-</r UN vad#F* plan: response encouraging, says Marlon Brando '&*** SUNDAY, nZRVART *, MCT IAHORE, Feb 25: The ewebra ted Hollywood actor, Marlon Brando, maid her* today that ha had received an -'enthusiastic response" from Pakistani arustes for their participation in the pro- jected international gala variety programme to be staged at the United Nations General Assembly early next year for raising funds for the UNICEF. Addressing a Press eonterenoe at his hotel room here, Brando »aid he had received co-operation from reputed international artis- tes, writers, poets and sportsmen in this respect. The aim of his tour, Brando said, was to establish contacts with the best artistes of the coun- tries he passed through and en- list their co-operation by their agreeing to participate In the proposed 'international variety Those who had already exten- ded co-operation were, to wa» a few, Shirley Maclalne, Maurice Chevalier, Sophia Loren, KM**- beth Tayler, Richard Burton, Duke Ellington and Jackie Ken- nedy, he said. He said the selection of the artistes would bmndone through the local which is coilabora- tton with Council, dually as would be associated country providing medical education to the m creating better l'vi children. of having tan and bnpai the m%*s"oTPaMstan stout t^e He left for Islamabad In the evening to meet Omtr«i Govern- mrnt officials.-FPA'APP MARLON BRANDO: A CIVIL SMILE IN KARACHI, -PHOTO BY EBHAHIM VIYANI Brando in Lahore: Famous Hollywood actor, Marlon Brando, arrived in Lahore from Karachi on a short visit to the Provincial An amiable Marlon metropolis.—PPA.. Brando in City EEING OS BELIEVING. world under the aegis Jf the get some reaction, Just for a The old maxim came photograph. They are ugly, In- S UNICEF. sidious." xue when I talked to the Brando unfolded the ambitious Brando saw no objection pro- nosi criticised actor, Mar- plans with the ease of a season- ed statesman. Revealing a jecting sex in the films. In a on Brando two days back wry sense of humour he quip- moment of professional honesty, n Karachi, and found him ped off and on during the he saw no reason "why the film- i model of gentleness and seventy-five minute talk. Im- makers should not make films maculately dressed, he surprised on sex and scandal". "After all," I itvflity. Unlike his reputa- us for his good manners, in which he argued, "a large number of | ion, the ruggedly hand- sector he has been always re- newspapers and magazines made •.*»1~... TwtrtAri hw Vh» Am^Hpan T>i>a«« a multi-million dollar industry LUNDI 20 FEVRIER 1967 Marlon Brando, pelefin de I'UNICEF, a quitte hier, Beyrouth, ayec one printesse libdnoise Marian Brand* deiusti It cafe tradltlunei ail Jalan de i i I'AIB; en medaillon, I'acteur, avant de reprendre l'»»ion, ^ ksMiffwmsm MarlM Brand* diwstt k ca« tnditNJMKl m lalw i, /1^ I'AIB; in medaillan, I'jcteur, »ant dt reprtndn I'nim, emporte ime paupec falklirique likanaisc. II a saute,' tel un leo- — Pourquoi ne iravait- pard, de Vavion. Un ban- lez-vous pas entierement deau noir sur les yeux. avec VU.NJ.C.E.F. f Non, de grosses lunettes — Je le ferais si les fumees. La chemise ou- conditions etaient favora- verte, sans cravate. Le bles. Mais je puts contri- bond termine, la demar- buer davuntage, en res- che est devenue lente. Fa- tant acteur. L'annee der- Ugv.ee. Les traits tire's, niere, a Paris, un grand Vair maussade, Zapata « show » televise a ete fendit comme un somnam- donne, ce qui a pertnis a bule, un groupe qui le 250 millions de personnes, harcclait dejd. « Leave me dans le monde entier, de alone... » leur dit-il en dc- le voir.. Pour l'annee pro- gainant... deux passeports. chaine, nous preparons un — Marlon Brando, qunl grand spectacle auquel rdlc joucz-vous en ce mo- particlperont les plus grandes vedettes Interna- — Celui de la verite. tionales. — D'ou venez-vous f — Du Caire. — A New York. D'aprus — Pour la MGM f les estimations des Na- — Pour 1'tJ.N.I.C.E.F. tions Unies, ce spectacle — Comment t televise pounra etre vu Cost ainsi que le taci- par plus de 500 millions de turne, I'enncmi jure des personnes. jo-urnalistcs a consenti a — Quels resultat.s avvx- parler. A pu se reanimer vous obtenu au Caire f ct debiter un role quo — J'ai rencontre Oum nous ne lui connaissions Kalsoum qui a promts d'etre la vedette dun — « J'ai ete envoye au spectacle U.N.I.C.E.F. Liz Caire par TU.N.I.C.E.F. (Fonds de secours a Ten- — Bile est sur la listc dance de l'ONU) en vue de faire connaitre a beau- Etonnement sincere, <lr. coup de gens, qui l'igno- Zapata, qui entend parler rent, ce qu'est cet