Spend a Buck to remain at Monmouth Park, 1B Partly sunny Highs in the 80s Fair tonight The Reaister Complete forecast/Pip 2A Vol.-107 No. 336 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER...SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1985 25 CENTS INSIDE Abortion foes shun STATE the March of Dimes Asbestos removed and takes "positive steps to discourage State officials say asbestos removal I) TED LOUD abortions," the newsletter advises com- projects in New Jersey schools will The Register mittee members and others not to be completed before students return The Monmouth County Right to Life contribute to the foundation. in September and there will be no Committee, assailing the March of As an alternative, anti-abortionists are repeat of last year's contusion and Dimes Birth Defects Foundation for asked to supprt the Micheal Fund, a delays. "failing to take positive steps to dis- Pittsburgh-based genetic research in- 5A courage abortions," is asking its mem- stitute that, according to the committee, bers and supporters not to participate as supports "the kind of life-giving research volunteers in any March of Dimes fund- that kills the defect, not those with the NATION raising activities. defect." Olivia Gans, president of the county- However, March of Dimes policy Saturn lands wide committee, said March of Dimes' statements, furnished by Perry, point out General Motors Corp. says it has attitude toward abortion ranged from that advances in prenatal therapy make made a tentative decision to build its neutrality on the issue to the actual it possible to "treat the fetus as a Saturn car-making plant at Spring endorsement of abortion as a means of patient," leading to babies who are born Hill, Tenn., ending an eight-month doing away with fetuses diagnosed as already cured of their disorders The having birth defects. foundation also provides follow-up care competition in which 36 states for children with birth defects, the courted GM for the plant. Gans also charged that March of Dimes-supported doctors used prenatal statement asserts screening techniques to "search and Although she said there were "good- 6A destroy" handicapped children. hearted" people who volunteered for the " In response to the right to life group's March of Dimes, Gans said the policies charges, a spokewoman for the March of offered by the foundation "plant the idea Explosion monitored Dimes' local chapter cited the foun- that the only thing to do is give up" on The Reagan administration reiects a dation's adherence to a strict policy that potentially handicapped children by in- Soviet proposal for a halt in nuclear "directive advice concerning abortion ducing abortion. weapons testing but issues an may not be given." Gans, a Monmouth Beach resident who unprecedented invitation to Moscow Carol M. Perry, of the foundation's is also state director of Women Exploited to send experts to Nevada to monitor Central Jersey Chapter in Cranbury, said By Abortion, said "some of (March of an underground nuclear explosion she could not respond directly to charges Dimes') personnel" have put "subtle contained in the most recent newsletter pressure" on women to have abortions 6A put out by th"e right-to-life committee when their fetuses are diagnosed to have until she had reviewed the newsletter birth defects. She said her information WORLD But she said prenatal screening has came from women win had been served to cut down on the numbers of screened by doctors and counselors abortions performed, since women in funded by the March of Dimes. Ban nuclear tests "The March of Dimes tends to create The Soviet Union announces it will high-risk groups who might otherwise opt for abortions are in most cases assured a defeatist attltiude that automatically temporarily ban all nuclear tests assumes that the family hasn't got the beginning Aug. 6, the 40th by the results of prenatal tests that their unborn child will not be handicapped. stuff to handle a difficult situation." anniversary of the atomic bombing ol Gans said. Hiroshima, and dismisses an The call for a boycott of March of Dimes volunteer activities is contained "They are allowing for the destruction unprecedented invitation from the in the committee's July-August issue, of the very people they are supposed to United States to send observers to a which Gans said was sent to the group's be protecting," she added nuclear test in Nevada o ASSOCIATED PRESS area supporters The Register received In response to the charges, Perry, who 6A ENOINE TROUBLE — The shuttle Challenger lost power in one of its three main copies of the newsletter yesterday said the March of Dimes is run largely engines minutes after blasting off yesterday, but NASA stressed that the seven- Until the March of Dimes adopts by volunteers with a concern for human man crew was not imperilled. Story pag* 6A. policies to "enhance