PRAGMALINGUISTICS FORM of PROMISE in BARACK OBAMA SPEECHES PUBLICATION ARTICLES Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department Proposed By NIKEN WARDIANI SUWANDI A320090155 SCHOOL OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2013 UNIVERSITAS MUI-IAMMADIYAH SU RAKARTA FAKUTTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Sekretariat: Jl.A.YaniTromol Pos l, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta 57102 Te I p. (027 11 7 17 477, 7 t9 483 ( H u nti ng), F ax. (O27 \l 7 ls M8 Website: http//www.ums -ac-id, E-mail : r-lms@ ums.ac-id Yang bertanda mgqil dibawatr ini pembimbing skripsi/ tugas akhir: Narna Agus Wijayanto, P,hD. NIK 978 Nama Dra. Dwi Haryanti, M-Hum. NIK 477 Telah membaca menceflnati naskah artikel publikasi ilmiah, yang merupakan ringkasan skripsi (tugas akhir) dari mahasiswa: Nama Niken Wardiani Suwandi NIM A320 090 155 Program Study Pendidikan Bahasa hggrrs Judul Skripsi Pragmalinguistics Fomr of Promise in Barack Obama Speeches Naskah arikel tersebut layak dan dapat disetujui untuk dipublikasikan. Demikian persetujuan ini dibuat, semoga dapat digunakan seperlunya. Surakartq Juli 2013 Pembimbing I Pembimbing II Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D Dra- Dwi M. Hum. PRAGMALINGUISTICS FORM of PROMISE in BARACK OBAMA SPEECHES Niken Wardiani Suwandi (A 320 090 155) Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta [email protected] ABSTRACT NIKEN WARDIANI SUWANDI. A 320 090 155. PRAGMALINGUISTICS FORM of PROMISE in BARACK OBAMA SPEECHES . RESEARCH PAPER. MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA. 2013. The study aims to describe the pragmalinguistics forms of promising utterances in Barack Obama speeches. The object of this study is promising utterance in five speeches of Barack Obama. This research belongs to qualitative research. In analyzing the promising utterance, the researcher described the pragmalinguistics forms of promising utterance; identified and discussed illocutionary acts of promising utterance and drawing conclusion and suggestion based on the analysis. Based on the pragmalinguistics form of promising utterances, the writer finds 36 data of constantive form (the percentage is 92%) and 3 data of pervormative form of promising utterance the percentage is 8% ). Keywords: pragmatics, promising utterance, speech act ii A. Introduction Pragmalinguistics is a branch of pragmatics in linguistics study. Leech (1983:11) states that “Pragmalinguistics is the study of "particular resources which a given language provides for conveying illocutions”. According to Cenzo (2007) “Pragmalinguistics refers to the ability use linguistic elements to perform speech acts”. There are many functions of language in daily life such as to give speech, announces, speak, tell, etc. Presidents usually use speech to explain their argument, ideas and point of view relating to occurrences in their country. Barack Husein Obama is one of president that delivers his idea by using speech. The writer is interested to study of promising utterances made by Barack Obama in his speech. Promising utterance is a statement for somebody to do an action in the future. There are limited research about promising utterance such as Rahayu (2009), Yulianti (2010), Pudjilestari (2012), Laval and Bernicot (2004) and astington (1987). Even though there are many studies of promising utterance, there is no research about promising utterance in Barack Obama speech. However there was research about Barack Obama but it was only in Barack Obama Campaign. That research was conducted by Rahayu (2009). This study is to continue the research from Rahayu (2009) that focus to Barack Obama Speech. Barack Obama Speech here is delivered after Obama was elected as President of United States. This is a proof that after becoming President of 1 2 United States, Obama still given promise to his citizen or public. So the writer conducted this research. The background of Obama Speech is very interesting to be studied, because Barack Obama is first African- American president. He brings new idea to America government. His idea sometimes is controversial. So it makes he becomes a light ray in public of America. His plan for America is different from the other especially from Republic party. So it is very interesting to be studied. Second his point of view in politic is very interesting. America has improvement such as in economic, education, health, etc. From his speech in Congress on Jobs in 2011, he gave fresh idea for America. His idea is welcomed by American. He will create more jobs for American. Small businesses will get a tax cut. He will get more projects for jobs in America. Third Obama is a well- known person as president of America. Many persons are very interesting to him. Many people give attention to him. So what he said in speech is very interesting thing to talk. .Finally some of his statement in speech is promise. Many people have different interpretation to his statement in speech. So this study is conducted to make its clear the interpretation of his statement. 