CENTRE DE COORDINATION OUEST POUR L’ETUDE ET LA PROTECTION DES CHAUVES-SOURIS Siège: Muséum d’histoire naturelle, CP 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Suisse Tél: +41 22 418 63 47, Fax: +41 22 418 63 01 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/cco Adresse pour les colis: Route de Malagnou 1, CH-1208 Genève Publications scientifiques reçues ou cataloguées en 2006 au Centre chauves-souris Scientific publications received or catalogued at the Swiss bat center in 2006 La direction et la bibliothèque du Centre chauves-souris remercient chaleureusement les auteurs qui ont envoyé leurs publications sur les chauves-souris The management and the library of Swiss Bat Center warmly thank all the authors who sent their bat publications. 2006. Le petit rhinolophe : progression d’une espèce rare. CH INFO Faune 3: 1-2. 2006. Do bats fly with their young ? : debates and updates. African Bat Conservation News 10: 6-7. ABDULLAH, M.T., PAUL, I.V. & HALL, L.S. 2005. A frightful stairway : to cave bats in Borneo. Bats 23(3): 11-13. AGENCE FRANCAISE DE SECURITE SANITAIRE DES ALIMENTS (AFSSA). SITE DE NANCY. 2006. Surveillance des lyssaviroses des chiroptères en France. In: Rencontres Chiroptères Grand Est (2, 2003, Saint-Brisson). Actes des 2èmes Rencontres Chiroptères Grand Est. Bourgogne nature : revue scientifique Hors-série 1: 151. AGIRRE-MENDI, P.T. 2005. Distribución y estado del conocimiento sobre el Nóctulo pequeño, Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1817), en España. Nyctalus 10(3-4): 233-241. AGOSTA, S.J., MORTON, D., MARSH, B.D. & KUHN, K.M. 2005. Nightly, seasonal, and yearly patterns of bat activity at night roosts in the Central Appalachians. Journal of Mammalogy 86(6): 1210-1219. ALBRECHT, R. & BEKKER, R. 2001. MUNA III : Bunkeranlagen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg und der sowjetischen Besatzungszeit als Fledermausquartiere : gegenwärtige Situation und Perspektiven. Nyctalus 7(6): 589-599. ALFARO, A.M., GARCIA-GARCIA, J.L. & SANTOS-MORENO, A. 2005. The false vampire bat, Vampyrum spectrum, in Oaxaca, México. Bat Research News 46(4): 145-146. ALLEN, L., WIDMAIER, E.P. & KUNZ, T.H. 2005. A comparison of size at birth and postnatal growth rates in cave- and bridge-roosting Brazilian free-tailed bats. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 149. ALMEIDA, F.C., GIANNINI, N.P., DESALLE, R. & SIMMONS, N.B. 2005. A phylogeny of megabats based on three nuclear genes. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 149-150. ALMENAR, D., AIHARTZA, J., GOITI UGARTE, U., SALSAMENDI PAGOLA, E. & GARIN, I. 2006. Habitat selection and spatial use by the trawling bat Myotis capaccinii (Bonaparte, 1837). Acta Chiropterologica 8(1): 157-167. ALTRINGHAM, J.D. & SENIOR, P. 2005. Social systems and ecology of bats. In: Ruckstuhl, K.E. & Neuhaus, P. [Eds]. Sexual segregation in vertebrates : ecology of the two sexes. Cambridge, New York etc., Cambridge University Press: 280-302. 1 CCO / Publications 2006 CENTRE DE COORDINATION OUEST POUR L’ETUDE ET LA PROTECTION DES CHAUVES-SOURIS Siège: Muséum d’histoire naturelle, CP 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Suisse Tél: +41 22 418 63 47, Fax: +41 22 418 63 01 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/cco Adresse pour les colis: Route de Malagnou 1, CH-1208 Genève AMMERMAN, L.K. 2005. Noteworthy records of the eastern pipistrelle, Perimyotis subflavus, and silver-haired bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans, (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Chisos Mountains, Texas. Texas journal of science 57(2): 1-6(202-207). AMMERMAN, L.K. 2006. High-tech bat counts : tapping the promise of thermal imaging. Bats 25(2): 10-12. AMMERMAN, L.K., KUNZ, T.H., HRISTOV, N., MACDONOUGH, M.M., DIXON, M.T. & SKILES, R. 2005. Use of infrared thermal imaging to census the endangered Mexican long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) in Big Bend National Park, Texas. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 150-151. ANDERSON, D. & RACKOW, W. 2005. Fund einer Zwergfledermaus, Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774), ohne Fell an Bauch und Rücken in Osterode am Harz. Nyctalus 9(6): 622-623. ANDERSON, J., LAW, B.S. & TIDEMANN, C.R. 2006. Stream use by the large-footed myotis Myotis macropus in relation to environmental variables in northern New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy 28: 15-26. ANDERSON, R. & ORTENCIO FILHO, H. 2006. Dípteros ectoparasitas (Diptera, Streblidae) de filostomídeos (Chiroptera, Mammalia) do Parque Municipal No Cinturão Verde de Cianorte, Paraná, Brasil e sua incidência ao longo das estações do ano. Chiroptera Neotropical 12(1): 238-243. ANDREWS, M.M. & ALLEN, J. 2004. Aerial deposition of cadmium before and after the closure of an oil-fired power station in the vicinity of two nursery roosts of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae). Mammalia 68(4): 437-444. ANDREWS, M.M. & ANDREWS, P.T. 2005. Does the repertoire of Ultrasound social calls made by Rhinolophus ferrumequinum form the basis of a language ? In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 151. ANDREWS, M.M., ANDREWS, P.T., WILLS, D.F. & BEVIS, S.M. 2006. Ultrasound social calls of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in a hibernaculum. Acta Chiropterologica 8(1): 197-212. ANDRIAFIDISON, D., ANDRIANAIVOARIVELO, R. & JENKINS, R.K.B. 2006. Records of tree roosting bats from Western Madagascar. African Bat Conservation News 8: 5-6. [Anonyme]. 