Motor Barrel 60 Hours 6 Positions . Where Time Must Never Fail- T has becn truly said that " no~vhereis time used I ~vithmore csactitucle than on America's railroads." And this condition of affairs-brought about by the Nation's transportation needs - is responsible for the procluction of such high-grade watches ns the Illinois- built espcciallv for I-nilroad use. The inrtkcrs of Illinois watches are not content incre1~-tu mcet railroad time inspection stanclards, but dre ever building for gre'l ter accut-dcy and greater. dependability. Ask vour je~vclerto s1io11, you the Dunn Special, a 21 jewel I\.\ ~t~liof rare value, or the Sr~njiclmoSpecidl. n. 2; le.i~,el~vatcli, the finest that .ive build, both ailjusteci to six positions and redy for sixty hours running 11-ithoct rewinding. *- ILLINOIS \LrATCHES SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS Illinois0 Watch "High Grade * Exclusively " SACOLA The Garden Spot of America 7 7 7 Where the FRISCO meets the Gulf PPORTUKITT awaits you here, where Nature has en- dowed this T.T/'oszderf'ul City of Advantages with every- thing in her power to bestow. Sun-kissed skies weld their welcome on the bosom of Pensacola Bay, which can easily offer harborage to the entire commercial ileet of the world. Penancola is sltmtcd on Penaacola Bay and has tho best facllirles of any harbor on the Gulf. The maln Pensacola is the biggest red snapper fishing port on the Gulf line OK the Frlaco now enters Pen- mcola, to take care of passenger and frelght srrvicc. Here you have Coast, and ships more of these red beauties to the interior an excellent harbor for shlpmentv ria water . and the Frlscn for cities than all other Gulf Ports combined. inland transportation. Many advantages are offered to prospectors far-sighted enough Trade Territory to visua.lize the undeveloped areas of cut-over lands that are The opening or Lhe new lWaco Line has created a greater outlet for Lhe within close proximity to this city. producta of thls reglon. In terms of modern development, Pemrrroln and tho surrounding territory is pract:ci~lly In ita lnlnncy . aUordlng ~lmlnterrltory for many linen of buslness . offering FOR FULL PARTICULARS WRITE TO excellent resources and new fields lor Industry. J. H. BAYLISS, Mayor. ADRIAN E. LANGFORD, E. E. HARPER. Corn. of Streets and Public Works. Corn. of Police and Fire Dept. CITY OF PENSACOLA "The Wonderful City of Advantages" STATION WCOA. 249.9 Meter Wave Length. ON THE AIR MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS at 8:00 P. M. -Or 4 Page 2 ;7/1EF@c0FPIPLOI%S'~WZINE EMPL.OYE CO-OPERATION An ope)) letter to tlia rr?ljlloycs of the Frisco SYS~EIII: 'l'lie employcs of the great Frisco System antl the American Steel Sr Wire Company stand together to serve the public, each one in his own way doing what he can to help the other. During the last twenty-five years tlie railroads of this country have made wonderful progress antl the FRISCO SYSTEM stands out as one of the leaders in giving the public improved ser- vice. In this great work the employes of the American Steel & Wire Company have in a small way, lielped the eniployes of the Frisco Systcm by supplying them with many kinds of wire and steel products, such as steel fence posts and woven \\ire fencing to keep live stock and trespass- ers OR the right-of-way so trains could be moved quickly. l'heir rail bonds and signal wires have also helped. Many improvements have been made in the manufacture of steel and wire and to-day the .American Steel & if%-e Company stands out as one of the leaders furnishing quality products. From our vast ore fields we select just the right kind of iron ore for each kind of wire antl all through our steel nlills and wire mills our employes stand ready to help the employes of another great system-The Frisco, in serving the public. Railroad executives know that it pays to buy quality antl the men <\rho use the material pur- cllasecl for them, know that they can (lo better work antl give better service in their section if they have good material to work with. Everyonc is satisfied when quality merchandise is used. Hcre are a few of the American Steel & Wire Company's products used by the railroads: AMERICAN WOVES WIRE FEKCE-American railroad right-of-way fencing is strong and durable. It is easy to stretch antl will give man): years of care-free service. Good fencing keeps live stock and trespassers off the road and easily saves its cost in preventing damage claims. American Fencc is guaranteed to please. BASXER STEEI, FENCE POSTS-I:. K. Rail Design. These posts are preferred by railroad men as they are strong and dural)le and so easy to haul antl handle. A I)~mtlleof five can be handled as easily by one man as an ordinary wooden post. Ean- ner Post can be easily dri\?en in any kind of soil--no 1al)orious digging of post holes, setting antl tamping. Kew