2 0 0 6 N AT I O N A L A N D R E G I O N A L AWA R D S Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is my pleasure to congratulate the 2006 NEAFCS award and fellowship winners. Annual Session is a wonderful time to celebrate the contributions that NEAFCS members are making to our profession, our families and our communities. I am so impressed by the excellence in educational programs and high technology in our regional and national award winners. I would like to say a personal thanks to all of the 496 national and re g i o n a l applications that were submitted. Our award winners have “Reached New Heights” through the great educational programs and opportunities that they provide. Again, please accept my congratulations and best wishes. Sandy McLain 2005-2006 NEAFCS President PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Message . .2 COMMUNICATION AWARDS Catagories & Sponsors . .4 Newsletters . .26 Radio . .26 National Awards Television . .27 Written News . .27 FELLOWSHIPS Educational Technology . .28 Greenwood Fellowship . .7 Educational Curriculum Package 29 Grace Frysinger Fellowship . .7 Educational Publications . .29 Internet Education Technology .30 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARDS Distinguished Service . .7 PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARDS Continued Excellence . .15 Marketing Package . .30 Extension Educator of the Year .21 Community Partnership . .31 Florence Hall . .21 New Professional . .22 Para-Professional . .23 Regional Awards PROGRAM AWARDS CENTRAL REGION . .32 Dean Don Felker Financial Management . .23 EASTERN REGION . .40 Mary W. Wells Diversity . .23 Program Excellence Through SOUTHERN REGION . .46 Research . .23 Environmental Education . .24 WESTERN REGION . .54 Extension Housing Outreach . .24 Early Childhood/Child Care Training . .24 Awards & Recognition Food Safety . .25 Committee . .61 4-H Excellence in Afterschool Programming . .25 Healthy Lifestyles Education Grant 26 PAGE 3 AWARD CATEGORIES & SPONSORS Fellowships al improvement programs and pro- moting professional development Greenwood Fellowship and leadership. SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS This fellowship gives members an Extension Educator of the Year opportunity to pursue professional SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS improvement through graduate study This award is to recognize a profes- in the area of their own choosing. sional Extension Family and Con- sumer Sciences Educator who is con- Grace Frysinger Fellowship ducting outstanding educational pro- SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS grams that demonstrate impact on This fellowship provides an opportu- families. nity for members to study and observe family and consumer sci- Florence Hall Award ences education in other states or SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS countries. The Florence Hall Award is present- ed for an outstanding program con- ducted by one or more NEAFCS Professional Development members who have been alert in Awards recognizing new concerns and inter- Distinguished Service Award ests of families and have involved PLAQUES PROVIDED BY: A&T INDUSTRIES people in planning and implement- Wendell Garnhart ing programs that benefit families. 1602 16th Street, Barron, WI 54812 New Professional Award The Distinguished Service Award is SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS PAST the highest award presented by NATIONAL PRESIDENTS NEAFCS. The award recognizes Cheryle Jones-Syracuse (Chair) members for leadership, educational Ohio State University Extension program efforts and professional 39 Wall Street, Jefferson, OH development. 44047-1137 Continued Excellence Award This award is presented to an out- PLAQUES PROVIDED BY: A&T INDUSTRIES standing new professional, but must The award recognizes members who be used to help defray the cost of have previously received the Distin- attending the recipient's first NEAFCS guished Service Award and continue Annual Session. to be actively involved in profession- PAGE 4 2006 NEAFCS NATIONAL AWARDS Para-Professional Award Program Excellence Through SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS Research Award This award recognizes outstanding SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS service to special audiences through This award emphasizes the use of the use of para-professionals work- research results to improve existing ing with or supervised by Extension p r ograms or to develop new pro g r a m s . Family and Consumer Sciences Educators. Environmental Education Award SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS This award recognizes NEAFCS Program Awards members for outstanding educational Dean Don Felker Financial programs conducted for families Management Award and/or communities on various SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS environmental issues/concerns. This award recognized the develop- Extension Housing Outreach ment of financial management pro- Award grams