2005. Telling the story of bats & mines. Bats 23(4): 8-9. ARBUTHNOTT, D.W. 2005. The influence of temperature fluctuations on bats’ use of foraging areas. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 151-152. ARENAS-RIOS, E., LEON-GALVAN, M.A., MERCADO, P.E. & ROSADO, A. 2005. Superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase during epididymal maturation and prolonged storage of spermatozoa in the Mexican big-eared bat (Corynorhinus mexicanus). Canadian journal of zoology = Revue canadienne de zoologie 83(6): 1556-1565. ARMSTRONG, K.N. 2006. Phylogeographic structure in Rhinonicteris aurantia (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) : implications for conservation. Acta Chiropterologica 8(1): 63-81. ARNETT, E.B. & HAYES, J.P. 2005. Pre- and post-construction surveys for predicting bat fatality at wind farms. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 152. ARNOLD, B.D. & WILKINSON, G.S. 2005. Variability in social calls within and between colonies of pallid bats. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 152-153. 2 CCO / Publications 2006 CENTRE DE COORDINATION OUEST POUR L’ETUDE ET LA PROTECTION DES CHAUVES-SOURIS Siège: Muséum d’histoire naturelle, CP 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Suisse Tél: +41 22 418 63 47, Fax: +41 22 418 63 01 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/cco Adresse pour les colis: Route de Malagnou 1, CH-1208 Genève ARROYO-CABRALES, J., KALKO, E.K.V., LAVAL, R.K., LOPEZ, L., MALDONADO, J.E., MEDELLIN, R.A., POLACO, O.J. & RODRIGUEZ-HERRERA, B. 2005. Rediscovery of the flat- headed myotis, Myotis planiceps, and preliminary observations on its natural history. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 153. ARROYO-CABRALES, J., KALKO, E.K.V., LAVAL, R.K., MALDONADO, J.E., MEDELLIN, R.A., POLACO, O.J. & RODRIGUEZ-HERRERA, B. 2005. Rediscovery of the Mexican flat-headed bat Myotis planiceps (Vespertilionidae). Acta Chiropterologica 7(2): 309-314. AUTINO, A.G., CLAPS, G.L. & GONZALEZ, E.M. 2004. Nuevos registros de insectos (Diptera y Siphonaptera) ectoparásitos de murciélagos (Vespertilionidae) del Norte de Uruguay = New records of insects (Diptera and Siphonaptera), ectoparasites of bats (Vespertilionidae) from Northern Uruguay. Mastozoología Neotropical 11(1): 81-83. AUTINO, A.G., CLAPS, G.L. & ORTIZ, F. 2005. Primera cita de Sternopsylla distincta speciosa (Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae) para la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina = The first record of Sternopsylla distincta speciosa (Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae) for the Jujuy Province, Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 64(1-2): 34-36. AVILA-FLORES, R. & FENTON, M.B. 2005. Use of spatial features by foraging insectivorous bats in a large urban landscape. Journal of Mammalogy 86(6): 1193-1204. BACH, L., BURKHARDT, P. & LIMPENS, H.J.G.A. 2004. Tunnels as a possibility to connect bat habitats. Mammalia 68(4): 411-420. BAHLMAN, J.W. & KELT, D.A. 2005. Use of olfaction, vision, and echolocation in prey location by the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus). In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 153-154. BAKER, A.S. 2005. Psorergatoides nyctali (Prostigmata: Psorergatidae), a new mite species parasitizing the bat Nyctalus noctula (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the British Isles. Systematic and Applied Acarology 10: 67-74. BAKER, M.D., LACKI, M.J. & JOHNSON, J.S. 2005. Day-roosting behavior of female Myotis volans in xeric and mesic forests of the intermountain Northwestern United States. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 154. BAKER, R.J., BININDA-EMONDS, O.R.P., GENOWAYS, H.H., PHILLIPS, C., JONES, K.E., HOOFER, S.R. & BICKHAM, J.W. 2005. Continental biodiversity in phylostomid bats originating from the Antillean Islands. In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento). Abstracts. Bat Research News 46(4): 155. BALCIAUSKAS, L., MAZEIKYTE, R. & BARANAUSKAS, K. 2005. Diversity of mammals in Vilnius City. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 5(1): 55-66. BAMBINI, L., BLYTH, A., BRADFORD, T., BRISTOL, R., BURTHE, S., CRAIG, L., DOWNS, N., LAING, S., MARSHALL-BALL, L., MACGOWAN, D., VEL, T. & RACEY, P.A. 2005. Another Western Indian Ocean bat close to extinction : is Coleura seychellensis still the rarest bat in the world ? In: North American Bat Research Symposium (35, 2005, Sacramento).
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