and continue (the) life and well-being of the preborn child," See MARCH OF DIMES. Page 2A ' Summer carloads county's dilemma compounded by the increasing number of established at individual parking lots to in England, Howard said private organiza- If KEVIN FKCMETTE people who visit the park annually. relieve traffic congestion at the park's tions would require a waiver of the Federal The Register "Already we've had 2.3 million visitors to entrance Transportation Department's Jones Act. SANDY HOOK - They com* by the the park this year, compared to 1983, when However. Shields said both proposals which states that all public transportation thousands, carloads of suburbanites eager to we had 2 5 million visitors for the entire would be costly vehicles must be built in the United States spend a day in the sun at Sandy Hook season," Shields said. Currently, all money collected at national "All they would need is four of the crafts However, because of their numbers, these Many local officials say traffic begins to parks are put into a joint fund where it is to get started Then the rest of the vehicles travelers spend much of their day in traffic back up at the park entrance where visitors then redistributed to parks across the could be manufactured in this country," waiting to reach the beach, according to must stop and pay a fee for using the country Howard said state and local officials beaches Kramer said he would ask Howard to look William Shields, assistant supervisor at "The park system would like to do away into federal legislation involving the funding However, Howard, Kramer, and Shields, Gateway National Park, said alleviating with the" toll booths altogether. Then they of national parks to see whether money can have all said that alternatives to the park's traffic congestion on roadways outside the could fill up the parking lots and close the be allocated for the expansion of parking current traffic problem will proably not take park has been a burden on state and local beach." Kramer said after yesterday's lots at Sandy Hook. effect until next year. law enforcment officials for many years. meeting Other potential remedies to the park's But for now, the problem is still in the Shields met with Rep James J Howard Kramer said he would rather see parking traffic problem involve waterbome trans- hands of local municipalities. Howard Brey, (D-N.J I. Freeholder Ray Kramer and facilities expanded at the park to accommo- portation to and from the area. Howard said Highlands police chief, said during the Atlantic Highlands Mayor Helen M. date more visitors The park currently has a number of private organizations are weekend intersections in nearby com- Marchetti yesterday to discuss the problem space for 6,000 vehicles Kramer said currently considering the possibilty of a munities are clogged by streams of and alternative modes of transporation additional lots could be established on the hovercraft service that would transport beachgoers en route to Sandy Hook via "The only way we're going to alleviate the Fort Hancock site and the old Nike Missile residents from New York to Sandy Hook. Route 36. a main access road. traffic ii to outlaw cars," Shields said Base However, since the hovercraft, an air- He said the problem is being further Kramer also suggested that toll booths be powered sea and land vehicle, is only built See SANDY HOOK, Page 2A Wrecking ball may crush tenant dispute LIFESTYLE If CtlMS HAND The Register Memories RED BANK — The nearly year-old dispute between the Spirits were high, and smiles were owners of Riverside-Gardens, SO West Front St., and the abundant, as thousands of guests ten remaining tenants in the aging apartment building may be finally decided by a wrecking ball. poured through the doors o,f the The owners of the 32-unit building, Theodore G. and Monmouth Park Jockey Club Elaine Sourlis of Rumson, have sent letters in triplicate to Saturday to join in the revelry at the each of the tenants giving them until Feb. 1, 1986, to move 37Jh Annual Monmouth Park Charity so the building can be torn down. Ball. The letter is a "notice to quit the premises on the basis 10A that the entire building*will be demolished," according to the Sourlises' attorney Jeffery Donner of Mlddletown. "Our second engineering study by our professionals said we have to do this, the building is beyond repair." Elaine INDEX Sourlis said yesterday. Related story, page 2A BRIDGE M Sourlis said she will meet with Princeton architect BUSINESS M Robert Hillier sometime next week to discuss what to do CLASSIFIED M with the land, which fronts on the Navesink River. COMICS... « Meanwhile, Patricia Bennett, the Eatontown lawyer who CROSSWORD 71 represents the tenants, said yesterday that, while she has ENTERTAINMENT 71 not yet seen the letter, she believes the request is legal.
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