Ms Coll\Wheeler, R. Wheeler, Roger, collector. Theatrical memorabilia, 1770-1940. 15 linear ft. (ca. 12,800 items in 32 boxes). Biography: Proprietor of Rare Old Programs, Newtonville, Mass. Summary: Theatrical memorabilia such as programs, playbills, photographs, engravings, and prints. Although there are some playbills as early as 1770, most of the material is from the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition to plays there is some material relating to concerts, operettas, musical comedies, musical revues, and movies. The majority of the collection centers around Shakespeare. Included with an unbound copy of each play (The Edinburgh Shakespeare Folio Edition) there are portraits, engravings, and photographs of actors in their roles; playbills; programs; cast lists; other types of illustrative material; reviews of various productions; and other printed material. Such well known names as George Arliss, Sarah Bernhardt, the Booths, John Drew, the Barrymores, and William Gillette are included in this collection. Organization: Arranged. Finding aids: Contents list, 19p. Restrictions on use: Collection is shelved offsite and requires 48 hours for access. Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts. 1. Arliss, George, 1868-1946. 2. Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844-1923. 3. Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893. 4. Booth, John Wilkes, 1838-1865. 5. Booth, Junius Brutus, 1796-1852. 6. Drew, John, 1827-1862. 7. Drew, John, 1853-1927. 8. Barrymore, Lionel, 1878-1954. 9. Barrymore, Ethel, 1879-1959. 10. Barrymore, Georgiana Drew, 1856- 1893. 11. Barrymore, John, 1882-1942. 12. Barrymore, Maurice, 1848-1904. 13. Gillette, William, 1853-1937. 14. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 15. Booth family. 16. Barrymore family. 17. Theater. 18. Musical revues, comedies, etc. 19. Motion pictures. 20. Concerts. 21. Actors. 22. Playbills. 23. Photoprints. 24. Engravings. 25. Prints. 26. Portraits. ID: NYCR89-A932 BRC - 2/73 ROGER T-JH?IXIR COLLECTION 3ox 1 Shelved off-site" . t Correspondence and Related Material . - . .. Abie's Irish Rose 2 copies - Castle Square and Republic Theatre,-N.Y. Adams, Iyon L. Photograph ': .' . Adams, Maude A. Kiss for Cinderella, J.M. Barrie F/npire Theatre 1917 A.de, George - ..... County Chairman, Wallack's Theatre 1904 . ._ Ad*»y George 1 egry from Paris, '/^Hack's Theatre 1903 Alpine Roses Madison Square Theatre 16^5 American Tragedy (Dreiser) Lcngacre Tneatre 192" America's Sweetheart . Husic by Rogers and Hart, 3roadhurst'Theatre 1931 Vndrocies 'ad the Lion G.n. Sha>r, Tvailack's Theatre 1915 Anderson, Jvdi.'rh • is !fou Desire y/.e, (U'er, t'r-s.n !'J30) A n pli n, Mar ?a r e t The Lioness, Star Theatre, Buffalo 1917 Anelin, Margaret The Vfonan of Bpoaze 1921 . Anim?.l Magnetism •7ery Old 1913, South St. Theatre, Theatrical Commonwealth, Phil. Another Language •. T Margaret -iycherly, Booth Theatre 1933 • : "' : ; Arliss, Ceorge witn Philip Merivale, Ths Mollusc 1919 ; • Arliss, George " ' ' Professor's Love-Stroy, Broad St. The .tre, Phil., 1917 Arliss, George , " ' ' • Faganini, Hoilis St. Theatre 1916 ' Arliss,T^eorge : . Green .Goddess, Booth Theatre 19£1. - • .Arliss, Georpe . : . .