D., offered the following prayer: ATIONS for increased automobile allowances for disabled veterans, as provided. by Public The honest man comes to the light so Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ Law 91-666; and $283,000,000 for un­ that it may be clearly seen that God is in mous consent that it may be in order on anticipated increases in the rate and unit all he does.-John 3: 21 (NEB). Thursday of this week to consider a joint costs of participation in training pro­ resolution making certain urgent sup· o God, our Father, we lift our hearts grams 1by veterans' depenld.ents. unto Thee in this hallowed moment and plementary appropriations for the cur­ We understand that balances in the bow our heads at the altar of prayer, rent fiscal year. existing appropriations could be ex­ thanking Thee for the days of renewal The SPEAKER. Is there objection to hausted before action on the general which have been ours and praying for the request of the gentleman from supplemental bill is finalized. wisdom and strength as we face the Texas? Then, as a resul·t of the fairly recent trying tasks of this troubled time. Em­ Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, reserving earthquake in California and storms and power us with Thy spirit that we may the right to object, would the distin­ disasters in the Middle West and Gulf rise above pettiness and prejudice and · guished chairman of the Committee on States, there is a request before us for learn to work together with a glad good Appropriations tell the House what sub­ $290 million for disaster relief and loan will for the welfare of our country and jects are proposed to be dealt with in programs. There is urgency attached. to the well-being of mankind. this expedition of certain supplemental them since they relate to assistance as Guide with Thy truth and support appropriation funds? a result of natural disasters. with Thy love those who lead our Na­ Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speak.er, will the It is therefore proposed, I would say tion in this forum of freedom-our gentleman yield? to my friend from Iowa, that we lift these Speaker, our Representatives, he who Mr. GROSS. I yield to the gentleman. three items out of the regular supple­ assumes office representing the District Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, the gentle­ mental and give them early attention. of Columbia, and all who labor with man makes a very appropriate inquiry. Of course, the special resolution to be them under the glowing dome of this The President has sent to Congress re­ presented will be subject to amendment, glorious Capitol, that Thy kingdom of quests for numerous supplementary ap­ but we have been urged over a period of justice and freedom and good will may propriations for the current fiscal year quite some time to act as quickly as pos­ go forward until the earth becomes a 1971 which ends on June ·30 next. The sible, and we felt that we should yield planet where men live together in true Committee on Appropriations has over a to these urgent requests ahead of the bro,therhood and enduring peace: To period of some weeks been holding hear­ regular supplemental bill. the glory of Thy holy name. Amen. ings on them. We hope to report a gen­ Mr. GROSS. Is the gentleman saying erial supplemental bill early next month, that there are three i terns or there may but we cannot be certain just how quickly be more than three, perhaps six or seven THE JOURNAL Congress will take final action on it. In items? The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ the meantime, there are a handful of Mr. MAHON. There are seven appro­ amined the Journal of the la'St day's pro­ pressing items which must be accom­ priations, but there are three areas of ceedings and announces to the House his modated in the very near future. appropriation involved, and I have men­ approval thereof. There are requests before us for $16.3 tioned those three. Without objection, the Journal stands million for the Occupational Safety and Mr. GROSS. And they are all of an approved. Health Act which goes into effect on the emergency nature? There was no objection. 28th of this month as a result of legisla­ Mr. MAHON. They are. tion passed by Congress late last year. It Mr. GROSS. Is the gentleman saying is the desire of the administration to get further that the material in respect to MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT this program underway. There is also these bills will be available before A message in writing from the Pres­ considerable interest in the Congress to Thursday? ident of the United States was communi­ move ahead. The request has been before Mr. MAHON. The material is available cated to the House by Mr. Geisler, one of us for some time and we feel it should today. The hearings are now available his secretaries. be acted urpon soon. That is one of the and, of course, the budget requests from items. the President have been available for A second item is the result of various some time. The joint resolution and re­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE laws enacted by the last Congress and port will be available just as soon as the unanticipated caseloads. There are two committee acts, which will be on Thurs­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. requests for a total of $736 million for day. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced Veterans' Administration mandatory­ I would like to say further that the that the Senate had passed concurrent type benefits--$434 million for com­ gentleman from Ohio <Mr. Bow) the resolutions of the following titles, in pensation and pensions and $302 million ranking minority member of the Com­ which the concurrence of the House is requested: for readjustment benefits. mittee on Appropriations, fully concurs May I add that the first request would in this request. S. Oon. Res. 15. ,Ooncurrent resolution per­ provide $4,140,000 for increased subsist­ Mr. GROSS. It is anticipated that this taining to the printing of additional copies of part I of the hearings before the Subcom­ ence allowances for vocational rehabil­ legislation may be oalled up on Thurs­ mittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures of itation trainees, as provided by Public d 3.y or prior to that date? the Committee on the Judiciary; and Law 91-219; $3,612,000 for increased Mr. MAHON. This is the request S. Con. Res. 18. Concurrent resolution au· dependency and indemnity compensation which is being made. for Thursday. thorizing the printing of additional copies of rates, as provided by Public Law 91-262; Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw Senate Report 91-1'548, entitled "Economics $222,212,000 for increased compensation my reservation of objection. of Aging: Toward a Full Share in Abun­ rates, as 'provided by Public Law 91-376; The SPEAKER. Is there objection to dance." $115,000,000 for increa.5ed pension rates, the request of the gentleman from Texas? as provided by Public Law 91-588; and Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, further re­ $88,815,000 is for Ullianticipated increases serving the right to object, in view of the HON. WALTER E. FAUNTROY in the number of disabled veterans apply­ announced progralll fur the House of The SPEAKER. The Chair is ready ing for benefits and in the average Representatives for this week, includ­ to administer the oath of office to the amount of payment. The second veterans ing the Accelerated Public Works Act, Delegate from the District of Columbia. reouest, for $302 million, breaks down Pan American Day, the swppJ.emental Mr. FAUNTROY appeared at the bar as follows: $10,500,000 for liberalized maritime authorrnation, and all of the of the House and took the oath of office. educational assistance to servicemen, six bills that are scheduled for Thursday April 19, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 10627 and the balance of the week, I presume Affairs on April 5, 1971, be rereferred to await his participation eagerly. We need that the gentleman, the distinguished the Committee on the Judiciary. the credentials of a Member who has chairman of the Committee on Appro­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to passed muster with the people whose lives priations, is by this unanimous-consent the request of the gentleman from Colo­ we affect so specifically and parochially request serving notiice that on Thursday rado? with the decisions we make. or therea.fter we will take up this sup­ There was no objection. plemental appropriation. I would like to ask if he or the leader­ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW ship knows whether or not it is planned SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE DIS­ to continue the program. as announced or WALTER FAUNTROY, REPRESENT­ TRICT OF COLUMBIA whether we are planning to work through ATIVE FROM THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA <Mr. LINK asked and was given per­ Frtid.ay and Saturday in order to accom­ mission to address the House for 1 min­ plish this added new program. (Mr. RYAN asked and was given per­ ute and to revise and extend his Mr. MAHON. I would say that it is the mission to address the House for 1 minute remarks.) hope that th!is urgent supplemental mat­ and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr.
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