3 There are some researchers that conducted study about pragmatics analysis about speech and promising utterance. They are as follows: Rahayu (2009) also conducted a study about speech that entitled A Socio-Pragmatics analysis of Promising Utterance in Barack Obama Campaign Speechs. The method of this research is qualitative research. The result of the analysis shows that one form of utterance occurred in Barack Obama’s Speeches that is declarative sentence, the intentions of promising utterance are giving response, stating purpose, assuring, persuading, describing, inviting and requesting and the reasons of employing promising utterances are showing attention, regret, cooperative, responsibility, relationship, mercy, affection, and prestige. Yulianti (2010) conducted research about Promising Utterance in the Novel of Twilight that analyzed by translation analysis. The results show that the translation variation of language forms of promising utterances are word translated to word, word translated to phrase, positive declarative sentence translated to positive declarative sentence, negative declarative sentence translated to negative declarative sentence, positive declarative sentence translated to negative declarative sentence. The implicature found are conventional and conversational implicature and also in the form of equivalent and non- equivalent. The politeness strategies of directive utterance are Bald on Record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off- record strategies. 4 Pudjilestari (2012) conducted a study entitled A Socio- Pragmatics Analysis on Promising Utterance in Some Movie Manuscripts. The results of this research are there are three kinds of sentence (declarative sentence, imperative sentence and interrogative sentence), there are five intentions of the speaker (to assure, to command, to request, to affirm and to describe), and there are eight reason of the speaker (showing responsibility, showing angry, showing relationship, showing affection, showing hope, showing teasing, showing misunderstanding and showing attention. The other researchers are Bernicot and Laval (2004) conducted research about Speech Acts in Children : the Examples of Promises. The importance of the promise fulfillment preparatory condition is in the comprehension of promises. Preparatory condition is satisfied facilitate the comprehension of promise utterances for the three-year-olds and the six- year-olds. For promise comprehension tested by means of non-verbal behavior, it was shown here that in addition to considering the sincerity condition, mastered from the age of 5. we had to consider the preparatory condition mastered about the age 9 or 10. Speaker’s beliefs and listener’s desires are two important elements for the children’s comprehension of promises. This research is also to investigate the role of linguistic form in the promise-making statement by comparing statements with verbs in the future tense to statements with other verb forms. 5 Astington (1987) conducted a study entitled Children's understanding of the speech act of promising. This study is for 5 - 13 years olds of children and adults. The result of this study is 9 years of age children could distinguish between promising and predicting in terms of the speaker's responsibility for the outcome. 11 and 13 year olds of children correctly said the speaker did not promise in cases of predicting, but only a few of them were correct for asserting. Even older children said the speaker did not promise when the promise was unfulfilled. Children do not think of promising as simply a speech act. The other researchers are Delaney and Gibbs (2009) conducted a research about Pragmatic factors in making and understanding promises. The results from this study showed that the first two of Searle's conditions are extremely important to maintain if a promise is to be made or understood. However, it appears that people can make promises about actions that would be performed in the normal course of events. As such, these studies support the idea that promises do not by themselves obligate a speaker, but are used to reaffirm previously existing, and often unstated, obligations. Laval and Bernicot (1999) conducted a study entitled How French Speaking Children Understand Promises: the Role of Future Tense. The results of this study are the 3 and 6 years olds based their interpretation of the promises primarily on the contextual of the communication situation, after the age of 6 years, the children began to rely on temporal
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