- . " . Disraeli, ^al back's Iheat-re 1912 • Arthur, ilr. Paul • •• .••'•"• ... Photograph " . .'•"• Aristocracy William Lackaye i ^!in. facers lien, "liner's theatre 19<2 Arthur, Julia . .-':_' A L^dy of Qualiiy^^allack^s. Tneatre 1897 VJHTJELSR COLLECTION page z Box 1 (continued) Shelved off-site' Bankhead, Tallulah Reflect«id Glory Barrymore, Ethel A. Country Mouse, and Carrots, Savoy Theatre, N.Y. 1902 Barrymore, Ethel Rose Bernd, Longacre Theatre,, N.Y. 1922 Dudley Digps in cast Barrymore, Ethel Off Chance, Empire Theatre 1918 Barrymore, Ethel 'Jhiteoaks, Hudson Theatre 1938 Barrymore, John and Lionel The Jest, Plymouth Theatre 1910 Barrymore, Lionel The Copperhead, Shu be it Tneatre, N£Y. 1918 Bar rymore, Ma vric e \Iabama, Madison Square Theatre 1891 Bgrrynore, Maurice Captain Swift-, Madison Square Tneatre 1388 Barrynore, Maurice Col. Carter of Cartersville, Palmer's Theatre 1892 Barrymore, Maurice Jim the Penman, Palmer's Theatre 1892 Barrymore, Maurice Lady Wind ern*2 re's Fan, Palmer's Theatre 1693 Barrvrnore, Maurice Merc*>dr>s, Pa Iraor ' s Theatre, 1893 Barrymore, Maurice Sunlight and Shadow, i^discn Square Theatre 1891 Bat Theatre - Moscow 1922 Bates, 31anche The Darling of the Gals, George Arliss in cast, 3elasco Theatre 1903 Bates, Blance Getting Together, Shub^rt Theatre 1S18 Bernhardt, Mme. Sarah L'Aiglon, Mewrak Th°?tre 1910 Bernhardt, Mine. Sarah La Dame aux Camellias, Boston Theatre 1906 ' - Bern iarc».t, Sarah and K. Coquelin, La Tosca, Garden Theatre - Bloo^good, Clara Coronet of the Duchess, Garrick Theatre 1904 Bloodgood, Clara Girl vith '•he Green S^res, Zi\x>y Theatre 1903 Be-i Hur Broad».3ay theatre 190G - . - - - ROG^R WHESLEP COLLECTION page 3 Box 1 (cone luded) Shelved off-site Blue Jeans 14th S t. Theatre 1890 Beggar's Opear William Farren, Drury Lane 1830 Bellamy Trial Copley 'Ai atre 1928 Billeted The Players 1921 Boland, Mary The To rah Bearers, Van-derbilt Theatre 1922 Sold Stroke for a Husband Co vent Garden 1783 Booth, Agnes The Broken Seal, Palmer's Theatre 1892 Booth, Agnes The Decision of *he Court, Palmer's Theatre 1895 Booth, A.£ncs Enjra^ed by U.S. Gilbert, Madison Scmare Theatre 1885 (filed under GiLbefct) Booth, Agnes Giles Corey - Yeoman, Palmer'" Theatre 1893 Booth, Agnes Cazeneuva, Mi^ician, Masks and Faces, Boston *heatre 1377 Booth, Agnes Young Mrs. Winthrop, H-?dison Souare Theatre 1882 Box 2 Shelved off-site Booth, Edwin Photograph 3ranscombe, ^aude Photograph Bourchier, Violet V. Photograph (autograrh) Bowser, Charles Photograph Boy Mefets Girl Court xhcatre 1937 Brougham, John RoughinF~ It, Grand Opera -louse 1873 Brougham, John Uncle Sam, "ratid Opera House 1873 Bunty Pulls the String Collier's Comedy Theatre 1912 Brown, Jose phine Photograph (played with Win. Gillette) •Campbell, Mrs. P^trcik Beyond Human Povrer, Theatre Republique 1902 R0G3? ^^raCOLLSCTIffi, page 4 Box 2 (continued) Shelved off*site' Case of Rebellious Susan Lyceum Theatre 1895 Castle of Andalusia Covent Garden 1783 Cat and the Canary Snuber* Theatre 1923 Cecilia Photograph, May 1900 A. Celebrated Case Union Square Theatre Chase, Pauline Photo grap h Chatterton, Ruth La Tendresse, Empire Theatre 1922 Chatter ton, Ruth with Walter Abel, West of TJroadvjay CIRC US Fore paugn-Sella 1906 Animal History snd Official i-'ropr-am CIRCUS N.Y. Movelti?:s and Steeplechase, [:er/ Old Chester, l>.rie Photograph Claire, Ina Last of fcrs. Cheney, Fulton Theatre 1926 . •.