orga- pour la premiere fois ih> nisme et mohter un spec- bureau de boycottagc d'ts- tacle au profit des petits enfints dans la misero. — Mais a ce compto- L'U'N.I.C.E.F. a besoin la, tout Hollywood est d'argent pour aider les 800-millions de gosses ne- — Penxes-votis fairc dv cessiteux dans le mondc » la politique f Le heros est devenu «- — La politique c'est un potrc. Zapata metamor- jeu sale. Je la hais. phose en Charles de Fon- — Avec quelle act rice cauld T II sourit. preferez-vous jouer T — « Pour 6 ou 7 semai- — Aucune preference. nes seulement. Depuis Dans Vavion, Marlon 1957, chaque annee j'y Brando emporte une pnn- consacre ce temps, et du- ccsse Ubanaise qu'il serf ne fagon naturellement amoureusement dans sen benevole. C'est une satis- faction personnelle. Ce ne Une poupee andvnnv a sont pas seulement les tantour que le photogra- acteura qui peuvent aider phe de * L'Orient », Vas- a propager l'idee de lcen, vient de lui offrir. l'U.N.I.C.B3.F. II y a aus- si des athletes, des musi- Edward GEORGE Translation of article in L'Orieit , 20 February 1967 He jumped from the plane like a leopard. A black band over his eyes. No, rather, huge, smoked glasses. His shirt open, no tie. Then his walk became slower, tired. With a grim face, Zapata fenced with a group who were already harassing him. "Leave me alone", he said, drawing out...two passports. "Marlon Brando, what role are you currently playing?1" "That of Truth". "Where are you coming from?"' "From Cairo,* "For MGM?* "For UNICEF.w "How?" Thu3 this taciturn man, sworn enemy of reporters, began to speak oi himself in a role which seemed to be completely foreign to him. to hel "** t0 G^ir° b7 UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund) "Why do you not work full time for UNICEF?"' "I would, if circumstances permitted it. But I feel I can help better by remaining an actor. Last year, in Paris, a tremendous gala was televised and was seen by 250 million persons throughout the world. We are working on another gala for next year in which many stars of international renown would participate." "Where would this take place?11 - 2 - "In New York. According to estimates made by the United Nations, such a telecast would be seen by jf) about i>00 million persons.* "What were the results of your visit to Cairo? "I met Oum Kalsoum, who has promised to be a star in the UNICEF gala performance. Liz Taylor.•• "She is on the black-list." Here there was sincere astonishment on the part of Zapata, who was hearing for the first time of the Israeli boycott. "But, as far as that's concerned, practically all Hollywood is Jewish I"1 "Would you think of going into politics?" "Politics is a dirty game. I detest it."' "Which actress do you prefer to act with?" "I have no preference." Holding a Lebanese princess tenderly in his arms, Marlon Brando climbs back into the plane. The "princess" is a beautiful little doll, which Vasken, photographer for L'Orient, has just presented him with. MARLON BRANDO: A dVIE. 8MSUE IN JUlt&lun. —PHOTO BY EBRAHIM TIIAHI Brando in Lahore: Famous Hollywood actor, Marlon -Brando,-.-. arrived in Lahore from Karachi on a short visit to the Provincial An amiable Marlon metropolis.—FPA.. Brando in City get some reaction. Just for a EEING IS BELIEVING. world under the aegis <tf the photograph. They are ugly, in- S The old maxim came UNICEF. true when I talked to the Brando unfolded the ambitious Brando saw no objection pro- most criticised actor, Mar- plans with the ease of a season- jecting sex in the films. In a ed statesman. Revealing a moment of professional honesty, lon Brando two days back wry sense of humour he quip- he saw no reason "why the film- in Karachi, and found him ped off and on during the makers should not make films a model of gentleness and seventy-five minute talk. Im- on sex and scandal". "After all," I maculately dressed, he surprised he argued, "a large number of [ dvlity. Unlike his reputa- us for his good manners, in which newspapers and magazines made . tion, the ruggedly hand- sector he has been always re- a multi-million dollar Industry I some actor was soft-spoken ported by the American Press out of sex and scandal. They • to be grossly dendent. Either exaggerated sex and incidents to and attentive while talking the American Press wa# wrong, nfe m order to sell." to me and a few of other or it might be the influence of "The films," Brando thought, journalists and Radio Pak- the Oriental world that made -do exactly the same thing." He him so nice and gentle that day.
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