loop clamps hold fence wires or barbed wires securely and are as easily fastened to Banner Posts as driving a staple. S'I'IXJ, GATES-Kailroatl style. Steel gates are f~~rnishetlin all standard sizes and offer a convenience, as well as protectinn, for the right-of-way. They can be easily chained antl locked shut when so desired. i\~nericanRail Bonds, Signal Wire, Telegraph M'ire, Lhrbed Wire, Spikes, Sails, Staples, Tie Dating Sails, Wire Rope, Wire Strand and all kinds of Electrical \,\!ires are some oi ~xocluctswhich we iurnish in large quantities to thc great railroad systems like tlie Frisco to help them give 1)etter and more economical service to the public. In tlic nest issue of this magmine we will tcll >-ON how wwroveli wire fencing is made and how to get the best service out of it. \\.ntch lor the nest issue. I( American Steel GQ Wire Company SALESOFFICES : CHICAGO. 208 So. La Salle St. DALLAS, Praetorian Bldg. ST. LOUIS. 506 Olive St. DBNVER. First Sational Bank BIdg. KANSAS CITY, MO., 417 Grand 4ve. LOS ANGELES, 2087 E. Slansson Ave. SAN FRANCISCO, Russ Bldg. THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOM 743 FRISCO BUILDING :: ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGGINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Assoclale Edltor WM. McMILLAN. Adoerllslng Manager H. A. PICKENS. Asst. Ed.-Frlsco Mechanic J. J. KAPLAN. Adoerllslng Sollcllor Vol. V JUNE. 1928 No. 9 Permission is given to reprint, with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Frisco's Yale Terminal Opened May 27 ............................................................................. 4- 6 President Kurn Lauds Personal Contact ................................................................................ 7 Gross Revenue Decrease $.5,146,470 .............. ................................:...................................... 8 Five Traffic Officers Promoted ...................................................................................................9 Sews of the Frisco Clubs .............. ........ ...... .......................................................................10-1'7 Rough Handling Shows Increase First Four Months of 1928 ............................................. 18 Vet's Reunion Plans Completed ................. .. ..........................................................................20 Frisco Passenger Trains 97.4 Per Cent on Time in April ...................... .. ...................... 21 Mechanical Department on Southwestern Wins No-Accident Cup .................. ...... ...... 22 For Meritorious Service ..................................................................................................................24 Locomotive Fuel Performance Records ............................................................. ... ......... 26-27 The Pension Roll ...........................................................................................................................30-:31 Homemakers' Page ................... ......................................................................................................32 Pastime ....................... ....................................................................................................................33 . The Twilight Hour ................. ........ ...... ............................................................................. 34-35 Editorials ...........................................................................................................................................36 Flashes of Merriment ......................................................................................................................37 I'risco Mechanic ............. ...............................................................................................................3s-45 (An Airplane Photo of the Yale Terminals Appears on Pages 4@41) Frisco Family News ......................................................................................................................4.5-4s - THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER The Frlsco Employes' Magazine Is a monthly publlcatlon devoted primarily to the interests of the more than 30,000 actlve and retired employes of the Frlvco Llnes. It conrains stories, iterns of current news, personal notes ihbout employes and tl~eir families. articles dealing with various phases of railroad work, poems, cartoons and norices regnrdino the serrlce. Good clear photographs suitable for reproduction are especlallg desired, aud will be returned only when requested. A11 cartoons and drawings must be in black India drawing ink. Emplojes are lnvlted to write artlcles for the magazine. Contribrctiom should be type- written, on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed
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