which help individuals and SPONSORED BY: MONTANA STATE UNIV. families make decisions and plans Michael Vogel, FCS Program Leader for their present and future needs. Housing & Environmental Quality Mary W. Wells Diversity Award Bozeman, MT 59717 SPONSORED BY: STATE AFFILIATES & Recognizes outstanding housing INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS educational programs conducted for This award recognizes outstanding families and/or communities. efforts and accomplishments of indi- Early Childhood Child Care viduals and/or teams in diversity and Training pluralism for any Extension Family SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS OHIO and Consumer Sciences program or AFFILIATE (OEAFCS) activity, including staff development, Honoring Extension Professional advisory councils, programs, etc. Anita Pulay Healthy Lifestyles Education This award recognizes outstanding Grant childcare professional training that SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS addresses the needs of young chil- Awarded to individual(s) with goals to dren, birth to eight years of age. c r eate educational programs and pub- lic awareness emphasizing curre n t health issues, including nutrition, fit- ness, and healthy lifestyle education. Continued on page 6 PAGE 5 2006 NEAFCS NATIONAL AWARDS CATEGORIES & SPONSORS This award recognizes excellence in continued from page 5 development and implementation of after-school programming or provid- ing enrichment to ongoing programs Food Safety Award through curriculum and/or training SPONSORED BY: UNIVERSITY OF for staff. NEBRASKA-LINCOLN EXTENSION Elbert Dickey, Dean and Director 211 Agricultural Hall Communications Awards Lincoln, NE 68583-0703 SPONSORED BY: AMERICAN INCOME LIFE This award recognizes NEAFCS INSURANCE COMPANY members for outstanding educational William Viar, Special Risk Division programs conducted for families, P.O. Box 50158 school nutrition workers, food indus- Indianapolis, IN 46250 try employees or managers, church Established in 1972 to encourage workers preparing meals, home care excellence in communications, providers, and other groups/individ- awards are given for the following uals preparing and/or serving food. categories: Newsletters, Radio, Tele- vision, Written News, Overhead Clean Homes…Healthy Families Transparencies, Educational Technol- Program Award ogy, Educational Curriculum Pack- SPONSORED BY: SOAP & DETERGENT age, and Educational Publications. ASSOCIATION Nancy Bock 1500 K Street, NW, Suite 300 Public Relations Awards Washington, DC 20005 Marketing Package Award Recognizes NEAFCS members for SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS their innovative educational pro- This award recognizes NEAFCS grams that help families and individ- members for outstanding marketing uals understand the link between efforts that address the concerns clean homes and good health. and needs of children, families or 4-H Excellence in Afterschool communities. Programming Award Community Partnership Award- SPONSORED BY: JCPENNEY AFTERSCHOOL SPONSORED BY: NEAFCS MEMBERS FUND Recognizes NEAFCS members for Edward W. Solczak outstanding community partnership Executive Vice President efforts in meeting the needs of fami- P.O. Box 10001 lies through collaboration with Dallas, TX 75301-8101 group, agencies and consumers. PAGE 6 NATIONAL AWARDS FELLOWSHIPS PROFESSIONAL Greenwood Fellowship DEVELOPMENT Sharon Louise McDonald WARDS (Pennsylvania) A Advances in web-based technology for distance education must be D i stinguished Service Awa rd implemented and embraced by CENTRAL REGION Extension to continue to fulfill its Kim J. Bearnes (Nebraska) mission. Her master’s research paper Creating understanding of learning will examine current use of techno- styles, cultural preferences, and gen- logical tools in Extension program erational diversity education is a key delivery, knowledge, beliefs and atti- core to the success of Kim Bearnes, tudes of Extension Educators about Extension Educator UNL Thurston these tools and implementation in County, Nebraska. While specializing program delivery. in Native American programming, Kim provides career development Grace Frysinger Fellowship and leadership emphasis for youth and adults. Cassandra Sue Corridon (Maryland) Diane Louise Burnett (Kansas) The MCE mentoring plan was devel- Throughout her 15-year career in oped to partner new employees with Kansas Extension, Diane Burnett has tenured, experienced faculty. The provided leadership and given tech- Grace Frysinger Grant will provide nical expertise in the development Corridon, the first Mentoring Coordi- and implementation of a wide vari- nator, with the opportunity to visit ety of research-based FCS programs. states with established mentoring Her greatest areas of accomplish- programs and use that experience to ment and satisfaction include a fami- develop, improve and expand the ly resource management specialty fledgling MCE Mentoring Program. and a foods
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