-....•. Clay burgh, Edvjard Photogra ^h (autogra phed) Collier, William On the 'Quiet, Nadison Sqaure Theatre Cooper, Gladys .hotograph 1911 Cowper, Kill C, Photograph (autograr lie i) CONCERT- A.!!ieiica;i Vail Mr and Mrs Denton assited by Edw. Shepard 1854 CONCERT- 3ayes, Roiand Tenor, Syrapnony Hall, Boston 1927 CONCERN- Kreisler, Fritz Violinist 1924 CONCERT- KcC-ormack, John Tenor 19.14 CONGiRT- Patterson^ John 1". assisted by Sig. G. Garibildi Opera House 1963 COKflERT- Strauss, Herr Johann Acadeif^y of ^sic (filed under mi:sic) Cornell, Katherine liichanted Cottage 1923 Country 3<^ - Newark Theatre 1911 Country Girl Drury Lane 1786 . ROGKR WHEEIER COLLaCTIOM page 5 tacjjconcluctod) Shelved off-site Courtney, William Civilian Clothes, Park Square Theatre 1920 Cowl, Jane Easy Virhue, Em-ire Theatre 1925 Cowl, Jane Road to Rome, Plyhouse 1927 Crane, T'&lliam H. Peter Stuyvesant, T-ra Hack's 1B99 Craven, Frank That's Gratitude Golden theatre 1931 Dames Defense Mrs Charles Richmond Em ire Theatre 1901 Davenport, E. L. Damon and Pythias Globe Theatre 1871 Davenport, Fanrue Divorce, 5th \rs Theatre 1871 Davis, Bette and Donald Meek, Broken Dishes Ritz Theatre, M.Y. 1929 Dearest Enemy Helen Ford and Charles Purcell, Tremont Theatre 1926 Dickens, Charles David Copperfild, Wallack's theatre 1914 Dietrichstein, Leo Are You a Mason?, Wallack's Theatre 1901 Doctor Bill Tiith Wilton Lackaye Garden The**re 1890 Dracula with Be la I.ugesi, Fulton theatre, N.Y. 1927 Dreux, Lorraine Photographs Drew, John Major Pendennis, Criterion Theatre Drew, John The Masked Ball vdth Maud* Adams -- I14us. folder about 1892 Drew, John The Mummy and fhe Hummingbird, Empire Theatre 1902 Drew, John Second in Command, iSrapire Theatre 1901 Drew, John One Summer's Dnyy Wallace's Theatre 1898 Drew, John Squire of Dames, Garrick iheatre 1696 Drew, John "Jay We Live, Daly»s Theatre 1380 Duicie _ Frazes Tlieatre 1921 (Chicago? Lynn FonanneX: . ^ - ; Duse, Eleanora v - v ^ / Casa Paterna, 5th Ave Theatre 1896 ^ / - " : ROGER T\THKELER COLLECTION page 6 ed off-site1 Box 3 of Pavtucket Madison Square Theatre 1903 Eagels, Jeanne Her Cardboard Lover, Rnvire Theatre 1927 Elinar, Camille D. Photo graph BUiott, Maxine Her O-rn Way, Garrick The a tre 1903 Emperor Jones Eugene O'Neill, Provincetown Playhouse 1923 Expr e ss i ng i 1 li e Pachel Mothers, Shiber Theatre 1925 Fair and Warmer Madge Kennedy, Kiting? Theatre 1915 Faversham, William The Squaw Man, 'Ja Hack's .Theatre 1905 Fealy, Maude (Wra. Gillette Go.) Phot opraph Fechter, Charles Black and finite, Globe Theatre 1870 Fechter, Charles Lady of Lyons, Globs Theatre 1870 Fechter, Charles Monte Cristo, Globe Theatre 1870 Fechter, Charles Ruy Bias, 01-be Theatre 1870 First Y^ar Frank Craven, Little Theatre 1920 Fiske, Minnie Maddem \ Bit of Old Chelsea (First Time in America) 5th Ave, Theatre Fiske, MinMe
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