H436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 11, 1997 consideration of the joint resolution smooth path toward the future and not How does that relate to race? Is there (H.J.Res. 2) proposing an amendment have it become bogged down in its past. a race base for demanding that you do to the Constitution of the United I think it is most unfortunate that at something for the poorest people, espe- States with respect to the number of the end of the Civil War America did cially those who are descendents of terms of office of Members of the Sen- not establish a Truth and Reconcili- slaves. Is there a reason why we should ate and the House of Representatives, ation Commission, because some of the make greater demands for education? which was referred to the House Cal- problems we are facing now are rooted The President says he is going to endar and ordered to be printed. in an unjust history: 235 years of slav- move Head Start by the year 2000 to f ery. the point where Head Start will encom- What did 235 years of slavery do to a pass 1 million children. Well, should THE ROLE OF CIVIL RIGHTS people, and how are the repercussions not something be done in terms of com- ORGANIZATIONS IN HISTORY of 235 years of slavery now impacting pensation in recognizing the great need The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a upon those same people; and can we go for special treatment for the descend- previous order of the House, the gen- on and really deal with our problems ents of slaves. Those children ought to tleman from New York [Mr. OWENS] is currently if we do not really force be taken into Head Start right away. recognized for 60 minutes. America to own up to that history? We There are a number of ideas like that Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I want to need a Truth and Reconciliation Com- which would grow out of an under- congratulate the gentlewoman from mission in order to get on with the dis- standing that the civil rights agenda California [Ms. WATERS] and also the cussion of reparations. should be broadened and the civil gentleman from Ohio [Mr. STOKES] who We have had some legislation intro- rights agenda should take into consid- continues a long tradition of special or- duced by JOHN CONYERS and others eration what the history of slavery did ders during African-American History talking about reparations. That seems to the people who are major victims of Month. I would like to continue in the like such a radical idea that most peo- denial of those rights. same set of rules that they were follow- ple dismiss it right away. We had some I am going to come back to this later ing, whatever they were. If you have a steps toward reparations when we on, but we have several colleagues here list of people, I will follow that list. I voted to try to do something to com- who are waiting to speak, and I would will make a few opening remarks and pensate the victims of internment in be happy to take them first. I am then go back to the list as you have Japanese camps during World War II. pleased to have at this point remarks come because I think that we want We made some steps in that direction. on African-American history month continuity between the two sets of spe- I do not want to go into reparations from our colleague from New York, the cial orders. and alienate everybody. Let us just Honorable CAROLYN MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I just want to open up have a Truth and Reconciliation Com- Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. by saying I thought that the topic cho- mission which might come to the con- Speaker, I rise today in honor of Black sen by the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. clusion that reparations should also be History Month, and I thank my col- STOKES] relating to civil rights organi- on the agenda. leagues, Congressman OWENS, Con- zations and their role in history is a But in that Truth and Reconciliation gresswoman WATERS, and Congressman good focus in terms of our civil rights Commission we should talk about some STOKES, for organizing this Special organizations ought to be congratu- other things, like 232 years of slavery. Order. lated for what they have done up to What did that mean in terms of accu- There are many black Americans now. mulation of wealth? Wealth is accumu- who are important to our history, and lated, certain books have told us re- b 1630 I am pleased to speak of four African- cently, by passing it from one genera- American women who hail from the They are to be congratulated. We tion to another. Most wealth is accu- great State of New York. These ought to use history to sort of re- mulated that way. People do not really women, ranging from the early 1800's appraise where we are and where we work hard and accumulate their to the present day, have each left their are going. wealth; they do get a break from the mark on New York and America. Ken Burns today, at a speech at the previous generation. If you have 232 Sojourner Truth was born a slave in National Press Club related to his years of slavery, that means there was Huron, NY. After receiving her free- forthcoming film on Thomas Jefferson, 232 years where no wealth was passed dom, she moved to New York City said that history is a record of every- on from one generation to another. where she dedicated her life to the abo- thing that has happened up to this mo- Is it any wonder then that African- lition of slavery and suffrage for all ment. Everything is history, whether Americans, the middle-class African- women. She was the first person to you are talking about the history of Americans are becoming closer and publicly acknowledge the relationship science, the history of technology. So closer to white Americans, mainstream between slavery with the oppression of Black History Month is a time when a Americans, in income, the money they all women. lot of people are reminded of certain earn through salaries and wages, but After the Civil War she worked tire- kinds of achievements of individual Af- there is a great gap between white lessly for women's rights, gaining the rican-Americans, achievements related mainstream Americans and African- support and respect of fellow suffrag- to inventions; related to first steps in American middle-class people in terms ettes, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth terms of organizations; first steps re- of wealth. There is a great gap. The gap Cady Stanton. At the Equal Rights As- lated to leadership that has been pro- is explained by the fact that there were sociation in 1867 she gave one of the vided in various ways by African-Amer- 235 years where no wealth was accumu- most quoted speeches in feminist his- icans. All that is in order. lated. tory, ``Ain't I A Woman''. But there is another dimension of We ought to take a look at that. We Lorraine Hansberry was the first Af- black history which I think we have ought to take a look at what that rican-American female Broadway play- neglected, which I would like to discuss means to the very poorest people of wright. Her play, ``Raisin in the Sun,'' in greater detail later on, and that is course; we ought to take a look at opened in 1959 to outstanding reviews. our civil rights organizations need what it meant in terms of the impact It focused on discrimination and fam- some underpinning now and would be on a people where their children were ily values. She was the first black and greatly strengthened if we were to real- denied education and laws were made the youngest person to win the Best ly decide where we are in history now, to make it a crime to teach slaves to Play of the Year Award of the New what our past history has meant, and read. All that may be examined in the York drama critics. Though she died in how we should use the lessons of our Truth and Reconciliation Commission. New York City at the age of 34, past history. Civil rights organizations I think Hansberry opened the door for all fu- South Africa has a Truth and Rec- really need underpinning now of, real- ture young black playwrights. onciliation Commission, and the Truth ly, where are we? How hard should we Shirley Chisholm has the distinct and Reconciliation Commission is de- fight against laws which take away aid honor of being the first black woman signed to help get the country on a to families with dependent children. elected to Congress and the first February 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H437 woman to run for President of the gressional recognition of Black History worthy of celebration and worthy of a United States. She was elected to the Month. The idea of celebrating black place in history. New York State Assembly in 1964 and history began in 1926, where noted edu- Mr. Speaker, not all children will went to Congress in 1968. She was an cator Dr. Carter Woodson set aside a grow up to be Martin Luther King, Jr., early member of the National Organi- special period of time in February, or Shirley Chisholm, but all children zation for Women and the National February because that was the birth should grow up knowing that their Women's Political Caucus.
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